The Legend Of Spyro And Spike

by Dragonfan101

18: The Fellmuth Arena

After Spike, Cynder and Spyro were all captured by the pirates, they were forced into coming with them and were taken to a large ship that was waiting for all of them to leave. Spike felt annoyed with what's happening, it felt like a huge waste of time that they're being forced to do this, but if this was one of the steps to finding the Chronicler, they had no choice to do this.

They all were thrown in a cell to await being selected for this tournament they're forced to fight in, Spike hated this kind of story as it doesn't really click with him, but what was worse is that this is gonna be life or death here, and Spike hated what this means for them.

They were all in they're cell right now and just waited for the time they have to fight, Cynder sighed in annoyance at this and looked around the place.
"I knew I should've dealt with all of these pirates when I had the chance." Cynder hissed while she looked around the place.
"Tell me about it, I hate that we have to be forced to fight, while some may like this kind of thing, for the fighters like us, it sucks!" Spike said annoyed while he punched a wall in frustration.
"Yeah but who's fault is it that we're stuck in this place? I tried saying we shouldn't go to that Grove, but noooo, you had to find that stupid tree that turned out to be a giant monster that almost got us killed!" Sparx mocked which annoyed them.
"Shut up Sparx, we have to find a way out of this place before something worse happens to us." Spike said annoyed with him while he tried finding a way out.

But as they tried looking through they're cell door, they saw a familiar mole that they met back at that volcano some time ago.
"Mole Yair?!" Spyro asked with surprise to see him here.
"Is that really you?! What are you doing here?!" Spike asked surprised that he was here too.
"Spyro, Spike?! Is that you my friends?!" Mole Yair asked as he was held behind another cell too.
"It's us, but what is this place? Who are these pirates?" Spike asked while he made sure no one was here to see them, Mole Yair looked around so that no one was here so they could give them the info they need.
"You are all on Skabb's ship, and will likely be made to compete in the arena fights, like all the other prisoners. I am a prisoner too, as well as my other friends." Mole Yair whispered which was concerning to hear.

Spike felt angry with this person known as Skabb holding them all here like this, he already sees why Cynder wanted them dealt with, and he needed to find a way out of here for all of them.
"Mole Yair, I'm sorry your here like this, but you need to get us out of here please." Spyro begged just before he heard something.
"Shh! Someone's coming! I'll try to find a way, just hold out long enough alright?" Mole Yair asked while he quickly snuck away.
"At least we have an idea on who else is here too." Cynder said upset with them being here, she already put them through enough pain back on the volcano, but this was just as bad, if not worse.

They kept waiting for a bit longer until they saw the captain from earlier come up to them, Cynder growled at the sight of him and already wished she could tear him apart for what they're doing Spyro and her son.
"I trust that your living chambers are too your liking?" Skabb asked mockingly.
"I don't know, my roommates could be more fun though." Sparx joked which made them glare at him.
"To make it simple, this is my response." Spike replied before he flipped these guys the bird which everyone was shocked to see.
"Oho! Where did Spike learn that? That's pretty sick not gonna lie!" Sparx said impressed with what he just did.
"Where did you learn that sign?! That is really rude Spike! I don't know if I should ground you for it!" Cynder asked while he pulled his hand down.
"She's right! That is super rude! You'd best get ready for a world of hurt! Cause you all are up next!" The other one said as they started to leave.
"I really, and more then really, hate those birds." Sparx said annoyed with them.
"Oh believe me, this is something you and I can agree with." Cynder said annoyed as the other pirates came up to bring them to the arena.

