Catnap goes (un)Willingly to Equestria

by EggBaguette

Day 2: Layered Past

Where am I?

This place is so dark..! But I can see myself..! W-where's my arm?!

Half of my arm is gone, no blood or gore, just... swallowed by the darkness? But then... Why can I see my other arm - heck, my body, perfectly fine...?

Where are my friends? I don't want them to be worried, maybe I should've just waited where the entrance once was- was-

I did leave.

And I had to flee from something, then-



Am I dead?


I-I can't be!

Would there even be anything left to find? Would they think I ran away? Would it be better to think that I ran away?

B-but I will bake cake with mom tomorrow! I promised her that... And dad would take me to work with him...

How would Dogday- any of them, feel?

I can't die yet!

But... What is there to do? What should I-

I clutched my chest and tried to breathe air, however, my lungs could only pull in the cold darkness surrounding me.

It hurt so much... but if it hurt, I am alive.

Then there should be a way out from whatever this place is.

I need to see them again, or else they will be worried...



Each fiber felt like it was being pulled by something staticky- much like touching the screen of a box television, my eyes ponder on myself, trying to find the source - and that it was my arm.

It felt different, new even... It felt unfamiliar


I clutched my throat, it was happening again.

Why, why is it happening again?!

It hurts, please stop..! Please!



There is no air to breathe, however, each time I suffocate it just starts all over again... Is this hell?

T-then, I did die..?

But... I don't want to abandon them...

I-I- don't...


"Catnap." Huh? Where did it come from..?


That sound like sweet candy... "Catnap." Crafty?


Everything broke apart, shredding nothingness with boundless light- I had to close my eyes, but when I opened them, I was left. White buzzing lights, IV-Pole, and the strong smell of detergent and other cleaning products... And me on a hospital bed.

My friends were here..! "Catnap, sorry if we woke you up," My legs had a sudden surge of energy, and almost instinctively, led me to them, I wanted to hug all of them, tell them that I was sorry, tell them how much each of them is important to me, but my arms passed through them as it would with steam or smoke - and it felt like being stabbed, ten- N-no, hundred of times worse than suffocating for eternity... I-is it wrong to cry over this?

"We were worried sick after we got the news." Crafty spoke rubbing one of her arms, keeping her head down. K-keep yourself together, I'm gonna figure out a way to see them again.

Dogday always took the front and walked toward past Catnap bed, followed by Kickin' and Hoppy, then Bobby, Bubba, Picky, and Crafty, all with frowns, Hoppy even almost shedding a tear.

Though Dogday was always brave and compassionate, with a tenacity I envied, nonetheless, he didn't seem brave that day, he looked guilty and was... Trembling, "We're sorry for making you drink a cup of coffee..."

Oh. That day. Past me smiled at Dogday "It's fine, I wanted to drink it to play with you guys, it is all on me." Dogday frowned further, and Crafty began to cry silently, Bobby hugged her though. That day I pulled an all-nighter to start and finish a school project about arthropods. Got a B, not worth the effort.

Kickin' took the front this time, "Dude! You can't always keep pushing the fault for yourself!" He nearly shouted at me, then Kickin' spread his wings wide, "We gave you that cup of coffee!" On that day, I didn't really look at their faces very well, I couldn't see how... aggravated he looked, "It's our fault- our fault..!" It's weird to see Kickin', whose self-esteem seems to reach the stars look so... Beaten.

Picky followed, her expression looked like someone dropped her favorite cake on the floor, stomped on it, and dropped trash to top it off, "You could've died!"

Every time before sleep or when there was no one around, those words Picky said haunted me - not that the prospect of death scared me, everything is going to die someday, but that I would leave them.

My ears folded and I closed my eyes, however, even then, I could still hear. "Doc said that if no problem arises this week, I might not need a pacemaker, so I'm most likely fine." There's no escaping this.

The way I dismissed my friend's worries like they were just nuisances, was disrespectful to them, I opened one eye and saw Hoppy's - she had dark circles on her eyes, she likely hadn't slept, being worried sick about her inconsiderate friend.

