Wallflower Saves the Cat

by Thesmokinguy

(Anti) Social Media

February 25, 2018

Wallflower_B Today at 17:45 PM
Hey. Apologies in advance if I'm bothering you or something.
I know how weird this is, messaging you out of the blue like that.
I searched for your MyStable account (In a non stalker manner) and here I am.

Wallflower_B Today at 17:47 PM
writing to you because I need help with something, so if you have a couple of minutes to help.
And if you don't, that's okay, too.

Wallflower_B Today at 17:54 PM
Sorry for bothering you. This was a bad idea.

Fluttershy Today at 18:01 PM
I'm so so sorry. I was very busy at the animal shelter.
I didn't mean to ignore you.

Wallflower_B Today at 18:02 PM
fair. Hope I’m not bothering you though.
I rarely use this account. Let alone for social purposes.

Fluttershy Today at 18:02 PM
You are not bothering me at all! Please don't feel bad.

I'm glad I finally got to talk to you Wallflower.
I was meaning to approach you since the incident, as you mostly had kept for yourself.
Are you doing well? 
And I will be happy to help with anything I can! 

Wallflower_B Today at 18:03 PM
You know a lot about animals right?

Fluttershy Today at 18:03 PM
I.. well, yes, I guess you could say that! 

Wallflower_B Today at 18:04 PM
So, there's this kitten. I found him recently in my garden, at the school.
And he had been eating some of my plants.

Fluttershy Today at 18:04 PM
Awww, poor thing, he must have been starving. 

Wallflower_B Today at 18:04 PM
I want to pet him. Badly so. But I have no experience with cats. Every time I get close he lashes out.
Any advice you can give?

FluttershyToday at 18:05 PM
Sorry, caps.
Okay Wallflower, so

Stray kittens can be really shy and skittish when it comes to human contact.

I’d recommend starting slow. Just sit near the kitten when it’s outside and let it get used to your presence. You could also try gently tossing some yummy treats at him, that could attract it closer to you. Let him initiate the contact, he will warm up to you in their own time. 

Wallflower_B Today at 18:06 PM
I see.

Fluttershy Today at 18:06 PM
Do you know how old he is, give or take?
Are you sure it's a male?
Does he look healthy?
Any pics you can send me? :3

Wallflower_B Today at 18:06 PM
Uhhh I'm not really sure. I have a gut feeling, mostly. He didn't seem to be okay after eating my plants though.
All I know is that he reacts with hostility.
Can rabies be infected via scratching? Because that would be bad...

Fluttershy Today at 18:06 PM
That sounds bad :/

Wallflower_B Today at 18:07 PM
I need to get the rabies shot then. Great.

Fluttershy Today at 18:07 PM
Actually it’s very rare for cats to carry rabies,  and it has a low risk of being transmitted through claws and not bites. You will be fine.
But I lament that the kitten may have been abused in the past.
Maybe from a previous owner, or a passerby. It lacks trust.

Wallflower_B Today at 18:07 PM
That 's... awful.

Fluttershy Today at 18:07 PM
Some people can be awful indeed.
I can always come by to take it to the shelter, ensure he gets the care and home he deserves.
Maybe it can be your home. If you are up for it.

Wallflower_B Today at 18:08 PM
Oh no. Nonononono.
My house wouldn't be a suitable place for a cat. And that's too much responsibility for me.
I'm very sorry but that can't be.

Fluttershy Today at 18:08 PM
No worries, I understand.

Wallflower_B Today at 18:08 PM
Also, I would prefer it if I could take it to you. To the animal shelter, I mean.
Usually I would take the easy way out but, I want to learn during this process. And manage to finally touch a cat.

Fluttershy Today at 18:09 PM
That's valid.
I for one think everyone should touch a cat at least once. It's good for your health.
If you don't count the fleas, that is.

Wallflower_B Today at 18:09 PM
You mean in the same sense as touching grass? Because I have done that. A lot.
And it hasn't helped my case.

But yes, I think this can help me. Somehow. 

Fluttershy Today at 18:09 PM
I know this may look daunting. You are not sure you can do this. But, if you follow my instructions, by the end of this week you WILL pet a cat!
So you can bring it to me to get it adoption ready for you :3

Wallflower_B Today at 18:10 PM
 I don't think I'm ready for that yet. As a reminder.

