//------------------------------// // 1: The Letter // Story: Spike's journey Through The Dragon World // by Dragonfan101 //------------------------------// It's been a few days since the incident with Sludge recently happened, it was a really awful event for everyone here to have dealt with such a jerk like him, and Spike especially has had a really rough time with it. Despite support from Smolder and everyone else, he's been extremely conflicted on all of this. Spike's always wondered where he really came from, Spike may have been raised by Twilight for years now, and while he's always been happy to have her as a mother figure, he's never known who his real parents are. This was a hit in the stomach to him with what Sludge did, Spike's never even gotten a hint as to who Spike's mom and dad really are. He's never had a true answer to all of this, he's questioned it for so long now, he's started to think he may never get the answer to all of it. Spike was laying in his room and felt depressed still about the whole thing, that may have been the only chance of him ever knowing his parents, and it was all a lie. While Smolder told Ember about what happened, and she gave him a huge beating for it, it still doesn't matter to what Spike feels now. "Why was I left alone in those woods? Who are my parents? Was I left there for a reason? Or was I seen as a waste?" Spike asked himself while he looked out his window, he didn't know any reason for why he was left here, with Twilight, he never knew why. He's questioned it for so long now, he doesn't know if it'll ever be answered. "What reason is there? Will I ever even meet them? Or will I never find out who they are?" Spike asked sadly while he just starred at the ceiling. This recent incident really affected Spike's mind with all of these questions, he never knew why, despite how grateful he is for all he has, from Twilight and everyone else, to the home he lives in, this one question hasn't left his mind, and he doesn't know if it ever will. Spike kept thinking to himself like this for a while, so much so he didn't even notice the sun was setting, he just stared at the ceiling, for hours and wondered what the reason is. But as he kept thinking to himself, he heard a knock on his door, and it was soon opened by someone he's known for a while now. "Hey Spike, you doing alright?" Smolder asked while she came to check on him, he hasn't been talking to them for a while now, and Smolder was getting worried about what's on his mind. Spike only sighed seeing her and sat up to talk. "I'm.. okay.. I just have a lot on my mind.." Spike said sadly while she sat down next to him, she could see the reason why, and there's only one explanation for it. "Your still hung up on what Sludge did, aren't you?" Smolder suggested which made Spike nod in response. "Spike, that guy was just a jerk trying to take advantage of us, it became more clear he wasn't your father the longer we talked with him. What he did was truly selfish, I told Ember about what she did, and she managed to get back by beating the heck out of him when she found him. You shouldn't think about what he said, your stronger then that." Smolder advised while Spike only sighed again. While Spike would like to believe this, it isn't what he said that got to his head, it's the fact of what it made him think that troubles him. "It wasn't just what he said that bother's me Smolder, it's just the fact that he pretended to be my father, when I don't even know who my real parents are, despite all the time I've spent with Twilight, that question has always been in the back of my mind, and the one chance I had of possibly finding out who they are.. it was all a lie..." Spike said sadly which she felt awful for hearing. "Spike, I know it's.. rough not having any parents, while I may have known mine.. they weren't exactly the best with raising me and my brother, at least my father wasn't. You should just be glad that you have Twilight, this almost destroyed what you had with her, and it's a miracle we found this out before it got worse. But you should just be glad that it wasn't anything worse then that." Smolder explained which Spike didn't really believe. "How could it be worse then never knowing who my real parents are Smolder? As much as I love Twilight and everyone else, I still never knew who my real family was, how to be a dragon, how we're different from the ponies then just being selfish brutes. The only reason your here in the first place is because Ember made you go to the school to make friends, are the dragons in Equestria really so bad, they had to be forced to change? What kind of culture is that Smolder?" Spike pointed out which Smolder flinched at, as much as Smolder wanted to deny it, it was a true fact that Spike had the right to call out. Smolder only sighed again and tried to figure a way around this. "Maybe there's a reason Spike, as much as I agree with you saying that are kind are.. not nearly as well developed as the ponies, I can't say that dragons don't raise they're kids as well as they can, they still care about what they have Spike. I'm sure your parents did too." Smolder encouraged which just made Spike question some more stuff. "Then why was I hatched by Twilight? Why was I given to her as a science experiment for hatching a dragon egg? I don't know how Celestia found my egg, we don't even know if it WAS found, it was never explained how she found it, and if even she doesn't know where I came from.. what good is there to me ever finding it out?" Spike asked again which Smolder was worried by, she's never seen him act like this, but given how he's feeling right now, it could make sense. "So your saying it was never said how they got your egg? You sure they didn't get it through... other means?" Smolder asked while she was getting a bit suspicious of this now, but Spike only shook that off. "No, Celestia would never do that, she's the ruler Smolder, she wouldn't want to risk causing a lot of trouble with our kind and ponies just to get an egg. There's just