A Brony's Guide to Equestria

by Blizzardz

Chapter 1: Every Brony's Dream

"My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic"

Any time I said those six fateful words in front of anybody in my class, they would nearly always begin laughing and teasing me for liking a show aimed at young girls, even though I've tried telling them it's not just a show for girls, they wouldn't listen and would continue teasing me constantly, especially this kid named Jake. He would bully me every chance he got and I was getting tired of it to say the least, but I was too shy to defend myself because he would probably just keep going anyway.

Today at school was no different. Throughout the day, whenever Jake and I crossed paths, he would call me "pony boy" (really creative name there) I tried telling the teachers on multiple occasions, but they wouldn't do anything about it.

Later that day, I was in my last class of the day, math class, and while we were waiting for the teacher to come in, I was drawing a picture of Pinkie Pie, my favourite My Little Pony character, when suddenly, I saw a familiar figure approaching me.

"Hey Pony Boy." Jake snickered as he approached me. "Whatcha up to?"

"None of your business, Jake." I replied sternly, trying to cover up my drawing.

"Oh come on, let me take a look." Jake sneered, before he snatched the piece of paper.

"Hey, give that back!" I exclaimed, but he wouldn't listen."

Jake glanced at my picture and laughed hysterically. "Aww, how cute, you're drawing ponies."

"Jake, seriously, give that back!" I exclaimed again, but Jake just laughed harder.

"Or what, Pony Boy? You'll use the magic of friendship on me?" He asked, going into another laughing fit, before he started waving the picture around. "Hey everyone, check out Pony Boy's cute little drawing."

Soon, some of the students were laughing along with Jake. That was it for me, it was the last straw, Jake had teased me for long enough, and that was the moment when something inside me snapped.


Before Jake had a chance to react, I quickly punched him right in the face, knocking him back and sending him crashing into a nearby desk, as it, along with him, clattered on the floor. At that moment, everyone stopped laughing and were silent.

"Lukas! What on earth is going on here!"

That was a voice I knew all too well, and all sense of anger left my body and was replaced by fear. I turned around and saw the teacher at the doorway, staring at me in both shock and anger. Needless to say, I had a lot of explaining to do.

That night, I was just over at my friend Aaron's house doing what teenagers like us did best, playing video games, and as we were playing a good old game of Call of Duty, Aaron turned to me.

"So Lukas, heard about your little outburst in Math class today."

I paused the game and turned to him. "How did you hear about that?"

"Word gets around. What happened this time?" He asked me.

"Nothing, just Jake being himself." I replied, rolling my eyes.

"Oh, was he making fun of you for liking MLP again?"

"Yeah, and then I punched him, and then the teacher walked in, now I'm expelled for a week, and Jake's parents are mad at me as well." I explained.

"Jesus, you're a beast!" Aaron said, slightly taken aback by my explanation.

"Thanks Aaron, but I don't really feel like a beast, I feel more embarrassed." I replied honestly.

"Come on, man. I mean, Jake's been bullying you for a few months, and you finally showed him who's boss." Aaron encouraged.

"I guess you're right, I'm kinda glad I stood up for myself." I admitted, before I sighed heavily. "But I don't know why Jake has to tease me so much."

"Dude, screw him, you like something, who cares what he thinks?" Aaron said.

"Thanks Aaron, I really needed that."

Suddenly, I looked up at the time on Aaron's wall, realizing it was way past my curfew. "Oh shoot, I should probably head back home, Aaron."

"Already?" Aaron asked, before shrugging. "Alright Lukas, see ya tomorrow."

After grabbing my backpack, I made my way out of Aaron's house and into the night, it was really quiet, aside from the sounds of distant traffic and the occasional aeroplane that flew past. But suddenly, as I was walking down the sidewalk, I saw a purple flash of light coming from somewhere behind the houses, I stood there for a moment, unsure if what I saw actually happened or if I was just seeing things from being too close to the TV.

But just then, I saw another purple flash of light, this one seemed a lot brighter than the last one. Even though I was way past my curfew, I couldn't help but wonder what was causing this strange purple glow. After a moment of consideration, I decided to go investigate, even if that meant getting a stern talking to from my parents for missing curfew.

I climbed over the fence, where it led me to a huge field, where I thought the light had come from. As I was looking around, I saw the purple glow again, it seemed to be coming from a nearby forest, so I quickly pulled out my phone to use it as a flashlight.

Soon, I arrived at the forest where the glow came from, I waved my phone in each and every direction, but I was unable to find the source of the glow. Suddenly, my phone abruptly turned off, I tried turning it back on, but then it flashed the red battery symbol, much to my frustration.

"Great, the one time I forget to charge my phone." I whispered angrily to myself.

Now I was in complete darkness, but not for long as the purple glow came back. Quickly, I ran in the direction it came from, I didn't even care that I couldn't really see anything in front of me, and after what seemed like an eternity of running through the darkness, I had finally arrived at the source of the light, and my mouth hung open at what I saw.

Less than a few feet away from me, was some kind of purple portal, right there, in front of me. I stared at the portal for what felt like hours, I just couldn't believe my eyes. But before I could start walking away, I suddenly felt something pulling me closer to the portal, like a magnetic force. As I got closer, everything started shaking around me, I tried to escape, but I couldn't move. Soon enough, a big flash of white light enveloped my vision, and after that, everything went black.

Once I had started to regain consciousness, the first thing I felt was a strong headache as I put a hand to my throbbing head. As I opened my eyes, I was met with a bright light, causing me to shut them immediately. I felt a warm sensation on my body, like I was in the middle of a field on a sunny day.

