//------------------------------// // Chapter 2 // Story: Starlight over the garden // by HeirofHades //------------------------------// Questions stormed in Dusk Shine's frantic mind. Fleur De Lis. FLEUR DE LIS?! WHY HER OF ALL PEOPLE? How did he even get-wait a minute? Dusk Shine's face went neutral, recalling the hallway. There's only one person who could've done this. Cadance. "Please excuse me, I need to talk with our principal for a moment," Dusk Shine muttered, reaching into his pockets. He held a tiny capsule, slamming into the ground with a brief flash of smoke. They stared at the blank space. "Do you think he'll give us some of those?" Neon Light asked, pulling down his shades. Those can truly come in handy. "Not for free," Jet Set countered with a shrug. Something like that must come with a price tag and an instruction manual. Cadance packed up her belongings, ready to end the day, when a flash caught her attention. "Hey, Dusk Shine," She greeted as he stood in the center of the room's center. He marched up to her, displaying the note. "I would like to file a formal complaint," Dusk Shine demanded sternly. "Fleur De Lis of all people, Cadance?" He griped, sharpening his glare. "Seriously?" "You got Fleur De Lis?" Cadance questioned, raising an intrigued brow. She read the note. Holy shit, he did get Fleur De Lis. "Oh, like you didn't know or had a hand in this," Dusk Shine scrutinized with narrowed eyes and folded arms. She's influenced by this as the event synced up perfectly. Cadance lowered her eyelids with a soft smirk. "Dusk Shine, if I hypothetically skewed the results in my favor, as you claim. Won't I pick someone else like Sour Sweet, your ex, to rekindle the flame after being forced to break up? The other Shadow 5. The Dazzlings. Starlight," She countered, listing off the other potential candidates. He had tons of them. Although there are some, she wanted him to avoid romantically like Lightning Dust. That girl has severe issues. "I-uh-um-hm," Dusk Shine stammered, unable to find holes in her argument. "I don't like your tone, Principal Cadaneza. Good day," He commented with a turnt nose, not wanting her to relish in this minor victory. "Love you too, Dusk Shine," Cadance teased with a smile. "Ugh!" Dusk Shine grumbled and slammed another capsule into the ground, leaving the principal alone. "I got to have one of those," Cadance muttered, staring at the spot. She chuckled softly as her eyes gleamed of what was to come with Dusk Shine's and Fleur De Lis' relationship. Although they would require ample work before they can establish the slightest form of a romantic relationship. He returned to his friends, clarifying that his pixie was totally random. Fleur De Lis is officially his pixie. Dusk Shine offered to trade, but they won't be shaking that hornet's nest. He sighed before hopping on the bus. Several moments passed. Dusk Shine got Spike from the doggy care and returned home. He collapsed on his bed, unleashing frustrated groans into his mattress. "What happened?" Spike asked, getting on the bed with him. He knew that annoyed groan meant something happened at school today. "I got my Pixie for H&H, only for it to be fuck mothering Fleur De Lis," Dusk Shine replied, scratching Spike's ears. "What was Cadance thinking?" His emerald eyes widened in alarm. Anyone else could've and would've been better. Yeah, they've improved after the Friendship, but that doesn't remove all the EMOTIONAL DAMAGE she caused him. "It wasn't her. The picking was completely random," Dusk Shine clarified, wiping away rumors of malpractice on Cadance's part. "My odds of getting Fleur De Lis was 0.1572% as a rough estimate," He calculated using past events and the influx of new students. "Damnit," Dusk Shine mumbled as he sat up. At "So what now?" Spike asked, hopping on his lap, enjoying more head scratches from him. "What I've been doing for years," Dusk Shine declared, reaching into his bag for supplies. "Doing a good job," This was no different from when Cinch was principal and manipulating the odds in her favor. He's the Schola Perfecta. Dusk Shine must uphold his reputation as such. "So, no revenge or payback after all these years," Spike probed. This would be the perfect time for it. "Spike, I'm completely burnt out from all of that," Dusk Shine groaned, massaging his forehead, recalling his 'demon' phase. He broke up entire families with tears and arguments. Companies were brought out, bankrupt, or forced to downsize to stay stable. Standard of living was reduced to ash. Dozens, hundreds, and maybe even thousands of people cursed his name and will do so after their death. "I did