My Little Pokémon: Grander World

by Amarvax

Ash vs Volo

Sinnoh. Mount Coronet. Late Afternoon.

At the top of Mt. Coronet, the confrontation between Ash's team and Volo's team had begun. Right above the tear in space, only one side could be victorious. The Poke Balls would each unleash their respective Pokemon. Twilight's Cinccino, Sci-Twi's Alpha Luxio, Mars's Purugy and Jupiter's Skuntank. They all stood around, staring at each other.

"You two...!" Saturn couldn't believe what he was seeing. He was trying to control this airship, but the battle was already starting. "I'm trying to drive here! I don't have time for this!"

"Then just let us handle it!" Mars said to him. "We'll take care of these two and then we'll be on our way!"

"Fine! Just make sure not to wreck the ship!" Saturn sighed, knowing that he had no choice in the matter.

"Cinccino! Use Tri Attack!"

"Luxio! Psychic Fangs!"

"Cin...!" With her hands out, Cinccino would generate three different spheres of energy above her head. A sphere of fire, a sphere of ice and a sphere of electricity. The Normal-Type would then launch them forward, sending them straight at Purugly.

"Purugly!" The Normal-Type would use her claws to block the incoming attacks, but she was pushed back a bit from the impact. She was able to withstand it, but she was still affected by the damage as a crackle of electricity went across her body. After blocking it, Purugly would swiflty move once Mars's command came through.

"Use Aerial Ace!"

"Purug!" Purugly would dash past Luxio who tried hitting her, going straight for Cinccino. Luxio gasped as Purugly's amazing speed completely surprised him and the same goes for Cinccino. The Scarf Pokemon's eyes widened as she looked up to see Purugly's claws coming her way. "Ugly!"

"Cinno!" Cinccino cried out as she was struck by the attack, being sent flying backwards. She rolled across the floor before stopping herself. Cinccino was quick to get back on her feet, ready to continue battling.

"Minccy! Use Thunder!"

"Cinnoooo!" Cinncinno would immediately unleash a powerful burst of lightning from her body that zoomed across the ship. Purugly was struck by the giant electricity, crying out as she was momentarily stunned.


"Psychic Fangs!"

"Lux!" This was Luxio's chance to land a hit while Purugly was vulnerable for a moment, however, there was the problem of Skuntank.

"Skunktank! Use Flamethrower!"

"Tank!" Skunktank intercepted Luxio, breathing out scarlet flames that would push him back. The flames streaked across the shop as Alpha Luxio growled.


"Luxio!" Sci-Twi cried out, seeing how Luxio was struggling against these two Pokemon.

"Don't give up, Twilight! We can do this!" Twilight encouraged her counterpart.

"Right!" Sci-Twi nodded, looking at Luxio. "Luxio! Use Wild Charge!"

"Lux!" Luxio's body would be surrounded by a yellow aura as he charged forward, his fur turning into electricity. He would leap through the air, avoiding the incoming flames from Skuntank. Luxio then landed on the ground, sliding across it before leaping towards Purugly.

"Again! Aerial Ace!"

"Purugly!" Purugly would use Aerial Ace again, dashing past Luxio with incredible speed. Luxio growled as he was unable to reach Purugly, but he wasn't going to give up just yet.

"Now, Minccy! Use Grass Knot"

"Cino! Cinccino...!" By slapping her tail on the floor, Cinccino would summon vines that would snare beneath Skuntank's legs but ended up missing Purugly who would dash out of the way. Once caught by the vines, Skuntank would be held down, the vines pressing down on its body and dealing damage continuously.

Meanwhile, Purugly was zipping all over the place, forcing Cinccino and Luxio to move their heads and eyes as fast as possible just to keep up with her. It was still hard to believe that someone that big could be that fast.

"That Purguly's too fast!" Sci-Twi groaned, unable to keep an eye on Purugly's movements.

"Fast, but not unbeatable!" But Twilight wasn't worried for even a moment. She's battled her fair share of speedy opponents and knew exactly when to act. Not only that, but with the usage of magic, she would able to sense Purugly's movements. "Here she comes, Cinccino! Deflect her next hit with your scarf!"

