//------------------------------// // Friendship is magic. (Pt3) // Story: Chaos i'll C̶a̶u̶s̶e̶ Saved! // by CosmicShenanigan-er //------------------------------// Twilight Sparkle's POV. After watching the first two ponies me and spike encountered in ponyville, we headed straight towards the apple farm, in which where the foods were. We meet an earth pony like those two we first encountered, her name's Applejack, nice mare and all... But this needs to be hurry because of the prophecy. Next thing that happened after we left the apple farm (with my tummy being too full...) i suddenly got hit by a cyan pegasus, her name's is Rainbow dash, she should have cleared the clouds earlier, which she didn't as she said she was practicing for the wonderbolts. The wonderbolts being a team full of skilled pegasus who performs tricks and stunts and saves citizens on occasion. I told her she's definitely will not be qualified as one when she challenged me that she can clear the clouds in 10 second flat. Needless to say, i was shock when she actually did it. ...anyways, after that we then meet a pretty white with purple hair unicorn mare, which spike already got a crush on, her name's rarity, nice mare but is too fixated where i live and my mane for some reasons. Of course me and spike ran out before she could come up an idea to dye my mane, spike having a new crush is nothing new, he'll get over it. Next up, we meet the music composer, a pegasus whose name is fluttershy, who uses the birds as the music. Greeting her was... Well, in her name, 'Shy' wasn't an exaggeration, she was incredibly shy and can barely her speak her name outloud. And then she saw spike, it seems she's always excited when there's new animals or creatures because she asked him about his backstory, fluttershy followed us as spike continue telling his tale up to this point when we reach the golden oak library. It was getting and getting too close for the prophecy to happen, so i grabbed spike and lied to fluttershy about him being 'sweepy.' much to spike's dismay, fluttershy believe it already and was ready to help, but me and spike quickly entered the library, which was dark and quiet, just the way i like it- And of course it be ruined by a surprise party which is known to the town's 'Welcome to ponyville" party, needless to say nopony ever did not get the welcome party, according to the folks in the town. Then i meet the same pink pony who apparently hosted this party, i looked around but can't see the same mint pony who were with her earlier. Her name's is Pinkie pie and when i asked who the mint pony beside her earlier was, apparently her name is Rosa Light, and when she told me how she entered the town was unbelievable, but the ponies nearby confirm it to be true. Rosa is also in this party but i couldn't see her anywhere, shrugging i just went to grab a quick drink, but was apparently replaced by hot sauce... I went to the bedroom all calm, no panic or anything, really. When entering the bedroom, there she was, rosa light, whose face says 'i am so depressed right now i can't.', she was looking at the window, more specifically, the moon. When i asked what she was doing, she jump in startle, and relaxed a bit, she said she was just looking at the moon because this is what she apparently do all night. And when i asked why, she just chuckled and looked at the moon, she didn't answer my question, i guess i won't find out today it seems... I just relax at my bed and rosa watching in the window while humming a song, it's unfamiliar to me, but it feels like it's related from the mare on the moon. Spike entered and asked if we should join in the fun, i just refused and told him I'm more focus on stopping the mare on the moon from happening, for a brief moment, i saw Rosa's ear twitches. Rosa kindly declined the offer spike made and continue looking at the moon, continuing humming the tune. Spike left and the room was in a comfortable silence, except for Rosa's calm humming of the tune. I moved beside Rosa and began looking at the moon in contemplation, when Rosa asked what's wrong, i told her the prophecy. Normally this would just dismissed as an old story, but the response i got was.... Silence. When rosa looked into my eyes, all i can see was... Regret. I don't get it, why does she looks regret? But before i can ask, the door opened wide and spike entered and told us to hurry for the rise of the sun. Rosa silently left the room, and meet up pinkie, her face changed from regret to joy, it's like Pinkie's personality affected her. ~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~ We were all at the town hall, beside me is Spike, Pinkie and Rosa. I can sometimes see that Rosa flickered her eyes to the moon, seemingly watching as if something were to happen, and when i looked... The face on the moon was gone, i was now scared and prayed it was nothing bad and just a nightmare. And then the nightmare came true, great. The mare on the moon is Nightmare moon, an evil princess and wants to make night time forever, bad idea but i couldn't have the strength the say that to her face. Instead i shouted her name and intentions for the ponies to gasp at. When the guards tried to arrest the princess, as expected, the guards fell from the the thunder and nightmare moon turns into a dark cloud, flying away. I grabbed spike and put him at my back and ran towards the library to search for a book about the elements of harmony. Of course, spike is just a baby dragon, i have to put him to sleep, too dangerous for him to come along. When trying