Derpy Learns How to Nurse a Foal!

by debrecen

Derpy Learns How to Nurse a Foal!

Derpy Hooves trotted happily through the streets of Ponyville, the warmth of the afternoon sun playing on her gray coat as she made her way through her hometown. She hummed a tune to herself, her eyes occasionally wandering up to the fluffy clouds drifting lazily overhead. It was a peaceful day, perfect for delivering mail and enjoying the simple pleasures of town life.

As she turned a corner, Derpy almost bumped into Twilight Sparkle, who was deep in thought and seemed to be hurrying somewhere. "Oh! Sorry, Twilight!" Derpy exclaimed, steadying herself.

Twilight looked up with a smile, though her expression quickly turned concerned as she noticed Derpy's swollen belly. "Oh, Derpy! I didn't see you there. How are you doing?"

Derpy beamed, her wings fluttering excitedly. "I'm doing great, Twilight! Just delivering some mail and enjoying the nice weather. How about you?"

Twilight nodded, though her gaze flickered back to Derpy's belly. It had been a few months since she had talked to the mailmare about the responsibilities of birthing and looking after a foal in its infancy. "That's good to hear. Good to see your pregnancy is progressing nicely, but Derpy, can I talk to you for a moment? It's about, well, about your foal."

Derpy tilted her head, curiosity commingling with a hint of uncertainty. "Oh, sure, Twilight. What about my foal?"

Twilight took a deep breath, choosing her words carefully. "Well, Derpy, I know we kind of talked about this subject a while ago, but have you thought about how you'll feed your foal once it's born?"

Derpy blinked, her expression thoughtful. "Um, well, I guess I'll, uh, feed it milk? Like all foals? I’ve been reading some picture books called ‘Mommy and Me’, and they have been really helpful."

Twilight nodded, trying to hide a smile. "Yes, exactly. But there's more to it than that. You'll need to learn about nursing techniques, how to maneuver yourself so the foal can feed comfortably, and all that."

Derpy's eyes widened slightly, a flicker of concern crossing her face. "Oh, um, I hadn't really thought about all that. I just figured I'd, you know, figure it out when the time comes."

Twilight nodded sympathetically. "It's natural to feel that way, Derpy. But it's important to be prepared. Maybe you could attend a prenatal nursing class? They're really helpful."

Derpy hesitated, her wings twitching nervously. "I don't know, Twilight. I'm not very good at learning new things, especially when they're complicated."

Twilight smiled reassuringly, placing a hoof on Derpy's shoulder. "You don't have to worry about that. I'll help you, and I'm sure we can find a way to make it easier for you. How about I organize a special session just for you? We can make it fun, sort of like a training session. We can go through everything together."

Derpy chewed her lower lip, considering Twilight's offer. "A special session, just for me?"

Twilight nodded enthusiastically. "Yes! Rarity and Applejack can help too. They're great with this sort of thing. And we'll even have Fluttershy play the role of the foal, so you can practice. She’ll be perfect!"

Derpy brightened at the mention of her friends. "Oh, that does sound better. Okay, Twilight, I'll give it a try. But please promise me you won't laugh if I mess up."

Twilight chuckled softly, shaking her head. "I promise, Derpy. We're here to help and support you every step of the way."

Derpy smiled gratefully, feeling a weight lift off her shoulders. "Thank you, Twilight. I really appreciate it."

Twilight patted Derpy's shoulder gently. "You're welcome, Derpy. Now, I'll go back home and start planning. I'll send messages to Rarity, Fluttershy, and Applejack, and we'll make sure everything is ready for your special nursing class."

Two days later, Derpy Hooves fluttered nervously outside Twilight Sparkle's library. She landed for a moment and shifted from hoof to hoof, her eyes darting around as she waited for Twilight to open the door. Today was the day she was supposed to attend a prenatal nursing class, but she wasn't sure if she was ready.

Twilight finally opened the door with a warm smile. "Derpy! I'm so glad you're here. Don't worry, today's going to be fun!"

Derpy smiled weakly. "Um, I hope so, Twilight. But I'm kinda nervous about all this nursing stuff. What if I mess up?"

Twilight put a comforting purple hoof around Derpy's shoulders. "That's why we're here, to learn together. But I have a special surprise for you. As I promised, Rarity and Applejack are here to help, and we'll have this private session just for you."

Derpy brightened a little. "Oh, that sounds better. But, uh, what about the foal part?"

Twilight chuckled. "Well, that's where Fluttershy comes in. She's going to help us out today. She’s going to be the foal."

Derpy's eyes widened. "Fluttershy? Oh, um, okay…but she’s not a foal, she’s a full-grown pony."

“Yes, Derpy. I know she is. She’s just going to be pretending to be your foal today.”

Derpy nodded slowly, still with a look of partial confusion on her face.