"Cin! Cincinno reacted in time, grabbing onto her scarf as Purugly came at her. The Normal-Type was using Aerial Ace, but Cinccino managed to deflect her attack thanks to the silky smooth texture of the scarf. Purugly was shocked that her attack was deflected, the force of her swipe bouncing off. Since she was moving so fast, the second she came into contact with it, her movements were greatly staggered due to the high velocity.

"Now! Thunder!"

"Cinccino!" The Scarf Pokemon would then place her hand on the Tiger Cat Pokemon's neck, unleashing the full force of Thunder on her as her entire body was hit with a disgusting amount of volts. Purugly screeched loudly as she was being electrocuted, her fur standing up.

"Purugly!" Mars cried out, seeing how Purugly was taking massive damage.

"And stop right there!" Twilight took this opportunity to put a magic bubble around Mars and Jupiter, keeping them in one spot. The two girls were stunned to be trapped all of a sudden as now Mars, Jupiter and Skuntank were restrained while Purugly was stumbling back from being electrocuted.

"Here's your chance!" Twilight would nod at her counterpart, asking her to finish both Purugly and Skuntank off.

"Thanks! Luxio! Discharge!"

"Lux...!" Alpha Luxio's eyes flared with lightning as he poured his all into this next attack. "Luxio!" From his body, a powerful outburst of lightning would shoot out, shocking Skuntank and Purugly as they were unable to move due to the Grass Knot. The two Pokemon would cry out in pain, feeling the electricity course through their bodies.

The shockwave of electricity would also affect the airship itself, causing it to shake violently. Saturn screamed in terror, trying to keep the ship stable. Both Purugly and Skunktank had fainted, falling flat on their faces as the vines would disappear.



"Why you...Let us out!" Jupiter banged on the bubble, trying desperately to free herself. "Now!"

"This is for your own good." Twilight casually said. "You won't be getting those plates to Volo."

"Saturn! Don't let them take the plates!" Mars would yell at Saturn, counting on him to protect the plates.

"Kh...! Easier said than done!" Saturn grit his teeth, knowing he would have to protect the plates and keep the ship stable at the same time. A tall task indeed. He would throw three Poke Balls out with one hand, sending three Pokemon out. "You three! I'm counting on you!" Out of them emerged Kadabra, Toxicroak and Bronzong, present to defend the Life Plates.

"I'll go after the Life Plates. Can you handle these three Pokemon for me?" Twilight requested Sci-Twi.

"I-I'll try!" She stuttered a bit, but she believed that she could do her best. Twilight would ascend, using her magic to create a blinding light that would momentarily stun the opposing Pokemon. By doing so, her Espeon and Cinccino would advance, passing the three Pokemon and going straight for Saturn. However, Bronzong managed to power through it, promptly hovering in front of Twilight and her Pokemon.

"Zong!" Alas, it was not going to be that easy at all.

With Ash and Volo, their battle was about to continue at the peak of Mount Coronet. Both would unleash their next Pokemon into the fray, the Poke Balls almost hitting each other.

"Sirfetch'd I choose you!"

"Appear and crush him! Roserade!"

Ash's Sirfetch'd would emerge from his Poke Ball, ready to fight while Volo's Roserade would appear, holding its arms out. The two Pokemon stared down each other, waiting for the command to come.

"Roserade! Use Petal Dance!"

"Rose! Roserade...!" Roserade spun around quickly, releasing pink petals from all around its body that would then hurl towards Sirfetch'd.


"Sir!" With his eye flashing for a moment, Sirfetch'd would swiftly zip to the side, avoiding the strong petals that would soar on. The petals would even hit the ground, stabbing into the mountain and almost landing on Ash's feet.

"Use Fury Cutter!"

"Fetch'd!" After avoiding the petals, Sirfetch'd would leap in with his leek blowing, swinging it in a downward position.

"Posion Jab, Roserade!"

