Tower Farming

by GamePlayer64

Tower Farming

One month has passed since the attack from The Legion of Doom and one day of Twilight’s official coronation. The beginning of peace was the start for the Princess of Friendship with no hassle… until a massive Black Towers appear all over the planet which frighten the all creatures from around the world, over 100 of them appeared in an instant, from the frigid north of the Crystal Empire to the Dragon Lands of Equestria and the land of the Zebras. No creature, not even 4 Adult Alicorns could remove them, nor The Magic of Friendship, Dragon fire, Yak strength and Changeling Magic could create a scratch on one of them. As many scholars, scientists and investigators examined these towers to find a way to discover what it is. A Minotaur Blacksmith examined a tower near his home village to announce that the metal of the tower is unknown but powerful to prevent any destruction to the tower and any removal. For a few days, nearly all creatures started to fear the towers until 4 creatures; An Arachne, A female naga, A male Diamond Dog & a female Kelpie came out wearing armor & cloaks while wielding a sword, an ax, a crossbow, and a staff. The Alicorn Princesses held a massive meeting with the creatures who came out of The Black Tower. Twilight was the 1st to ask questions. “TELL ME HOW DID YOU ALL CAME OUT OF THAT TOWER?!” She yelled in shock as the Kelpie took the stand.

“Well… it happened a few days ago. I was snacking on some bass as a weird portal appeared and sucked me in. I fainted after being sucked in but after I woke up in a plain within The Tower on the 1st floor. When you appear on the 1st floor, you gain some sort of powers to make you a warrior or mage to battle against some monsters on the 2nd floor.” She explained as some creatures started to talk in fear about monsters escaping from the tower as Fluttershy flew to one of them.

“Uh… these monsters… Can they escape from the towers?” She asked as the Diamond Dog stood up.

“No. Monsters won’t leave floors without other monsters eating them.” He said which made Starswirl appear.

“What is the purpose of these towers?” He demanded to know as the 4 just shrugged their shoulders.

“Don’t know.” Said the Naga as she pulled out a small chest. “But what’s in it…” She opened the chest and a mass amount of gold coins, jewels and gems. Spike’s eyes widened as the pile of riches reached the Naga’s neck. “The rewards are worth it.” She said with a grin which even baffled dragons.

“How…” Said Dragon Lord Ember.

“If you complete a floor, you get rewards and can go to the next floor.” Said the Naga and pulled a large piece of paper with an odd design on it. “Also you have a small chance to win these tickets.” She said as Rainbow thought it was silly.

“What’s the ticket for?” She asked.

“Items. For us who have gone through awakening, can go in and out the tower freely without hassle but creatures who haven’t appeared in the tower to enter it but only can be on the 1st floor only. Any attempt to enter the 2nd floor is impossible.” She said as the Arachne crawled up.

“If you want to know the purpose of the towers, find and gather creatures who appeared in the tower, to venture to the top. Apparently it has 99 floors but the danger inside it increases with each floor.” She said which concerned Celestia and Luna.

“If it’s dangerous, why would you risk your lives?” Asked Celestia as they turned to her.

“Why? I thought you would notice it but apparently caring for ponies made you blind.” Said the Kelpie which offended Luna.

“What does thou mean?” She said,

“Not all creatures live with large resourceful lands.” Said the Naga as she slithered to Luna. “In fact, when you call your Pillars heroes in the past, we call them villains!” She said which offended Starswirl.

“We are not monsters.” He said.

“No!” Said the Arachne “But the ponies who you protect and save are! When you protect them from attacks from other creatures, they conquer our lands for their greed! My ancestors once lived in a forest where that member you called Rockhoof, diverted that lava from his home into my race’s old home!” She said something which shocked them, especially Rockhoof as Twilight turned to Applejack who shook her head.

“She’s not lying.”

“My ancestors’ lost our home as Rockhoof’s home survived. They complained and his ponies took arms against us for coming to their home.” She said as she showed her fangs at him as the Naga slither towards Starswirl.