to find the book, rainbow dash came in and straight up accused me on working for nightmare moon, the audacity! Of course she was stopped by applejack, all six of them are here, Applejack, rainbow dash, Fluttershy, rarity, Pinkie and rosa. Since they're aren't leaving, i just sighed and explained the story, of course they'll believe it for what happened earlier. ... And then pinkie somehow found the book i was looking for, when asked how, she just singsong 'it was under 'E'~'. Of course. When reading the book, it mention five elements, Generosity, loyalty, honesty, kindness, and laughter. The six one was hinted that it will shows up after the five united. And the last known location is... ~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~ The everfree forest. Right, of course. The girls wanted to follow but when i said No and do it alone, they stubbornly entered the group, Rosa doesn't look like she wanted to joined but followed anyway, my guess it's for pinkie. We're are now inside the forest and tried to look our way around the place, the ponies gave their opinions on why they didn't want to enter the forest. For the obvious monsters that roams here of course, but also because the way trees and cloud move on their own with no help, the place is full of mud and dirty things, and rosa's respond was just a shrug. Rainbow's respond was trying to be scary, which worked... A little too well... The landscape suddenly started collapsing and and we all started sliding down, everypony and me screamed, except for Rosa, she did look panicked and scared, and it looks like she's stomping or clapping her hoove, i don't know why but i didn't question it because we were busy screaming to our inevitable end. Everypony grabbed onto something to prevent them to sliding to the edge, my luck wasn't there as there wasn't anything near to grab. I was hanging on the edge and applejack slide in to help me pull up, and then she suddenly told me to let go, 'that was a crazy idea' i told her but she insisted and should trust her with the plan. Sighing, i let go, of course I wasn't screaming, i was perfectly calm falling to my near end, shen i was suddenly grabbed by rainbow dash and fluttershy as we descended Slowly, a slip happened but recovered quickly, i can't blame Fluttershy for that. When we were now at the ground, everypony else was there already, Pinkie was rambling something Rosa did, something about summoning some patch of leaf.... Eh. I guess applejack is completely honest. ~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~ We continue our way with rainbow dash retailing what literally just happened earlier, and then we spotted an aggressive manticore! Everypony started to either attacking the creature or defending themselves from the creature. About a little to minutes later of attacking and defending, Fluttershy suddenly shouted, not a very shy thing to do so we all stopped, even the manticore I also did notice that Rosa wasn't attacking the manticore during those moments, all i saw she did was defending. Fluttershy saw a big splinter on the manticore paw, and when she removed it, the manticore suddenly grabbed her! But all is good when the manticore licked her in thanks. We all smiles in relief as we moved past them, i waited for fluttershy and when asked how she found out about the splinter, she didn't, just need to show a bit kindness, heh... I guess i can learn from that. ~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~ We entered even deeper to the forest as it was getting a bit too dark, when light up a bit, we all saw scary tree faces! It was very frightening! And then Pinkie started laughing at the trees, making some silly faces and laughing a bit more, Rosa snickered a bit. When i told Pinkie to run from those trees, she started singing. (Note from the author: Seriously, Twilight? Run away from the trees? What are they gonna do? Start having legs and T-pose towards you? Geez.) What the-? Nevermind. During the song, the scary faces on the trees started to go away in a poof, gasping, we know what to do. Laughing at the trees and making the faces dissapear during a song is indeed funny, contagious even. I guess laughter can solve some problems away. After that we all lay on the floor laughing, i keep noticing Rosa wasn't really a big emotion type of pony as she didn't do that, but did chuckles once in a while. That's a mystery i may learn in the future. ~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~ We continue along our way and spotted a river with crazy waves, when pinkie asked what should we do, we heard a distant crying. Curious, we headed in the direction of the crying, and spotted a long serpent, purple scales and yellow? Gold? Hair. When i asked what's wrong, the serpent said there was a dark like cloud and ruined her moustache, overdramatic and all of course. Rarity then started complimenting the serpent, after that something might have snap into her and grabbed a scale from the serpent (apparently named Steven Magnet.) And- OH MY CELESTIA! Oh, she just cut her tail and gave it to Steven to compliment the look, but the tail... Rarity shrugged it off and said it'll just grow back... So does the moustache, but hey, she's generous. The river calmed down and so we can cross it now! Steven offered some help and uses his long body to make a clean path so our body wouldn't get dirty and wet. ~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~ We were near the castle! But of course i almost fell toward my death, again, thankfully rainbow saved me, the castle