//------------------------------// // Chapter 5: The Sun's Nightmare // Story: The Son of the Sun // by eragon13666 //------------------------------// "I just can't believe he would do something like that!" Twilight exclaimed as she sighed, checking if everything in her library/bedroom was in the right place before heading to the little village of Ponyville. It had been a week since Spirit had told us about what she and Blue Blood had been doing while on duty. Of course, as Mother said, something she didn't find truly appealing; they were both adults and could make their own choices on the matter. Said choices came with the action of her now carrying his foal. Tests being done as soon as they were able, and indeed it was Blue Blood's child foal, and though he demanded another, and a retest; it all came back the same thing every time. As promised, the prince would be going to the bank, to place the amount of bits in the child funds, this would only be used for food, clothing; or other such items needed for the foal. Mother would always have the power to see what the money was being used for, and would ask for any proof of it to be kept. As she said, it wasn't that she didn't trust the maid, but it was to make sure someone like Blue Blood couldn't claim she was using the money for something else. She started to work under me, cleaning my room, gathering any mail I had, or even collecting me when I was needed, I had already made a deal with her when it came closer to her due date, that I wanted he to be off the job and resting, and that she would still be paid under the money I have. She was pretty good at it, I would wake up, and she would be knocking at the door around said time, as living as the son of the sun, you tend to wake up with the sunrise anyway. "At least Mother is finally putting her foot down on this at last," I said as I crossed my arms a bit, watching as she did her check as Spike was beside her even checking off whenever she said as such to him. "Though it is now time to truly see if she will stay on top of him to make sure he is behaving himself." "I would've told everypony what he did," Spike said, much like myself he didn't like the prince at all, mostly from how he acted before. "The fact that we aren't is just crazy to me!" "It's more so to keep everything under wraps, Spike," Twilight answered as I nodded at this. "If the press got a hold of this, Spirit wouldn't be left alone, and many other things would go down that Blue Blood had his hooves in. Though he is not publicly being punished, he won't have the same chance to do this again...I hope." "As do I." I agreed as I kept watching. "However, you don't need to worry about that for now, as you and Spike have a job inside Ponville." "Yeah I know, but really, I hope everything goes rather well; I'm just wondering how such a small little village could handle something along with this size, we may have many ponies coming far and wide just to see the princess doing this!" "I'm sure it can handle it," I responded truthfully as I smiled as I moved back to leaning against the wall, watching as she finished the last bit; and was ready to go. "Besides, with you and, Spike down there, it should all go smoothly." "Perhaps," She answered, then with a small smile; she gazed over to me. "And you, how will it feel that you are in a sense in charge of Canterlot while Princess Celestia is down there?" I only rolled my eyes, as she was right on one thing, though I did a few royal jobs from time to time, going to openings, even seeing to some meetings where an unbiased party member had to be there. Then, there were the times I even went to the other nations alone if Mother had to go to another. Some considered me too young to do this, but I had studied as much as one could, to as some would say; ready myself for a throne I'll never sit. Still, Celestia would be in her wing of the palace, waiting for her to leave, luckily her magic would allow her to go from place to place rather easily, this here, would give her time to get herself ready mentally. Mother was an Alicorn, of course, her age was in the thousands, and even though I am her son, logically, I would never be able to sit on that throne. Old age would never reach her, and I couldn't see her dying anytime soon. Moreover, with how the nobles of Canterlot are; I have a feeling they would sooner try and elect someone, a pony that could be their puppet. Or even have Blue Blood sit on the throne. That would be a horrible day, a Tartarus on Equis if I ever dared think of that. "It's only for a day," I answered as she started to leave the room, with me following along after, as Spike road along her back. "All I will be doing today is her day court, a few little meetings, and waiting for her to return in the afternoon or night; depending on how things are handled down there." There was a slight pause as I then chuckled. "I heard there is an amazing little cake shop down there; you know how Mother is with cake." Twilight only chuckled as well, knowing my mother's love of cake just as much as I did. Still, however, after she was done packing with Spike, we bid each other goodbye as she left to do her duties. After I was done with my morning meal, and I asked Spirit to work on the list of things I needed to be done, I made my way to the throne room, ready to start the long list of mostly nobles who wanted something. A paper pile next to me filled their request however looking through them one by one, I began to put them into piles pretty soon the large files