that for months. I'm done," He shut his eyes, accepting there's going to be a special place in hell for him. "Shopping list?" Spike questioned, finding a comfortable spot on the "Shopping list," Dusk Shine answered, clicking his pen before writing down detailed notes. He knew Fleur De Lis for years. The letter made gift shopping significantly easier, but this will be a pricey endeavor. The Pixie games were in full force at CPA as Cadance gave them a few days to prepare. Students exchanging gifts either delivering it themselves or using a proxy to keep their identities hidden. It's before the homeroom bell, which gives students ample time to deliver their items. Dusk Shine held his gift to Fleur De Lis, double-checking everything before handing it over. He knows where Fleur De Lis is. Just give it to her and walk off, but she'll probably laugh at him and throw it away. His face faulted before shaking his head at the insanity of those worries. "Wait, why do I care so much?" Dusk Shine muttered. Perhaps a proxy is better so his time and money don't go to waste. Cadance is out. That'll be too obvious. Same with Tempest due to their connection. There's one. "Hey, Discord," He shouted, getting his science teacher's attention. "Dusk Shine," Discord smiled, holding up his monocle to greet him. "What can I do for you?" He asked, glancing down at the fancy bag in his hands. "It's um-," Dusk Shine started before checking his surroundings and whispering into Discord's ear. The eccentric man's eye exploded in shock upon hearing Dusk Shine's Pixie. "Really?" Discord questioned, wondering if this was a prank or something crafted behind the scenes with Cadance. Dusk Shine stared blankly. "Fine, I'll take it to her. This better not explode or something," He rolled his eyes, receiving the project with suspicious tenderness. Discord loves a good prank, but a prank fueled by spite is a disastrous venture. Dusk Shine glared. Discord raised his hands in defense. "I had to ask. Besides, even during your edge lord phase, you would never stoop that low," He smiled, messing his hair before strolling for the delivery. Fleur De Lis and her friends chatted near a staircase. They returned from either their morning practice or club meetings. "Hey, Mr. Discord," One acknowledged the chaotic professor. "One delivery for a Ms. Fleur De Lis from thine Pixie," Discord announced formally, presenting it to her. Fleur De Lis accepted it with rosy cheeks as her friends' teasing grins widened. Discord bowed, leaving the group alone. The gift bag was from a quality brand, so whoever was Fleur De Lis' pixie must have dedicated ample resources to appease her. "Well," Cold Forecast shrugged, urging Fleur De Lis to open the bag. "Woah," The girls marveled at the lavish gifts presented. These weren't gaudy, overpriced trinkets in a vain attempt to get into her pants. A well-thought-out arrangement of fancy yet practical items. "Who do you think it is?" Fleur De Lis asked, grabbing a handwritten note. This must be from someone who knows her because of how organized it was. "Definitely Dusk Shine," Frosty Orange and Orange Sherbette confirmed with a quick glance. They darted their heads to them. "How the hell did you know that?" Garden Grove questioned. Nothing about this package screams Dusk Shine. She anticipated him to give Fleur De Lis something nerdy or science-themed but paused her thoughts. Garden doesn't know Dusk Shine enough to form an opinion on his gift-giving skills. Did he have help? Dusk Shine did have a girlfriend until Cinch ruined it. "The note has his handwriting," Orange Sherrette reported. "He . . . gave a similar note to me like two years ago," She commented, playing with her curly hair. "It was so sweet," Diwata gushed, recalling the note Sherbette received. She blushed, giving Diwata a playful shove. Dusk Shine surely had a way with words. "He got me a dress and leggings that came with POCKETS," Frosty Orange added with a boastful grin. "Actual pockets," She emphasized. All women knew the struggle of having insufficient pocket space, while men could fit an entire inventory in one pocket. "Look at this," They observed her pulling out her phone, wallet, keys, and other miscellaneous items with enough room to spare. "Wasn't that the time when the boys had two Pixies?" Melon Mint remarked as they nodded. Fleur De Lis surveyed the bag's contents. Dusk Shine gave her a mini care package with fragrance sprays, scented moisturizer with SPF, delightful accessories, and something wrapped in a box. She opened it. Her friends gasped at the reveal, enviously gazing upon it. Lucky, one of them muttered. A flower. Not