"Rose!" By a hair, Roserade managed to block the slash, covering her bouquet hands in poison before striking back with a Poison Jab. Sirfetch'd was pushed back a bit, but he wasn't going to let that stop him.

The two of them then rushed at each other, engaging in a back-and-forth clash. Sirfetch'ds leek and Roserade's bouquet would clash against each other as they moved around the top of Mount Coronet, both of them trying to gain the upper hand.

Roserade would barely dodge a slash to its face, leaning back before kicking Sirfetch'd's leek into the air with absolute elegance. "S-Sir?!" Sirfetch'e air. But as he raised his head, it gave Roserade the chance to deliver a body blow to his chest, causing him to stumble back.

"Now! Use Sludge Bomb!"

"Rade!" Roserade would unleash a barrage of purple sludge from her bouquet, aiming it at Sirfetch'd. The Fighting-Type wouldn't be able to move out of the way in time, getting struck by the attack.

"Fetch'd!" Sirfetch'd cried out, feeling the damage from the sludge. He was covered in it as the sludge would continue to bombard his body, threatening to push him off the mountain at this rate. As Sirfetch'd was getting pelted by the Sludge Bomb, he noticed his leek beginning to descend and so did Ash.


"F-Fetch!" Sirfetch'd would find an opening in all of the sludge coming his way. The Fighting-Type would jump up, grabbing onto his leek and using it to swing himself out of the way. The sludge would keep coming, but he managed to avoid it thanks to the use of Detect.

Volo then noticed that Sirfetch'd was going for his leek and he couldn't let that happen at all. Quickly, he attempted to have Roserade stop the attack. "Intercept with Poison Jab! Quick!"

"Rade! Roserade!" Roserade would run in, attempting to stop Sirfetch'd in time. However, Sirfetch'd managed to catch the leek in time, but not only that, the second he caught it, with excellent precision and timing, he would launch a counterattack. The leek struck Roserade's chest, its Poison Jab being one inch away from Sirfetch'd's face as he managed to land his attack first. "R-Rose...Rade?!"

"Sir!" Sirfetch'd would then follow up with a powerful slash, hitting Roserade with enough force to send her flying back. The Grass-Poison-Type rolled across the ground, stopping herself after a while. She looked up, seeing that Sirfetch'd was now armed with his leek. "Fetch'd!"

"Nice catch, Sirfetch'd!" Ash and Pikachu cheered.


"Sirfetch'd!" He smirked while pointing his leek at Volo and Roserade. Volo would growl, kissing his teeth a bit as this battle so far was riling him up in a way he's never imagined before.

"What is this...? Why is this so frustrating? This battle is far different from the others...Even different from when I took on Cynthia." Volo clenched his hand into a fist, feeling the rage build up inside of him. "Is it because this is where I can finally reach either Arceus or Giratina...? No. That's not it. It's something else and it's utterly aggravating!"

Volo couldn't describe it at all. Battling Ash and the way the battle was going just irked him to a new level that has never been felt before. There was something about it that he couldn't see through.

"Roserade! Petal Dance!"

"Rose...Rade!" Rosera would hold its arms up, generating an array of petals that would appear out of existence, spiralling around the dancing Grass-Poison-Type.

"Here it comes, Sirfetch'd! Use Fury Cutter on the ground! Raise a rock!"

"Sir!" By stabbing into the ground, Sirfetch'd with all of his might, ripped out a chunk of the mountain's parts, getting himself a large rock. The second the petals were thrown in his direction, he used the large rock as shield, blocking them all.

The petals would strike the rock, causing it to crack and break apart. Sirfetch'd would be pelted by the petals, but he didn't let that stop him. He would then use the broken pieces of the rock as projectiles, throwing them at Roserade.

"Rade?!" Roserade gasped, seeing the incoming rocks. She would try to dodge them, but she wasn't fast enough to avoid all of them. The first one hit her in the chest, sending her back. But the second one hit her in the stomach, causing her to cry out. "Rose...!"

"Now! Leap in with Brutal Swing!"

