//------------------------------// // A Desperate Gamble // Story: Beyond the Veil // by RyverWritesStuff //------------------------------// The tall, majestic mare, once a vibrant purple, now carried a dull sheen of age, paced back and forth in her pristine, open throne room. The marble glistened, the windows sparkled, and the air was heavy with the silence of centuries. She was the Princess of Friendship, the one who had brought harmony to Equestria, who had saved her home time and again... and yet, she felt so mind-numbingly lonely. All of her pony friends, those dear companions who had stood by her side through thick and thin, had died many millennia ago. Even Spike, her faithful assistant, her confidant, had left her side. If only Twilight had known that immortality would feel like this, she would have given up her alicorn powers in a heartbeat, would have surrendered her position and her endless life to escape this cycle of loss and torture. Sure, Princess Flurry Heart was still alive and well, ruling the Crystal Empire with a gentle hoof, but she and Twilight had never been particularly close. Celestia and Luna, her beloved mentors, those shining beacons of wisdom and love, had both died roughly 2000 years ago, felled by a massive blast of dark magic as they tried to protect Canterlot from the monstrous Grogar. Their loss had left a gaping hole in Twilight's heart, one that could never be filled. As for Cadence, she had only died recently, well, recently was a strange word for an immortal being such as Twilight. Regardless, she had passed on about 400 years ago, taking a piece of Twilight's heart with her. The ancient mare let out a heavy sigh, one that seemed to shake the very foundations of the castle. At least Celestia and Luna had each other, at least in death they had found some measure of peace together. Twilight now had nobody. She had not taken on a student since Luster Dawn, not being able to bear the thought of getting close to any other ponies, of watching them grow old and wither and die while she remained, forever young and vital. Rainbow Dash, her dear Rainbow, had been the first to go, dying in a horrible flight accident only a few years after Twilight's coronation. Her death had shattered the main six, leaving them a broken five, their laughter and joy forever marred by grief. But they had found a way to heal, to move on while keeping Rainbow's memory alive in their hearts, her spirit a bittersweet reminder of what they had lost. More adventures had come and gone, more friends had been made and lost, but age began to take its toll on the others, all except Twilight, forever young and vital. Rarity was the next one to fall, that elegant, artistic pony succumbing to the ravages of cancer. Of course, Rarity was strong till the last day, on her deathbed, she had given Twilight a beautiful maroon knitted scarf, a token of their unbreakable bond. To this day, Twilight still carried it wherever she went, regardless of how faded it now was, even after all of the enchantments Twilight had cast upon it to prevent the natural wear of time. It was a tangible connection to her past, to the friends she had loved and lost. Pinkie Pie and Applejack went around the same time. They had lived long, fulfilling lives, had watched their children and grandchildren grow up, but of course, age eventually claimed them as well. They had passed on, surrounded by their loved ones, their deaths a sad but natural part of life's cycle. But for Twilight, there was no such cycle, only an endless expanse of years, stretching out before her like an ocean of loneliness. Fluttershy was the last to go. Discord had set his mind on keeping her alive forever, but finally, Fluttershy just couldn't take it anymore. She had convinced him to let her go, and died peacefully at the ripe old age of 109, her passing a mercy, a release from the burden of life. Dragons are known for their incredibly long lifespan, but even they aren't invincible. Spike was a wonderful assistant and companion for so many years of Twilight's life, a constant presence by her side, but he too had died, his passing a bitter blow. Twilight felt tears prick at her eyes, quickly blinking them away. The silence of her castle was unbearable. She always used to have somepony over, making some sort of mess, but it was now deathly silent. Honestly, it was fitting, Twilight thought. The Princess of Friendship felt more loneliness than ever. Her life, once so full of love and laughter, was now a hollow shell, a mere echo of what it once was. She walked up to her library, hoofbeats echoing against the tile, the only sound in the oppressive stillness. She approached a shelf of books that she had probably read ten times each, and pulled one out. After all, reading had always helped her relax and temporarily escape from reality. That was when she noticed the vine crawling out of the cracked backing of the shelf. She had a sudden remembrance- the forbidden section, of course! Centuries ago, she had sworn to never go down there again, in case of being corrupted by the dark spells and her naive decisions, but all of that was unimportant to her right now. What was a little corruption when compared to the crushing loneliness that threatened to consume her? With a sense of foreboding, she reached for the hidden switch to open the entrance, ready to embrace whatever shadows awaited within. The bookshelf shifted slowly, revealing a dark, damp, mossy staircase. And so, the Princess of Friendship descended into the very darkness she had once sworn to vanquish, her heart pounding