After they were taken out of their cell, they were forcefully brought to the arena for they're first fight, while Spike did feel he was a lot stronger then before, it wasn't enough to break out of here yet, but he swears he's gonna make short work of them when he does have the strength. There was a large audiences in the bleachers and were ready to see the large fight about to happen.
"Fiends and Felons! Scoundrel's and swindlers! Welcome to our first event of the evening! Tonight, we bring you a very special event, sure to quench your thirst for brutality!" Skabb announced to all the other pirates in the ship.
"Enough with the talking, let's get down to the pain!" The other one said as the whole audience cheered for the fight to happen.
"Introducing, 3 creatures both rare and powerful! Creatures of might and magic! Feast your eyes upon.. Spyro and Spike the Dragon!! And Cynder, the Terror of the Skies!" Skabb announced while the doors opened for them to come into the arena.

Spike kept his serious look the whole way they made they're way into the place, he hated the fact they were being forced into this, and until they find the opening, they have to hold out for now on what to do here.
"Wow, if we weren't about to die, I'd say this is pretty neat." Sparx commented while the audience cheered for them all.
"I hate that they still call me the Terror of the Skies." Cynder said annoyed with being here just for they're cruel entertainment.
"Don't worry mom, we just need to hold out until we find the way out." Spike encouraged while they got ready for they're opponent.
"And for they're opponent, you've seen them before and loved them! We offer you none other then the twins of terror, the Blundertails!" Skabb announced as the gate ahead of them opened up next, and they could only watch as large monsters riding scorpion like gear were marching out of them with cannons for tails.
"I swear Ember would tear them apart easily here.." Spike told himself while they got ready to fight.

One of the monsters tried swiping it's claw at them, but Spike flipped out of the way and into the air, he summoned his Scythe again and made a scream of rage as he slammed on the ground and sliced the claw off which the audience cheered at.
"Go for their tails first! They won't be able to attack quicker if we do!" Cynder advised while she dodged a canon blast coming from the monsters, Spyro understood what to do and he quickly charged at the monster with horns down, but Spyro quickly used his time ability to slow down they're reactions, and Spyro used that opportunity to shoot a fireball right at the tail just as it was about to fire back, and once time resumed, the tail exploded as a result which disabled the two Blundertails for a moment.
"Now!" Spike screamed while he ran across the armor and used his whip again, Spike wrapped it around some of they're legs and used his strength to throw them into eachother.

Cynder took a deep breath and used her Siren Scream again to take them down, this blew them to the wall and they were vulnerable for this moment, all 3 of them charged at these two and got ready for they're next attack. Spike twirled his whip around before he threw it at them and it made a loud crack as it sent a shockwave at them, Spyro finished them off by using his Ice powers, and he used the Ice tail move in order to take down what they could use to defend themselves.

The audience cheered as they all defeated the Blundertails, some were disappointed that they lost, but it was a fun fight to see with how they handled things.
"Great crowd guys, wonder if I can get em to do the wave?" Sparx asked while he looked at the crowed before them.
"Well done indeed young dragons, step forth, and receive your glory." Skabb advised which they were about to do, but they suddenly felt really tired again and knew what this was.
"You have got to be kidding me.. again?" Spike asked annoyed before he and Spyro suddenly passed out again which shocked the whole audience.
"Oh come on! Why now of all times?!" Cynder asked annoyed with them constantly doing this.
"Tell me about it! You'd think this Chronicler would be good at finding the right time to knock them out by now!" Sparx said in agreement while they were completely out of it.

Back in Spyro and Spike's heads, they found themselves waking up in the void once again after passing out in the arena. Spike groaned and rubbed his head after all of it, it was getting real annoying that it's happening at the worst of times, and he only hoped Cynder will be alright out there.
"Why do we keep coming back here when we are in the middle of something important?" Spike asked annoyed while Spyro got up too.
"I don't know.. but let's just see what the Chronicler has to say now." Spyro advised while they looked ahead of them, they saw more floating platforms ahead of some more of these circles, one was green, and the other was white, which meant two more elements for them to unlock.