"Sir!" Sirfetch'd would leap into the air, bringing the leek down with all of his might.

"Intercept at once! Sludge Bomb!"

"R-Rose!" While holding onto her chest, Roserade managed to unleash a bit of sludge from her bouquet arms, attempting to knock Sirfetch'ds balance off. However, by using his Leek Shield, he blocked the sludge while descending towards Roserade.

"Fetch'd!" Sirfetch'd would then swing his leek at Roserade, striking her in the face and knocking her back. Roserade would stumble back, trying to keep herself stable. However, she failed to do so, falling on her back right afterwards, fainting.


"I'm losing...I'm actually losing..." Volo thought to himself, finding it hard to believe that this was a reality. His dream was gradually being torn down by Ash and his friends. He would then turn to face the aircraft, seeing that it was being held back, all thanks to Twilight and Sci-Twi. By using the Mind Plate, he elevated his sense of sight, seeing the battle happening inside of the aircraft.

But that wasn't all he had to worry about. Now that this tear in the sky was visible, the Pokemon Rangers and International Police were sure to show up eventually. Volo was hoping to complete his goal before that could ever happen, but Ash's interruption ended up changing that.

Looking at the aircraft a bit further, he saw how Bronzong was being pushed back by the combined power of Espeon and Cinccino, while Sci-Twi's Alpha Pikachu, Alpha Luxio and more recently, Alpha Kirlia were occupying the opposing three Pokemon.

"Kh! Go, Togekiss! Assist them!" Volo would suddenly throw his Poke Ball into the air, summoning his Togekiss. But he didn't summon it to battle Ash. He summoned it to intervene with Twilight and Sci-Twi's attempts to stop his plans.

"Togekiss!" Togekis would immediately fly in the direction of the aircraft, zooming through the air.

"Ah!" Ash gasped, quickly throwing his own Poke Ball into the air. "Dragonite! Stop Togekiss!"

"Dragonite!" Dragonite would emerge from her Poke Ball, flying after Togekiss as fast as she could. She caught up right away, forcing Togekiss to turn her head, seeing the Dragon-Flying-Type approaching. Dragonite would try and grab Togekiss, only for the Fairy--Flying-Type evade her grasp.

"Use Aura Sphere!"

"Kiss!" Swiftly, Togekiss would create an aura sphere in front of her mouth, firing it at Dragonite. The azure-coloured would strike her in the chest, causing her to cry out. It only pushed Dragonite aback a bit as she was already flying forward once more.

"Use Hurricane!"

"Gonite!" To try and stop Togekiss, Dragonite would accelerate her speed, managing to get in front of the Jubilee Pokemon. Once she was in front of her, she flapped her wings, generating a mighty tornado out of thin air. "Dragon!"

"Toge!" Togekiss cried out, being sucked into the hurricane. Her body was being spun around rapidly, unable to escape. She would hurl around in the hurricane repeatedly, her vision becoming disoriented and dizzy anything to keep her away from Twilight and Sci-Twi.

"That's awesome, Dragonite! Keep the Hurricane there!" Ash raised his fist.

"I think not!" Quickly, Volo would use the Flying Shard, raising his arm and channelling the power within to Togekiss. By transferring the divine energy within, he conjured a powerful wind that cancelled out Dragonite's Hurricane while also boosting Togekiss's mobility and speed. "Sky Attack!"

"Kiss...Toge!" Faster and stronger than ever, Togekiss rammed her body into Dragonite at full force, her body surrounded in a golden light, Dragonite's eyes widened as she was tackled directly in the chest, a powerful shockwave rupturing across the air and even the atmosphere. The force of it was so great that not only did it move the clouds themselves, but it made the aircraft shake as well.

This easily threw Sci-Twi and her Pokemon off balance as well as Twilight. The two of them would wobble and stumble, barely managing to recollect themselves.

Dragonite was sent flying across the sky, even going past the aircraft at high speeds. Dragonite managed to recover, but now she was a bit far from the aircraft while Togekiss was much closer. Much much closer, in fact. Thanks to the power of the Flying Shard, her speed had increased ten-fold, allowing her to reach the aircraft in little time.