got to be a reason, why I was left alone.." Spike said regretfully while he looked out the window. "Spike.. I know it's rough, but we should just be grateful for what we have, we can't have everything in life Spike. Sometimes we'll have to choose whether or not we should focus on one thing or another. It's a lot going through your head I know, but I know that it'll get better over time. Even if we.. never find out who your parents are, it's best to be grateful for what we have, okay?" Smolder asked while she patted his shoulder, and Spike only sighed at that in response. "I.. guess.. thanks for trying to help me Smolder, out of all the dragons I've met.. you and Ember are the only friends I have, I just wish there was more to our culture then what I've seen.." Spike said sadly which Smolder could agree with. "I know Spike, but hopefully we'll get better in the future with Ember ruling over. I know we'll find an answer soon, but let's just be glad for what we got now. You need anything before I go Spike?" Smolder asked while Spike layed down in his bed again. "I'm fine for now Smolder, thanks for the talk. I'll see you later alright?" Spike asked while she began to leave, she was worried with how Spike feels about this, but wanted to leave it alone for now. "See you later, goodnight Spike." Smolder said as she finally left him alone. Spike sighed sadly again and looked up at the ceiling, even after that nice talk with her, Spike's thoughts about his parents won't go away now, he doesn't know where he came from or who his mom or dad are, as much as he loves everyone here, he doesn't know if he'll feel whole until he finally knows who he is, Spike's felt like he's been on the sidelines long enough by now, and maybe.. it's time he starts finding his own path. "Maybe I need to find the answers myself.." Spike told himself as he tried to sleep the night away, while he still had a lot to think right now, maybe it's time he forges his own path, even if it's without Twilight or anyone else.. We open to a shot of what looks like a completely different land, far, far away from Equestria, there were tons of ancient stone structures carved into the ground, forging tunnels and other paths that look like homes for other people. There were multiple dragonfly's seen flying around the place, but one specific purple dragonfly is seen flying up to a higher ledge. It flies through a small tunnel through an open window, and it carefully fly's down the halls until it enters a small, isolated room. But in this room, was a strange large figure wearing a coat that completely covered the body, the figure is seen writing a letter of sorts and is looking out the window for any signs of a threat. The dragonfly from earlier flies up to the figure, and is wondering what's wrong. "You didn't run into any trouble, did you Simon?" The figure asked while the voice sounded female, the dragonfly only nodded respectfully in response and she sighed in relief from that. "Good, I've gone through enough trouble to get what I need, as much as I love this place, there's one thing I care about more then anything else, my child." The figure said with guilt while she continued writing the letter, the dragonfly called Simon only flew up besides her, and he peaked under her hood to see a large purple scaled dragon with green eyes.. "I can only imagine what my child thinks of me by this point, with how long we've been separated, it's hard for me not to believe he doesn't want to meet me anymore.. but.. I have to hold out hope.." She said hopefully while she took out a small vile with a strange green liquid in it. Her hands glow a bit and she seems to be pouring some strange magic into it. "If this doesn't reach my child, nothing will. But if the spell is right, it'll appear right where he is, so he can hopefully finally get a clue as to where I am." She said while she put it on a desk and continued writing something. Simon had a look of worry with how she's doing this, she's been so bent on doing this for a while, she's barely seen the sunlight outside the window. Simon spoke to her in a language only she could understand, and she only sighed with what he's saying. "I know what I've done is.. unhealthy Simon, but this is my child we're talking about here. It's.. my fault I lost him in the first place, I just.. need to fix my mistake, while my magic only works on smaller things, I haven't fully mastered what my spells can do. I just hope that this one works.." She prayed while she finished with the letter, she took the vile and quickly put it on the paper, before she carefully rolled it up and put a small strap on it to keep it from falling out. "That evil sorceress has done too much to our kind at this point Simon, if I didn't do what I did, my child wouldn't even be alive. As much as I wish to take her down myself, I'm not strong enough yet. But if the story's of the Purple Dragon are true on the other side of this world, hopefully my child will meet him soon." She said hopefully while she took out a bottle and put the letter inside it. The dragonfly was curious on what she meant, since.. well.. she's purple too. "The Purple Dragon may be rarely born, but for me.. I was lucky, I know it may cause some concern with there being 2 purple dragons here, but I need to let my child know where I am. He needs to know where he really came from, even if it's been nearly 13 years by now.." She said with guilt while she held the bottle in her claw, and she then started to perform a special chant. "Wherever my child is, this letter will find him, it's all thanks to our blood connection and my magic. This letter will reach my child, no matter how far, he is, or what world he's in. It. Will. Find him." She said seriously while she started to chant in a special language Simon couldn't understand. The bottle suddenly began to glow a bright green, and the figure seemed to breath a small bit of green fire around it, the fire swirled around the bottle and it began floating in the air. They both watched as it floated in the