//------------------------------// // Happy Birthday, Sonic! // Story: Equestria Girls: Sonic the Hedgehog Chronicles // by sonicfan05 //------------------------------// This takes place one month after the events of EQG: Sonic the Hedgehog. It was a nice sunny day in Canterlot City. Everyone who lived there was busy with their routines while enjoying their day. Some were working during their shifts at their assigned jobs, while others were chilling out while shopping with their friends. Even the kids and teens were relaxing at the local Sweet Shoppe having milkshakes after a long day of school. Everything was peaceful in this city with no incidents. Then suddenly, a strong blue wind blew past the city streets, startling the civilians in the process. If anyone managed to catch a single glimpse of that “wind”, they should’ve realized that this is no ordinary wind.  As it turns out, the “wind” was actually a blue anthropomorphic hedgehog named Sonic, the fastest thing alive. He was running across the city at high speed, dodging and jumping over any obstacle that was in his way. On top of it, he was also singing to himself a song that he heard from the Rainbooms weeks ago during their performance at Manehatten. “Sonic! He can really move! Sonic! He's got an attitude! Sonic! He's the fastest thing aliiiiiiive!” 🎵 Not too long ago, Sonic was on his own, living in a cave somewhere near Canterlot City’s Park so that he could be close to the Rainboom from afar for the past seven years. Despite that he wanted to befriend them, he took Longclaw’s instructions to keep himself hidden and be safe from harm, even though he felt extremely lonely. It all changed when he accidentally released his power on Canterlot High’s baseball field, resulting in being chased by some mad doctor named “Eggman” by G.U.N. Fortunately, he ran into those very girls he admired and they helped him try to escape from the doctor and to flee to another world. When the evil doctor caught up with them, however, Sonic and the Rainbooms worked together to defeat the doctor once and for all and even sent the doctor to the mushroom planet. Best of all, GUN has left him and the girls alone, so he could be free to roam Canterlot City and be with the Rainbooms without the fear of being captured. Speaking of which, the young hedgehog has never felt so happy in his entire life. He has not only gained new friends, he has also gained a family from the Rainbooms. He spent his days at each of the Rainbooms’ houses, but the one he spent the most was the Sparkle’s home with Donut Cop, Crystal Lady, Brainiac, Spike, and Equestrian Girl who just moved in some time ago. Even the citizens of Canterlot City were very friendly and not scared of him, especially after he, along with the Rainbooms, became heroes. Everyone welcomed the blue hedgehog with open arms. All except for Crazy Lyra. Sonic guessed that she still had a bit of a grudge for making her the laughingstock of the town, but oh well. Sonic eventually came to a stop in front of Sweet Shoppe, just as he finished singing his song. “Ah! I'll never get tired of that song!” Sonic smirked, rubbing the bottom of his nose. “If there is a cartoon show about me, this should be the theme song!” Sonic then looked up at the Shoppe with a smile. “Sweet Shoppe… not too long ago, I would usually sneak near this building and look through the window to where they were sitting while imagining what those treats taste like.”  Sonic blinked and then rubbed the back of his head sheepishly. “That… sounded kinda creepy when I say that out loud.” He then shrugged. “Oh, well. At least I can freely go in and join them and I can taste some of the Cake Couple’s treats.” Licking his lips at the thought of those sweet treats, Sonic walked towards the main doors to open them so he could enter the shop. Only to be startled as soon as he heard some loud horns, followed by loud shouts by many people. “SURPRISE!” Sonic stood in shock, his mouth agape somewhat as he stared at the teens from CHS who jumped out of nowhere and nearly gave him a heart attack. Before he could ask, however, Pinkie Pie who was in front of the crowd spoke up sheepishly. “Oh whoopies, wrong person! Sorry Sonic!” Pinkie then faced the crowd. “Back to your positions, everyone!” As everyone returned to their hiding spots, grumbling all the while, Sonic simply stood there with a bewildered expression. “Huh? Wha?” Just then, a blonde girl with misaligned yellow eyes walked into the doors of Shoppe, only to be startled by everyone jumping out of their spots again. “SURPRISE!” “Happy Birthday!” Pinkie Pie appeared in front of the girl with confetti blasting behind her. As the surprised girl was processing this, Pinkie Pie placed a blue party hat with yellow polka dots on the girl’s head and then gave her a freshly baked muffin in her hand. The girl instantly smiled at this and took a bite of her muffin. “Now c’mon, birthday girl! It’s time to celebrate about you!” Pinkie gently led the girl towards the crowd with an exciting grin. “Let’s party!” The crowd cheered in response. “Hit it, DJ!” With a toothy smirk, the girl with purple shades and blue hair placed a few records on her mixer and started the music. The teens were having a blast as soon as the music began to play. Some came over to the birthday girl to say their wishes, and some began socializing with other guests with a punch or food, but everyone mostly danced to the music. While everyone was having a ball, Sonic stood in the middle of the Shoppe while covering his ears to block out the loud music, feeling even more confused than ever before. “What is happening!?” Sonic shouted, barely hearing himself over the blasting music. “Just what the heck is going on over here!?” Sonic was looking around the Shoppe frantically until his eyes landed on the Rainbooms, who were having a conversation on the other side of the shop. Determined to figure out what was going on in this shop, Sonic made a beeline towards the girls. Meanwhile, the Rainbooms were complimenting Pinkie’s recent work of setting up a party for that birthday girl they had just thrown. “Welp, another successful birthday party, Pinkie!” Applejack praised. Rarity nodded. “I concur! You really outdone yourself, darling!” “Yeah, Pinks! You’re amazing!” Rainbow Dash exclaimed. “Thanks!” Pinkie smiled as she glanced at the girl of the hour who was having fun dancing with her friends.  “I’m just happy that the birthday girl is so happy and everyone is having a good time!” “And that’s why you’re the best at this Pinkie!” Fluttershy said warmly. “Because you know how to make everyone smile and feel special for their birthday!” “Not to mention the food was great and the music is just awesome!” Sunset gave Pinkie her thumbs up. “I’m just impressed that you managed to set this up in such a short amount of time!” Twilight grinned. “I’m impressed with myself too, Twily!” Pinkie chirped. “Especially that I set the whole thing up with just a blindfold in just under ten minutes!” Twilight, as well as the others, was taken aback by Pinkie’s claim. “Blindfold!? Ten minutes!? HOW!?” Before Pinkie could answer, Sonic suddenly appeared beside them. “Hey! What’s going on here? What with the jumping, and the screaming, and the dancing, and this really loud music!? Just what is the occasion?” Sunset turned towards the blue hedgehog with a raised eyebrow. “You mean, you don’t know?” Sunset pointed at the blonde girl who was still dancing. “We’re celebrating this girl’s birthday because it’s her birthday today.” Sonic blinked and then turned to look at the blonde for a moment before facing the girls again with a confused expression. “Birthday?” Pinkie smiled. “Yeah! We’re celebrating the day she was born, which is very special to her and her friends who know her, which is why we threw a party for her to have fun and spend time with her. It’s a tradition for everyone on their birthdays!” Sonic blinked. “...everyone?” Pinkie nodded. “Yepperooni! Everyone celebrated their birthdays in their own way, even throwing their own birthday parties!” Pinkie took out her fruit punch from… somewhere and took a small sip. “I bet you have some fun birthday parties back from your world!” Sonic frowned and became quiet for a moment, not looking at anyone in the eyes as if he was embarrassed about something. “Actually, I… never had a birthday party.” All of a sudden, the music immediately stopped with a loud record scratch. Everyone stopped dancing and turned towards the hedgehog with wide shocked eyes. The Rainbooms also stared at the blue hedgehog with a mixture of shock and pity, nearly forgotten how alone he was before they even met him. But the one who was the most shocked was Pinkie Pie, who unceremoniously dropped her glass of fruit punch on the floor with her eyes as wide as saucers and her pupils shrunk to the size of pin needles. “...what!?” Pinkie whispered. “What?” Sonic asked with a confused expression. Not sure if she heard it correctly, Pinkie Pie tried to clean her right ear with her finger. “What? What did you say?” Still confused, Sonic repeated his statement. “I've never had a birthday party.” Pinkie Pie felt her left eye twitch. “I-I'm sorry... I-I don't…” “I've never had a birthday party!” Sonic repeated, slightly annoyed at Pinkie’s behavior. Still bewildered, Pinkie Pie took out a pair of glasses from her hair and put them on. She also took out a dictionary from… somewhere and then frantically looking through the pages. “T-those words! Is it possible to use them in a sentence together like that?” Feeling even more annoyed at Pinkie’s antics, Sonic repeated those words in a loud voice three times. “I've never had a birthday party! I've never had a birthday party! I've never had a birthday party!” Pinkie let out a loud gasp, throwing her glasses and dictionary behind her. “You never have a birthday party!?” “Yes! That is what I have been saying!” Sonic shouted. Pinkie’s expression became dumbfounded, nearly gaping like a fish. “How!? How you never had a single birthday party!?” “Um, Pinkie? Need I remind you that he spent most of his life hiding and on the run from everyone?” Rainbow Dash pointed out. “He couldn't have a birthday party… let alone celebrate his birthday!” “Not to mention he was alone in his cave after arriving in our world for who knows how long!” Sunset added solemnly. “He didn’t have anyone to celebrate back then.” “For the record, I was living in a cave for almost seven years,” Sonic spoke up sheepishly. “But that was all in the past, I’m not alone anymore.” “Still, seven years is a very long time!” said Fluttershy with a look of pity. Pinkie Pie suddenly had a serious expression and moved her face so close to Sonic’s to the point that their noses were touching. “Sonic… when were you born?” Feeling uncomfortable with Pinkie’s lack of space bubble, but answered her regardless. “I… I don't even know what day I was born. But from what Longclaw told me, I would say I was born roughly… fourteen years ago?” Pinkie’s eyes widened in shock. “Fourteen years without a birthday party!?” She then shook her head. “No! No no no no no no! This will not do! No one should ever live without a birthday party! No one! I must correct this at once!” “H-hey, it's okay, Cotton Candy Girl!” Sonic assured nervously, trying to calm Pinkie down. “It's no big deal.” “No big deal!?” Pinkie screeched, making Sonic wince from her shout. “Sonic, you not having a party is a big deal! And I will throw you a well-deserved party– no! A fourteen years worth of parties combined!” She then made a gesture of crossing her heart before placing her hand over her eye. “I Pinkie Promise you!” Pinkie’s words took aback the girls and Sonic, especially ending it with her signature “Pinkie Promise”. Everyone who knew Pinkie knew that whenever Pinkie Pie used her Pinkie Promise, she took her promises very seriously and would fulfill them no matter what without ever breaking them. And if anyone ever dared to try to break a Pinkie Promise on her or anyone who used them… Let’s say, you should never get on her bad side. “Uh, Pinkie Pie… are you sure? Trying to put together fourteen years of birthday parties combined sounds like a daunting task, even for you,” Twilight asked in concern. “It’ll be fine, Twily! This isn’t the first time I pulled off planning a huge party!” Pinkie Pie waved off Twilight’s concern before giving Sonic her assuring grin. “Anyway, I’m going to get ready to start planning your big party! Hope you look forward to that! Later!” With a blink of an eye, Pinkie quickly rushed out towards Sweet Shoppe’s front doors and vanished without a trace. The group stared at the doors for a moment before Sonic slowly faced the Rainbooms with a look of concern and fear. “Um… should I be worried?” Everyone simply shrugged in response. Sometime later, Pinkie Pie was in her room, making plans to throw a long overdue party for a certain blue hedgehog. Pinkie laid out all of her party supplies throughout her room, experimenting with what colors and themes would work for that particular party. There was even a huge whiteboard on the wall with various writings and drawings explaining her party plan's details. Pinkie Pie stared up at her wall with a huge grin. “Oh, right! This took me hours to come up with a perfect party plan for Sonic, but this will be sooo worth it!” Pinkie moved closer to the board where the images of food were located. “I’ll gather all of Sonic’s favorite food to cater the party, including chili dogs!” Pinkie then pointed at the images of games on the board. “Then I’ll include every single party game imaginable, so Sonic can experience them all!” Pinkie then pointed at various chibis of the students from her school. “Then I’ll invite every single person, including my friends