Not having any other choice, they simply glided they're way to the circles and looked into them for anything that could help them.
"You both have come far, young dragons." Chronicler said impressed with what they've done so far.
"What? Ignitus said you would help, but we've only found ourselves on a path to nowhere!" Spyro pointed out while they looked into them.
"Yeah, and what's worse, you always have to summon us at a bad time, why is it when we least expect it?" Spike asked annoyed with the time they were chosen to come here right now.
"Forgive me, but I cannot fully see where you are, I can only bring you here when the time is most needed. But our paths sometimes have to be what destiny forms for us, and we have to follow it." Chronicler advised while they looked around the void again.
"Let's just get moving then." Spike said as he and Spyro hopped into the respective circles to unlock another power.

Spike and Spyro closed they're eyes and felt a new power awaken in them, Spike felt the air move around him at fast speeds, and he felt himself rising into the air like before.
"Be steady Spyro, use the power of the earth to find your way. And for you Spike, embrace the Winds around you, let their currents guide you to where you must belong, even if you are far from your own home, there is always a choice for you to make." Chronicler advised while they began floating in the air. Spyro felt the powers of Earth flow through him and felt his body becoming a lot more tougher, Spike felt the Winds surround him like a cyclone, they moved around so fast that they were like a tornado, and once they were fully built up, Spike and Spyro made a loud roar which unleashed the powers of Earth and Wind across the entire void.
"The power of Earth and nature is a mighty one, and the wind can be quite versatile when in the right hands, be mindful as you wield it you two." Chronicler advised as the path ahead of them opened up once again.

Spike looked at himself and clutched his claws as he felt the power of Wind in him now, this was around 7 elemental powers by now, and if Spike's correct, he could have 8 by the end of this adventure, this makes him really strong with how many powers he has, and this could be what they need to break out of this stupid ship.

After they unlocked this power, they unlocked a few new moves that they could use like you'd expect, Spyro used this new move called the Earth Flail, which sends a strong ball and chain to come from his mouth and he used it to deal heavy damage to the stone monsters around them, and for Spike, he was able to forge another weapon out of Wind, and for this one, he formed Shuriken's that could shoot gusts of wind at the enemy's, the winds were strong enough to blow them off the platforms and into the void, each time Spike learns a new move, he just felt more like a real dragon because of it.

They did almost the same thing like the last 2 times they were here, learn a few new moves to fight enemy's, move across a few platforms, and make it to the temple at the end of all of it. They were getting shorter and shorter with each one, and Spike has a feeling it's because the Chronicler knows they're in the middle of something important.

Spike threw another Wind shuriken at one of the stone monsters and sent it off the cliff, and Spyro finished the last one off by using the Earth Flail and he smashed them into the ground. After making sure that was the last of them, they put they're guards down and looked at the path ahead of them.
"Looks like we're getting stronger now, you have the power of Earth again, and now I have the power of Wind.. just like my mom.." Spike said amazed with what he's able to use now.
"We're both getting stronger then we were before, you think this will be enough to get out of this pirate ship and take down Skabb?" Spyro asked while they hopped over the platforms to the temple ahead of them.
"It has to be, I'm feeling my mother's strength in me the more we go through this, and if this really is what we need, then let's get back and kick those pirates butts." Spike said confidently while they kept moving to the temple.

It didn't take that long for them to make it to the temple, and they could feel the wind and Earth around them as they entered it, Spike just wondered how ancient this place was, and if Celestia ever knew about this place, or this world in general. Spike and Spyro soon made they're way to the vision pool again and looked in to see if there's anything new for them to see.
"We want to know what's happening please, we've done what you've asked of us, and we followed your path." Spyro asked looking around for him to answer.
"Yes, but the time will come for you both to choose your own paths, but you are not ready yet. Now.. open your eyes you two.." Chronicler advised as they could see another vision coming into they're minds.