air before a few more moments, before it completely vanished before they're eyes. "It worked. The path is set. Wherever my child is, it will find him." She said seriously while she started to stand up. Simon flew right next to her and she turned to him so she can tell him something else. "Once my child arrives in this world, I beg you to keep him safe, you've been with me since I was a hatchling, but now it's time you move onto the next child, but just know, we'll still be family, no matter what, do you understand this Simon?" She asked sternly which made Simon nod in complete understanding. "Good, you'd best head to the other side now to find him, if my thoughts are right, he will meet the purple dragon at one point, and you need to be there." She instructed just before the place suddenly began to shake, she growled at the feeling of this and went over and started drawing a symbol on the wall. "We can't keep hiding forever, I've got many secret spots around the lands, when you find my son, take him to them, they'll be the next step to finding me. But you need to go before they get you, now!" She ordered which Simon was sad to hear, but he understood and began flying away through the window again. The dragon sighed and quickly finished up the rest of the symbol which now resembled a dragon, she picked off a small scale on her and she placed it in the center. "Please find me soon my child." She prayed while she held out her hands and they began to glow a bright green, the symbol began glowing brightly too and it's magic was strong enough that it was able to create a portal large enough for her. She was about to head through it, but the shaking was getting more violent and she knew who this was. "I swear, one day I will get you back for what you did to my mate you sorceress.." She said with hatred before she quickly ran into the portal and it disappeared instantly, as well as the symbol. The place still shook a bit more before something burst through it, and the entire place starts to collapse.. We now open to another shot of Equestria as the sun was rising once again, it's light shone over all of Ponyville and Twilight's castle, some small lights were seen turning on in the village, and the camera zooms into the castle to see Spike's room once again. Spike was still sleeping soundly after last night, he didn't feel bothered at all in the slightest, but the rays of the sun soon shone on his face, and he groaned as he started to wake up from them. "Did I forget to shut the curtains on my window again?" Spike asked himself while he started opening his eyes, Spike groaned tiredly and he tried getting out of bed. "Hopefully Twilight won't have fallen asleep in the library again.." Spike said to himself while he was about to head out to find her. But before Spike could reach the door, Spike suddenly felt a pain in his stomach, Spike groaned again and held it close. "What? Did I eat something bad?" Spike asked himself as he felt sick to his stomach, he felt something coming from his mouth and had an idea what it was, and out of nowhere, he suddenly made a loud burp which shot out some fire as a result. Spike took heavy breaths and wondered what that was. "What was.. that about?" Spike asked while he rubbed his head. But the small sound of clanking could be heard which caught his attention, and to his surprise, he saw a small letter in a bottle roll over to him which was shocking. "Did.. Celestia send me another letter? Why at the literal crack of dawn?" Spike asked a bit upset by that. Not wanting that question to remain unanswered, he simply picked and took out the small cork on the top. Spike pulled the letter out of the bottle and undid a strap to it, but to Spike's surprise, a small vile with strange liquid suddenly fell into his hand as the thing opened up, and Spike had a look of surprise seeing that. "What's this?" Spike asked while he looked at it, it was glowing in a strange green way that seemed different, he didn't know what this was, but he soon turned to the letter to read it. But what he saw.. shocked him completely. "Dear child, if you get this, this means my letter finally reached you, after all this time. I know your wondering who I am right now, but I can't tell you how long I've waited for this, you may have never met me, but I never meant for you to be without me.. my child.." Spike reads as his voice starts to become more and more shocked with the more he read it. "I know that's a bit of a stretch with what this says, but you must believe me.. I.. am your mother, I've sent this letter to you so you can find me, where I am is a place I cannot get to you by myself. I sent this letter to you so you could finally get the chance to meet me. This letter has a small potion I attached to it, it's a potion that will teleport you somewhere far away from where you are right now, a world of Dragons. A world where I was born.. and where you were meant to be born too.." Spike continued as he felt tears coming from his eyes from this. "I know you and I have never met directly child, and I regret it deeply.. but you must know I didn't leave you alone without a reason, I care about you more then anything in the world. This letter was the only hope I had to finally meeting you, where I am right now, I'm in trouble, there's someone after me that's tried stopping me from contacting you. I went through a lot of trouble learning how to send this to you, but I hope that you get this. If you really believe that I am your mother.. your real mother, I beg of you, if you wish to find me, this potion I sent with you will send you to the world I am in, you will only be able to go by yourself, but I only ask if you still wish to meet me, please come find me. I am in the Dragon Realms, a world beyond where you are now, this potion is the only chance you have of coming here, to find me. If you really believe it's me child, please try to find me, I'm in hiding right now, but once you find me, I promise I'll explain everything to you. But if you don't.. I.. understand, just know