at school to the party!” Finally, Pinkie pointed at the images of chibi Pinkie and her friends cheering to a very happy chibi blue hedgehog wearing a party hat. “And once Sonic arrives, we yell “SURPRISE”, and then we will have fun all day until the sun sets. And Sonic will have the best birthday party ever!” Pinkie clapped her hands and her eyes brightened. “This will take a few days to set up, but this plan is foolproof! Nothing can go wrong with this idea!” While Pinkie was still fantasizing about her greatest plan, her older sister Maud, who was wearing her usual dark teal outfit, walked into Pinkie’s room with an expressionless face. Image by: CloudyGlow Pinkie then noticed Maud as she turned around with a bright smile. “Oh, hey sis! What’s up?” “I just got a call from Sonic,” Maud replied in a monotone voice. “He said that he’s coming over for a visit.” “What!?” Pinkie shrieked, panicking that the hedgehog would discover her plan for his surprise party. “When’s he coming?” “... thirty seconds,” Maud replied. With a speed that almost matched Sonic’s, Pinkie quickly ran around the room to hide all the “evidence” relating to Sonic’s party wherever place she could. She even took down her whiteboard and placed it haphazardly under her bed. By the time Pinkie finished her room, Sonic ran into Pinkie’s room with a wave. “Hey, ladies!” “Sonic!” Pinkie greeted with a nervous grin. She paused when she noticed part of the whiteboard stuck out from under the bed before she causally kicked it under her bed. “W-what a surprise! What brings you here?” Sonic noticed Pinkie’s strange behavior but decided not to question it. “Um, is this a bad time? I can come back another–” “Oh, no no no! Please, come in!” Pinkie sat down on her bed, patting a spot next to her. “It’s never a bad time to see your Auntie Pinkie!” Sonic cocked an eyebrow before facing Maud. “Auntie Pinkie?” “Just go with it,” Maud advised in her monotone voice before walking out of Pinkie’s room. With a shrug, Sonic sat down on the bed next to Pinkie. “Soooooo… you're seriously going to throw a party for me?” Pinkie nodded. “Of course, I’m throwing you a party!” Her expression became serious. “Parties. Are. Serious! You never had one in your entire life, so it’s my mission to give you the best birthday party that you deserve!” Sonic blinked. He knew Pinkie was determined to set up a party, but he didn’t think she would take it so seriously. Because of her statement, one thought entered his mind and he decided to ask her right then and there. “Pinkie… why do you always set up a party for everyone?” Pinkie grinned. “Because somebody has to!” Sonic frowned. She didn’t answer his question. Just as he was about to speak Pinkie interjected. “Anywho, I have a list of things to ask you that you want for your party!” Pinkie takes out a list from her hair before reading it. “Like, what is your favorite kind of cake? What fun party activities do you like? Do you want me to cater chili dogs? Would you like me to hire musical bands like Blast Processing?” Sonic shook his head. “Cotton Candy Girl! Those aren't necessary! You don’t have to go that far! Heck, no need to throw me one, especially this month!” Sonic’s eyes suddenly widened and covered his mouth as if he had just spoken something forbidden. Pinkie blinked. “This month? What do you mean?” Sonic looked away, not saying a word for a moment. He glanced back at Pinkie to see that she was watching him, silently waiting for him to speak. Realizing that he couldn’t escape from this, Sonic sighed and faced the party girl. “Listen, Pinkie… I never told anyone this… not even Equestria Girl. Will you promise to keep this a secret?” Pinkie nodded. “Of course! You can trust me!” Sonic let out another sigh before speaking. “Well, I recently checked my calendar today and I realize… that it's almost my seven-year anniversary this month.” “Seven-year anniversary!” Pinkie gasped. “And it’s this month!? Oh my gosh, that’s huge! It was when you first showed up in this world, wasn’t it?” She then made a huge smile. “This is even better! We can combine your birthday and your anniversary together! Like a Birth-iversary!” Sonic winced. “Actually… I don’t want you to do that!” Pinkie’s mind froze like a computer that just received an error and could not compute. When she recovered a moment later, Pinkie turned to Sonic with a bewildered expression as if he was crazy. “WHAT!? Why not!? That was your best day ever!” “No! It was actually the worst day ever of my entire life!” Sonic shouted. Pinkie frowned, staring at Sonic in confusion. Knowing that he had to explain himself further, Sonic sighed again. “When I first came to this world… I don’t even know where else to go. I had to keep myself hidden without being discovered. And even if I want to… who would want to befriend me, let alone go near me! Crazy Lyra certainly set a great example when I approached her the first time.” He sadly stared down at his knees. “I had to go through garbage to find food, hiding in a box at some alleyway to hide from the rain, I even had to use a dirty blanket to keep myself warm… only it was stolen by some dogs! And worse of all…” Sonic shut his eyes with a pained expression. “It was the day I lost Longclaw… and I was truly alone in the world.” There was silence in the room, as Sonic still had his head low refusing to look up at Pinkie. Just as he wondered if Pinkie was still with him, Pinkie spoke up in a whisper. “You want to know why I always want to throw parties for everyone?” Sonic slowly opened his eyes and looked up at Pinkie. He was slightly surprised that Pinkie was looking up at the ceiling with a somber look and her poofy hair flattened somewhat. Before he could say anything, Pinkie continued in her quiet tone. “When I was little, my family used to not do so well financially and we always had to get by even assisting mom and dad with their job on the fields… and we were miserable. No joy, no fun, no smiles… always frowning. And because of that, I used to be withdrawn, lonely, and shy.” Sonic nearly dropped his jaw, surprised by the revelation. As if Pinkie could read his mind, Pinkie turned her head towards him. “I know what you're thinking, “Pinkie Pie? Shy? That's CRAZY!” I know, it is so hard to believe I was like that, but it's true!” Pinkie turned away from him. “Anyway, one day, I was by myself, working at one part of the field as usual, when all of a sudden, there was this huge explosion! I don't know where it came from, but it hit me before I even realized it. And when I came to…” Pinkie smiled and her hair became poofy again. “I saw the most beautiful sight: a beautiful rainbow over our old home with warm sunlight coming from the sky. And it made me feel… so happy that even my heart felt lighter than air. I never felt so much joy before! I felt so good that I wanted to keep on smiling forever. I also wanted everyone