of nearly 100 were twiddled down to only 20, as I passed the 20 to the guards by me. "When the ponies start coming, ask for their names, if it matches any of these names, let them in, if not tell them to return another day." They only nodded their heads curtly as they moved to leave out of the room. The 20 that I picked were rather easy ones, out of all of them, only one was that of nobility, Sir Fancy Pants, a unicorn stallion that worked in not only a clothing line but in fact along the trade of merchant. I was surprised when I learned that he and Blue Blood were related, cousins; taking over the majority of the trading system of Equestria making him a rather busy and wealthy pony. However unlike many, he wasn't a snide or rude money-hungry pony, he liked to use his money to help the community, so whatever reason he was here I could only think it was truly needed. Without going through all the boring things it was more so a small fund help, though it seems some of the workers out of Equestria land were having trouble and just needed a bit of help. After agreeing to the terms and the time of being paid back he left wishing me good day, and to meet at the next Grand Galloping Gala, which was just around the corner. However, the issues came when I could personally hear the raised voice outside the throne room. Confused as I sent the last pony I was speaking to away, I asked a guard. "What is going on out there?" The guard; gazed at me, and seemed embarrassed or more so flustered by what was going on. "I am sorry, Your Highness," he spoke and quickly bowed. "But it seems many of the nobility you've refused to see, are rather...upset." I frowned as I stood up and turned my head, cracking my neck a bit, knowing what was to transpire. I made my way down and smiled at him, nodding for the door to be open. Sure enough, the hallway was filled with different ponies, some I barely knew or cared to remember their names and some I knew as Blue Blood little Yes Stallion group. Seeing how these nobles were those on the lower chain of things, really only keeping the title in good faith, or passed down from a long line of bloodline, they didn't have that much power to what my mother, myself, or even Blueblood could do. Though my mother does trump all, to this day what I would say go; unless later on was changed by my mother. I could already see many of the 'higher ups' of Canterlot civilians giving me narrow eyes, without their Princess here, they were not afraid to show their dislike of me; something I have grown accustomed to. One pony, a unicorn with a darker shade coat of fur walked forward, the guards standing beside me, as said pony huffed. "We are demanding to know, why you are not seeing us today 'Your Highness'." Even the way he said it, was more like a curse than anything else. "Is today not the meeting day, or are you too lazy to do your duty." I only held my hands behind my back, holding my wrist in one hand as I spoke. "The ponies I am seeing today, their request seem more required than some of the ones you brought before," he only scuffed as I asked for his name when given I asked for the paper request with his name as I read. "Such as you, you wished to have for free more land, but did not give a reason as to why you wanted it." "Does it matter?" He demanded as I looked up to him placing the paper back in the, as I would later call, the pyre spot. I hid my emotions well enough, my eyes tracing over to the others as if they were waiting to chew me out. So I questioned him rather simply. "And where would you want this land to be expanded?" I questioned, already having a rather good idea where he wanted it. "At your home, if so; then what is near?" "Just remove the family that is next door to me." He said with a wave of his hoof, as I utterly couldn't believe how careless he was, and in turn, others, as they nodded their heads as if agreeing with this pony. I sighed, and loud enough that they could hear me, the fact they were openly saying this to me, showed deeply, that they didn't even care. Though I highly doubt they would say anything like this to my mother. Still, to try and keep the peace, though I wished I didn't have to or had to. "If you desire the property of theirs, then you can always go about paying them for it." "Or the crown could...I mean, I am the one in charge of outfitting the guards here with their armor and weapons...it is a shame if I decided to...increase, the bill of sale." "And you have every right to do so," I said as he gave me a smug look as he looked to me. "However, just as I have the right to speak to my mother about finding a local blacksmith who isn't under your banner, and give him a chance of work. From what I've seen, his prices are far better than yours." He seemed to jerk back at what I said, as I went on. "And no doubt he will need more workers, and with you getting far fewer, many ponies will leave your work to go for him, I mean, all of this is just an ideal if your prices were to increase." His eyes narrowed, a noise that seemed close to resembling that of a growl and grunt; before I added to the others. "And to all who wish to give the same little threat he has, just know, I'm sure we can find someone far cheaper to deal with, so unless you truly have a reason to be here, leave." After that little, 'meeting' the other left rather quickly, I could see why Mother wanted something like this to be only a once-a-month thing, but really if she only took meetings that weren't needed, she could handle this in a few hours, not