“And my race once lived in the desert with the largest oasis in Equestria until some ponies raiders forced us to leave with flutes that manipulate snakes and make it into what today is, the greatest resort for the rich and famous!” She yelled which made Celestia and Luna back away since they went there on vacation and remember the angry nagas that try to take over the resort who they defeat with ease.

“So you cannot deny all creatures in the world access to the towers and cannot declare ownership of them without the world waging war against Equestria! Can your nation go against the entire world and risk becoming the enemy of all races?” Asked the Kelpie if even Starswirl and the Pillars backed away as some creatures were talking among themselves and agreeing that they do not have large resources and remember that their ancestors once lost their homes by the actions of ponies which made Twilight worried.

“You’re right.” They turned to her as she cleared her voice “I once questioned about the heroic tales when Stygian told Starlight that he wanted to create his own artifacts to be an equal to the Pillars as a comrade.” She said that Starswirl felt so much shame that he and the other pillars falsely accused their friend and made him into The Pony of Shadows. “So… what do you all suggest?” She asked as the Arachne smiled.

“I guess you’re not as blind as the rest you adore.” She said which was a jabbed to their heroes. “It’s simple, I say creatures form their own guilds. Gather many creatures of different races to see who can reach the top of the towers and discover their purpose.” She said,

“Apparently the towers are linked.” Said the Naga. “I even met a Wyvern and Siren from across the sea." She said which made The Pillars of Old Equestria flinch hearing the word ‘Siren’ "What’s at the top is a mystery we’re willing to take.” Said the Naga as they all left the area.

“Good luck finding creatures that isn’t ponies that are heroes to ponies.” Said the Diamond Dog who smirked since Twilight, her friends, Celestia, Luna, Shining Armor, Cadance, The Pillars and Young 6 could not enter any tower and not even teleporting or clinging to a creature who can enter any towers.

“Not even the self-proclaimed Lord of Chaos can enter it.” Said the Arachne as Discord appeared.

“I’LL SHOW YOU ‘SELF-PROCLAIMED’!” He yelled at her as Discord flew to the tower.


They see Discord was flat on the tower as he was peeled off as he landed near them who looked at him and raised their brows at him. “It was just a warm-up!” He snapped his fingers at it as a bolt of lightning from the tower struck him. “That didn’t hurt.” A larger bolt of lightning struck him which made everyone backed away from him. “Okay… NOW THAT HURT! YES, YES! DEFINITELY HURTS!” They looked at the crowd who looked at them, who shrugged their shoulders at them as they looked at the tower.

“Wait a minute?” Said the Diamond Dog which got their attention “When we were in, fighting to go to the next floor… Who gives us magic?” He asked which made his group look shocked and looked at the tower.

“Maybe… the one who made the towers?” Said the Kelpie as they all just wonder who the (Whatever each race calls their ruler) is.

4 Months Later
The world has changed but neither for better or for worse. Creatures of different races who have gained awakening as the creatures called them were forming guilds as they venture in the towers to travel higher to collect many riches for themselves, their families or their homes. Making peace with other races, much faster than Princess Twilight could do with her Map of Friendship and her friends. Twilight was baffled that these towers managed to do her work faster but only for wealth and glory which made Twilight feel inferior that they couldn’t do anything in a tower. Rainbow was the 1st to prove it when she tried flying through the barrier to the 2nd floor. Apparently guilds for Twilight Sparkle are few due to some creatures who didn’t like the idea of donating most of their loot to Twilight (No thanks to some greedy pony nobles in Canterlot which enraged her for using those who have awaken to risk their lives for piles of gold and gems). Twilight managed to gather some creatures but not a lot of them (25 at least). “This isn’t how I imagine my start as Princess of Equestria.” She said as her friends comforted her.

“Ugh! Why do those dumb towers refuse to let us in!” Complained Rainbow.