to feel that joy too, but rainbows don't usually come that often. So I wondered, how else can I create some smiles?” “So I spent the day in our old family’s barn, secretly setting up a party for my family. They never had a party before in their life, myself included. I heard parties can be fun and make people smile, so I figured that that would be the best thing to make my family happy. After I was finished, I lured my family into the barn before I surprised them with a party! “At first, I thought they hated it when they were just standing there like statues, which made me think I failed. But to my surprise, they suddenly smiled and they were even crying in happy tears. Then we all celebrated and enjoyed our party until the sunset and our bellies were stuffed with sweets. And you know what they said to me before that day ended?” Pinkie smiled genuinely. “They told me that me throwing a party for them… is the happiest day of their life. And that also became the happiest day of my life.” Pinkie turned her head to Sonic. “A few days after that, my dad finally got himself a stable job and then we moved to this house where we lived today. And best of all, our lives are much happier than they have been before. Sure, our lives aren't perfect, but we became closer than ever and we still have something to smile about.” Pinkie placed her hand over her heart. “That day inspired me to keep on throwing parties for everyone I meet. It's not just for them to have fun, but also to make them feel happy so they can remember their most happy memories for the rest of their lives and to spread joy to others. That… is why I always love to throw parties and why I take them seriously!” Sonic stared at Pinkie in awe, seeing the usual happy party girl in a whole new light. “Pinkie Pie… I had no idea!” “I know you were lonely in the past, but you’re not lonely anymore. You have us now, and I want  to throw you a party to remind you that!” Pinkie gently grasped Sonic's hand. “So let me ask you that again, please let me throw you a party? I Pinkie Promise that that’ll be the best party you ever have!” Sonic stared silently for a moment. While he was still unsure about having a party on his behalf, the girl before him wanted to make it happen and to make him happy. Quite frankly, Sonic was already touched that Pinkie was setting up a birthday party just for him. Sonic didn’t want to make this a big deal, but if it meant a lot to Pinkie, then who what kind of a hedgehog would deny that? Sonic sighed with a smile. “Okay, if you truly think that this is the best for me then… I'll let you throw a party for me.” “Yay!” Pinkie cheered, her hair becoming puffy again before hugging Sonic tightly. “I promise that you won't regret this!” “Just… try not to overdo it!” Sonic wheezed from being hugged too tightly. “And will you please, let me go?” Pinkie immediately let Sonic go with a sheepish smile. Sonic cleared his throat. “Anyway… I should get back to the Sparkles, I promised I clean my room.” He smirked. “Which should take me about… a millisecond!” Pinkie giggled. "You do that while you let your Auntie Pinkie take care of all the party preparations!” Sonic was about to ask Pinkie about the ‘Auntie Pinkie’ comment, but he decided to drop it with a shrug. “If you say so.” Just as Sonic was about to speed out of Pinkie’s room, Pinkie suddenly remembered something and called out to him. “Oh, Sonic! When is the date of your first arrival to this world?” She asked before quickly adding, “Just out of curiosity!” Sonic cocked an eyebrow at her but answered anyway. “It's… tomorrow.” Pinkie’s eyes widened in shock. “T-t-tomorrow? As in, ‘tomorrow’ tomorrow? A-are you sure it's tomorrow!?” Sonic tilted his head at Pinkie’s sudden strange behavior. “Er, yes… tomorrow. I remember that date when I first arrived on Earth. I managed to glance at someone's calendar as I ran by to hide myself.” Pinkie’s left eyebrow twisted rabidly. After hearing about Sonic’s upcoming anniversary, she wanted to make his day even special by throwing a party to celebrate his birthday and his first arrival. Two cupcakes in one bite. But hearing that the date took place tomorrow at short notice with a lot of preparations sounds difficult– no, impossible. Even for her! As Pinkie was sitting there in silence, trying not to break down, Sonic was staring at her in concern. “Uh, Pinkie… are you okay? You're looking a little twitchy?” “Twitchy!? Me!? No one’s twitching!” Pinkie squeaked in a high-pitched voice, darting her eyes rapidly with her crazed smile. Sonic blinked. “Why are your eyes darting around like that?” “...It'swhatIdowhenI'mnotnervous!” Pinkie shouted before she erupted into a burst of insane laughter. Sonic nervously stepped back, perturbed at the sight. “Oooooookay, I think it's time for me to head back. Later!” With a quick wave, Sonic rushed out the door, causing Pinkie’s bedroom door to close on its own. Once she knew for sure Sonic had left for good, Pinkie dropped her smile. Parts of her plan were already up in smoke. Instead of prepping Sonic’s biggest party in a few days, she will only have to set it up and then celebrate within a day. This sudden monkey wrench made Pinkie fall backward on her bed and let out a distressed moan.  “Oh, candy corn! …I’ve got some work cut out for me!” Somewhere within Canterlot City, a mysterious person was casually wandering around town until that person stopped when their body began to shake like crazy. “Woo-hoo-hoo-hoo! That was a doozy!” The person turned towards was the source was coming from and narrowed their eyes. “I know I have a job to do, but it looks like there’s something in Canterlot City I must take care of first!” The next morning at the Sparkle’s household, Sunset, and Twilight ate their breakfast and coffee at the family table. With Sonic going out on his morning runs and Shining and Cadance already going out on an errand, it was only those two girls in the house. With Sonic occupied, this allowed Sunset to talk to her friend about the events from yesterday. “Poor Sonic… it was hard for him enough that he was alone for seven years after he was forced to leave Longclaw behind, and having no birthdays on top of that?” Sunset shook her head with a sigh. “I can’t even imagine what that’s like.” “Not to mention, he was also being chased by everyone who wanted his power,” Twilight sipped her coffee with a frown. “While his troubles were behind him, I can tell that he was still longing for a birthday celebration of his own… despite him saying he doesn’t need one.”  