//------------------------------// // A Super Heroic Final Battle // Story: G5 Adventures in Garfield’s Pet Force // by ponydog127 //------------------------------// Immediately after the defeat of the Pet Force, Jasmine Wildbloom (aka Spectrum) and Garfield launched a rescue mission that brought the Mane 6, Diamond Heart, Lily Moontwirl and Cobalt Skies back to the studio before they could get hit by the moscram's ray as well. However, once they had left, Vetvix used the moscram and its Super Scramble mode to create a huge building-made monster to destroy Cartoon World. Luckily, Garfield and Jasmine had a plan. While the rest of the Royal Force went to protect Eli, Bonita, Wally and Betty inside the studio, Emperor Jon and Professor Wally would airlift Jasmine and Garfield over to the monster for them to take on Vetvix, and the Mane 6 would lead Garzooka and the rest of the Pet Force (still clustered if you remember) back to the studio for another part of Garfield and Jasmine's plan. All the worlds the Mane 6 ever visited would rest on this plan succeeding... and the fate of Equestria hung in the balance as well. This plan had to work... it just had to. XXXXXXXX “I don’t see Garzooka and the mixed-up Pet Force anywhere!” Misty said as the Mane 6 trotted down one of the streets, careful to avoid the debris. “If we don’t find them, we won’t be able to help in Garfield’s plan!” “Okay, let’s just think a minute,” Sunny said, trying to think. “If we were clustered together and obeying Vetvix’s orders, where would we be going?” “I don’t think finding them is gonna be too hard!” Zipp said. “Look!” The others glanced where she was pointing, and this caused them to gasp. The Pet Force was rolling in their direction, but they hadn’t seen the ponies yet. “There they are!” Izzy cried. “Now what?” “Now,” said Sunny, “we need to find a way to get their attention so they can follow us back to the studio!” “Leave that one to me!” Pipp said before getting out her lucky mic and flying where the Pet Force could see her. “Hey, Pet Force! Listen to my incredible singing voice!” Pipp: First things first You gotta look for the spark That bit of magic Way deep down in your heart (Hey!) You gotta follow your beat (Beat, beat) And then soon you will see (See, see) You won't have that far to go Until your song starts to grow All you need is your beat (Your beat, your beat) Hearing Pipp singing was enough to get the Pet Force’s attention, prompting Pipp to keep singing. Pipp: All you need is your groove (Groove, groove) (Hey, come on!) To get them stompin' their hooves And then the next thing you'll know Imagination will flow All you need is your beat All you need is your beat All you need is your beat Bah-dah-dah, bah-dah-dah! “And if you wanna hear more,” Pipp said as she finished her song, “you’re gonna have to come and get us first!” “Pipp, don’t get me wrong, I love your singing,” said Misty, “but is the Pet Force really gonna follow us just for that reason?” “Uh, you better ask them that!” Hitch said, pointing to the Pet Force, who was rolling their way. “Here they come!” “Run for the studio, guys!” Zipp encouraged as they broke out into a fast gallop. “We have to get them back there for phase 2 of Garfield’s plan!” XXXXXXXX At the same time, as she guided her monster through the streets, Vetvix looked out and her ship getting ready to leave. “My ship!” she cried out. “It’s getting away!” However, before they could get there, the ship had already taken off into the sky, with Professor Wally piloting. Vetvix fired the moscram at it, but missed as the ship began to zoom towards the monster. Garfield and Jasmine were onboard with the professor and Emperor Jon, ready to do their part of the plan. “Okay, professor-- pull around and drop us off at the monster there,” Garfield instructed before he and Jasmine, as well as Emperor Jon, rushed for the hatch. “Emperor?” Jasmine looked toward the ruler of Dorkon. “I hope this works.” “Well, we’ll give it the old royal try,” Emperor Jon said as he pulled a lever that opened the hatch. “Ready, Garfield?” Jasmine asked her best friend. “All right... LET THE FUR FLY!!!” And just like that, when the ship drew close enough, Jasmine and Garfield leapt from the hatch, screaming their heads off, and right on top of the monster… just before the monster grabbed the ship and ripped the wings off it, thankfully not hurting Emperor Jon or Professor Wally. “I told you to grab my ship!” Vetvix scolded the monster. “Not break it!” “Remember the plan,” whispered Jasmine. “We have to lure the monster back to the studio to meet the others, and then we’ll take it and Vetvix down all at once.” “Hey, Vetvix!” Garfield shouted, gaining Vetvix’s attention. “Yoo-hoo!” “Neener-neener-neener!” Jasmine said, wiggling her butt at the villain in sort of a mocking manner… something Izzy and Zipp would honestly be impressed by. However, Vetvix fired her moscram at the duo, but they dodged the laser and hid behind some of the junk that made up the monster. However, the monster’s hand was rising towards them, to which Garfield and Jasmine eventually noticed... but not in time. The