My Shadow's Keeper

by CrimsonRose97

Chapter 3

I was only supposed to surveillance the hybrid and her “family” for a time before making myself known, but circumstances changed when it got caught by the living vines. Thought it would demonstrate this power Mother said it had on the vines, however it wasn't doing anything but becoming plant food.

So I had to make myself known by saving the hybrid. Makes my skin crawl just looking down at her.

The child looked at me with a strange look on their face.

“What are you staring at?” I asked her with a scowl.

She stared at me for a second longer before blinking. “Oh sorry, I thought I was seeing somepony else.” She said as she stood up. “Thank you for saving me!” She smiled so sickly sweet I thought my teeth were going to rot.

I was about to say something else but my eyes fell to the doll she had in one of her hooves. At first it looked just like any ordinary doll…but this doll has a likeness to somepony.

When I looked at it, I felt a twinge of emotion building in my chest. I didn't know why I was feeling this nor who the doll resembles.

I feel like I know who it was but I was drawing a blank.

Apparently the hybrid took note of this and giggled. “This is my best friend Hopey. My partner in crime and fellow adventurer. Say hi Hopey!”

She then made the doll wave at me. “And I'm Umbré.”

“Creepy.” I grunted, taking my eyes away from the doll.

“What's your name?” Umbré asked.

I rolled my eyes. “So~” I froze.

I didn't think of what cover name I would be using. If I use my actual name, surely ponies would know who I was instantly and my cover will be blown.

And I would have to suffer the wrath of Mother if I fail again.

My eyes darted to the area, trying to find something to use as a name. Looking at trees, the limbs, the ground, bushes, anything for a name. “Uh…..Shadow Mists.”

I instantly regretted letting that slip out. Shadow Mists??? Way too on the damn nose! What was I thinking?!

Umbré blinked at that before snickering and then letting out a rumbling laugh. My ears flattened. “Why are you laughing?” 

She laughs a little more before responding in giggles. “Sorry, Sorry, but that name has got to be the most edgiest, edgelord name I've ever heard. It's a little ridiculous.”

“The name Umbré is ridiculous. What's your excuse?” I huffed. Already annoyed by her.

Umbré still continues to giggle. “I don't. It is a little ridiculous but it's cute. Like me.” She bats her lashes.

I had to hold back the vomit that threatened to come up my throat. I swallowed and shivered.

“I just moved here, what about you? Have you lived in Ponyville?” Umbré asked.

“No.” I said bluntly. “I just moved here as well.”

She gasps out loud. “Oh boy, that's amazing, maybe we could be friends. It'll be much easier to adjust to school.”

School?! I had forgotten that she'll be attending school here soon. But the actual thought of following her being surrounded by other snot nose brats made me sick.

“Right…” I felt like I had enough fill for this brat for the day. I turned my hooves and began walking away.

“Hey, Shadow, where are you going?” Umbré asked. I could hear her shuffling behind me.

“Home.” I said sharply. Not looking back at her.

“Oooh, can I come?” it asked with such enthusiasm I shivered and gagged.

“No!” I turned and snapped at her, teeth baring.

She jumped back with a frightful gasp. For a split second her eyes shifted from blue to red. Her body was changing.

I remembered how she turned into that monstrosity and attacked me. And that when she was a baby. I don't want her to attack me now.

She destroyed my last body, I can't lose this one.

I coughed and scratched my head. “Uh no sorry, I mean, you can't come over.” I spoke more gently. “My house is a mess, it's not suitable for any visitors right now.” I lied.

Umbré blinked her eyes and the blues returned. When she ran her tongue over her teeth, she stiffened when she felt her fangs. Blushing. she looked away embarrassed.

“S-sorry, no one is supposed to see that.” She whimpered. 

“See what, I didn't see anything.” Again I lied.

“N-nothing.” It lied, turning her head back to look at me. No traces of the demon coming out.

“Why don't you run home, your folks are probably wondering where you are.” I suggested, wanting to get away from the hybrid.

“Would you like to come over?” She offered.

“I don’t think your mother and father would appreciate some strange colt showing up with their daughter. Go on.” I urged her to go.

Umbré nodded. “Okay, bye then.” She starts taking off.

She got a yard ahead before stopping. She turned her head back to me. “Shadow, will I get to see you again?” She asked.

I nodded. “Oh absolutely.” I gave her an assured smile.

She smiled back.

“Oh and Umbré, just for the time being, don’t tell anyone about me. It’ll be our little secret.”

She nodded and made a zipper motion with her hoof. 

“Good.” I then waved a hoof to send her off.

“Okay then, bye Shadow!” The hybrid said with glee before taking off down the path.

I waited until she disappeared completely from view before exhaling loudly.

That was a close one!

I trotted through the dark woods, kept going and going until I made my way to my camp. 

What was once a den for Timber Wolves, I reduced them into splinters and used their wood to build a bed and a firepit.

My home…

I walked over to my sleeping area and picked up the crystal. My horn lit up and my magic consumed it, like how I was taught.

After a moment, the crystal glowed.

“Sombra?”  Obscura’s voice came out. “What is the status?”

“I made contact with the child, she can change her form willingly from what I can see.” I told her.

Does she recognize you?” Obscura asked.

“No, for the most part, she doesn’t. Plans are in motion.” 

Excellent, continue on. Make sure she trusts you and only you. Stick close and don’t lose sight of what is at stake.”

I nodded and the crystal faded.

With a deep sigh, I set the crystal down.

Now it was time to fully set the plans in motion. Get close to the hybrid.

To become her friend.