Friendship and Harmony: Darkness Awakens

by BoeingtheDraconequus

Friendship and Harmony: Darkness Awakens: Prologue

A wagon got pulled through the hot and arid climate of the desert of Equestria as two earth pony stallions pulled it with their strength. The hot sun beating down on them as sweat dripped down their foreheads, their mouths craved for the water that they long since needed ever since entering these hot and uncomfortable conditions.

As they approached the city of Saddle Arabia, they were greeted by a gray elderly unicorn mare with a white mane and tail wearing a brown cloak over herself as she smiled at the approaching stallions.

“Greetings, gentlecolts,” she said to them. “I trust that your journey wasn’t too exhausting.”

“Not more than usual,” the first stallion replied as he wiped sweat from his forehead. “But we sure need some water.”

“Then follow me to my shop and I’ll give you both your water as well as your payment.” The elderly mare turned and led them through the streets towards a small two-storey building with desert gray bricks and a brown door. She stepped inside and allowed them to enter as one of the stallions carried a wooden crate inside and placed it down on the floor next to the check out desk.

“Thank you, boys.” The elderly mare smiled at them as she levitated two jugs of water over to them as well as two bags of 20 bits. “Your delivery is greatly appreciated.”

“You’re welcome ma’am.” said the second stallion as he drank his water. “What is it that my friend and I had to deliver? We weren’t told what it was, only that it was very dangerous and it was top secret.”

The gray unicorn went over to the crate as she opened the lid and lifted out a glass container that had a medallion. It was gray in color and had a pitch black gem in the center that seemed to radiate what the night sky would look like without the moon and stars. “This medallion is extremely dangerous,” she explained. “All I can tell you is that it can corrupt the soul of the one who uses it and bring upon eternal darkness. The fewer that know of this, the safer Equestria is. That is why you both delivered it here.”

“So that it can be stored away so nopony can take it and use it for their own selfish reasons,” concluded the first stallion.

“Correct.” the unicorn mare nodded as the stallions shared a look. “And I thank you both for bringing it here once again. You both are doing Equestria a huge favor.”

“Again, it’s no trouble, miss,” the second stallion smiled. “Well, we’d better get going.”

“Wait.” The elderly mare held up a hoof as she levitated four more water jugs over to them. “Take these, for your journey home.”

“Really? Thanks,” the first stallion said as he opened the door and pulled the wagon towards it, allowing himself and his comrade to load their wagon with the extra water and payment.

“Have a safe trip home,” the elderly mare called out to the stallions as they went down the streets and eventually out of Saddle Arabia.

Once they were gone, she went back inside her shop and closed the door. “Right, now to put you away with the rest of my treasures.” she said to the medallion as she lit up her horn and entered a small closet that consisted of lots of other necklaces and amulets.

She placed it down on an empty spot on one of the 5 shelves available. “There you go, safe and sound.” The elderly mare said as she patted the glass protector before turning and exiting the closet, closing and locking the door.

Unbeknownst to her, a pitch black shadow with red eyes and a curvy unicorn horn materialized into the darkness of the small room. It spotted the medallion that was delivered not too long ago and smiled darkly at it as the shadow lit up its horn, enveloping the magical artifact in a purple and green aura and pulling it through the glass.

“At long last,” the shadow whispered in a dark and sinister tone. “After all these years, it’s finally mine.”

It then lit up its horn and made an exact replica materialize in the spot where the real medallion once was before disappearing in a black poof of smoke soundlessly, letting out a low and evil chuckle.