monster's hand slammed down near them, sending the two flying onto the roof of a nearby building. In an attempt to escape, they ran to the windmill as it smashed the building. After the windmill itself was destroyed, they ran from building to building as more were being destroyed. Jasmine was a pretty agile young filly, especially with her superpowers, but she knew that she and Garfield could never outrun this thing for long-- hopefully, the Unity Squad had lured the Pet Force to the studio by now. As the monster destroyed one of the buildings that they were standing on, sending the duo flying into the air, Garfield saw a hot dog flying by, and out of his hungry personality, tried to grab it, but failed. “Noooooooo!!!” Soon enough, all the buildings on that street were destroyed, and Garfield and Jasmine landed on the street, thankfully unharmed. However, as the monster took a step closer to them, his foot came right on top of the special tree that the Mane 6 and their Cartoon World friends planted the last time they were there, completely demolishing it. Jasmine gasped in horror at this. “NO!!” she cried out. “Our tree, it’s gone!” “Oh, Jazzy, I’m so sorry…” Garfield whispered, saddened at the filly’s heartbroken nature and hugging her, despite the monster getting closer. Eventually, the duo heard a voice getting closer. “Jasmine! Garfield!” This caused the duo to look and see the Mane 6 galloping closer, clearly out of breath. “We saw what happened to you guys! And to the tree!” Sunny said, clearly concerned. “Are you okay?” “...we will be,” Jasmine muttered. “But that doesn’t matter right now… where’s the Pet Force?” “They’re right over there,” Hitch said as the Pet Force rolled into sight, “but we still have no idea what you wanted them here for.” “You’ll see, but get ready to duck and dive,” Garfield told them before calling out to the Pet Force. “Yoo-hoo! Pet Force!” The Garzooka head turned at this and spit out a hairball at the group, causing most of them to shriek and dive before it could hit them. However, much to the Mane 6’s bewilderment, the hairball went and destroyed part of the building monster’s right foot. That gave them a direct insight into Garfield's plan! “Oh, come on!” Misty said tauntingly, playing along with Garfield’s plan. “You can do better than that!” The Garzooka head puked out another hairball, but Misty thankfully dodged it, and this hairball destroyed part of the monster’s left foot. If they could use something to trip the monster up, it could potentially fling Vetvix and the moscram off it, and then they could use the moscram to turn everything back to normal! That's when Zipp got an idea. “Hey, Odie!” she called, and Odie head turned around to face her. “Got tongue?” The dog flicks off his tongue and it chased the ponies and Garfield around the monster. It wrapped around the monster’s legs a couple of times and Izzy tied it in a swift knot. “There! Crocheting class really set a tight bar for me, but I think I did particularly well!” “Great job, Iz!” Jasmine smiled. “Now come on! We gotta take cover!” “No need to tell me twice!” Hitch said as the group ran further away from the monster as the Odie head tried to pull its tongue back. Soon, the monster lost its footing (due to the tongue wrapped around its legs), tripped and fell over, launching Vetvix, who screamed and let go of the moscram, into the studio. Garfield smiled in contentment at this. “Nice shot.” And then, the moscram fell into Garfield’s paws, much to the Mane 6 and Jasmine's delight. “Garfield, you did it!” Sunny smiled. “You got the moscram!” “We always knew you had it in you, buddy!” Zipp said as she noogied Garfield on the head. “Okay… I had my doubts at first, I admit it. But somehow, I had a feeling you would pull us through!” “Uh, guys? Hate to break up the sweet moment,” Pipp said, “but we still have a gigantic monster to deal with!” As Pipp had stated, the building monster was about to get up. But luckily, Garfield had the situation all under control now. “Time to take out the trash!” With steady aim and tight-knit precision, Garfield fired the moscram at the building monster, and after a moment, the monster reverted itself back to the buildings that it once was. However, as the group celebrated their success, the Pet Force cluster noticed them. “Get Garfield!” “Uh-oh!” Izzy, Misty and Jasmine yelped as the Pet Force rolled closer. “No need to panic, guys,” Garfield brushed off. “I’ve got this one, too.” Garfield took the chance to zap the Pet Force cluster with the moscram, causing the Mane 6 to shield their eyes from the light. Soon, they were back to being separate members of the Pet Force, and although they looked quite dazed, they looked to be in good health condition. “Well, guys, there’s still one thing we have to do,” Zipp said with a narrowed gaze. “Take care of Vetvix once and for all!” “You’re right,” Jasmine nodded and turned to the Pet Force. “Gotta run, guys!” And so, Jasmine and Garfield led the Unity Squad back toward the studio and past the confused Pet Force in order to finally take care of the villain that started all this to begin with.