Sunset nodded. “Pinkie has the right idea. Sonic deserved to have a birthday and then some!” She smiled. “Especially now that he has us on his side.” “I agree with you, Sunset!” Twilight smiled back, but then she frowned in concern. “But I’m worried that Pinkie Pie may overwork herself. Celebrating fourteen years of birthdays may be too much even for her!” Sunset smirked. “Twilight, she’s Pinkie Pie, the professional party organizer! She pulled off way more impossible tasks before! And besides, we’ll help her if she needs us!” Twilight remained unconvinced. “The fact that she doesn’t ask us for help yet concerns me the most!” Before they continued their conversation, they were suddenly interrupted when they heard knocking coming from their front door. “Who could that be?” said Sunset. The two teens left their seats and then headed towards the living room by the front door. When they opened the door, it was revealed to be none other than Pinkie Pie who was the one behind the door.  Nothing seems out of the ordinary from the party girl except for two things. Aside from her usual white shirt, long white socks, and a pink fluffy skirt, Pinkie was also wearing a yellow and blue striped party hat with a red clown nose over her normal one. Sunset and Twilight raised their brows but decided to greet her anyway. “Hey Pinkie Pie!” said Sunset. “What are you–” Before Sunset could finish her sentence, Pinkie went up to Sunset and Twilight’s faces and began to sing with high energy. “This is your singing telegram, I hope it finds you well! You're invited to a party, 'cause we think you're really swell!” 🎵 The two girls continued to watch in stunned silence as Pinkie continued her performance. Sometime later, Pinkie Pie was performing in front of Rarity and Sweetie Belle’s home with those two sisters in question watching her. This time, Pinkie was wearing a black tuxedo with a white shirt, purple bowtie, and a black tophat with a purple ribbon around the base.  “Sonic's turning fourteen years old, so help us celebrate. The cake will be delicious, the festivities first-rate!” 🎵 Pinkie was now dancing in front of the Apple’s home near Sweet Apple Acres with Applejack and Apple Bloom watching her now. Pinkie was wearing her usual clothes again, only this time she was also wearing a purple party popper contraption around her shoulders and the top of her head which went off occasionally during her performance.  “There will be games and dancing, bob for apples, cut a rug. And when the party's over, we'll gather 'round for a group hug!” 🎵 Pinkie Pie was now performing her dance in front of Rainbow Dash’s house with Rainbow Dash watching her this time along with Scootaloo who was dropping by. Pinkie was now wearing a rainbow clown wig and comically large sunglasses as she was singing. Unlike her previous visits, she was starting to slow down and was somewhat out of breath. She was even sweating a little as she was dancing. “No need to bring a gift, being there will be enough. Birthdays mean having fun with friends, not getting lots of stuff!” 🎵 Pinkie’s next visit was at Fluttershy’s house with the shy girl watching her from her front door. Pinkie was now wearing a cake costume as well as a cake hat. She was singing much slower than ever and was out of breath from all her previous performances. She was also barely dancing as she performed to the point of exhaustion with sweat pouring down from her forehead. Despite all that, Pinkie was determined to finish her performance for her friend. “It won't be the same without you, so we hope that you say yes. So, please, oh please R.S.V.P. And come, and be our guest!” 🎵 As soon as she was done singing, Pinkie immediately collapsed onto Fluttershy’s yard and passed out, causing Fluttershy to stare at her in concern. “...oh dear.” Pinkie panted as she reached the top of the second floor of her home and made her way into her bedroom toward her bed. “Next time, I think I’ll just pass out written invitations,” Pinkie wheezed before collapsing on her bed facedown. Pinkie was out visiting her friends all morning to perform her singing telegram for Sonic's Surprise Birthday Party. By the time she was finished, it was nearly noon, so Pinkie returned to her home to take a break in hopes to recharge herself. Despite her progress, she barely even started. She still needed to visit everyone else from her school to invite them as well. And even when she is done with those invites, she still has to order food, bake a cake, set up games, and put up the decorations… all before the end of the day. Just the thought of starting those tasks after the invites made Pinkie groan loudly in distress. While Pinkie was resting on her bed, she barely even noticed her older sister Maud walking into the room. “You’re exhausted, Pinkie,” said Maud in her monotone voice but had a slightly concerned expression. “You stayed up all night just to come up with the singing telegram. You should take it easy.” “I can’t, Maud!” Pinkie exclaimed as he lifted her head a little. “I still have to visit the other kids from our school and invite them to Sonic’s birthday party, and then set up the party itself and it has to be a really really big one! It’s his most important event!” Maud blinked. “Couldn’t you have your friends to come and help you? I think this party may be too big for you to handle… even you.” Pinkie immediately sat up with an annoyed frown. “Maud, I’ve been a professional party planner since I was even born! I can handle all of this just fine! Pinkie Promise!” Later that day, Pinkie Pie was at a mall, sitting by herself at a food court with a tired, miserable expression. Earlier, she resumed performing her singing telegram to every CHS student from her school, only to feel tired just barely half of the list of overall students. Then she tried to go to various markets and restaurants to order catering but was denied due to short notice or not having enough food. Then she visited a lot of party and toy stores to buy decorations and games, but to Pinkie’s rotten luck, they were also short on stock.  Even Mr. and Mrs. Cake, despite working very well with Pinkie in the past, weren't able to bake a huge birthday cake at short notice much to their shame. Pinkie assured the cakes that she didn’t have ill will towards them, but it still left her a huge problem with no cake, let alone a birthday party for Sonic. Pinkie slumped forward. “Gee… this is a lot harder than I thought. I couldn't even finish a single task! It would be easier if I had Dashie's and Sonic's super speed, but even then… none of the vendors and supplies are available!”  Pinkie's thoughts were on Sonic, who was excited to have a party from her, only to be disappointed that his party would not happen. With tears in her eyes, She placed her hands on her head and moaned in distress.  “I don’t think I can do this! I'm sorry Sonic… looks like I'll be breaking my Pinkie’s promise.” “Hey there Miss, why the frowny face?” Pinkie immediately looked up to see some strange guy with a look of concern. He had curly brown hair and green eyes. He was wearing a yellow shirt, blue jeans, and brown slip-on sneakers. He also had an emblem, which appeared to be an accordion but looked like pieces of grilled bread and melted string cheese on the right side of his chest. Pinkie admitted that the guy before him looked so handsome and would probably have gone gaga over him. But due to current circumstances, she was not in the mood. Pinkie looked away from him with a depressed look. “Oh, it was nothing… you probably don't want to hear all about the sad things coming from me.” The stranger smiled as he took a seat in front of her. “Hey, why would I not want to listen to you? You look like you could use someone to lend you an ear.” He then took out his handkerchief from his pocket and handed it to Pinkie. “Besides… it's not in my good conscience to leave a pretty girl like you crying all alone.” Pinkie blushed but accepted his handkerchief and blew out her nose. She smiled at the stranger. “Thanks… I needed that.” The stranger smiled back. “So… what's been eating you up? I promise I will listen.” Pinkie just sat there, silently debating if she should say anything to this person. After all, they were both strangers and she didn't want to reveal anything about Sonic. But with the stranger's patient and friendly grin, Pinkie finally decided to tell him but left out the part that Sonic is a hedgehog. After about twenty minutes of Pinkie explaining her story, the stranger furrowed his brows, rubbing his chin with his finger. “Huh… that is quite the pickle you're dealing with, especially since you're trying to accomplish everything by today!” “I know, right!?” Pinkie exclaimed. “I thought I could handle it just like all the other parties I've thrown, but this is actually way over my head! And I don't know what to do!” “Well… ever thought of asking your friends for help?” The stranger suggested. “That's what my sister Maud told me,” Pinkie frowned. “I'm supposed to be a professional party Planner. I don't want others to think that I couldn't do it.” “Just because you are a planner, that doesn't mean that you have to do it alone. Even professionals ask for help.” The stranger grinned. “Besides, this party is supposed to be celebrating your friend's birthday and his first arrival in town, right? Wouldn't it make more sense if this party is set up by you and your friends? I bet it would make your friend's party much more special!” Pinkie’s eyes widened before smiling. “Oh, wow… I never thought of that! That would make his party much more special!” She then frowned. “But even with my friends' help, we still have a lack of supplies and we still haven't invited everyone yet!” The stranger had an assuring grin. “Don't you worry my friend, I'm here to help too!” “Really!? You will?” Pinkie asked happily. She then paused and tilted her head a little. “Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't catch your name?” “Oh, of course! How silly of me!” The Stranger said sheepishly before introducing himself. “The name is Cheese Sandwich, also known as The Super Duper Party Guy!” Image by: Lhenao Pinkie gasped. “You're the Super Duper Party person too!?” “I sure am!” Cheese Sandwich grinned. “I helped put together so many parties around the world, especially the ones with BIG occasions!” He chuckled as he gestured his body. “And just earlier, my cheesy sense was telling me that someone needs help setting up this huge party and then led me to you!” “Cheesy sense!” Pinkie shrieked in excitement. “I have one too, but mine is a Pinkie sense!” She giggled as she leaned closer to Cheese. “Well, I'm Pinkie Pie! So are you going to help me?” “You bet!” Cheese nodded. “Just one thing, what kind of person this Sonic is? This would help get a better idea of what type of party to throw him in.” Pinkie was about to reply, but she hesitated. Cheese tilted his head. “Is… there a problem?” “Oh… no, but um… Sonic is a little… shy. He prefers to celebrate with the people who're close to him,” Pinkie responded. Cheese cocked an eyebrow. “For someone who knows everyone at your school, he seems sociable to be shy.” Pinkie coughed awkwardly. “Oh, he's just shy outside of the locals! Other than that, he preferred to keep his party private.” “I see…” Cheese stated. “I guess we could keep this party more local if that is what he wishes, but I still don't know anything about the guy. Will you be telling me a little more about him?” Pinkie still hesitated. As much as she wanted to make his party happen, she didn’t want to risk Sonic's safety, especially to a stranger she just met. Seeing Pinkie’s distress, Cheese gave her a warm assuring grin. “Listen, while I don't know about this person, it's clear to me that he went through a lot of hard times and you're trying to protect him, and I respect that. But I promise you that I won't put him in harm's way, and I won't spread information about him. The only thing I cared about, is to give him the best party of his entire life! You have my word as the Super Duper Party Guy!” Pinkie felt conflicted. On the one hand, she promised her friends that she'll help keep Sonic hidden from prying eyes so that he doesn't get chased by the government again, especially G.U.N. They didn't want another Robotnik incident anytime soon. But on the other hand, Pinkie and her friends needed all the help she could get to make this party happen before the end of the day. Cheese Sandwich was also very sincere in helping her, which was enough for her to trust him.  However, she wanted to give him one small test just in case. Pinkie raised a brow. “You Pinkie Promise that you'll keep him safe?” Cheese smiled as he placed one hand over his heart while taking out a cupcake from his pocket. “I Pinkie Promise! Cross my heart and hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye!” To seal the deal, Cheese placed the cupcake from his hand to his left eye without hesitation.  Pinkie stared at him both in awe and admiration for a moment before she smiled. “Okay, I trust you! …but what I’m about to tell you is a doozy!” “Hey! I’m all for doozy!” Cheese smiled, despite having a cupcake on his left eye. “So, tell me about this guy.” Pinkie grinned. “Well for starters… he isn’t a person, per se.” Some time has passed and it was now in the early evening. The sky was light blue with the golden sun beginning to set in the background. Most of the citizens in Canterlot City would either be finishing school or done with their work for the day. One blue hedgehog was still around as he was running around the streets, singing another song that just popped randomly in his head. “It doesn't matter now what happens; I will never give up the fight!” 🎵 Sonic continued to sing and hum the song as he did some leaps and bounds around the vehicles until he did a flip jump over the fence and then landed near a road on the Suburb side of the city. “It doesn't matter who is wrong or who is right!” 