“Just wait here for a second while I get the final preparations ready.” Twilight instructed Derpy.

Inside the library, Rarity and Applejack were already setting up. Rarity had laid out a cozy nest of pillows and blankets in the corner, while Applejack was organizing some props that looked like baby bottles and pacifiers.

"Darling, everything looks simply perfect!" Rarity exclaimed, adjusting a bow on a plushie. "Derpy will feel right at home in here."

Applejack nodded, giving the bottles a last-minute polish. "Yep, and with Fluttershy playin' the foal, we'll make sure Derpy knows the ropes of nursing like a pro."

Twilight joined them, levitating a basket of snacks over. "Thank you both for helping out. I know Derpy's a bit nervous, but she really wants to do her best."

"We're happy to help, Twilight," Applejack said with a grin. "Just let us know when Derpy's ready."

Outside, Derpy was pacing; Twilight tried to reassure her. "Derpy, Rarity and Applejack are inside setting everything up. Are you ready to give this a try?"

Derpy took a deep breath and nodded. "Okay, Twilight. I'll try."

With that, Twilight led Derpy into the library where Rarity and Applejack greeted her warmly. "Welcome, Derpy dear," Rarity said, gesturing to the nest of pillows. "Please make yourself comfortable. We're here to make this as easy as possible for you."

Derpy smiled gratefully and settled into the nest, looking around at the cozy setup. "Thank you, Rarity. This is really nice."

Applejack chuckled. "Alright now, let's get started. We'll go through the basics first, then bring in Fluttershy when you're ready."

Twilight nodded in agreement. "Remember, Derpy, this is a safe space to ask questions and practice. There's no rush."

Derpy nodded, feeling a bit more at ease. "Okay, I'm ready."

Rarity began explaining the fundamentals of nursing, demonstrating with a plushie how to hold and position a foal for feeding. "You see, darling, it's all about finding the right angle and making sure the foal is comfortable. You can just lie down comfortably on your side and allow your teats to come out to the side. That way, the foal can lie down right next to you and have the easiest access."

Applejack chimed in, showing Derpy some further tips. "And you can even put a pillow behind ya as ya lie down so your back’ll have more support. I reckon it’ll be right comfortable."

Derpy listened intently, asking questions now and then to clarify. "So, um, I hold the foal and it will drink the milk like this?" She asked, gesturing toward the space on her lower belly a few inches above her nethers and teats.

Rarity adjusted Derpy's hooves gently. "Almost there, dear. Just a bit lower on the position. And there’s no need to hold the foal. If you two are lying down, it can just come right up to you to feed!"

Twilight smiled proudly as Derpy practiced the positions. "You're doing great, Derpy. Feeling more confident?"

Derpy nodded, a small smile spreading across her face. "Yeah, I think so. Thanks, everypony."

Just then, Fluttershy peeked timidly through the doorway, her eyes wide with concern. "Um, Twilight? Is it time for me to come in?"

Twilight nodded and beckoned her inside. "Yes, Fluttershy. Derpy's ready for the next step."

Fluttershy tiptoed over to the nest, her wings fluttering nervously. "H-hi, Derpy. Um, I'll be the foal for today. I hope that's okay."

Derpy blinked in surprise but smiled warmly. "Oh, um, hi Fluttershy. Yeah, that's okay. Thanks for helping."

Fluttershy blushed and settled down beside Derpy, curling up slightly. "I'll try to be a good foal."

Rarity and Applejack exchanged amused glances, but Applejack nudged Fluttershy gently. "You'll be great, sugarcube. Just act natural."

Twilight cleared her throat, taking charge again. "Alright, Derpy, now we're going to practice a feeding session. Fluttershy will be your foal, and we'll guide you through it. First though, just so you don’t feel too rushed, we’ll be demonstrating things with the help of this plushie."

Twilight produced a small gray foal doll with buttons for eyes.

“Ready to try?”

Derpy nodded, taking a deep breath as she prepared herself. "Okay, I'll try."

Rarity handed the plushie to Fluttershy who started moving the doll closer to Derpy’s teats. "Now remember what we showed you, Derpy," Rarity said encouragingly.

Fluttershy brushed the plush foal’s mouth tenderly against Derpy’s teats. The mailmare let out a small laugh, “Oooh, that tickles!”

Fluttershy produced a small grin and mimicked the pressing motions that the foal would make against his mother’s teat.

“I really wish that was a real foal. Those things feel really full. They hurt sometimes.” Derpy said, pointing her hoof toward her distended teats.

“Again, that’s normal, Derpy. Your body is just getting ready for the foal.” Twilight commented.

As the mock foal continued to “drink”, Derpy moved one hood down to her left teat and pressed it slightly, releasing some pressure as one pearly drop of milk came out.

“Woah, that sure is a plum full teat, right there!” Applejack remarked in surprise.