just an ordinary flower like a generic rose. Dusk Shine got her favorite one. An alabaster Chrysanthemum. Her eyes glimmered at the flower and read the note. Dusk Shine turned her name into an acronym, with each letter being an adjective that describes her: Fabulous, Lavish, Elegant, Unique, Radiant. Delightful, Enchanting. Lovely, Intelligent, and Sophisticated. Her face flushed, her heart raced, but an alluring sense of calm washed over her. A tiny grin formed on her features. Her friends analyzed Fleur De Lis' expression. Was she falling in love with Dusk Shine? Fleur De Lis kept the smile as Dusk Shine's face glimmered in her thoughts while rubbing the moisturizer on her palms. They resumed their conversation, wondering what their pixies would get them after seeing Dusk Shine's impressive work and groaning about upcoming assignments. Moondancer glared venomously at Fleur De Lis' smiling face from a distance. Fleur De Lis gave them a tiny sample of her moisturizer and sprays. Moondancer's frown deepened as Fleur De Lis commented on the accessories Dusk Shine provided. She determined it was a pair of earrings and a silk hair tie. Moondancer crossed her arms, tightening her jaw enough to crack concrete. Fleur De Lis coveted the bag to her chest like a greedy scavenger after her friends joked about taking some items if she didn't want them. "You don't deserve any of that. Not from him," Moondancer seethed, barely holding back her wrath. She passed on this conversation by pure chance. How did this overpriced slut get Dusk Shine as her pixie? "You must've stolen it from someone after you got tossed away like a cheap cumrag," She determined but can't decipher who Dusk Shine's original pixie could be. Whatever. It doesn't matter. The scolding, baleful rancor in her gut settled once the bell rang. Moondancer will have her chance as they return to class. Students eased and chattered during study hall. Another opportunity for students to hand over their goodies to their pixies. Dusk Shine reorganized his bag while sorting through his locker. Today was an easy day. "Hey, Dusk Shine," Tempest said, holding a package for him. "Oh boy," Dusk Shine muttered, hiking his shoulders at the sight of it. Another one?! This was the 3rd one just for today! "Is it that bad?" Tempest asked, raising her brow. She heard some cringey stories about gift-giving during his holiday. Either these gifts are dropping with sap or wildly inappropriate for their age group. "If the genders were reversed, I would be arrested or take leave," Dusk Shine acknowledged, taking the package from her, hoping this time it would be more palatable. "I can deal with them," Tempest suggested with a sly grin. "Please don't," Dusk Shine deadpanned with a sweat drop. "I have a feeling about who it is," He alluded with a forest of chills across his spine. She nodded and left him. Dusk Shine gulped, briefly pausing as he prepared to open the package. It's a small one. That makes it excessively suspicious and much worse. "Hey, Dusk Shine~" Well, speaking of Grogar, here she was. He flinched at the purring voice, turning towards it. Lightning Dust. She's one of the new students who came in after Cinch's dismissal to help keep CPA afloat. From what he's been told, lightning took the entrance exam years ago with Indigo Zap, her cousin. Her temperament wasn't compatible with Crystal Prep, resulting in her initial rejection. Their relationship further deteriorated. Dusk Shine didn't know the full details, assuming it to be typical family drama, but oh, how wrong he was. Lightning attempted to be in his main circle during his domination phase, removing anyone and everyone who would oppose Cadance and the rotten apples soiling CPA's reputation. How did she try? Lightning 'tried' to be his enforcer, bodyguard, lover, or whatever label she focused on. It failed. However, his rejections made her enamored, bewitched, captivated, or simply obsessed with him. Even more so when Cadance placed Dusk Shine on probation after he cooled off, becoming normal and regaining some semblance of his old personality. That doesn't excuse that Lightning called Dusk Shine submissive and breedable while making him entirely uncomfortable. "Hey," Dusk Shine greeted reluctantly, edging away from her to find an escape route in the empty hallway. You know the guy or girl that your parents didn't want to date or be involved with because they're going to lead you down a horrible path. That's her. Lightning was casually dressed in her CPA uniform, opting for track shoes and a sports jacket. Her eyelids were lowered, and her lips curved upwards. Lightning glanced at his hands