//------------------------------// // Starlight Glimmer's Student // Story: Starlight Glimmer's School of Gifted Mages // by Raptor2024 //------------------------------// Starlight Glimmer was looking through a pile of school applicants and Sunburst sat beside her and was thumbing through the transcripts as well. The unicorns' horns were lit as they levitated papers and their hands fumbled around. "Sunburst, thank you for the help and support here. Trixie has taken Gilda to do interviews. I was in at the supply store run by that sweet couple and I saw their daughter with sizzling fingertips. I bring this up as an object of observation; I found it odd since their kid is Earth pony blood while her folks are unicorns." " I know of whom you speak, Evening Dawn is a peculiar case to be sure; however, she is here among my stack of applicants. She looks intelligent and she does have access to the knowledge of magic items and their listed spell usages." "Sunburst...while I was there she was reading up on defense magic. I'll ask Twilight if she thinks that a kid like that should be accepted. It was, after all, just four years ago when we had to put Cozy Glow down again. I know she was using air combat and aerial assault but the issue is a child prodigy." There was a knock on the office door and the duo looked up and saw Trixie and Gilda coming in and behind them the person of the conversation." Miss Starlight I brought you order artifacts for the use of healing. Sunburst looked at the young girl more like a young woman and pointed to a small table. Sunburst hurled a combination of attack spells and Evening Dawn parried them all and contained their effects in a sphere of magic. "You're versed in defense and containment for one your age...I just came across your application." "I never had any formal training and it's all just book knowledge and I'm not even a unicorn! I do suppose my parents are trying to enroll me here, Not to seem ungrateful here but wouldn't I be an outcast?" "Well, I do have to say in some aspects you'd be at a disadvantage but there is the fact you just pulled off a combination of spells that someone who's been training for two years could pull off." "Sunburst!" Starlight Glimmer shouted as she stood to her feet. "That was too risky and dangerous! What if she wasn't able to parry or dodge that attack? You could've killed her." "Starlight Glimmer I could see it in your eyes, the moment you mentioned her to me about being endowed with power and yet she shouldn't have had this power considering the facts. I dare you to test her and of course with her parents' consent." Evening Dawn spoke up finally as she crushed her captured spells out of existence. "Test me if you must, just give my folks a call...besides if you don't call they'd probably come here themselves and beg you to test me." Sunburst made the phone call and Starlight Glimmer prepped a test room. Trixie examined Evening Dawn and smirked. Evening's hat was similar to Trixie's own and so was the entire outfit except entirely black with a trim in a reddish hue fading into a light pink like a dawn sky. Evening Dawn's came and then gave their consent and went to a room to watch the test. Starlight Glimmer had texted Twilight Sparkle who had in turn texted Sunset Shimmer. The princesses just so happened to be in town and came to observe. Starlight Glimmer had Sunset and Twilight join her on the test floor. Evening Dawn took a pose and a stance. "I am Evening Dawn wielder of the defensive arts. I summon the guardians of Equestria who defend us...Stonewall!" A large stone semi-circle formed and it stood eight feet tall and six feet thick. Twilight Sparkle summoned her own counterspell. "I am Twilight Sparkle student prodigy of Princess Celestia! Teleport!" There was a bright flash and the trio were now behind Evening Dawn's wall. Sunset Shimmer and Starlight Glimmer performed their own spells. "I am Susnet Shimmer former student of the Princess of the Sun...Fire Blast!" "I am Starlight Glimmer - Student and friend of Twilight Sparkle! Time Manipulation!" Time slowed down and then sped only to be slowed down again. In the observation room, the princesses had faces palmed. They wished they hadn't used the mind-reading spell. "Sister of mine, I regret letting them watch that animated cartoon series." "Yes Luna, I regret letting have those hangouts on the weekends. Cadence you're partly to blame for this because you said the exact same thing two weeks ago out loud while we sparred." "Luna...Celestia, What have we done?" The princesses just shrugged and observed the match. Evening Dawn managed to divide the room into smaller sections all the way up to the ceiling with very narrow doorways leading into the center area of the semicircle. Cadence spoke up, " Is it just me or has Evening Dawn been throwing walls up? I get the feeling she's preparing something big." Celestia nodded her agreement. Luna however had to speak her mind. "She was this whole time set her walls up that if she hit the portion directly in front of her and blew it up she could wipe the three of them out." As if on cue Evening Dawn looked back at the princesses and her her silent parents and smiled. There was a bright flash and the walls were decimated and Starlight Glimmer and Twilight Sparkle threw force fields up and were suddenly dropped through the floor and falling from the ceiling. The trio were now forced to the defensive. "Twilight...Sunset" Starlight Began, "I'm making this kid my student, She's strong in defense but her offensive is lacking." Starlight signaled the others to stand back in a rapid succession of attacks Evening Dawn began to show signs that in combat she wasn't able to focus clearly and would leave openings and get sloppy. Starlight Glimmer had gone all out and Evening Dawn barely survived and kept from getting blown apart. Evening Dawn looked at everyone and realized that if Starlight actually wanted to kill her; Starlight could have butchered her alive in the attacks. Evening Dawn lay curled up and terrified. "Evening Dawn, I'm enrolling you here at the school. You show potential and with some honing, you'd be exceptional." "How? I barely could hold the three of you back with my walls and my offensive was predictable. I could tell that you three were counting and finding my assault patterns." "Yeah, you got predictable but for an amateur fighting a three-to-one spar you did well. I'll go tell your parents how I grade your entrance exam." Evening Dawn stood to her feet and looked confused as she digested the news. She got enrolled in a school for unicorns and she was just an Earth pony. Sunset and Twilight wrapped arms around Evening Dawn and told her she did well. Sunset Shimmer used the word "Gutsy" just for sparring with Starlight Glimmer and then having the two of them join in against her. Evening Dawn mentally prepared now for how her training will probably flow relaxed a little.