EQG Fallout Equestria: Lost Soul

by Nismo Rose

Chapter One: Good bye

Chapter One: Good bye 

A weighty choice is yours to make: the right selection or a big mistake. If a wrong choice you choose to pursue, the foundations of home, crumble without you. 

The bell from the school rings and all the students flood out of the classrooms in a hurry to make it home and escape the drooling days of school. As desperate they are to leave they are more cautious of one student in particular, Sunset Shimmer. Sunset walks out of her class room with a smug smile on her face as her peers avoid eye contact or being in her way so as not to offend the bully.

Everyone knew the number one rule with the high school bully, stay out of her way. Unfortunately one student who was a bit too slow and didn’t notice Sunset behind her was in Sunset's way. Sunset harshly nudges her to the side making the girl yelp in surprise. “Why don't you watch where you’re going!?” She ye’ll angrily at the student making the unfortunate girl run off crying. No one does or say anything and avoids eye contact then goes back to their lives knowing they can't do anything without being destroyed by the bully. Sunset smiles as she continues walking straight to her locker.

She opens her locker revealing a whole sorts of items. From school books, note books, extra clothes including her bikers jacket, and all sorts of various items. As she grabs her stuff a sudden book glows inside dimly and vibrates. Sunset’s eyes widen and she stands there in shock not expecting to get that old journal to ever get a message especially after so long. Great I bet it’s Sun-Ass trying to bribe me or convince me to come back. Before she slamming the locker trying to forget about the journal she hesitates, just wondering what Celestia wrote, or even if it was Celestia that wrote in there.

Sunset grabs the journal and heads off to the back of the school to curious to read it instead of reading it in the privacy of her own home, if you can even call it a home. She hurriedly runs to the back and lays against the wall and quickly opens the journal and begins to read it. 


Sunset zoomed through the streets only slowing down on a stop light or the usual spots cops like to park their car waiting for other people to speed pass by them, and the occasional stop sign. She passed the nice neighborhood and into an abandoned section, there she parked her bike in a hidden spot and covered it with a tarp.

Quickly she ran up to her room on the 4th floor slamming the door open and just as hastily slammed it shut. Sunset took off the helmet, throwing it to the side of the room on her dirty mattress breathing heavily, her heart beating loudly in her ears. After a few minutes of deep breathing she got her backpack that was slumped next to her grabbing the journal and continued to read the it. 
Before I go I just want to say I am so sorry, I’m sorry I abandoned you, I’m sorry I wasn't a better teacher and mentor, but most importantly I’m sorry I wasn't a mother that you needed. I realize now that what you needed wasn't a teacher, especially one that was trying to control your destiny but a loving and caring mother. I know this is late and I don't deserve to say this or write it, but I love you my daughter. You are more than I could ever ask for and you have made me so proud. I only hope you can say the same about me. 

From your loving mother, Celestia.  

She just kept on reading it over and over again begging it wasn't real that it was some type of joke that she'd get a message any minute saying that it was all just a big joke! Deep down inside she knew Celsetia would never joke about death or war like this. Sunset just laid there against the door and tears falling down her face freely as she openly started weeping.

For so long she waited for her revenge for so long she was going to show Celestia that she was worthy of becoming an alicorn! But now all she could do was weep for her old mentor… her mother. She tucked her legs in holding them and her head tightly muttering to herself “no, no, no, no, no”. A thought came to her mind after a bit. s-she called me mom. Sunset quietly said in her mind hoping it was and wasn't true. I always wanted to call her mom.

After a few hours of cry she got up dragging herself to bed and flopped face first, not even bothering to get changed or eat. All she wanted to do was sleep all she could do was sleep. Her blood shot eyes slowly fluttering close and finally she passed out. The last thing she thought as her mind laid to rest and enter the dream world was. I hope this was all just a bad dream... I miss mom I need her.