Fluttershy Today at 18:10 PM
Just you wait until you are holding him in your arms. You will change your mind.
Everyone does >:)

Wallflower_B Today at 18:12 PM
Aaaaaaaaa too much pressure

So, where do I start?

Fluttershy Today at 18:20 PM
Sorry, went for a snack.
First, you will need to gain his trust so he eventually warms up to you.
For cats, the fastest way to their hearts is through their stomach.
Start by leaving him cat gummies or actual food. 

Wallflower_B Today at 18:21 PM
Okay. I think there's some Tuna cans in my fridge.

Fluttershy Today at 18:21 PM
No Tuna. Canned food can be potentially harmful to them.

Wallflower_B Today at 18:21 PM
How about milk then? I'm certain cats love it.

Fluttershy Today at 18:21 PM
That's a common misconception about cats. 
In reality their stomachs tend to not like it. 

Wallflower_B Today at 18:22 PM
So what do they even eat???

Fluttershy Today at 18:22 PM
Meat. And fish. Preferably cooked.
Oh, and some of them go crazy over corn, you can try that.

Wallflower_B Today at 18:24 PM
I have some corn laying around.

Wallflower_B Today at 18:56 PM
You won't believe it.
I left the corn in my garden and watched behind the bushes.
The kitten went absolutely gremlin mode over it. It was the most precious thing.

Fluttershy Today at 19:01 PM
That's most delightful to hear!
Keep leaving food and soon enough he will associate you with it.

Wallflower_B Today at 19:01 PM
Will do!

February 27, 2018

Wallflower_B Today at 16:25 PM
Okay, im at the garden and he hasn’t bolted from my sight so far.
What do i do now??

Fluttershy Today at 16:27 PM
Stay calm. Can you make him more comfortable with your presence?

Wallflower_B Today at 16:27 PM
Is this a trick question?

Wallflower_B Today at 16:27 PM
Hes sprawled all over the grass.
And hes looking at me lazily
as if daring me to come closer

Fluttershy Today at 16:27 PM
Avoid direct eye contact. And Remain still.
Cats are very curious animals so he will approach you sooner or later, but don’t reach out to him yet.
Crouch and lower your body as much as possible so as not to appear intimidating to the kitten.
Speak to him softly, make him feel secure.

Wallflower_B Today at 16:28 PM
How, if I can’t even feel secure with myself?

Fluttershy Today at 16:31 PM
I'm sorry.

Wallflower_B Today at 16:31 PM
No it 's okay. I was just doing a self deprecatory bit.
Huh, this feels… good to say. Like not actually meaning it.
Is this what it feels like?
Sorry. I didn’t mean to vent.

Fluttershy Today at 16:31 PM
That’s okay, I don’t mind. I’m here for anything you need, Wallflower.

Wallflower_B Today at 16:33 PM
Umm anyway, to become one with the floor. Got it.

Fluttershy Today at 16:33 PM
Not necessarily so low. Just sitting on the ground will do.

Wallflower_B Today at 16:47 PM
He’s walking towards me.
It works!
I wonder. What if I called you and passed you over to the kitten.
Would your geode work?

Fluttershy Today at 16:48 PM
It probably would. But most likely it would make him retreat if you moved, so best not to.
Just be patient. You are almost there!

Wallflower_B Today at 16:51 PM
GOSH he's clawing at my trousers
He wants my attention so bad
Can I give it to him

Fluttershy Today at 16:51 PM
You must resist Wallfower
let him knead at your lap a little more
This is a good sign :)

Wallflower_B Today at 16:51 PM
Now it’s walking over my leg and towards my face.
He’s examining me and stretching and doing cat stuff. It’s so hard not to pet it right now, ugh.
It took some sniffs at me and scattered away. Aw.

Fluttershy Today at 16:52 PM
But he got close to you, didn’t he?
That means he has warmed up to you already. So fast! Congratulations, you should be proud of yourself.

Oh, by the way, I have seen some of the (few) posts you have done here in MyStable.
I really like your cottagecore content.
I dig it, even. ;)

Wallflower_B Today at 16:53 PM
Thank you. Kindly.
This may be dumb but I’m glad I did this you know?
I may take a shower now. It’s been days since I last did that.
Anyway, talk to you later!

Fluttershy Today at 16:53 PM

February 28, 2018

Wallflower Today at 19:35 PM