🎵 Sonic smiled widely as soon as he finished singing his song. “Wow! That song just came to me! Maybe that should be my theme song! I'll have to ask Skittles and the others to include this for their band!” Sonic then tapped his chin in thought. "Now should I make this song a little laid back or fast-paced?" “Sonic!” Sonic turned his head at the sound of the voice just as Rainbow Dash caught up to him with her super speed. “Oh, hey Skittles!” Sonic waved. “What’s up?” “I’ve been looking all over for you Sonic!” said Rainbow Dash. “Sunset and Twilight said they wanted to show you something!” “They are?” Sonic blinked before he let out an excited gasp. “Is it a brand new issue of Filly-Second comic?” Rainbow Dash smirked. “No, but… but I think you’ll like it once we get back!” “Mmm… curious!” Sonic rubbed his chin in thought, wondering what it could be. He then shrugged with a smirk. “Guess I’ll find out! Race ya, Skittles!” “Hey! No fair!” Rainbow Dash complained before she chased after him. Sonic laughed as he and Rainbow Dash raced across the neighborhood. Within almost a second, they arrived right in front of the Sparkle residence. “Ha! I win!” Sonic cheered. Rainbow Dash gave Sonic a dirty look. “You only won because I let ya win!” “Suuuuuure you were!” Sonic teased before looking around. “So where’s Equestrian Girl and Brainiac? And what is it they wanted to show me?” “Oh, they’re here!” Rainbow Dash smirked as she grasped Sonic’s hand and led him around the house. “They’re right in the backyard!” Sonic had a confused look as he followed Rainbow Dash. “Backyard? Why would they be at the back–”   “SURPRISE!” Sonic jumped back in shock, feeling his heart hammering inside his chest ready to burst out. ‘Whoa… déjà vu!’ Sonic thought. Once Sonic shook off his shock, the first thing he noticed was that not only the rest of the Rainbooms were there, but also all of the students from CHS were happy to see him. Even Crazy Lyra was there, trying to act like she didn't even want to be there, but her expression said otherwise.  Sonic also noticed that the Sparkle's backyard looked completely different. There were party decorations everywhere with ring themes, including balloons, streamers, and even various party hats and tablecloths that matched his fur and ring colors. There was also a floating trampoline, a giant balloon version of himself, go-karts, a pool that was filled with fruit punch, a stage, and so many other cool things he couldn't keep track of. There was even a birthday cake in the center of the yard, which was the biggest cake he had ever seen. Before Sonic could say anything, he was interrupted when everyone let out a cheer. “Happy Birthday, Sonic!” Sonic could only blink in shock. “You… you all did this… for me?” Sunset smiled. “That's right, Sonic!” “We put all of this together, especially for you!” Twilight added. Fluttershy gave Sonic her caring smile. “And it's not just for your birthday…” “But also a celebration of your first arrival to Earth!” Rarity finished. Rainbow Dash gave Sonic her thumbs up with a smirk. “After everything you've been through, you deserve it, buddy!” “I… I don't know what to say,” Sonic stammered, trying to keep his emotions in check. “Thank you girls… so much!” “You should thank Pinkie Pie and Cheese Sandwich!” Twilight said warmly. “They are the ones who put this whole party together while the rest of us pitched in.” Pinkie winked. “Told ya, we're getting you the best party of your life!” “Pinkie…” Sonic awed before he went to hug the party girl. “...thank you. That's the nicest thing anyone has ever done for me!” Pinkie smiled warmly and hugged back. “You're welcome, Sonic.” Sonic eventually broke his hug and addressed Cheese. “And thank you too, dude. I… hope you don't mind my appearance.” Cheese chuckled. “None at all! Quite frankly, it's pretty cool to meet a talking alien hedgehog!” “I know Pinkie vouched for you, but will you keep Sonic a secret from the public?” Sunset asked. Cheese grinned assuringly. “You have my word!” Pinkie suddenly appeared on stage along with Fluttershy, who was bewildered to be in front of the audience so suddenly and was now wearing party hats.  “Before we begin this party, we should start out with an official birthday song for our favorite hedgehog! Performed by me and Flutter-butter!” Pinkie announced. “Um, Pinkie… I– I don't think I agree with that,” Fluttershy stammered nervously before adding quietly. “Especially with so many people watching.” “It'll be fine, Fluttershy!” Pinkie chirped assuringly before pointing towards the trees. “Besides, I'll sing with you! Even your birds want to sing along!” Fluttershy looked at the birds in a nearby tree as they chirped assuringly to her that they would join in. She then turned to face the crowd, more specifically at Sonic, who was giving Fluttershy his warm smile. Normally, Fluttershy doesn't like to sing in front of a large crowd, but because this was a special occasion for a friend, she decided to do it just this once to make him happy. “Oh, alright. For Sonic!” Fluttershy relented. “Great!” Pinkie cheered before facing the birds again. “Hit it!” With the starting signal from the birds, the two of them began to sing. @0:51 Happy birthday to you 🎵 Happy birthday to you 🎵 Happy birthday, happy birthday 🎵 Happy birthday to you! 🎵 From good friends and true 🎵 From old friends and new 🎵 Happy birthday, happy birthday 🎵 Happy birthday to you! 🎵 Pinkie Pie then suddenly popped up behind Sonic, stretching the song by adding new lyrics. “And many moooore!” 🎵 Pinkie Pie then handed Sonic a stuffed animal toy, which looked like a mixture of a lion, dragon, and scorpion. “A manticoooore!” 🎵Pinkie added, still singing. Pinkie Pie then disappeared, only to appear again, pushing the CMCs towards Sonic who was waving at him with smiles on their faces. “And Scootalooooo! With all her crewwwww!” 🎵 Pinkie Pie disappeared yet again and then reappeared in front of Sonic while wearing striped socks over her legs and arms while holding various clocks… for some reason. “And lots of cloooocks! And stripey soooocks!” 🎵 Before Pinkie could do any more to stretch out the singing, Applejack placed her hand over Pinkie’s mouth to silence her. “That’s enough, Pinkie! Ah think he gets it!” Despite having Applejack’s hand on her mouth, Pinkie smiled and nodded. Sonic smiled, feeling the warmth and happiness from his heart. He quickly used his arm to wipe off his unscheduled tears as he faced the Rainbooms with his grateful expression. “Thank you, girls, for setting up my party!” He said with a smile as the girls smiled back at him. Sonic then faced the crowd. “And thank you all for coming, it really means a lot to me. Seven years ago when I came here, I thought that I was destined to be alone forever. But now, I am a part of your community, which I am proud to be part of and I will continue to protect for as long as I live.” The crowd smiled back, glad to have met the hedgehog too. With a grin, Sonic raised his fist in the air. “Wondercolts forever!” “Wondercolts forever!” The crowd cheered back. Sonic smirked, feeling the energy from the crowd. “Now who’s ready to get their party on?” “Hey! That's my job!” Cheese joked as he appeared on stage with his microphone, while Fluttershy, glad that she was done with her part, sneaked off the stage. “Now let's get this party started! Hit it!” The crowd cheered loudly as music began to play. Pinkie Pie suddenly appeared on stage again, now wearing a black tuxedo, black top hat, and a blue bow tie and she began to sing with the music into the microphone. “Get your hands up, party's starting out right now.” 