Twilight and the others watched on as Derpy and Fluttershy practiced the feeding session. Derpy's nerves gradually eased as she became more comfortable with the motions.

Rarity couldn't help but interject with a teasing tone. "You know, Derpy, you're a natural at this. Perhaps you should consider becoming a foal nurse!"

Derpy looked nonchalantly at Rarity. "Maybe, Rarity. But for now, I just want to make sure my foal gets its milk."

Twilight beamed at her. "And you will, Derpy. With practice and patience, you'll be a wonderful mother."

Derpy nodded gratefully, feeling a wave of confidence. "Thanks, everypony. I really appreciate all your help."

Twilight smiled warmly at Derpy. "Alright, Derpy, now that you've got the hang of things with this practice round, let's move on to nursing. Fluttershy will continue to help us out as the foal, and we'll guide you through it step by step."

Derpy nodded nervously, her wings fluttering. "Um, okay. I'll give it a try."

Rarity clapped her hooves together lightly. "Wonderful! Now remember, the key is to find a comfortable position and let the foal latch on."

Applejack nodded in agreement. "Yep, and remember to be patient. It might take a few tries to get the hang of it. I reckon the first couple times it might be a tad painful, but you’ll get used to it in time."

Fluttershy shuffled closer to Derpy, her demeanor gentle and reassuring. "I'm ready, Derpy. You can do this."

Derpy took a deep breath, trying to calm her nerves. "Okay, here goes..."

Twilight gestured towards a soft pile of cushions and blankets arranged in a cozy nook. "Why don't you make yourself comfortable over there, Derpy? It’ll be even easier for Fluttershy to practice with you over there. We'll walk you through it."

Derpy nodded gratefully and settled into the nest of pillows, making sure she was in a comfortable position. "Okay, I'm ready."

Rarity and Applejack moved closer, offering encouragement and advice. "Remember to relax, darling," Rarity said with a smile. "And let Fluttershy guide you."

Applejack added, "And don't you worry a bit if it takes a bit of time to get the foal latched on, sugarcube. It's all about patience."

Twilight levitated a plushie over to Derpy, mimicking a foal. "Here, Derpy. Start by practicing the right positioning with the plushie. Do you remember what we just did?"

Derpy nodded, holding the plushie close and adjusting its position. "Like this, Twilight?"

Twilight nodded. "That's it. Now, Fluttershy, why don't you come over here and show Derpy how a foal would approach?"

Fluttershy nodded and moved gracefully towards Derpy, her gaze soft and encouraging. "Um, hi, Derpy. I'll be the foal. Is that okay?"

Derpy smiled warmly at Fluttershy. "Hi, Fluttershy. Yes, that's okay. Thank you for helping."

Fluttershy blushed faintly but settled down next to Derpy, ready to demonstrate. "I'm here whenever you're ready, Derpy."

Derpy took a deep breath, her focus on Fluttershy as she prepared herself. "Okay, let's give this a try..."

Twilight and the others watched attentively as Derpy slowly guided her teats towards Fluttershy, aiming for the right position. "Like this, Fluttershy?"

Fluttershy nodded, her voice soft. "Yes, Derpy. Just like that. Take your time."

Derpy adjusted her hooves carefully, her movements tentative but determined. "Okay, here goes nothing!"

Fluttershy, wanting only to help facilitate the interaction, moved in and clamped her mouth gingerly around the Derpy’s distended left teat.

“Oooh, that feels…sharp.”

“Oh, sorry, Derpy. I’ll try to keep my teeth out of the way. Just remember the foal might be rough, but it will have smaller teeth since its mouth is mostly filled with just gums.”

The yellow pegasus went back to mimicking the action of a foal seeking to nurse, gently nudging into Derpy’s side. Fluttershy leaned in, pretending to nuzzle and search for the "milk."

Twilight smiled encouragingly. "You're doing great, Derpy. Just keep following Fluttershy's lead."

Rarity chimed in, her tone light. "Yes, darling. Remember, it's all about finding the right angle. You don’t want to pull the teat too much"

Derpy nodded, her brow furrowed in concentration. "Okay, I think I'm getting the hang of it..."

Fluttershy nodded, playing along with a gentle smile. "You're doing wonderfully, Derpy. Um, can you just lean a little more on your side, I’m having a hard time getting to the lower of your teats…"

Derpy adjusted her position. "Like this, Fluttershy?"

Fluttershy nodded with a warm smile. "Perfect, Derpy. You're a natural."

Applejack grinned proudly. "You sure are, Derpy! Looks like you're gettin' the hang of it."

Twilight nodded in agreement. "Absolutely. Just keep practicing, and soon it'll feel like second nature."

A few moments of faux-suckling later, Twilight once again broke the silence.

"Alright, Derpy, you've been doing great so far. Now, let's move on to the next step. Fluttershy will demonstrate the actual feeling of the foal drinking milk from you, so you can feel how it's supposed to be."