“Maybe because an outside force knows how powerful the Magic of Friendship is, the Pillars, Celestia, Luna, Cadance, Shining Armor, and The Pillars are. We’ll easily get to the top by teleporting there.” Said Pinkie as they looked at her.

“UGH…” Said Rainbow as they know that Pinkie is usually right with her weird answers that she knows everything. “So where are we going again?” She said as they were all traveling to a land that looks dead.

“We need to find some creatures that might have appeared in the tower but given that nearly all creatures that are known have already been recruited, Celestia and Luna gave me an idea but… it requires them to join us to venture to a land where no pony has ever ventured.” Said Twilight as Celestia and Luna appeared as they looked to where they were heading as Spike flew.

“So where are we going again?” He asked as Celestia and Luna looked at the path where they’re going.

“To the lands of Tirek and Scorpan.” Said Celestia which baffled them.

“WHAT IN SAM HILL?” Screamed Applejack as Fluttershy and Rarity fainted as Starlight looked worried.

“The Kingdom of Centaurs and Gargoyles… I never heard anything from that land ever since you two banished Tirek to Tartarus and Scorpan returned to his kingdom.” Said Starlight as Celestia and Luna looked down.

“When Scorpan returned to his kingdom, he severed all connection to Equestria and us.” Said Celestia, which shocked them.

“But I thought he understood friendship when he became friends with you and Luna?” Said Twilight as Luna looked hurt.

“He did but he did it to prevent any other Centaur and Gargoyle from gaining any access to magic.” Said Luna which made Spike smile.

“So don't be like Tirek. That’s good.” He said.

“But doing that only enraged them as they all felt like prisoners within their land which divided them all into a war between those who want magic and those who obey their king.” Explained Luna as Celestia shed a tear.

“The friend we knew who helped us, no longer exists.” Said Celestia which made Twilight and the others feel sad as they made it to the border to see there were no guards nor walls as they witnessed a land that looked completely dead.

“Now I understand why Tirek wanted the magic of Equestria…” Said Twilight “Who wouldn’t want to live in a land like this?” Starlight looked at it.

“This isn’t like the Changeling Kingdom. There isn’t a throne that is causing this, it was always like this.” She said sadly as they looked to see a creature wearing a cloak heading towards The Land of Centaurs and Gargoyles while carrying a burlap sack.

“Who is that?” Said Applejack as the creature looked around and hid behind some large rocks as it was heading in without being seen. “I think it’s a thief.” She said which made Celestia and Luna teleport to it.

“Hold it right there!” Yelled Luna as the creature jumped as its cloak flew off to reveal it was a male teenage centaur who looked a bit malnourished, had horn nubs, big black messy hair, wearing a raggy gray shirt and had a rusty dagger around his waist as he pulled it on them.

“Back off! You won’t take my food!” He yelled at them which shocked them as they saw fruits, vegetables (10 Cherry Tomatoes, 2 Peaches, 13 Green onions, 4 Sweet Potatoes or Yams (He’s unsure himself) and 30 Blueberries) and a 2.5L Winchester bottle of water rolled out.

“Wait food?” Said Celestia as Twilight and her friends came which shocked the centaur.

“More Ponies!? Great… just end me already.” He said, which shocked them.


“End me already. I'd rather die than accept friendship.” He said as Fluttershy flew to him.

“You… can’t just give up…” She said which made the teenage centaur snarled at her.

“Can’t give up…” *LAUGHING* He laughed at them and pointed at his land. “Look at this land! This would never happen if you didn’t help that stupid obedient gargoyle!” He yelled at them as Rainbow Dash flew to him.

“Don’t laugh at the princesses!” She said as Celestia looked at him.

“What do you mean… Obedient?” She asked as the centaur looked at her.