was near and all we have to do is to cross the bridge... Which wasn't tied to the other side. Pinkie asked what should we do now, she seem to have forgotten our flying pegasus as she flickered her wing and flew off to fix it, pinkie just laughed at her mistake. Fluttershy didn't follow but she trust rainbow dash she can do this. We waited.... And waited..... Waiting... Something's wrong. When i narrowed my eyes, i see rainbow was talking to.... Wonderbolts? No, dark version of wonderbolts? Yes. When i shouted to do not trust them, one of the false wonderbolt noticed it and made the mist to cover all of us. We waited... Fluttershy seems to trust Rainbow dash to make the right decision, and then it happened, she came back with the bridge tied and the mist gone! We celebrate the success and the failed persuasion by the false wonderbolt, what loyal friend she is. ~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~ We then entered the castle of two sisters, and here we spotted the elements of harmony in dormant state. We all carefully put the elements to the ground, and when asked what should we do next, i said i might have a spell to awaken the elements and help us defeat Nightmare moon. I told the ponies to back away as this may be dangerous. They left and waited at the door as i started doing the spell, we didn't notice the same dark cloud to suddenly circling the elements. I shouted and with a face of determination, i jumped in, teleporting us in another part of the castle. ~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~ Groaning as i get up, Nightmare moon is there, with the elements all around her, determined i charge up for a charge, NMM blinked in surprised by my act before doing the same thing. We both run towards each other, but before we could be hit, i teleported and went straight to the elements, trying to awaken them, it failed as i was pushed out of the way. And then Nightmare moon shattered the elements, Nightmare moon laughed wickedly as i started to lose hope... But then the mares that followed me earlier, the same group that also helped me face those challenges, a sparkle shined through my eyes as i realized something. (Rosa is nowhere to be seen.) The elements wasn't in the stone, it was the friends we made along the way. (Author's Note: that was cliche, i know.) Applejack, who reassured me when I was in doubt, represents the spirit of... honesty! Fluttershy, who tamed the manticore with her compassion, represents the spirit of... kindness! Pinkie Pie, who banished fear by giggling in the face of danger, represents the spirit of... laughter! Rarity, who calmed a sorrowful serpent with a meaningful gift represents the spirit of... generosity! And Rainbow Dash, who could not abandon her friends for her own heart's desire represents the spirit of... loyalty! The spirits of these five ponies got us through every challenge Nightmare moon threw at us. (This is copy-paste, i know, I'm sorry.) Nightmare moon reminded that there still no sixth element, which if course she was wrong since I, Twilight sparkle, who now learned friendship, is the sixth element! The spirit of... Magic! And then suddenly we were all in gulped by a white flash as the rainbow blasted nightmare moon away... ~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~ We were all awake, we didn't know what exactly happened but we defeated Nightmare moon, yay! I still don't know where Rosa went during that time... And then the sun rises and with a flash. Princess Celestia appeared. All the ponies bowed as i walk toward and nuzzled affectionately. Celestia said that she knows that me and the others were the one that's gonna stop nightmare moon once and for all, what? When i asked what she means, she knew the story was real all along and that's why she sent her to ponyville, to make friends and to stop nightmare moon. She also revealed that once the evil is gone, there it was, Princess luna, Celestia's forgotten little sister. But then, another flashed happened and what came out was.... Rosa?! Almost everypony shouted. Rosa cough and awkwardly said hello, and then turn her eyes towards Celestia and luna was slowly waking up. Princess Celestia and Rosa were both quiet as they look at each other, then Rosa spoke up. 'I'm sorry.' what? Why did she say that. 'i wasn't there when she needed it the most...' what? Excuse me what? Wasn't there when she needed the most? Was she talking about luna? I looked at Celestia, Celestia just nodded with a smile as a sign of apology accepted, ok I'm not getting it, what?! Celestia looked at luna with a face of apologies, and offered friendship to her little sister, who immediately hugged her older sister in acceptance, d' awwww, now wasn't that cute and happy sad? Pinkie cried a river, literally, before coming up an idea for a- ~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~ Party. Wha- what the?! You know what, I'm not gonna question it for now. The party went off as a celebration to Luna's return... But i was a bit sad. When Princess Celestia asked what's wrong, i explained that i finally found my friends and i have to leave them... Celestia called spike and write a letter, about me learning friendship, starting now! Ooohhh! I was excited! Not only i get to have a new study to learn but my new friends will help me and learn what friendship really is! Everypony celebrated as confetti going everywhere... I glance toward luna who was beside rosa, who looks like talking... Like old friends... Odd, but I'm not gonna question it, might be personal. The End!!!!