It turned out that assumption was true, as I opened my eyes much more slowly to adjust to the brightness and I looked around, I saw that I was indeed lying in the middle of a huge grassy field, with nearby flower blooming and birds flying past me. However, I couldn't help but feel a sense of familiarity with my new surroundings, like I had seen it somewhere before, the question is, where?

Then suddenly, it hit me, like a wall of bricks, but I didn't want to believe it.

"Am I... in Equestria?"

There was no way that was true, this had to have been a dream or a hallucination. However, when I pinched myself, I didn't wake up, and I don't recall taking anything that may cause me to have hallucinations, it took a moment for my brain to process what was actually happening.

"No way, there's just no way!" I said frantically. "I'm in Equestria. I'M IN EQUESTRIA!"

I just couldn't believe it, I was actually here, in the land of literally every brony's dream, and I felt like I was going to die from a happiness attack as I couldn't stop grinning. The scenery around me was just like the show, birds flying, bunnies hopping, the smells of various flowers blooming in the field.

"This... this feels so unreal." I said to myself, my cheeks started to hurt from how much I was smiling. "I'm actually here, in Equestria!"

Slowly, I stood up, trying to gather my composure to keep me from passing out from the fact that I was in the place that bronies only dream of visiting. After breathing in and out, I felt a little more calmer as I looked around, in hopes of finding Ponyville, and sure enough, there it was in the distance, in all its glory. Even though it looked like a long walk, it was going to be worth it.

As I made my way over there, I couldn't help but be reminded of that season one episode where Zecora visited Ponyville and caused everypony to freak out and hide from her, hopefully I don't provoke the same reaction. That got me thinking, what season of the show had I been transported to? Hopefully it's season eight because the school of friendship and the fact that everyone was more welcoming of different creatures.

I walked for maybe a few minutes, until I had finally reached Ponyville, where I saw a huge wooden sign which read "Welcome to Ponyville." As I stared at the village in front of me, I mentally prepared myself for what I was about to get myself into. If I caused the ponies to freak out and run away, I had a speech ready about how I was harmless, but hopefully it didn't come to that.

Slowly, I made my way towards the village, my heart still beating as I felt like it was about to jump out of my chest, and as I entered the village, I looked around, it was just like the show, ponies of all sorts of sizes and colors were all walking around, minding their own business, and they didn't seem to pay much attention to me, a human, being here, maybe they were more accepting of different creatures.

But as I continued walking, I noticed that I had gained the attention of a few nearby ponies. However, instead of screaming and running around trying to hide, the ponies all just stared at me in awe, some of them were whispering to each other. Soon enough, there was a small crowd of ponies all gathered around me, I recognized a few of them as background ponies. Feeling a little nervous, I decided to introduce myself.

"Hey everypony." I began, quickly getting used to their terminology. "My name's Lukas. I'm what's known as a human, I mean no harm to you, I promise."

The crowd of ponies all "ooed" in amazement as they continued observing my appearance, I felt a little flustered with all the ponies looking at me, some of them were getting really close, so I quickly walked away, and that was that. Not bad for a first impression.

But I was curious, where was the Mane Six, where was Starlight? Spike? The CMC's? I guess there was only one way to find out. I continued on my walk through Ponyville, a bit surprised by how quickly I had gained the ponies' trust, when I suddenly noticed a certain building in the distance, it was Twilight's crystal castle, and without thinking, I ran towards it, before I stopped myself, realizing that Twilight can get a bit... freaked out, and if she sees a creature like me, she would probably be so freaked out, she'd probably pass out.

I thought for a moment, worried about how I should approach this, until I decided to just shoot my shot and talk to Twilight, I mean, I'm pretty sure she's had to deal with worse things than an unknown creature, like becoming a ruler of Equestria in Season 9 or having Chrysalis impersonate Cadence in A Canterlot Wedding, and probably much more.

So I walked up the castle steps, and I looked up, realizing just how big Twilight's castle was up close. I hesitated for a moment, unsure how Twilight would react, that is, if Twilight even answered the door, it could be Starlight or Spike who answers it. Then I mustered up the courage and knocked on the doors, and as I wondered what I would even say to whoever answered, the door swung open and I saw that it was indeed Twilight.

"Oh, uh, hello there." She said nervously, clearly not expecting to see a creature like me. "What can I do for you?"

After a small exhale of air, I began. "Uh, hey, uh, Twilight, right?"

"Yeah, that's me." Twilight replied, a little confused. "But how did you know my name? What even are you?"

"It's a... long story." I replied hesitatingly. "Anyway, my name is Lukas, and I'm a human."

"A human?" Twilight echoed, raising her eyebrows. "Well, what are you doing here, Lukas?"

"Well, uh, I just wanted to..."

"Hey Twi, who's at the door?"

Before I could finish my sentence, a voice called from inside, and judging by how boyish it sounded, I had an idea on who it could be. Just then, a certain small purple dragon appeared beside Twilight, it was Spike, looking at him, I saw that he had wings, which led me to believe I was in the events of season eight.

"Uh, what's that?" He asked Twilight, pointing at me.

"It's something called a human." Twilight replied, like I wasn't there. "He says his name is Lukas."

"Huh, he sure does look weird." Spike said, looking at me from head to toe.

"Spike!" Twilight scolded, before turning back to me. "I'm sorry about him, why don't you come inside, Lukas? You can explain everything."

"Okay." I replied, realizing that talking outside was a bit awkward.

To Be Continued...