“Scorpan always does what his father says. He ordered him to betray his brother when he could find a way. In other words, the 2 alicorn sisters who were fooled by him.” He said as he was collecting his food and water “When he got back. He obeyed his father to imprison any centaur and gargoyle who could use magic and forbid them from leaving the land. We all suffered because of him but when Lord Tirek and his allies managed to break your ponies' trust with each other, the Wendigos came and froze that tyrant in a block of ice that reflects his heart to his citizens.” He said, which shocked them “To me, I think that monster who you called your friend should stay in that block for all eternity for making his kingdom suffer. Now that the towers appeared, all centaurs and gargoyles are now fighting for the way of King Vorak and their freedom.” He said Celestia and Luna looked hurt and that Scorpan, who they call a friend, wasn't their real friend.

“We… we didn’t know…” Said Celestia.

“Too late to care.” Said the centaur as he picked up his sack. “If you’re hoping for centaurs and gargoyles who have been awakened by the tower, don’t bother. They’re all being captured by Scorpan’s followers and in a prison made from a mineral that nullified all magic. So if you’re hoping to recruit them, those followers of Scorpan might grant a request if you petrified the rebels like you did to Lord Tirek and his allies so they can smash them to bits.” He said something which disgusted them.

“*GASP* We will never agree to that!” Yelled Twilight as the teenager scuffed at her.

“Then what’s stopping you subjects from smashing Lord Tirek? The sun and moon agreed with Discord without any hesitation.” He said as he left them, feeling no remorse for his actions, Celestia and Luna looked a bit guilty.

“We only focused on punishing them, we ignored Discord’s punishment for that agreement.” They said which made them look at the Centaur who left them.

The centaur went to a cave with bones scattered around as he placed his bag down. “Ugh… stupid ponies. Now feeling guilty about what they did, too little, too late.” He said as he sighed as he pulled something from his shirt, a pocket watch. “If those ponies knew about my grandpa’s timepiece, they’ll take it and hoard it like nearly everything.” He said as he looked at it. “Grandpa’s watch… how he managed to make a magical pocket watch that not only shows time, but the can show the month, day and year.” He said as he put it away. “I wish you were still with me.” He said as he looked in his sack, pulled a green onion and ate it. “I’m getting tired of stealing in the ponies’ territory just to survive. I want to leave but that stupid Scorpan places a spell on me and every other Centaur and Gargoyle that gets copied on their offsprings. If I go too far from our lands, I’ll be teleported back to it.” He said as he looked out the entrance to see the tower from afar. “The tower is the only thing to destroy this spell on me and every creature here. What I wouldn’t give for that freedom.” He said as a bright flash happened in the centaur’s cave. The centaur turned to see a vortex as he grabbed his sack and looked shocked. “A vortex… to the tower!!!” He yelled as he smiled. “Free at last!” He said happily as he waited for the vortex to take him away.

“Huh?” He said as it started to shrink. “*GASP* NNNNOOOOOOO!!!” He screamed as he jumped in as it vanished into thin air.

The Centaur landed on the ground as his food came rolling out. The Centaur looked up to see a different area but the land looked more alive than dead. “Am I…” He felt something on his legs as he looked back to see some glowing runes on them vanishing “YES! I AM FINALLY FREE!!!” He roared as he gave the sky two middle fingers “@#$% YOU SCORPAN!!! I LONE, AM FINALLY FREE!!!” He cheered as he did a Highland dance with his front legs as he looked up to see the sky… through a big hole. “Huh?” Lone looked around to see nothing but rock walls, a rock where in the center spot of the hole and a small pool of water. “No…” He ran to the walls and try to climb them but there was nothing for his hands to grab on. “No…” He looked at the light to see clear skies and a sun “NNNNOOOOOOOO!!!!” Scream Lone as he discovered that he’s in another prison, trapped in a hole. How humiliating and ironic.

Location: A Tower far from the area
Inside was nothing but darkness as an orb glowed brightly as a pair of glowing indigo eyes “(Female Voice) The crystal ball… …has detected abnormal dungeon activity!” The eyes turned to an opened door. “I must find the cause of this abnormality! It’s my job as the Tower Administrator!”