Derpy's eyes widened slightly, a mix of surprise and nervousness flickering across her face. "Um, on me? Are you sure, Twilight?"

Twilight nodded reassuringly. "Yes, Derpy. It's important for you to understand how it feels, so you'll be more comfortable when your foal arrives."

Fluttershy nodded, her demeanor gentle and supportive. "Don't worry, Derpy. I'll be very, very gentle for this first time."

Derpy took a deep breath, trying to prepare herself for the experience. "Okay, Fluttershy. I trust you."

Twilight and the others gathered around, offering words of encouragement as Fluttershy moved closer to Derpy. "Just relax, Derpy," Twilight said softly. "Fluttershy knows what she's doing. She’s seen loads of animals breastfeed their young."

Rarity added with a smile, "Yes, darling. Think of it as a learning experience. You'll do just fine."

Applejack chimed in, her voice warm and supportive. "You got this, Derpy. We're all here for ya."

Derpy nodded, her nerves still present but tempered by the support of her friends. "Okay, Fluttershy. I'm ready."

Fluttershy approached Derpy slowly and carefully, her movements delicate and precise. "Thank you, Derpy. Just relax."

Derpy took a deep breath and settled back into the nest of pillows, trying to remain calm. Fluttershy positioned herself beside Derpy, her gaze soft and focused.

"Okay, here we go," Fluttershy murmured softly, leaning in once again.

Derpy held her breath, feeling Fluttershy's gentle touch and the warmth of the pegasus’s lips. It was a strange sensation, but not uncomfortable. She closed her eyes and focused on the moment, trying to imagine what it would be like for her real foal to nurse.

Fluttershy brought her lips together over the prominent, reddened nipple, squeezing slightly and pressing into the rounded body of Derpy’s breast with her mouth. After a few forceful pushes, she could feel the first streams of warm milk cascade into her mouth as Derpy let out a soft moan from the abrupt release in pressure, shifting a bit under the forceful efforts of Fluttershy’s mouth.


Twilight watched closely, ready to intervene if needed but trusting Fluttershy's expertise. "You're doing great, Derpy, just let it all out!" she encouraged.

Rarity and Applejack exchanged quiet nods of approval, their expressions reflecting pride in Derpy's progress.

Fluttershy went full force, trying to replicate the eagerness of a feeding foal, as she built up her motions into a rhythm of sucking and head bobbing. 

Soon enough, each one of Fluttershy’s passes yielded a solid jet of milk that flowed directly into her mouth and down her gullet. Fluttershy, surprised at the taste and warmth of the milk, let out her own hums.


Once she was done, Fluttershy licked Derpy’s teat clean, being sure not to miss a drop. 

“Fluttershy,” called out Derpy needily. “I need you to do the other one too! It’s really swollen and full. Pleeeease?”

“Looks like somepony is mighty eager to get summore practice!” Applejack chortled. 

“Um, okay, Derpy, if that’s what will make you feel better.”

Fluttershy lowered herself to Derpy’s other teat. Repeating her earlier technique, she clamped her lips around the mailmare’s teat and started sucking with even more resolve, now confident in her motions. Derpy squirmed as Fluttershy moved faster and faster.

“Fluttershy, not so hard! You’re moving too fast!”

Sluuuurp…Oh, sorry Derpy,” Fluttershy said as she paused her sucking and answered Derpy. “I’ll be more careful.”

The pegasus swiftly returned to the task at hoof. After a few moments that felt like an eternity to Derpy, Fluttershy pulled back gently after having drained the rest of the milk from Derpy’s second teat; the mock foal gave a warm, friendly smile. "There, that wasn't so bad, was it?"

Derpy opened her eyes, feeling a rush of relief and accomplishment. "No, it wasn't. Thank you, Fluttershy."

Fluttershy nodded, her eyes sparkling with kindness. "You're welcome, Derpy. You did very well."

Twilight beamed at Derpy. "See? You're a natural. Now you know what to expect when your foal arrives."

Derpy nodded slowly, a small smile playing on her lips. "Yeah, I think I do. It's not as scary as I thought."

Rarity chuckled softly. "Of course not, darling. Nature has a way of making things feel right."

Applejack nodded in agreement. "That's right. Now I reckon you're one step closer to being ready for when your foal arrives."

Derpy glanced around at her friends, feeling a surge of gratitude. "Thank you, everypony. I couldn't have done this without you."

Twilight placed a hoof on Derpy's shoulder, her expression warm and proud. "You're welcome, Derpy. We're all here to support you, every step of the way."

As they settled back into comfortable conversation and brought out the snacks that Twilight had prepared earlier, Derpy couldn't help but feel a newfound sense of ease. She knew that with the help and guidance of her friends, along with this training, she was more than prepared for the adventure of motherhood.