Twilight looked outside to see Togekiss approaching, gasping and instinctively putting up a magical barrier at the entrance. By the skin of her teeth, she managed to form the barrier right as Togekiss was in front of the entrance, causing her to bump into her, her body bouncing off the barrier.

"T-Toge!" Togekiss shook her head before ramming her body against the barrier once more, going at full force. The barrier would ripple from the impact, a crack already showing. She would continue smashing her body against the barrier, not relenting for a moment. Each impact made the aircraft shake, throwing everyone on board off balance except for Saturn.

For such a peaceful Pokemon, the aggression on this Togekiss was surprising. The crack in the barrier would spread rapidly, covering it like a spiderweb before shattering completely. Doing so would affect Twilight herself, causing her to fall over now that her barrier was broken.

"Gaaaah!" Twilight shrieked, falling to the side from the impact.

"Twilight!" Sci-Twi cried out, seeing how Twilight was struggling to get back up.

"Quick, Dragonite! Draco Meteor!" Ash would suddenly give an outlandish response that even surprised Volo.

"Are you insane?! You'll bring down the whole aircraft and harm your friends in the process!" Volo exclaimed, seeing this as a wild decision on Ash's part.

"Twilight will keep them all safe!" But Ash had full faith in Twilight's magic. "Can ya hear me, Dragonite?! Go for it!" His voice travelled here on the peak of Mount Coronet, passing by the ears of Twilight and everyone else and soon reaching Dragonite.

"Dra..." Dragonite would nod her head, understanding what she had to do. "Draognite!" Dragonite's eyes would glow white as she would shoot an orb into the sky. That orb broke though the clouds before pulsating for a moment, summoning a giant rain of meteors from the sky that would then descend towards the aircraft.

"What?!" Saturn gasped, seeing the incoming meteor. He tried to steer the ship away from it, but it was too late. Too late to steer, but not to defend it. Twilight also understood what Ash was going for, showing how powerful their bond was. With her magic flaring, she generated a beautiful veil that would rapidly spread across the inside, shielding everyone. However, the airship itself would take damage.

The meteors aggressively beat down on it as it would lose its easy mobility. The result was an aircraft that was struggling to stay mobile anymore, losing a huge chunk of its speed, just as intended. As long as it moves at a slower pace, it cannot reach Volo and neither can the remaining Life Plates.

"T-Toge!" Togekiss would fly out of the airship due to it tilting, losing her balance before recollecting herself. And the moment she was out of there, along came Dragonite with her claws out. "Kiss?!"

"Drago!" Dragonite wasted no time, grabbing onto Togekiss and dragging her across the sky. She would then throw her into the ground, making her crash into the mountain. The Flying Shard's power would fade away, allowing Dragonite to catch up to Togekiss.

Volo grimaced as the shockwave of Togekiss hitting the mountain made his clothes blow in the wind. The same went for Ash, who held onto his hat. Togekiss slid on the ground, held down by Dragonite, who refused to let go.

"Toge! Togekiss...!" Togekiss wriggled her body.

"Dra! Dragonite!" Dragonite growled while pinning the Jubilee Pokemon down. Ash then smiled, looking at Twilight from afar, who saw his smile. The Princess of Friendship then focused on her goal, taking the chance to fly past the opposing Bronzong who had fallen over from the aircraft shaking.

With this golden opportunity, Twilight used her magic to grab the Life Plates near Saturn. "Why you...!" Saturn growled while trying to regain his balance.

"Sorry! But I can't let you get these to Volo!" Twilight said to Saturn. "Now, Minccy! Use Thunderbolt!"

"Cin!" Cinccino would unleash a powerful burst of electricity from her tail, striking Bronzong while it was this vulnerable. The blast of 100,000 volts would land, bringing Bronzong down once more, making sure it would hover again. Once Bronzong was down, Twilight saw the chance to leave here with the remaining Life Plates at last.