all day. But this was Mother's way, I could easily suggest something like this, but in the end, when she returns it will be up to her how she would run things. I mean; the nation hadn't fallen and she's been doing it for hundreds of years! The day went rather smoothly after this, and as day became night, the parties went on for those old enough to partake in them. During the last day before the Summer Sun Celebration, those who were old enough would stay up all night to celebrate the next year, but also to celebrate the defeat of Nightmare Moon. It was said many after her defeat feared falling asleep at night so many would stay up to protect the young ones and families as they slept. As the years went on, it lost its original meaning, much like Nightmare Night, in favor of something more joyful or fun. I wasn't a big fan of parties myself...and over time I would think that it was like I could feel a force almost trained on me. But either way, it didn't matter all that much. However, as the others were getting ready to see the sun rising, I knew Mother would be getting herself prepared to leave for Ponyville. Many were even counting it down...before soon; nothing. Many around, myself included, seem a bit puzzled; more so worried. however many got their answer, a loud laughing. Everypony gazed up to see a large flying being, a horn, wings, and a flowing magical mane and tail. An Alicorn that we had never seen before, but the looks were engrained in many minds; Nightmare Moon! Screams and frights were heard, even more so when guards came rushing down, a nearby pony hearing that Nightmare Moon had somehow kidnapped Mother, left the city in a panic. Quickly working to try and calm the minds of those around, I ordered the guards to go about and bring the ponies inside the palace. Many just rushed to their homes, locked up, and stayed hidden, but many others took the idea to hide in the palace with many of the guards around to keep them safe. Of course, all of the nobility were there, hiding; however, trying to order some of the workers to give them food and drink like this was some vacation! Hours went on, as I went about to make sure as many of them were fine, as many had brought not only themselves; but their foals too. I did what I could to try and keep them at least happy and less scared, telling stories, or even getting some of my old toys mother refused to get rid of so they could play and keep their minds off of things. Though I showed myself to be in control and fine, inside I was scared and worried. Scared of what was going on, and if what I was doing could be enough. I trusted Shining to main the guards to have them working around the clock and ready for anything, but was I making it worse? More time passed, before soon, something changed, a light, sunlight was slowly rising. Many voices of the ponies within wondering if that meant it was all over. When Shining Armor came bearing news from a pegasus; Nightmare Moon had been defeated! Among the cheering, I released a heavy sigh as families worked to scoop up their children and took them to return home, news that not only my mother's return but also another as well. At first, I thought it would be Twilight, but the report that came left many with a sort of confused look. Their princess was returning, with her sister, Princess Luna; free of the Nightmare Moon. They couldn't teleport from what I was told, the magic used to imprison, Mother took a lot from her. So I waited in the throne room for their return, wondering how this would go, and how all of this would change, but the one thing I also questioned myself about one thing, was the night ponies who were waiting for her return. As they went by the idea that Luna was their true ruler, if and when news reached of the attack of Nightmare Moon, they would no doubt send someone to try and have Luna come with them. Truthfully that would be her choice on the matter, but I know Mother well enough, that she wants to have her family; so how would this go? They already hate her as it stands; more so distrusted her, and keeping Luna from them would put that even thin strand on an even thinner strand. When they return and I'm alone with Mother, I would need to speak with her. I didn't need to be long, as soon the doors opened, my smile was easily seen as I made my way over...and then I saw her, Princess Luna, and Aunt by Adoption. She was...smaller than I thought she would be, as mother was and I stood around eye level, Luna was perhaps a head shorter than I stood. Her coat was a shade of blue, and unlike her sister whose mane seemed to flow, it held a shape and a lighter shade of blue; Cutiemark of that of a black splash with the moon along her flank. A black tiara sat on her head and a black neck brace-like object sat along her chest. As the two walked in, my Mother smiled at me, however, Luna looked toward me, her eyes, reminded me greatly of those back when I first came here; confused, or even wary. I made sure not to show my upset about this, as I understood one thing; she had been gone for nearly one thousand years! "Brandon!" Mother came rushing over and pulled me into a hug. "I am so happy you are unharmed, I was so worried!" "You?" I questioned and even gave a small chuckle. "You were the one that was taken away, is everything alright now?" she nodded at this and then moved out of the way to show the smaller Alicorn more to me, as she seemed to shrink away, or more so closer to her sister's side. "I can explain more over a meal, come!" she said as I