and widened her smirk. "Nice little gift you got from Pixie, huh?" She cooed, playing coy with him as she closed the gap. "I haven't opened it yet," Dusk Shine replied as his muscles tensed at her presence. Why can't she leave him alone? She's making him feel more uncomfortable whenever Cinch touches him. "Good to know because you don't need to open it," Lightning Dust purred, tracing lines on his chest with a feral glint in her eyes. "Your pixie has a much better gift for you right here. Right now," She tempted by licking her lips and goading him by slowly unzipping her jacket. He shut up his eyes, turning his head with his back against the lockers. "Dusk Shine, there you are," Starlight interjected, much to his relief and Lightning Dust's annoyance. The reckless track star zipped up her jacket, turning to Starlight with a harsh glare. "Can you fucking piss off, we're having a moment here?" Lightning Dust seethed at the 2nd-ranked student. Why the fuck was she here, of all places? Gosh, Starlight was so annoying, getting included in Dusk Shine's business like some weirdo. He doesn't need some boring goody two shoes that keep him safe and stable. Dusk Shine needs someone to push his limits and bring back that dominating, awesome prince to claim his place at the top. "You can have your moment another time," Starlight suggested, glaring at the wonton athlete. Lightning Dust sneered, rolling her eyes at Starlight. She hooked her arms around Dusk Shine, violating his personal boundaries. Starlight's eyes twitched, clenching her jaw at her insolence. "Come on, Dusk Shine, there's no time like the present," Lightning coaxed, pushing her bosom against his arm. "Let's have some fun," She cajoled with a light tug as her gold eyes stared at him. His face paled at her suggestion. "Maybe another time since my teachers have been strict with me lately," Dusk Shine demurred, breaking away from Lighting's hold on him and joining Starlight as they walked away. Lightning snarled, placing her hands into her jacket and stomping off as she grumbled under her breath. "Are you okay?" Starlight asked. "I…I think so," Dusk Shine stammered, rubbing his hands to calm his nerves. "Give me a few minutes," He muttered, sitting against the walls, enabling his body and brain to process those dreadful emotions. She joined him. "Was she your pixie?" Starlight asked softly, opening the door to their interaction. Dusk Shine nodded. "What gifts did she give you?" She probed, glancing at the box in his hand. He handed her the package, allowing Starlight to open it. Her eyes widened with shocking disgust, frowning at the highly suggestive pictures. She saw Pony-Gram models doing some of the same poses to push the TOS boundaries. Perfect for Lightning Dust. Although she had the sensibility to preserve the bare minimum of modesty likely to entice Dusk Shine, making him beg for more. "This isn't appropriate," Starlight deadpanned while rummaging through the small collage. Starlight groaned at the upfront nature of them. It's one thing to be forward with your intentions, but Lightning Dust had the subtlety of an explosive sledgehammer. "Nope," Dusk Shine acknowledged, wishing that he got more generic stuff like chocolates or comics. He glanced at the photos. There's no denying that Lightning was relatively attractive and kept her body well-maintained. Many people would prefer having someone this direct with them regarding their romantic intentions. But that's only when there are mutual feelings. Lightning was unbearably aggressive, making his body uneasy and brain overloaded. "I'm going to hand these over to Zap," He remarked. Starlight nodded to agree due to the sensitive nature of the photos. Lightning wasn't nude, but her suggestive positions and captions in those pictures should be restricted when in a committed and exclusive relationship. Something fell from the collage. They shared a blank gaze at the small plastic square. "Is that a…?" The two paled at the item. Neither wanted to answer that question as they got up and tenderly threw it in the trash. "Thanks for helping me out, Starlight," Dusk Shine smiled. Starlight returned the smile. "Anytime," She embraced him tightly as he returned it as well. Dusk Shine's eyes flashed white. LIAR! FRAUD! DEICEIVER! MANIPULATOR! CORRUPTOR RUN AWAY! Please help her/me "What the?" He muttered as the esoteric voices thundered in his mind. Why was he hearing them? What was the Aether trying to tell him about Starlight? His body chilled and shuddered, wondering when the Aether return and if Night Blaze came back. "Hm?" Starlight mouthed, raising her brow at his suddenly tense body. She