//------------------------------// // It's the heart that matters // Story: Chivalric Training // by MLPandMiraculousFanatic //------------------------------// “It shouldn’t matter, it’s the thought that counts” Lumine answered “Exactly” Twilight answered “Are you sure? I still feel the choice of gifts matters… No matter what kind of relationship two people share” Noelle reminded “I know but sometimes, you can’t help with love problems, sometimes, the person who asks for help needs to listen to what their heart is saying” Twilight reminded “Exactly! That’s what Paimon always does when Paimon wants to say something” Paimon explained “Yet, you caused an argument back when we first met Venti” Lumine reminded “That was an exception! Paimon has learned from it!” Paimon explained “But I don’t have any experience in this area, I’m sure you’re right” Noelle said “Yeah we do” Twilight said with a blush “Thinking about your loved one back home aren’t you?” Lumine asked “What?! No! Of course not! I don’t have a crush, not even one like Flash Sentry!” Twilight answered nervously “Uh-huh” Lumine, Noelle and Paimon said suspiciously “Anyways… If the gift doesn’t matter according to you, the choices would be limitless… I can’t decide…” Noelle said worriedly before turning to the heroes “Do you three have any ideas?” Noelle asked “Sending a Mondstadt Grilled Fish should be fine” Lumine answered “A grilled fish?!” Twilight asked in shock “Do I need to remind you that in the winter when you couldn’t find leaves or anything vegetarian you ate meat?” Lumine asked “Well… I did say I didn’t like it and I was never planning on doing it again just please, don’t say it to Rainbow or anyone else of our friends” Twilight pleaded “Of course! Paimon’s lips are sealed!” Paimon said “Mine too” Lumine agreed “Huh… Will this really get his attention?” Noelle asked “I think it will, allow us to go and get it!” Lumine suggested Twilight and Lumine then went to a nearby lake “Okay, hope this works!” Twilight said Twilight then jumped into the water while turning a seapony thanks to her magic as she searched for the three perfect fishes before she caught them with her magic and jumped back out whilst turning into a pony “Did you get it?” Lumine asked “Yep! Let’s bake it now!” Twilight suggested The duo then went to a nearby cooking pot as Twilight while teary eyed began baking the fishes as she even dropped some condiments on it and when it was finished she put the three fishes onto a clean branch before the trio rushed back to Beatrice who was thinking to herself “How am I ever going to get Quinn to listen to me…?” Beatrice asked in worry “We’re back!” Lumine answered “Welcome back girls!” Noelle greeted before she noticed Twilight looked wet “What happened to you?” Noelle asked “Well, I may or may not have turned into a seapony in order to search the lake for some fishes” Twilight answered “Huh?” Noelle and Beatrice asked in confusion “It’s a skill of mine I learned back home” Twilight answered “Oh!” Noelle and Beatrice called out in realization “Don’t worry, Paimon and I were confused too” Lumine reminded “Paimon has to agree with her!” Paimon agreed “Anyways, got the thing I needed?” Beatrice asked “Yep! Some Mondstadt Grilled Fish!” Lumine answered excitedly “Uh… Mondstadt Grilled Fish… For Quinn?” Beatrice asked in confusion “Yeah, what’s wrong with that?” Lumine asked “Well… I have often said that I would bring him lunch…” Beatrice recalled before she began thinking “Would this really work, hmm?” Beatrice thought out loud before shrugging off “I think it will” Noelle answered “Well, since it’s Noelle’s recommendation I’ll give it a try!” Beatrice said “We’ll wish you luck” Twilight said “Thanks” Beatrice thanked Beatrice then ran off in excitement “I hope Quinn understands Bea’s intentions and I hope we were a help this time…” Noelle hoped “Same here” Lumine agreed “Paimon thinks we all hope that” Paimon agreed “Yeah, Paimon’s right, we just have to believe in them” Twilight reminded “Speaking of which I think now is the best time not to disturb them” Lumine said “Yeah, according to Paimon, they need some peace and quiet right now!” Paimon agreed Noelle then had a realization as she turned to the trio in worry “Apologies by the way, I said we would take a break and I ended up bothering you” Paimon apologized before she had an idea “If you’re peckish just let me know, I can whip something up for you right away!” Noelle suggested “No whipping anything up, you’re taking a break, remember” Lumine reminded “Argh sorry, old habits die hard…” Noelle apologized The group then began relaxing and chatting the day away and after a while Noelle got a bit worried “You know… I-I’m still a little worried about how Bea is doing…” Noelle explained “Really?” Lumine asked “There’s no stopping you once you’re concerned about someone! Come on, let’s see how she’s doing!” Paimon suggested “Alright, alright, let’s go!” Lumine said The group then went towards Beatrice who seemed a bit sad “Ugh…” Beatrice groaned in sadness “Bea?” Noelle asked in worry “Oh… Hi Noelle…” Beatrice waved sadly “So… Ahem! Did you get a d-date with Quinn?” Noelle asked worriedly Beatrice then sighed in sadness and defeat “I barely want to talk about it… I hadn’t even given him the Mondstadt Grilled Fish when he muttered something about not having an appetite and not