nodded and followed beside her, with Luna trailing behind me. As we got our meals, I went with a more veggie style this time to smooth Luna in, I heard the tale of what happened, and what Twilight recounted as well as how Celestia was held and captured. How Nightmare Moon came to Ponyville, claiming she had bested my mother, how Twilight with her new friends ventured to the old ruins and came to find out they were the new holders of the Elements themselves, Twilight holding the one of Magic. Still, when it was all done, she looked to her sister and said. "I cannot wait to tell and show you all that has changed dear sister, and oh for you to get to know your nephew! So much has changed over the many years and..." however the younger sister spoke up and gave her input. "I would..rather find a place to be alone for a while, somewhere away from others; I have a feeling many here are not...ready for me quite yet." Mother seemed puzzled at this, as I gave my insight. "As you said, Mother, it had been over a thousand years, perhaps the tower off in the west side would be good." Looking between myself and her sister, she placed the tip of her hoof against her chin but nodded as she sighed. "Remember Mom, at times when I was first here I didn't interact with a lot of ponies." "I suppose...but still..." she seemed to trail off again but nodded. "Very well, I will help you settle in and whatever you may need, don't be afraid to ask for it." Luna only nodded, as we finished our meal, we took her to the tower, after Mother got a bed up there for her, as other items she would need, or be replaced down the line would be given. As we walked away, Mother still looked happy about everything but I said. "The Night Ponies should know about her, and she; them." She stopped as we were in the hallway, her sunlight coming through the window allowing me to see how weak she looked, and maybe even tired; I was with lack of sleep as well, but no doubt easily seen on me. "You know, as well as I, that they will find out, and they will try and send someone to see themselves." "Yes, that may be true, however..." "I know you want her to stay here, but she should at least get to know there are ponies out there that have a great desire for her, and that they could help her...and this can still put you in a good light." "And what would you suggest?" she questioned me as I went on to say. "Send a message to them, to say that Princess Luna has returned and that you are asking for them to come to meet with her, to let Luna know of the kingdom they have made. The book the Elder gave me, I can give to her so at least she has something to read. She may still want to stay, but if she still wants to go there, it can bridge two communities that had been separated for so long." My mother gazed toward me, before looking away, she smiled softly and back toward me. "You've thought of this for a while haven't you?" she questioned as I smiled and shrugged. "Only when I heard about Luna's return, but I still think it's a good idea." "I agree, are you willing to give her the book and explain about the kingdom, as I work on the letter?" I nodded a bit at this, as I went along to gather the book. After collecting the book and heading to the tower where she settled, I knocked on the door and waited. There was a small wait as the door opened, allowing me to see Luna on the other end of the door. "Oh, hello." She greeted me as I held the book under my arm. "Brandon yes? Sister has spoken quite highly of you on the trip back to...here." she walked inside, and after I was given permission to enter I came along and closed the door behind me. "Yeah, I'm Brandon...it's nice to meet you; well... formally, Luna." There was a pause in the air as I waited for her to talk, but she didn't I coughed a bit and saw a small desk as I went to place the book along the surface. Seeing her confused look I added. "During the fight a thousand years ago, many who followed you left, taking as much as they could to form their kingdom that is still thriving today" Her eyes widened as she came over and saw the book, showing the front hard cover. It held what looked like her Cutie Mark along the front of it, moreover, there was a picture of what she looked like before becoming Nightmare Moon, or more so a Silhouette of her head the book was even of a dark blue, the spine a silver like the moon. "This is the history of their kingdom, the Elder gave it to me, years ago. Mother is sending a letter to them as well, with hopes a few will come to see you." "To send me off?" The way she said it...it was like she was hurt, as I quickly said. "It was my idea...mother had told me how the...fight, happened, with how you felt that no one appreciated you." I let the words sink in, and when she said nothing I turned to leave. But then I heard her speak up. "How did you do it?" She asked as I opened the door I stopped and looked back at her slightly. Seeing her looking up at me, she asked again. "How did you do it...you're the only one of your kind here and you don't seem...upset about it. The guards I noticed bowed to you and my sister, they flinched away at me, how did you do it?" I only smiled at her and said. "I had friends close to me, and family, to help me through it...corny as it sounds." I gave a light chuckle as I rubbed the back of my head. "You need help with anything, come to me, Aunt Luna." When I called her Aunt, she seemed to be taken aback a bit...but a small smile came. I soon left, closing the door behind me, and leaving to let her be.