"Still, I don't get why my family or you guys are so worried-" past Catnap halted as small sniffles came from Dogday crying.

Bobby stepped forward and hugged Dogday who finally broke down in tears, Then Hoppy spoke, her expression improved from worried sick to relief, "We're glad you're recovering, Catnap. It's just that I... We were worried that... that we'd never play soccer again... and... yeah." She always had trouble putting emotions into words, but Hoppy was always very emotional, much like Bobby.

Bubba was the calmest and most collected, though he still seemed worried "I thought it would be fine since Catfeine can drink coffee just fine." That was the day I learned that not all cats are born equally. What? I'm not envious. "We're sorry."

I felt horrible doing this to my friends, even if it was a year ago it still burns fresh. Sometimes I imagine what I would do if they turned their backs on me, and it hurts a lot.

The thought of being abandoned by someone I cared about destroys me. So with whatever free time I could gather, I did my absolute best to be the best friend possible for them, to repent for making them cry and worry that day. Even if the morning sprints and gym sessions made me want to die I still went with Hoppy every Monday. Even if helping Bubba on his projects and spending all my Tuesday at the library and the headaches, I did so anyway. If Kickin' figured out a new plan to skyrocket in popularity, even if it would bring me self-embarrassment, I still helped, or when he tried new dubious skating tricks, I was already there with a medkit. When Picky was learning how to cook, I offered myself as the guinea pig, even if it got me food poisoning most of the time. I always drew with Crafty because she felt lonely drawing alone, even if I sucked at it. Bobby always felt awkward going into crowded places alone, so I went with her, or when she wanted to organize parties for the other critters, I helped her. Dogday was always too nervous to ask anybody to play fetch with him since it was a 'puppy' thing or tell other critters how sometimes he felt pressured by his family so I took the initiative to play fetch and hear him.

Whenever time was at my paws, I would help them. I didn't want to be alone, because they showed me how to be happy. After all, I love them.

I cannot die until everything they did to me is repaid, and I will not die until I say sorry for what I did that day! So, I will live!

The memory cracked and undid itself like a wool shirt being pulled by a strand, these multiple cracks shone in white light, overwhelming everything I could feel, the drowning feeling long gone and the darkness slowly disappearing.

My paw reached for the crack and pulled, tearing apart even more of the space that confined me, each new crack brought something back, a memory long forgotten, a feeling never felt, a dormant sense, a dream neglected.

Until at once, the darkness sizzled, melting into a place full of light surrounded by stars and light red smoke.

'It's... Wonderful.'


That was a good nap, mmM? Is this smell detergent? Yuck... Wait, where the heck am I? H-how did I get here? I was in the forest, then... Kittynapped?!

I clutched onto the blankets as my eyes danced from left and right then sighed in relief, this place looks like a hospital room with six beds and no privacy sheets at all. The peaceful exit door stood at the far left whilst the sun waged war to barely shed light through a battered, dusty window at the right, the bed next to the window was empty but the one at my left had a mummified critter pony, I wonder what happened to him...

Hum, this whole hospital seems... put together in a hurry? Wooden plates covering holes in the wall said wall having layers of grime and infested with... Roaches... Hell, being kittynapped would've gotten me into a better place! This is like, Playcare two-dot-O - and that place was falling apart before I was even born! Hecking heck, the floor has an ant colony creating tunnels in the dust!

Then, where the heck is this smell of detergent coming from?!

That's it, that's fucking it!! - the detergent smell is so bad that it becomes swear-worthy! - I take a big sniff and feel my nostrils burning with chemicals, later my throat, with prompted both a sneeze and a cough - AT THE SAME TIME!

Nonetheless, my suffering wasn't for nothing! I peek at the left side of my bed, and there lay the devil, a dozen of devilish cleaning products, and a bucket of crystal clear water with a piece of cloth submerged inside.

I will give a piece of my mind after to the janitor of this place if I see him, hmph!