"Let's go!" Wasting no time, she would call to her counterpart, making an immediate departure.

"Wait" Mars would shout to them both, her voice full of genuine sadness and anger. Sci-Twi would turn her head, refusing to ignore Mars's cry. "Please! Don't do this! Master Cyrus...! We need to bring him back!"

"We have to bring him back!" Jupiter continued. "We've come too far to lose here, you just don't understand!"

"Even so, we can't have all of existence disappearing because of that. I'm sorry." Twilight did understand where they were coming from but the stakes were way too high.

"Twilight! You promised us that you'd help bring him back to us! Was all of that just some lie?!" Mars would bang her fists on the bubble with aggression in her eyes. Not only that, but tears were forming. Their respect and admiration for Cyrus were truly stellar to the point where they would shed tears based around him. "How dare you..."

"I did promise. I also said that we'd find another way." Sci-Twi said, holding the Arceus Pendant close to her. "This way may seem like the only way, but it doesn't have to be."

"...?" Jupiter and Mars would let out a light gasp.

"Ash taught me that there's always another way. If I never met him or any of my friends, maybe I would've done something similar. But if there isn't another way, we make a new one. That's what Ash taught me." Taking her lessons from Ash and passing them on, Sci-Twi believed in an alternate way. "I promise you. You'll see Cyrus again. But it'll be in this world with what we all have."

"...Darn it..." Saturn couldn't argue against that as he would grip the seat, lowering his head in defeat. Mars and Jupiter would accept defeat as well. The bubble around them would be dropped as they got on their knees. Mars's tears fell, her sadness elevating.

Sci-Twi could feel the sadness the three of them had. She knew how they felt since she had gone to extreme lengths before. Not on this level, but still. Now, Sci-Twi was a full believer of alternate ways. Not just one.

"Useless. The three of them." Volo managed to see this play out thanks to the Mind Plate. It disappointed him that Team Galactic were seemingly giving up. His assistance with them has run out it seems. But he wasn't about to let them stop their run here without giving something major in return. "Fine. I'll pick up where they left off and do it myself!"

Annoyed, Volo would then use the power of all the Life Plates and Shards he currently had on him, going all out. Like a thunderstorm, firestorm and many shockwaves, the Divine Energy would flare out of his body, building up as it would darken the disrupted skies above.

"Now what?!" Ash would put up his arms ina blocking position, feeling this otherworldly pressure flying all over the place. Dragonite would hold onto Togekiss, keeping her safe from the pressure despite being on opposing sides.

"W-What is this...?" Sci-Twi was taken aback by the sheer force of the energy coming out of Volo. Volo would then use all of their power for one single use, outstretching his arm as he managed to create a powerful pull. This pull had a Divine Glow as its embodiment, spiralling around like a vortex, similar to what happened with Spiritomb.

Volo's body was shaking aggressively, veins popping out of his head as this much power was actually harming him and yet he managed to hold on. The power of this light would then resonate with the Life Plates that Twilight held, vibrating at high speeds. The young alicorn looked at the plates, seeing how they were reacting.

"T-The Life Plates...?!"

"Pull them in! Pull them all in!" Volo demanded, forcing the power of the Life Plates to bring Twilight and the others into the tear. The tear in pace-Time would actually start growing in response to this as Volo was forcing the remaining Life Plates to react, doing everything he could to reach his goal.

It felt like the entire area, even in the sky was shaking, everything becoming too unstable. The tear was very much unstable as the power it gave off was starting to pull Twilight and everyone on the ship into the tear.

Team Galactic held onto something for dear life, feeling the pull of the tear. Saturn tried to keep the aircraft stable, but it was no use. The pull was just too strong. He would lose control of the airship, causing it to tilt.

"Ngh...Aaaah!" Twilight would fall over, losing her balance as she would slide across the floor. She would try and grab onto something, only to end up sliding off the edge of the hole in the aircraft.

"Twilight!" Sci-Twi cried out, trying to reach for Twilight's hoof. "I got you!" But before she could grab her hoof, the pull became stronger, threatening to take them all in. It didn't help that it was getting bigger and bigger.