no matter what happens, I love you so much.. and if this letter is the only thing you'll have of me.. I hope it lets you know, that I care for you.. more then anything else. If you wish to find me, I only wish you the best of luck.. I love you.. my child.." Spike finished as he finished the entire thing. Spike had tears in his eyes after reading the whole thing, was it really true? Was this lesson from his mother? But.. why? How? Why did it take so long to reach him? "Is this.. really true..?" Spike asked himself while he looked at the letter, he reread the thing to assure himself, and every word was real. Spike couldn't believe it, this letter was from his mother.. his real mother. While this could be just a sick prank, Spike had a feeling this wasn't. For so long he's questioned who his parents are, and this letter could finally hint at to who they are.. But that's when Spike looked at the other details, the letter said she was in hiding, but hiding from what? Was she in trouble? Is something after her? Did something separate them in the first place? Spike had so many questions running through his mind all at once, as this was a major discover from him. He looked at the vile in his hand and thought over this, it said that this potion will take him to the world his mother's in, where Spike was meant to be born.. but it could only take him alone, and no one else. As much as he wanted to tell Twilight and everyone else, Spike has a worried feeling they couldn't believe it after the incident with Sludge just recently. Spike thought long and hard over this, this was Spike's chance to go out there and find his mother, find out who he is. As much as Twilight and the other's have tried, they haven't' found anything on his parents, but this could be his only clue. As much as he loves Twilight, he can't deny the fact he's a bit jealous of what she and everyone else has done, she's saved Equestria so much by now, it makes Spike feel like he's on the sidelines more and more, he never had a proper chance to prove himself. But this letter gave him the chance, if he takes this, he'll get the chance he's wanted for so long, as much as he wants to tell everyone this, his mother could be in trouble, and no matter how long it's been.. Spike still wants to meet her. And Spike looked at the potion one last time, and got a serious look to himself. We cut to Spike opening up his closet and was now gathering some supplies, if he was going to find his mother, he needed something to help him. Spike took a few Power Pony comics for entertainment, a few things of fruit for eating, and a small book for reading. He put them all in a small pack and tied it together, he knew he shouldn't leave without saying goodbye, so he took out a letter of his own and began to write something. "Dear Twilight, if you get this, by now I'm probably long gone from Ponyville. I've had a lot on my mind after what happened with Sludge, and after all this thinking, I've had enough. You all have done so much to save Equestria, be seen as heroes with the other Mane 6, but for me, I barely feel like i've done anything, so that's why by the time you get this.. I'll be long gone.." Spike narrates while Spike is seen looking at the potion with a serious look, if what the letter said is true, then this is his chance to find his mom. "As much as I like being a Number One Assistant, I feel like there's more to me I need to find out by myself. I'm going out to find my own calling Twilight, maybe finally find out who my real parents are, and where I came from. I hate to leave you like this without telling you anything, but I didn't want anything to hold me back from starting my own journey. And I'm sorry for it Twilight." Spike narrated with regret as Spike opens the top and looks at the drink, he takes one last moment to think if he should do this, he may not see Twilight, Smolder and Ember, or anyone else for a while. But if this is the chance he's finally wanted, he's gonna take it. "I love you Twilight, no matter what you've done, I love you. But I need to go out and find things out for myself. I know you'll no doubt try to find me, but you need to have faith that I can handle myself, I've got my wings and enough knowledge to handle myself out there, the only thing I wish is that you and everyone else can trust me enough to be on my own. I promise I'll see you again one day, but that will be when I finally find my calling, you all have found yours, now it's time for me to prove my own worth." Spike continues as he looks at the potion one more time, before he finally decides to drink it, he takes in every last drop there is, and doesn't miss a single drop from it. Spike gulps all of it down and sighs in relief from it, but not even 5 seconds after drinking it, Spike's body suddenly begins to glow brightly and he starts to float in the air, Spike feels a ton of magic flowing within him and around him, Spike's eyes suddenly glow brightly and he feels something happening. "I'll.. see you soon Twilight, I promise I'll see you again one day.." Spike finishes before Spike's body suddenly vanishes with what he took with him, and the room is left completely empty. Not too long after he vanishes, a knock is heard on the door and it opens up once again. "Spike? You alright? I heard a loud sound coming from here?" Twilight asked while she walked into the room, but she didn't hear an answer, instead, she saw only an empty room. "Spike?" Twilight asked as she was starting to get worried, she looked around for any sign of him, but there wasn't anything that could help her find him. "Spike? Where are you?" Twilight asked as she was now scared for his safety, but she soon saw a letter on the desk and got an idea it must be from him, she quickly picked it up and unrolled it, but the more she read it, it only made her more worried as a result. "No.. no! I need to get everyone here!" Twilight said with fear while she quickly ran out of the room, wherever Spike's gone to now, Spike won't see Twilight and everyone else for a good while..