Never mind, it's not worth the trouble. I relaxed and fell back on the bed. I need to think about who brought me here and where can I thank them, what were they possibly doing in the forest, and how they dealt with the...

timberwolves and bugbear.

..I could do nothing to save myself- No, there was nothing that could be done in the first place. Then, why..Do I feel dissapointed? angry even?

"Hey, fellian."

I don't understand- I-I'm scared-

"Hey!" Ah- oh, there's a critter on my left, uhm. A pony like crafty but with a red mane and tail - wait are those wings!? How rare! Pegasi critters usually stay on the other continent. Her wings are bandaged though, a patient, but I didn't notice her on any beds, and since she got so close then she sleeps to my left- which means she should have been on this.. floor... for me not to notice. But what's important is, what is a critter that should be on the other side of the continent doing here?

Only her head is above the bed, so she should be like, hmmm.. Two years older than me?

Why is she looking at- Oh yeeah. I raised an eyebrow.

Her bandaged wings looked like they wanted to move, but she forced them still, "I was worried when I heard you crying," I was..? "Are you okay?" I slowly let go of the blankets, enough for her to see my head nodding. Still, I don't recall crying..? My paw reaches for the corner of my eye and- yeah, that's tear-level wet.

Hmm, she's oddly quiet, suspicious. "Oh, never knew there were purple Fellians-" What..? Why is she staring into- What's wrong with her eyes?!

"What's wrong with your eyes?! Why are they black and creepy?!"

I point back at her whilst gasping, why are yours white and blue?! HUH?!

"What? My eyes are normal!" I shake my head and point at my eyes, mine are normal! "No, mine!" How many gestures do I need to put into this critter's head MY eyes are the normal ones?! My tail comes from under the blanket and points at my eyes. "No, mine!" Mine! "Mine!" Mine!!!!


Out of nowhere, the door was kicked out of its hinges and broke down near the mummified critter bed, termites ran away from the scrumbles as a Doctor pony walked in, he had a pink gum coat and messy yellow mane and tail, his muzzle was sharper than the other critter pony. His head faced our direction, however, his eyes were glued on the documents he had his hoof on.

"PATIENTS!!! I BEG FOR YOU TO KINDLY SHUT UP!" By 06 my ears! How is his voice loud as canon fire?? Thankfully I reacted fast enough to flap my ears against my skull before his next yell rampage, "JETSTREAM FASTROCKET, AND - uhh, what's your name?" Huh? I point one finger at my beloved face.

"Pssst, I think he's mute." Jetstream is, somehow, already at the side of the doctor, leaning against him while whispering. The doctor's face slowly morphed into a scowl as his eyes drifted toward Jetstream... And she is a terrible whisperer. How rude, I'm no mute! It's just that my words are only to someone with normal eyes!

"SHUT UP!" Jetstream shrunken her neck, and took a few steps back, "again, what's your name?"



Why is everyone silent? Jetstream especially seems utterly spooked, "..Alright, Catnap." The doctor sighed and wrote down something, using a pen with his... Mouth. That's unhygienic, plus why is he walking on his four? Why is Jet also on four?

Why are they- "Damn fellian, your voice is deep!" Whuh?!?! N-No!! It is a perfectly normal voice!!! "Do you smoke by any chance?" Only my brother does b-but that is out of the question! Nothing to do with my voice!! "Do you get all the ladies?" W-what?!

The doctor groaned, "Jetstream, please." Nice save doc! He looked at his notes and smiled, "Your wings are fine for flying, just don't overexert yourself."

Jetstream leaped into the air and... hovered? "Finally!" Hm... How does she stay in the air while barely flapping her wings?

Aaand now she's doing loop-de-loops. Show off, I also want wings now, just imagining traveling around in the skies, feeling the wind beating on my fur~ ahh, it's good.