"Volo, stop!" Ash would rush at Volo, trying to stop him, only to be pushed back by the energy coming off of him. "Ngh!" Ash grunted, tumbling on the ground as Pikachu ran up to him.


"Yes...I can feel it! Another world! A world beyond our reach! But I'm able to reach it!" Volo's eyes lit up, his smile growing wider than ever. His dream was finally coming true. He was about to reach a new world. One that he could redo with his own hands. "And I know which Pokemon will emerge from there..."

It looked like it was all coming apart. Ash saw how space itself was beginning to shatter. The skies didn't look right as the area below was changing as well. The properties of reality were being morphed at this rate, Mount Coronet itself slowly undergoing random changes in different sports.

Everyone inside the mountain would hold onto whatever they could, also feeling the pull even from here. Sunset and all the others screeched, doing their best to stay safe as Mount Coronet looked like it was coming apart.

Sci-Twi, who would hold onto her counterpart's hoof, would then spot the Arceus Pendant glowing in response to this. Something this grand garnered a reaction from it. Once she saw this, she paused for a moment before letting out a small nod, knowing what she had to do. This was her chance to really use the power of the pendant with her own will.

"Arceus...If you're listening, watching, or whatever...please. I need your help." She gripped onto the pendant, closing her eyes. "I want to help my friends. I don't know if you can hear me, but please. If you can...lend me your strength."

The pendant responded to her almost immediately. The light it gave off would gracefully expand, stretching out and enveloping Sci-Twi and Twilight. It went the distance to protect Team Galactic and all their Pokemon from harm as well. The light flew out of the Aircraft, giving off a presence that directly fought against the pressure Volo brought.

Twilight and the others looked around to see this welcoming glow around them. It was beautiful in so many ways. It felt like they were being held by an embrace unlike no other. So soothing. So relaxing. Such force ceased all trembling around their vicinity as the power of the pendant was truly living up to its importance.

However, Sci-Twi would groan, her hand trembling while holding onto the pendant. She was doing this out of her own will for the very first time and was indeed a struggle. She managed to successfully protect her counterpart and everyone else, however, it came at a cost.

The glow was weaker around her since it spread out to the others much quicker. Thus, the pull had ripped her out of the airship, sending her airborne. She screamed at the top of her lungs, seeing how she was being taken away from her friends.

"Twilight!" Twilight cried out, reaching for her counterpart. Ash also shouted her name upon seeing his friend being lifted into the sky. Even Volo was shocked by this. His pupils shrunk as his grip on the Life Plates and Shards greatly weakened. But it was too late.

Sci-Twi had been pulled into the tear, her voice being cut off once her body fully went through it. The tear would shrink a bit while keeping a massive size, leaving behind a trail of golden light that would fade away.

Sci-Twi, at this very moment, was in another world.

"Nnn...Ngh..." The groan of Sci-Twi could be heard as her eyes were slowly opening. She would find herself laying on the ground after being pulled in, entering somewhere. And wherever this was, the ground felt strange. She saw that she was lying on what appeared to be grass but with a different texture. Ad there was very much something off.

As her eyes would slowly open some more, she would then raise her body, seeing how there was this purplish tint in her vision. Sci-Twi's body felt a bit numb after being carried through the air and into the tear itself, giving her some time to recover. She could only see the ground at the moment due to how numb she was.

" I?"

"So, someone else finally passed through." Unexpectedly, a voice was heard. Not only that, but footsteps as well. Sci-Twi gasped, her numb body refusing to let her look for a while. The footsteps would come to a halt as she managed to recover some of her strength which allowed her to raise her head. She got a better look at the purple tint, but not only that, she got an even greater look at the one standing before her.

And she couldn't believe her eyes as her glasses almost fell off. Standing before her was the one she only got to see via a picture on the wall. The one that was lost for so many years. The one that Team Galactic would do anything to bring back.


As the journey continues.

Chapter 534 End.