wanting to eat, I can’t force him to eat can I…?” Beatrice explained “You can if he’s a child” Lumine explained Twilight then glared at her “Not helping” Twilight reminded angrily “Looks like I’ll just have to try to ask him out some other time” Beatrice said Noelle then turned away as she had a frown and some teary eyes “I… I must apologize, next time I’ll help you find a much better gift!” Noelle apologized sadly “No need… It should be me apologizing, I was worried and dumped everything on you, it’s obvious, thinking about it now… Noelle can’t be good at everything…” Beatrice apologized in sadness and defeat “Oh…” Noelle said sadly “It’s okay, this isn’t your fault, I don’t blame you, I… I have to get going” Beatrice said “Please… Take care…” Noelle said sadly Beatrice then walked off as Lumine, Twilight and Paimon then turned to Noelle in worry “Noelle… Is everything okay?” Lumine asked worriedly “I’m… I’m fine… It’s just… I feel bad that I couldn’t help Bea…” Noelle answered sadly “It’s impossible to be an expert on everything you know…” Lumine reminded “You’re not wrong… But if I give up so easily then the next time someone needs help I’ll mess up again” Noelle explained “We get it but you’ll get better every time if you keep believing in yourself, take it from me, I’ve been to a lot of adventures but that doesn’t mean I never stopped believing in myself” Twilight explained before she got a flash of her friends glaring at her “Well, except for this one time of course” Twilight corrected “I may not know much about this sort of thing but at the very least I should try to learn something about it” Noelle said “That’s definitely a good idea and if you ever need help, you can always come and let us know” Lumine said “I… I’m going to the Knights of Favonius library! There must be some guidance there on the subject of love!” Noelle said “I’ll go with you, maybe one or a few books will interest me in some way” Twilight explained “Great, the next time I encounter a situation like this I’ll be able to help…” Noelle said “Great, then we’ll see you in a few hours” Lumine said “Yeah, later girls!” Paimon said Twilight and Noelle then walked off as Paimon turned to Lumine “Can Noelle really handle a subject as big as love by herself?” Paimon asked “I hope so” Lumine answered “Still, we should head to the library and see how they’re doing” Paimon suggested “Are you sure Paimon?” Lumine asked “Yeah, I mean, we were supposed to help her take a break, remember?” Paimon reminded “Oh shoot you’re right! Let’s go after them quickly!” Lumine suggested The duo then ran (Or flew in Paimon’s case) as fast as they could towards the Mondstadt Library where they saw Twilight looking at the bookcases while Noelle was sitting in a chair reading a bit in a love book “‘...Since you’ve already noticed, I guess I can let you lend a hand’” Noelle read before she realized what it meant “...Ah, so that’s how it works, when you meet the person who inspires your affections you have to find a way to do things together with them…” Noelle realized before she began reading again “Hmm… ‘Even if one’s not old enough to drink, one should still learn to discuss the different qualities of wine…’” Noelle read before she realized something again “I see, so you need to know how to make yourself interesting to draw people’s attention…” Noelle realized “Hey Noelle, what are you reading?” Lumine asked Noelle then gasped in shock “S-Sorry! I didn’t see you there! I was deep in concentration…” Noelle apologized “What about you Twilight, have you found any books that interest you?” Paimon asked “Of course I even helped her find all the books on love that I could find from the library” Twilight answered “Of course and when I’ve finished reading them I’ll finally be able to give decisive recommendations for next time! …Even if it is me” Noelle explained Lumine and Paimon who got interested then turned to the books on the table “So, what books do we have here?” Lumine asked “Well, let’s see… For example we have ‘Vera’s Melancholy’, ‘Heart of Clear Springs’... All of them contain detailed records of the experience of love! As a maid, my experience leaves a lot to be desired so I found the quickest way was to take examples from the classics! There’s also ‘A Guide to Tavern Chat’ and ‘Shortcuts to Love’, these are much more practical in nature! And of course there are even books that focus on theories of love!” Noelle explained “That does sound interesting” Lumine said “Oh! And then there’s this one, this book’s about… Mmm… Hmm… Hmm?” Noelle thought “About what?” Lumine asked “Can we take a look?” Twilight asked “N-No! …Nothing! This book… It’s too early to read this book… L-Let’s look at another one… You have to learn the basics first after all…” Noelle suggested “Good idea” Twilight said Noelle then picked a book before she realized something “Uh, so this book is about… Huh? The S-Same as that one…? Guess this must be a pretty… Common topic…” Noelle said in shock and disbelief only to sigh in defeat “Looks like I… Still have a lot to learn…” Noelle said sadly “Don’t worry, as long as you take a break it’ll all be fine” Twilight said before she realized something “A break? We were supposed to take a break!” Twilight realized in shock and disbelief [You got the Realization Ending! Wanna try again? 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