This must be some sort of isolated tribe where every critter walks on four and different critter breeds have different names. If I recall, Miss Delight said 'Critter' was generalized for less separation of species. I wonder what cat critters were called-


With both of our attention caught, the doctor pony announces in a thundering voice: "Anyway... PLEASE PRESENT YOURSELF IN THE FRONT COUNTER IN FIVE MINUTES!" Phew, with the living megaphone gone, but not before crushing a hooffull of them, then exiting through the same door he entered.

Well, that was something. Looks like no catnapping then, but these blankets have grown so comfortable... Ugh! With a swift movement, I throw all the blankets at Jetstream- "Hey!" She had it coming, then jumped out, and did the mandatory stretching.

Alright, first things first, ask the doctor who brought me, which will happen in about five minutes. Then, discover where-


I was sent forward in a direct course toward the floor, however, my arms reacted first and took the impact. Then, there in front of me, a pillow landed upright.

That horse..! "Now we're even, heh!" Oh, it's on!

..Actually forget it, my poor fur is dirty now with this floor being even worse than the boy's bathroom floor back at school. My paws ran through my arms throwing off any dust there, same with my legs - I have been tangenting enough, and taking a look outside should direct me enough to know where to go after.

Jetstream sighed and flew over an empty bed, did a sassy pose whilst folding her wings, falling perfectly on the bed keeping said pose. Showoff.

"So, what're we doin'?" I huffed then turned around toward the window, "Looking to escape without paying? Hardcore." My paws reached for the window, which I was too short to look through, "Though not my recommendation, the hospital is very close to a police station" No problem, I can just use my tail. My tail forms a circular base below then I slowly let myself out of the ground, lifting myself with my tail! "Nice trick kitty."

What did she call me? I'm beginning to regret not throwing that pillow back. I rub my arm against the dusty window to reveal a street where... only pony critters walk around, quadruplets at that.

And only ponies... "Say, what is a fellian doing on this corner of Equestria?" Is that the tribe's name? I turn around and raise an eyebrow. "...You know, the country?" Country..? "Biggest in the continent?" Is she making this up? There is no Equestria on our class world map. "Most prosperous on planet Equus?" Now, she has to-



Where is the almanac? I don't recall anything after it activated, where is it?

I-I mean, there's no way that is possible right? Even if it was a powerful magical artifact, right?

"Are you okay?" She is just making this stuff up, it has to be so! There's no way, absolutely impossible for this to be true. Her eyes and the doctors are probably only... O-only... Contacts!

"Catnap? E-everyone has something weird that they like- That they..!

We are going to be alone.

Like... Alone. I d-donn't want to be alone, b-but I won't be! This place is all just a dream! I must have slept yesterday and-

Abandoned them.

Have... a nightmare? I can't abandon them, I can't have to- If I do, Dogday will have no one to talk to about his family, Picky will have no cooking friend, Kicken might hurt himself really bad and have no one to look out for him, Bobby could become too afraid to go out alone, Bubba might just forget to sleep and eat - he always does that while in a project, and the others, I can't abandon them, else I'd be-

We are terrible friends.

Ignorant... B-but... They wouldn't-

They think that of us. We need to do better.


I... My home shouldn't be far if they have a telephone I could call my family and friends and tell them I'm okay!! "Hey." Then, I can apologize to them and hang out the rest of the day! Play soccer like we would today! A-and..!!


My paws... When did they get to my face? Was I scratching... Blood?! Ah, I- This is... "It's fine to cry." "I'm sorry for earlier," "come here."

Her hooves are so warm... It was so obvious. "Those don't look bad," she pokes at the small cuts on my cheeks, "should heal in a week."

"Scratching yourself is a very... An odd coping mechanism." It's an old habit, "Are you lost?" I nodded. Was it obvious?

Her wings shuffled, is she nervous? Worried? "You don't have anywhere to stay, do you?" I shook my head. Not here.

She is worried about me. "Catnap, right? You can stay at my place until you find someone you know." She slowly let go, "Though, you will have the sofa." She let out a giggle.

The almanac should be somewhere, and when I find it my way home will be with it.

There is a way back..!

