Gold Just Stands Out...

by G 5-1-6

Growing Realization

You knew that you couldn’t hold onto this much more. For your entire life you never told people the problems you had and if you needed help, even though your mom and friends always told you to tell people what you were feeling. You never did it since you were 10, that was the first and last time you told someone that you needed help and told them how you were going into depression. 

The way your friends responded was laughing and beating you up until you were on the ground crying and bleeding, ever since then you decided to always keep your feelings and emotions to yourself because if you do they will laugh and just leave you there to rot.

“I can’t keep doing this, I need help. It doesn’t feel like the ponies I’m meeting aren’t friends because I’m only showing them a shell of who I am.”

“But you can’t, they will just do what they did to you too, they will just leave you in a void. I know what you need to do, just don’t tell them anything and LISTEN CLO-”

“Why do you always care about what I do huh? You never tell me why you care SOOO much about my life when you won’t even show me who you are!”

The void just stares back at you, in silence. Blue smoke starts to gather around your feet as you hear footsteps getting louder. No matter how much you turn the sound is the same volume as if you were in a 2d world, there was no direction at all.

“Because I AM YOU.”

“The Fuck? What do you mean?” After you say that you see someone come out of the void. It was human as you see yourself stare back at you but instead of having brown eyes like you it had blue eyes.

“You did a lot of bad things in your life on Earth. All the sins you committed, the crimes you did. I’m you except I did the right thing, I am the you that you always dreamed of being.”

Before you can say anything the other you forces you out of the void while laughing as you wake up from your slumber.

As you get up from the mattress on the ground the laughing still rings in your mind. He’s me but he didn’t do all the bad things I did. 

“Mornin’ sleepy head!” You hear an unfamiliar voice call out from beside you. You turn to your side to see an orange mar with a yellow-ish mane with red bands at the end of their mane and tail. She had emerald green eyes and three white freckles on each side of her face below her eyes. From what you can see at this angle and your drowsiness is three red shapes on her flank.

“Uhh… What’s going on?”

“Twilight told me about you already so don’t worry. She and Spike had to go talk with the princess in canterlot so i'm here to look after and make sure you don’t cause anything bad. Name’s AppleJack, nice to meet you.” The mare said as she raised her hoof out to you. You shake her hoof as your brain tries to comprehend all she said in that short of time.

“How long were you there?” You say starting to get uncomfortable.

“Since Twi left, I had to keep an eye on you.”

“Oh, ANOTHER one. This is stupid, more distractions.”


It had been a few minutes since then and you and AppleJack went up to the main room and started talking about each other. Turns out this orange mare actually lives on a farm with her family and is rich with their business from the many apple trees in that farm. She “bucks” the trees to get the apples out and even sometimes makes apple cider with them. 

I could use some real cider right about now.

“I also never lie!”

“Wait, you NEVER lie?”

“Not since I was a kid, it hurts pony’s feelings.”

“But sometimes you have to lie.”

“What do you mean?”

“Like if a kid’s pet dies, or if you don’t want to share personal information, or if-”

“While yes that is a good point, it’s better to always tell the truth.”

“You sure about that AJ?”

“Why did you call me that? I didn’t tell you that you can shorten it.” She said with a blush

“Hahahaha!” You laugh as you pat her on the head which causes her blush to get even more red. “It just makes sense since it gets stale after saying it the longer way all the time.”

You then hear the door open as you see Twilight walk in with Spike behind her looking like he was tired of walking.

“Why did you need to talk to the princess?” You say as Spike jumps in fright at the sound of your voice.

“We talked about you being in this world and tried to figure out how you got here in the first place.”

That did make sense, you still don’t know why you’re here or how you got in this crazy world. That brings your mind back to Derpy, something was different about her that made her stand out from all the other ponies, it wasn't her eyes that was all, there was something else that you couldn’t figure out.

“So predictable. You keep on going on and on in your mind about that one pony, why is she so important to you!? Oooooo…. ARE YOU?”


“Uh, are you okay?” Your mind snaps back to reality as you find yourself having an angry expression with all of the ponies (and Spike) looking at you with confusion. Your face droops as you go back to a normal expression, Shit, now I’m sweating, I look suspicious now. 

“HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! You amuse me more than when you found your sister stuck in the dishwasher!”

“Oh quiet you…” Wait was that out loud-

“Excuse me?” Twilight said, giving you a glare. You start sweating more as Spike looks at you with confusion and AJ looks like she is about to rip out your vital organs.

Ah, shit.