released him, taking a few paces back so he could breathe. "I'm fine," Dusk Shine admitted, easing her worries as she smiled. He briefly caught Starlight's gaze and froze. On the surface, her blue eyes were normal and glimmering, but something was wrong. Instinctively wrong. Starlight's eyes were hauntingly vacant, yet not of despair but of the utmost fanatic loyalty. Her smile told Dusk Shine that she could and would kill in his name without hesitation. Just say the word and the target. Why did Dusk Shine have the horrifying feeling that she already did? "I'm going to the vending machine," Starlight broke the silence. "Want anything?" She offered. "It's okay," Dusk Shine answered, giving Starlight a cautionary glance as she walked off. One of the voices claimed that Starlight needed his help, but why and how? A troubling thought echoed in his mind. Was she like him? Did someone force Starlight to use Aether? But for what? Starlight's face was blazing red. She barely held herself together, shaking with rapture at Dusk Shine's warmth and sophisticated scent. Her mouth released steamy breaths as she wrapped her arms around her body. She sharply inhaled and exhaled, wiping a line of drool from her mouth. "Calm down," Starlight chanted while soothing herself. She marched to one of the vending machines. "Remember your oath. You're supposed to be an elite, upstanding, sophisticated woman of high moral standing," She declared as she picked out her beverage. This was a simple step in the right direction. Dusk Shine already sees her as a better romantic prospect compared to that unfettered Lightning Dust. "All in due time," Starlight smiled as the machine rumbled before frowning at an image in her reflection. It was her. The real her with a blank expression, conveying her disappointment. "Shut up," She growled with a beastly sneer as veins pulsated on her neck. This 'real her' was weak and pathetic, unsuited to be by Dusk Shine's side. Starlight grabbed her drink, refusing to look herself in the eyes as the reflection followed. Fleur De Lis remained in an elated mood throughout the day. She relaxed in her bed, smiling and kicking her foot as she read the note again and enjoying the gifts Dusk Shine gave her. Her friends encouraged her to join the Pixie games quickly to ease her mind. Fleur De Lis didn't expect anything spectacular, but like always, Dusk Shine proved them wrong. "Dusk Shine," She muttered, rolling over to gaze at her bedroom ceiling. She's been horrible to him for years, yet Dusk Shine showed her genuine kindness and mercy in her weak moment. Something Fleur De Lis never did. Determination fueled her eyes and hardened her features. "That's all going to change," Fleur De Lis declared, hopping off her bed and rushing to her closet. The Pixie Reveal party is in a few short days. She cataloged potential outfit combinations to knock Dusk Shine off his feet. "What's the dress code again?" Fleur De Lis examined the letter again, not wanting to be overdressed or, even worse, underdressed. "Oh, it's a casual event," Principal Cadance wanted the students to be comfortable and have fun. She didn't reject the idea of formal wear either, creating an idea of choice. "Okay, I can either go formal or casual," Fleur De Lis commented, giving her more options to work with. However, that's the problem. She had more options and didn't know what to pick. Does Fleur De Lis go casual with a decent shirt, jeans, and sneakers? Or would a nice skirt with heels work? What about that dress she barely had a chance to wear? The accessories Dusk Shine gave her are compatible with any outfit for all occasions. This clearly had a woman's touch. Or maybe his brother assisted him. Her brain was overloaded with the DnD list of possibilities as everything was good but could also be better. She groaned, wondering if Dusk Shine regularly goes through this headache. Time for reinforcements. Fleur De Lis texted several numbers, rallying them to her aid in this fashion crisis. Her phone buzzed with their confirmations. She smiled; her gaze landed on Dusk Shine's flower, resting on her nightstand. "I need to get a vase for this," Fleur De Lis muttered before exiting her room. Everything is going to change after this party. She will be the woman that Dusk Shine knows she can be. Alright it's almost time to party. Looks like Fleur De Lis is catching heavy feelings. Moondancer has more salt than a COD or LOL chat lobby. Lightning is weird. Thanks for reading the story. Follow and favorite to keep updated. Leave a review for any questions, concerns, theories or just to show your support. Thanks again. Have a good day.