//------------------------------// // Season 3: Episode 10 - Blurring the Lines // Story: Hamtaro x MLP:FiM - Little Hamsters, Pony Adventures // by RobtheMorpherPony //------------------------------// It was a simple day at Ponyville Elementary, though suddenly the bell rang and students began pouring out of the school as school had just ended. "So, you really want to assist us with our class project Amythyst?" Apple Bloom asked. "Well, I've never done a group project before. And I'd rather do it with foals I know I can trust. Like you three." Amythyst said. "Sounds like you have a plan." Cozy Glow suddenly said. "Oh hey Cozy Glow." Apple Bloom said. "Weren't you paired with Penelope since your both new?" "Oh I am. It's just, I'm not too entirely sure about my subject choice. It's about the Everfree Forest." Cozy Glow said. "Wait, you want to make something about the Everfree Forest?!" Sweetie Belle exclaimed. "Yeah, that place is said to be mega dangerous inside." Scootaloo said. "I had a feeling you'd react that way. The way every pony around Ponyville talks about the Everfree Forest, makes it sound like a bad thing. But is it really that bad? I have to know." Cozy Glow said. "Well, you did live up in the mountains, and you probably have no idea about the dangers of the forest. Still, try not to get too over your head." Apple Bloom said. "Yeah. I know the dangers after Apple Bloom told me all about them, and being a changeling, I could just feel the fear dripping off her as she explained everything." Amythyst said. "Oof. It's that bad is it? Wait, don't spoil me. I wanna find out myself." Cozy Glow said and then flew off. "Well, if Cozy Glow could find something out that the rest of Ponyville doesn't know, that would be a good thing." Apple Bloom said. "Oh please, she's playing you girls. She wants you to get interested and try to research the same topic." Sparkle said. "She's good, I'll give her that, but she ain't fooling this hamster." "...Wow, we did totally almost fall for that, huh?" Sweetie Belle asked. "Hey, I doubt she had any ill intent behind it." Apple Bloom said. "Well all I know is--OOF!" Scootaloo said as she suddenly ran into something. "...What'd I run into?" Scootaloo asked as she looked and saw a mysterious looking creature. One third of it's body was red, one third a light blue, and another third a pretty dark gray color. It also closely resembled some kind of dog creature. Mid A/N: Do you know how much lewd Switch Dog art I had to shift through to find a SFW pic of one? TOO. DAMN. MUCH. How is there still lewd art of that fake mascot? At this point, Nintnedo should just reach out to the original creator, and strike an agreement to make the Switch Dog official for the switch's successor because lord knows people will be making a meme of the successor like this, so Nintendo just might as well embrace the mascot now before the porn for the successor starts. And just embrace the porn, because the internet be horny. "Oh I'm sorry. I was just walking by and observing things." The creature said. "Call me Deca." "Well, after talking hamsters, I guess a talking dog-like creature is not much of a shock." Scootaloo said. "Oh, this? This is just a drone body for me to use to interface with intelligant life forms like yourselves. I'm actually an AI program." Sweetie Belle said. "...Wait, what?!" Amythyst exclaimed. It took a long time for the entire day, but the foursome managed to make an entire presentation about AI and what it's about, with Deca providing so much of the answers. "Wow, I didn't think we'd learn so much about this sort of stuff. Who know AI existed?" Sweetie Belle asked. "Let's just leave that question as a big mystery. I was all too happy to provide assistance. I hope you ace your project." Deca said. True to Deca's word, the CMC plus Amythyst got the highest score for the group project, barely beating out Cozy Glow's presentation on the Everfree Forest. As for the group with the lowest score... "Okay, I'll give Cozy Glow's group points for finding stuff about the Everfree most of Ponyville didn't bother researching until now, but how did this presentation beat even my group?!" Diamond Tiara excalimed. "Your group got the lowest score though." Snip said. Before Diamond Tiara could belittle him, Miss Cheerilee said. "Because unlike you, this wasn't the fifth time they talked about Barnyard Bargins as a project topic. Honestly, your mother may be the head of the board, but I think it'd be better if you tried something more unique for next time." Diamond Tiara growled. "Now now, I think the fact that AI exists is an excellent topic." Cozy Glow said. "Though, where did you get all this information from anyway?" "We asked this self-proclaimed AI program called Deca. She acted a lot like a very friendly pony all things considered." Scootaloo said. "Err, if you can say that, then what makes AI really all that different from an actual living breathing creature?" Cozy Glow asked. Suddenly, the entire class felt a chill run down their spine. "...I think Deca just taught us all something." Apple Bloom said. "Yeah: That the line between what's artificial intelligence, and what's actually a real pony can be blurred..." Sweetie Belle said. "And on that note, I'm ending the school early today. Let's...just pretend we didn't have an essentitial crisis in school today, how's that sound class?" Miss Cheerilee said. The foals all celebrated, getting their minds off the idea of an AI program so advanced, it was hard to tell them apart from a real creature. After all, it's not like such a thing could really exist right? ...Meanwhile, outside the school, Deca was looking in, and then giggled. "They really shouldn't worry to much. I'm a very friendly AI. I promise~" Deca said, and then winked.