Perchance to Dream

by Visharo

Queens of Infinite Space

The Sun looked upon Equus she rotates around,
she pondered thoughts of consequence abound.
It wasn't her place to dream, she mustered.
But the brilliance of the sphere left her flustered.

The Sun floated upwards to Infinite Space,
suspending temporarily the cosmic chase.
The Stars of Wise asked her wishful thought.
She asked, they delivered, and thusly was caught.

The Sun was now a being of inhibition.
The wish granted with a single condition.
She must raise the celestial corpse of her past
every single day, for that was what she had cast.

The Sun frolicked amongst the surface with joy a plenty,
the years passed without a thought for many.
Then, upon fate, the condition was upheld too late.
The consequences that followed held pained weight.

The Moon chased dutifully for that was her charge.
While her body was smaller, her job was just as large.
She perused Infinite Space without much regard,
for her purpose was her worthy guard.

The Moon noticed, one day, a deviation in the norm.
The Sun changed direction from the line of form.
She paid no heed, for it surely was a question
from the Stars of Wise, certainly not a transgression.

The Moon then witnessed a disbelief most erratic,
creating a thought in her mind, most static.
Did, The Sun, seek a fortune elsewhere?
Impossible! The two were an inseparable pair.

The Moon sought through Space and further still.
It was then, upon Equus, did she spy the Sun on a hill.
An audience with the Stars of Wise did reveal her
decision to leave Infinite Space and what was once were.