in her chest, her horn glowing with a faint, nervous light. She used her horn to light the way down the cracked, ancient stairs, her breath echoing off the cold stone walls. She could feel the weight of centuries bearing down on her, the accumulated knowledge and power of the forbidden section calling to her, tempting her. She was the Princess of Friendship, the embodiment of all that was good and right in Equestria, but she was also tired, so very tired. And so she descended down the ancient passageway. Time seemed to stretch and twist as Twilight descended the cracked and groaning staircase, each step feeling like an eternity. The air thickened with anticipation, heavy with the weight of forgotten centuries. At last, she reached the final step, her hoof trembling with a mix of trepidation and desperate hope. As she pushed open the creaking door, a wave of stale, musty air wafted out, carrying with it the whispers of the past. The room beyond was a testament to time's ravages - bookshelves lay toppled, their once-precious burdens spilled across the dust-covered floor. Spiderwebs shrouded everything, yet, despite the obvious disarray, the destruction was not as complete as Twilight had feared. Many of the books, those repositories of ancient and forbidden knowledge, remained intact, their leather covers cracked but unbroken. The protection spell she had woven centuries ago had held surprisingly well against the relentless onslaught of time and neglect. Now, Twilight thought, her gaze scanning the dimly lit room with a hungry intensity, came the true challenge. Amidst this sea of dusty tomes and forgotten lore, she sought something of immense power, a spell or ritual capable of defying the very boundaries of life and death. Something to bring back her beloved friends, to restore the warmth of their presence and the light of their companionship to her life. Or, if that proved impossible, perhaps a way to end her own torment, to surrender to the welcoming embrace of eternal darkness. But such power came at a terrible cost. Necromancy, the dark art of manipulating death and the souls of the departed, demanded a wellspring of dark magic, a hunger that could never be satiated. It was a path fraught with peril, a slippery slope down which even the strongest of wills might tumble. Yet, for the chance, no matter how slim, of reuniting with those she had lost, Twilight was willing to risk everything. She steeled herself, her determination burning brighter than any candle, and began her search for the forbidden knowledge that could change her fate forever. Hours blurred into an endless stretch of flickering candlelight and rustling parchment as Twilight delved deeper into her search. Dust motes danced in the faint, spectral glow that permeated the room, each one a tiny reminder of the passage of time, of the impermanence of all things. Her breathing grew shallow, her senses heightened as she poured over yellowed scrolls and cracked leather tomes, her eyes scanning the arcane script that wound across the pages like snakes. The words themselves seemed to shift and writhe under her gaze, as if the very language of death resented her intrusion. Yet, undeterred, Twilight pressed on, her hunger for the forbidden knowledge growing with each turned page. She uncovered dark rituals, their steps outlined in chilling detail, and spells that promised to rend the veil between the worlds. But even as a shiver of excitement traced her spine, a cold dread clawed at her heart. For in every line, every carefully inscribed diagram, she saw the terrible cost, the unfathomable darkness that such power demanded. And still, she read on, her thirst for answers overriding her growing unease. The room seemed to grow smaller, the shadows deepening and twisting until they took on lives of their own. But it was then, as the pressure threatened to become overwhelming, that her searching hoof stumbled upon a tome bound not in leather, but in something that felt unsettlingly like skin. The cover was cool to the touch, adorned with script that pulsed with a sickly, greenish light. A chill ran down Twilight's spine as she opened the book, its pages whispering with an otherworldly voice. Here, finally, was what she had sought - a ritual of unspeakable power, a spell to defy the very nature of existence. But as she read the words, her heart grew heavy with a foreboding. For in their depths, she saw not reunion, but loss. Not life, but a mockery of it. And not an end to her pain, but its endless perpetuation. Yet, even as dread threatened to consume her, Twilight found herself torn. For in the ritual's dark heart, she saw a glimmer of the impossible, a spark of hope no matter how twisted. No. I can't. This is forbidden for a reason.. right? Twilight thought. She wanted to see her friends again, but what cost was she willing to pay? Clutching Rarity's scarf tightly to her chest, Twilight knew what had to be done. Hastily turning to a page at the end of the tome, she hesitated briefly before firming her resolve. It had to be done. The atmosphere crackled with energy as she recited the ancient incantations inscribed in the book. Unpredictable power surged through her, then ebbed away. Three millennia of halted aging caught up with ancient mare. The strain on her now mortal form was too much to bear. "At last, freedom..." were Twilight's final thoughts before darkness enveloped her. As she regained consciousness and felt warm, lush grass beneath her, Twilight knew that her plan had worked. A familiar raspy voice greeted her from above, "Took ya long enough!"