🎵 “Everybody, everybody get down!” 🎵 Cheese Sandwich was seen balancing a giant-sized wheel of cheese while playing his trusty accordion. Sonic and the rest of the party guests watched on, impressed with Cheese's skills and performance. “Time to make a wish, better make it right now.” 🎵 “It's been a year and today is your birthday party!” 🎵 Sonic was up on a platform, standing in front of the very top of his birthday cake. With a grin, he blew out the candles on the top row and then he used his super speed to blow out the rest of the candles on his giant cake. “Make a wish, it's your birthday!” 🎵 Sonic, who was wearing a blindfold, swung his bat against an emerald-shaped pinata and broke it to pieces, causing excited guests to gather up the candies. “Make a wish, it's your birthday party!” 🎵 Sonic, along with some party guests, excitedly started eating a giant-sized chili dog. While some guests were taking their time, Sonic managed to eat most of the chili dog with ease. “Make a wish, it's your birthday!” 🎵 Sonic was later seen floating on a doughnut-shaped float in a fruit punch-filled pool while wearing his sunglasses. Some of the party guests were also floating on fruit punch, while others drank some of the fruit punch. “Make a wish, it's your birthday party!” 🎵 Sonic was then seen with the CMCs, Diamond Tiara, and Silver Spoon, using a banner to make Sonic bounce on it like it was a trampoline. “Aw, oh!” 🎵 “Aw, aw, aw, oh, oh!” 🎵 “Aw, aw, oh!” 🎵 “Aw, uh, uh, aw, oh!” 🎵 “Aw, oh!” 🎵 “Aw, oh, aw, aw, oh!” 🎵 “Started out great and it just got better.” 🎵 “Every day you learned a little bit more!” 🎵 Sonic was now riding on one of the go-karts around the backyard, along with some party guests. While he preferred to just run around in a race, he admitted that it was pretty fun riding in a kart. “Time to celebrate, now we're all together.” 🎵 “And in a year, we can see what you wished for!” 🎵 Sonic was on the dance floor, busting some cool dance moves along with Pinkie and Cheese as they busted some dance moves of their own. “Close your eyes and concentrate.” 🎵 “My little party friends, uh uh aw oh!” 🎵 Sonic was opening up to some birthday gifts that he received from his friends. He got some new comics from Sunset and Twilight, a snowboard by Applejack, a couple of cool clothes from Rarity, a new blanket from Fluttershy, a practical jokes book from Pinkie Pie, and an old video game console from Rainbow Dash. “Think all the wishes you can make.” 🎵 “Why should it ever have to end?” 🎵 Sonic also got some gifts from other party guests. Flash got him a new guitar, Trixie got him some playing cards, freshly-baked muffins from this one girl with misaligned eyes, and a box of pastries from Bon Bon. Even Crazy Lyra got him a new bag for his rings, much to her embarrassment. Despite Lyra’s dismissive attitude, Sonic felt touched by her thoughtful gesture. “Make a wish, it's your birthday!” 🎵 Sonic then played some party games with some guests, including pin the tail on a donkey, and did it pretty well on his first try. “Make a wish, it's your birthday party!” 🎵 Sonic later rode on a Rollercoaster with the CMCs and they were having a blast as the coaster did some loops and twisted turns. “Make a wish, it's your birthday!” 🎵 Pinkie and Cheese were passing along ice cream pops that had the same shape as Sonic's face with two green gumballs as eyes. Sonic had one of the pops but felt slightly disturbed to eat it due to its messed up eyes. “Make a wish, it's your birthday party!” 🎵 The Rainbooms and some party guests lifted the blue hedgehog over their heads, throwing him up in the air a few times while giving him the crowd surf. Sonic whooped with a huge grin on his face, enjoying the best time of his entire life. “Aw, oh!” 🎵 “Aw, aw, aw, oh, oh!” 🎵 “Aw, aw, oh!” 🎵 “Let's celebrate your birthday!” 🎵 “Aw, oh!” 🎵 “Aw, oh, aw, aw, oh!” 🎵 “Let's celebrate your birthday party!” 🎵 “YAY!!!” Later in the evening, the party died down somewhat and most of the party guests went home except for a few who were still sticking around. Cheese Sandwich was leaning on one of the trees in the backyard, chewing on a cupcake while admiring the party all around him. As he was taking a last bite of his cupcake, Sonic zoomed up to him with a look of excitement. “Yo, Cheesy Dude! I want to thank you and Cotton Candy Girl again, for making this the best birthday/anniversary super combo ever! This party… this party is totally–” “Epic?” Cheese Sandwich offered with a knowing smile. “Heck, yeah it is!” Sonic cheered. Cheese nodded, throwing away the wrapper in a nearby bin. “That’s all I needed to hear, little dude!”  With that, he puts on his sombrero before leaving the backyard. He was walking across the front yard of the Sparkle’s residence when he was suddenly stopped by Pinkie Pie. “You're leaving, Cheese?” Cheese nodded as he turned to face Pinkie who had a sad frown. “Yep. My job here is done. I must go on to put together another party for those in need. Another job, another party.” “...I see,” Pinkie said quietly as she looked down for a moment before looking at Cheese in the eyes. “I just want to say… thank you again for your help. I couldn't have done all of this without you.” Cheese Sandwich smiled. “Happy to help, especially for a pretty lady like you!” Pinkie blushed with a warm smile on her face. “Will I… see you again, Cheese?” Cheese Sandwich smirked. “I’m sure you will… in the sequel!” With a wink, Cheese tipped his sombrero before he turned and walked away from the house towards the sunset. Pinkie sighed dreamily as her friends and Sonic appeared right by her side. “I never did get that guy’s name.” “Cheese Sandwich!” They all exclaimed. Pinkie giggled and smiled sheepishly. “Oh, yeah!” The gang rolled her eyes but smiled in amusement. ????? “Report!” “I've located the target.” “And?” “The hedgehog is living with one of the girls, specifically with the Sparkles along with Sunset Shimmer.”  “Just as I thought! Anything to report?” “Nothing to report! He is still living there… celebrating his birthday, so to speak.” “Huh. Happy birthday to him! I should probably send him an anonymous Grape Garden gift card. Anyway, good work agent. Just continue to stand by and monitor him, but keep it discrete.” “Understood… Commander Walters.”