//------------------------------// // Make New Friends but Keep Discord // Story: Life as a Sonic OC Redux // by Kitsulestia //------------------------------// *Fire’s POV* Flowerstep and Fluttershy aren’t really that bad. Spottedleaf was talking with Vitaly about the upcoming gala. Danyelle was trying to find a babysitter for her kids since she was going with Ben to the Gala. Not to mention Sonic was having a difficult time to decide who to bring with him. Roll spoke "As lead female in this herd, it should be me that goes." *Bead of sweat* Meanwhile the other 14 wives were arguing, at least most of them. Nightshade was arguing with Quicktalon and Swiftrunner. Michelle spoke "*Bead of sweat* Oh jeez." Blaze spoke "You're one to talk Miche, you also want to go to the gala with Sonic but he can only pick one of us. There's 15 of us but only one can go!" Michelle asks "But wouldn’t that mean the other 14 could go with each other?" Aria spoke "Michelle, you know that the sirens can't show themselves in Canterlot. If word got out that an elder siren was spotted, that could mean huge problems for us common sirens." Michelle’s stomach growled. Roll asks "Sonic, who do you want to go with you?" Sonic spoke "L-Ladies, calm down! This is kinda pressuring me." Roll spoke "I'm clearly the lead female so it should be me." Charybdis spoke "Well I'm OLDER so it should be me!" Aria whacks Charybdis on the head. Aria asks "Did you not hear me earlier?" Michelle spoke "Oh! I just realized something." Michelle flew off before returning with a big roulette wheel, having the names of all of Sonic's wives. Michelle spoke "Lady Luck will be the decider." Michelle spun the wheel as it soon came to a stop, with the arrow pointing on Roll's name. Swiftrunner spoke "It's obvious since Roll's the first one who had married Sonic." Spitfire asks "But what about the rest of us?" Michelle spoke "Like I pointed out before, we can go with each other." Aria spoke "But it may be best if Charybdis and I stay here." Roll spoke "That's true since some of us have young kids." Spitfire snickers "Not to mention, Volt would probably want to go with Amiya." Charybdis started panting with a mad blush. Michelle spoke "I'll get the food ready." After using a transformation spell, Sonic had taken on the form of an elder siren male. Sonic spoke "No need Miche, I'll handle this without the weight gain." Sonic heads into the bedroom with Charybdis before putting up a soundproof barrier. *Meanwhile with Ichigo and Josuke* Ichigo asks "Hey Josuke, would you like to go to the gala with me?" Josuke asks "Huh?" Ichigo spoke "It's sort of like a party that happens once a year in Canterlot, so I was told." Josuke asks "Really? A party?" Ichigo spoke "Of course, though I missed the last one. But I would like to have you as my date." Josuke was caught off guard by that last bit. Ichigo spoke "*ears droop down* I understand if you don't want to..." Josuke spoke "Whoa whoa, you're overreacting again." Ichigo spoke "Stupid mood swings..." Josuke asks "Whaddya mean?" Ichigo spoke "Never mind... I was talking to myself." Koichi spoke "Huh? Oh, hi Ichigo. Hi Josuke." Josuke spoke "‘Sup." Ichigo spoke "I was talking with Josuke about something a little while ago but I'm starting to doubt he doesn't want to go with me." Josuke spoke "I told you you’re overreacting, Ichigo!" Ichigo spoke "Blame my cat genes." Josuke facepalmed at that. Ichigo spoke "Everyone else sees me as a freak of nature... I shouldn't even be half animal." But then Ichigo felt a whack from Shining Diamond up the back of her head. “Gyah! What was that for?!” Josuke spoke "You’re just letting others’ words get to you. You should just ignore them. You’re you." Ichigo spoke "You're right Josuke! It doesn't matter if I'm a Mobini, a Beastman, a human or even a Mobian. I'm me." Josuke chuckles "Heh, glad you got that through your thick head." That made Ichigo pout. Ichigo whines "Josuke!!!" Poking her head through a warp ring, Zoey asks "You want some cheese with that whine Ichigo?" What Zoey said had caused Josuke and Koichi to chuckle. Zoey asks "Anyway, you coming?" Josuke spoke "What the hey. I’ve already gotten everything done for today." Ichigo spoke "But I'll have to hire a responsible nanny to look after Shizue for the night." Jasmine suddenly popped up in her anthro form. “I can help with that.” Ichigo spoke "I said responsible." Jasmine spoke "I’m serious here. I have a few friends that can be responsible." Zoey spoke "I can't let Pig out of my sight for more than five minutes since she's getting into trouble." Pigment was on Zoey's back, causing the catgirl to yelp in surprise. Zoey spoke "Pigment, you little stinker! Thanks for reminding me, the gala starts soon." Ichigo spoke "Oh jeez!" Zoey drags Ichigo off through the warp ring, heading for Rarity's place to get ready. Josuke asks "What was that all about?" Koichi spoke "My guess that the girls had to get ready." Jasmine spoke "Welp, better call in a friend." Pigment shot a shadow ball at Jasmine. Jasmine caught the attack before dribbling the Shadow Ball and then popped it. Pigment spoke "Cronile looking for you." Jasmine asks "Hmm? Why?" Pigment spoke "I no know." *Meanwhile with Lan and Maylu* Maylu asks "Lan?" Lan asks "Huh?" Maylu asks "Do you want to go to the Gala with me?" Lan asks "Wait, you serious?" Maylu spoke "I don't want to go with anyone else but you." Lan spoke "*Blushing* Well, uh, that’s a lot to ask." Maylu spoke "I'd rather go with you than that blockhead Dex." Lan suddenly snickered. "Ya think he'd attract girls as big as him?" Maylu spoke "Poke-Mobians can't breed with Equians." Lan spoke "*Bead of sweat* That's not what I'm saying." Maylu spoke "Jeeze Lan, you can be a bigger blockhead than Ash and Dex but I wouldn't want you any other way." Lan teases "Oh really? How would you know if I'm not a blockhead and you are?" Maylu teases "I know you are but what am I?" But then Lan tackled Maylu and pinned her. "Hehe, don't push me, MayMay. I might get crazy." Maylu giggles "Save that excitement for after the gala Lan." Lan spoke "Alright, but for those remarks from earlier, might as well make you a bit impatient." Lan suddenly nibbled on Maylu's neck, sending shivers up her spine while making her blush madly. *Meanwhile in Discord's dimension,* Yui spoke "Hey dad! I got tickets for you and mom for the gala!" Discord asks "Really?!" Yui spoke "Yes." *With Fluttershy* Flowerstep spoke "I can't decide who to take with me to the Gala." "Is something wrong?" I asked. Flowerstep spoke "Yeah, I can't decide who I should go with." "I can go with you." I offered. Flowerstep spoke "The Wonderbolts don't need a ticket though. And I don't think you heard the news about Spitfire." "What happened?" I asked. Flowerstep spoke "I heard that she married Prince Sonic. As did 13 others. Even my cousin Swiftrunner is one of Sonic's wives." "...Huh?" I asked, completely confused. *That night,* Twilight was wearing a gala dress. Even Sunset was wearing a gala dress. Heehee, and I could plainly see that Flash Sentry was trying to keep himself from getting a nosebleed. Twilight spoke "Control yourself Flash." Flash spoke "Sorry, I can't help that you're so beautiful." Sonic spoke "You're one to talk Flash, I had to reuse my previous tuxedo since I have the werehog curse." To Volt's surprise, Amiya was wearing a lavender colored dress. Holding back a nosebleed, Volt spoke "Wow Amiya, you look gorgeous in that dress." Amiya giggles "You think so? *Twirls dress a bit*" Volt faints with a silly grin on his face. Amiya giggles "Oh you." Carrying Izzy in her neck fluff, Danyelle walked over while wearing a gala dress. Danyelle spoke "Hey Amiya." Amiya asks "Carrying your daughter around your neck?" Danyelle spoke "I haven't trimmed my neck fluff in months though so it kinda grew out. And my kids love it." Amiya asks "*Teasing whisper* Does your husband love it too?" Danyelle spoke "Don't make me tell Asuma." Amiya asks "I'm just joking around Danyelle. Why so serious?" Danyelle giggles "I'm just teasing you. *whispering in Amiya's ear* I got a plan to prank Nearl." Amiya asks "Oh?" Danyelle giggles "Dynamite prank but I'll have to pin it on the dumbass dragon." Amiya gasps "Out here?" Danyelle spoke "Oh heavens no, I'll hold off on the prank until later. Oh hey Nearl, I was unaware that you were attending the gala." A blonde haired Mobian Pegasus mare with a pink gala dress spoke "Surprisingly enough, I wasn't expecting to be a Pegasus of all things." Amiya spoke "Wow Nearl, you look nice." Nearl spoke "So do you Amiya plus I could have sworn I saw Dobermann around here a while ago. To my surprise, she was a literal doberman." Amiya asks "Say what now?" Danyelle spoke "Guess I forgot to mention that there are no humans in Equestria." Izzy mewls cutely, causing both Amiya and Nearl to giggle. Nearl spoke "That's cute." Danyelle spoke "This little one is Izzy, she's my youngest daughter." Nearl asks "Really?" Danyelle spoke "Not counting adopted kids, I have eight in total. Seven girls and one boy. There's Irene, Rani, Akoya, Daria, Damien, Tikal, Aurora and Izzy." Nearl asks "Wait, only one boy?" Danyelle spoke "Blame it on the Equestrian gender ratio." Nearl spoke "Well, *Giggle* be careful around him then. ‘Cause when he grows up… *Giggle*" Danyelle spoke "Minus Tikal, all of my blood related kids are hybrids. And speaking of which, Amiya's boyfriend is a hedgefox." Nearl asks "Oh really? Who’s his father?" Sonic spoke "That would be me miss. My name is Prince Sonic Ogami, I'm the eldest grandson of Princess Luna and Prince Shirou Ogami." An anthro Pegasus stallion spots Nearl. The stallion chuckles "Well, aren't you a cutie?" Nearl asks "Hmm?" Sonic spoke "That's Thunder Cracker." Amiya asks "Who is he exactly?" Sonic spoke "Oh, he's one of the new recruits for an elite aerial team called the Wonderbolts. I wound up becoming the manager when I had married Spitfire." Amiya asks "Is he a Mobian?" Sonic spoke "I think so and get this, the dude is single." Amiya giggles "*Gaining a smirk, looking at Nearl* Oh really?" Sonic snickers "Yep and knowing my adopted cousin, she'll try anything to get the two together." Amiya snickers "You serious?" Danyelle had teleported to behind Nearl before kicking her in the rear, sending her flying at Thunder thus causing the two to kiss. Celestia was giggling. A voice asks "Hehehe, still pulling stunts like that, Danyelle?" Loona appeared with Ryōta. Ryōta chuckles "Cut her some slack Loona, you know it would be either her or Cadence pulling that sort of stunt. And is that Bee I see over there?" Loona asks "Yeah, she and Tex are here. *Giggle* Okay, who spilled the beans to her about the gala?" Danyelle laughs "Well hey, don't look at me!" Danyelle then noticed Loona's baby bump. Danyelle spoke "So you and Ryōta finally went and done it." Loona spoke "Yeah, *Embarrassed blush* though we might've gone overboard." Ryōta spoke "*Embarrassed blush* Gotta agree with that, there's little to no doubt that Loona could be hyper pregnant." Danyelle spoke "I bet Blitz would blow a literal gasket if he knew. And is that Charlie I see over there with Vaggie? Hey Charlie! Vaggie!" Charlie spoke "Huh? Oh! *Waves* Hey Dany!" Danyelle heads over to where Charlie was. Danyelle asks "So, how are things between you and Vaggie?" Charlie giggles "Better than ever." Danyelle notices an engagement ring on Charlie's left ring finger. Danyelle gasps "Is that what I think it is?" Charlie and Vaggie blushed in embarrassment. Danyelle giggles "That was Sonic's doing though." Sonic spoke *Chuckle!* Hey, don't look at me." Danyelle spoke "Remember the little prank you pulled back during Ryōta and Loona's wedding? You used your airbending to knock that bouquet of flowers towards Vaggie and Charlie." Sonic spoke "Heh, like I said, don't look at me." Izzy mewls in annoyance since she could sense that her adopted uncle was lying. Sonic spoke "Although I wonder how the other ladies are doing." Danyelle spoke "I noticed Blaze and Quicktalon over by the buffet table." Ryōta spoke "Oh, I noticed Michelle and Sally there too." Tails spoke "I don't see the sirens though." Sonic spoke "Aria and Charybdis stayed home to keep an eye on the kids." Manic spoke "I hate this tuxedo!" Sonia spoke "Oh calm yourself, Manic." Danyelle started growling since she sensed something slimy approaching. Izzy hid in her mother's neck fluff. Discord spoke "*Pops up* Oh! Talk about timing!" Zoey, Renee and Ichigo were growling. Discord spoke "No need to worry, it’s only a smooze." Twilight spoke "*eyes were ice blue* You better keep it on a short leash then Discord." Discord spoke "Don't worry, he's friendly." A slime-like creature appeared. Danyelle growls "Just keep it away from the treasury then. Last thing anyone wants is that thing going on rampage." Pandora spoke "Don't worry, it won't go there." Danyelle spoke "Good thing I asked Orion and Rainbowtwo to stand guard near the treasury, just in case. Oh and Discord, try not to get jealous of the other guests." Discord asks "What? Me? Jealous?" Pandora snickered at that. Lucy spoke "You're worse than Natsu is on a bad hair day!" But then four burps were heard as Blaze, Quicktalon, Michelle and Sally ate a lot of food from the buffet table, getting comically distended bellies, making us laugh. Sonic chuckles "What am I gonna do with you four?" And so, the folks had a good time at the gala. End