Jetstream looked at both sides, "Alright, we should get to the doctor before he-"


Ends up this 'hospital' is quite tiny, we were in the backrooms before, and now the front of this place works as a pharmacy, though it is just as deteriorated as the 'hospital' part. Actually, calling this hospital should be an insult for actual hospitals, if anything this is a.. hum, an old house poorly turned into a worse cardboard hospital? Yeah, that's it.

"So, overall treatment is 50 bits." Shouting Lungs said, or at least that's the name that the employee badge on his chest says. Fitting.

Jetstream lifts her right wing and grabs a small coin purse, that she gives to Shouting, who promptly nods and looks at me- Oh wait.

Shouting a smile seems a bit off to me though. Maybe he's tired? "You took a Flesh Growth and Blood elixir, that's about-"

Jetstream's eyes widened, "A thousand!" Jetstream interrupted, "What happened to him?!" Is that a lot?

Shouting Lungs glared at Jetstream who immediately shrunk her neck before answering, "His arm was devastated, luckily for him, we had a few expired potions." Isn't that... Bad though? He gave me expired medicine and is asking for the full price?? Why would he do that? "If it wasn't an order from the Insurgence we would've just amputated the arm and call it a day," W-what? "those potions, even if expired, could've been used in a creature more... Important."

Jetstream's shrunken neck suddenly straightened with an expression of anger and disgust, I was expecting her to shout at him but she gulped down and stared daggers back at.. This pony, "But don't worry, I expected the fellian wouldn't be able to pay, so I already called the police to catch a crook." W-what? He can't do that, right? Like in advance? How would the police even belie- "How generous of me, to give this poor feline a permanent home." I-if I go to jail t-then I won't be able to find the almanac- What if- What if something happens to it if I don't find it in time?? Hoppy would be devastated if they don't find me today- what if they think I ran away and-

"Hold on! I can pay." Jetstream..?

"Alright, that'll be 1500 bits." Wait, w-wasn't it a thousand? Why is he-

Jetstream slammed her front hooves on the counter, "What!? You are practically stealing from me!" H-how can he even think of doing something like that to another critter-

"Oh, yeah. The potion is seven fifty, plus five hundred since I need to tell the police off, and an extra two fifty because I don't like your face." I- Wow. Jetstream?

"Jetstream-" She put a wing over me and came down from the counter, without breaking eye contact with the doctor.

Jetstream then pulled out thirty smaller purses from under her wings, I could see hesitation but the Doctor swooped all the purses with a smile full of yellow teeth, buy some Colgate with that, you... you... fucker.

The bigot put on a cashier smile, "Alright, now may you miss Jet and that mangy plague-carrying feline get out of my hospital." I take a look back at Jetstream, and oh boy is she angry, but it's not worth it, we better get away from this junkyard before the cops arrive.

"I want my purses back." Those words were a bucket of cold water, Jetstream, you were doing good so far at ignoring him!

Shouting eyes narrowed and exhaled through his nostrils, he crouches below the counter and returns the purses, empty of coins to Jetstream. Phew, I thought she meant something else.

Jetstream turns around, and as I follow closely behind she makes sure to bang the door open and slam it close once we are outside, "Alright, c'mon, I got to show you where you will leave and how you will pay me back." Oh. "And hop on, we got quite a journey ahead." I tilted my head, wasn't this something adults who like each other very much do? I- um, will do it anyway since Jet looks like my mom when I spilled grape juice on the floor that one time...

"This will help me calm a little. Hold tight." Huh? What does she meaaaAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHH!!

Hah... Hah..! "Here we are, Stableside... You can stop holding my neck now." Hah... "Or maybe not. That was not even my top speed, there would have been some daylight left if it was..." Hah... Oh, 06... "I'll, um, drop you on the sofa, my home isn't in the sky, thankfully for you - hehe. But it's simple, compared to most towns in Equestria, built it with the help of a few friends!" My legs, my tail... My poor ears were violated by the winds... "Alright then... we will talk tomorrow." I did not consent to this!