Spike and Spyro could see what looked like the Mountain of Malefor in the distance, they could see the apes marching to this dreadful place which worried them.
"What's going on here Chronicler?" Spike asked a bit scared of what's happening.
"It is their calling, they cannot resist it's temptation, the Well of Souls beckons them as the Night of Eternal Darkness approaches." Chronicler said with fear as they were entering the mountain.
"What is the Night of Eternal Darkness?" Spyro asked worried to hear this.
"It is the night for when the Celestial moons come to a great eclipse, and our world is shrouded in darkness.. The Well of Souls is it's pinnacle of it's terrible shadow. It stirs the spirits who were deceased from they're eternal rest, and they could roam freely around the mountain. Soon the Night of Eternal Darkness shall be upon us.. you both need to find me, in the Celestial Waves of the White idle.." Chronicler advised as the moons looked to be 1 day away from eclipsing..

Spike and Spyro groaned as they were finally waking up again, and they saw they were still on the ship, and what's worse, they were still in they're cell.
"You gotta be kidding me.." Spike said annoyed with what just happened. They're door opened up and they saw the captain march into the room and was upset with what they've done.
"Get up you lazy fools! It's time to bruise, and not to snooze! I can't even look at you both, you disgust me!" One of them said annoyed with them passing out back there.
"What did you do to Cynder?!" Spike shouted with anger as he figured they've done something bad to her.
"You will see soon dragon, come! We've kept the audience waiting long enough." Skabb advised as their soldiers were coming into the room, Spike and Spyro looked at eachother and knew what to do for this.

Spike and Spyro were soon brought back to the arena so they could continue fighting, Spike hated this place so much, and hopefully with his new Wind powers, they can finally bust out of this stupid place for good.
"Are you ready for more?!" Skabb asked to the whole audience who all cheered for more fighting.
"Then without further ado, give it up for.. Spyro and Spike the dragons!!" Skabb announced while Spike and Spyro marched into the ring with a serious look.
"And for they're opponent.. they need little introduction.." Skabb said before the other one came to finish it.
"The captain of crunch, the prince of pain himself..." The other one said while a small floating ship was flying down to them.
"The one.. the only.. Ravage Rider!!" Skabb announced which the audience cheered at from seeing him fly into the scene.
"Let's get this over with.." Spike said with a growl while he readied his new wind powers.

The large ship started out the fight by firing some canonballs at them and they quickly dodged out of the way, Spike summoned his Wind shuriken's and quickly threw them at the sail to cut through it, Spyro joined in on this and used his Earth Flail ability to swing a large ball and chain directly at the ships side. The ship only activated some thrusters it had to it and it began boosting around the arena and it circled around them both.
"Spyro, use your ice to slow the thing down! I'll get on the deck to take down the controller!" Spike advised while they flipped over some more canon fire.
"Got it!" Spyro shouted in response before he took a deep breath and started shooting more ice blasts at the ship, he kept on shooting as many icicles as he could to help slow the thing down, and luckily, it was enough to slow it down just a bit.

Spike ran across the ring while avoiding more canon blasts, it honestly felt like a reuse of the fight they did with the Conductor in his opinion, and if that's true, then Spike has an idea on what to do. Spike kept running directly to the wall before he used his speed to run up it which amazed the audience, the ship fired more blasts at them and Spike flipped off the wall just in time before they hit him, Spike flew across the arena and was able to land directly on the small ship.
"Let's see you handle this!" Spike screamed before he spread out his wings and readied his wind powers. Spike used what he's learned and used his powers to create a strong wind gust around the arena which was starting to push the ship back.

Spyro joined in on this by flying up on the ship to join him, he used his Earth powers again to use the Flail, he smashed it around the ship to damage it so it could stop flying, Spike used his shuriken's again and threw it directly at the sail, this was sharp enough to cut directly through the wood on it, and the entire sail began falling down as a result of the power, the Ravage Rider was trying to fight back against this, but Spike had enough of all of this, Spike quickly leaped to the hatch below them and ripped it open, and he hopped in it to finish the job.
"Get out of here!" Spike screamed from inside it while some harsh punching sounds could be heard, Sparx flinched at the sight of all of it and the Revenger suddenly went flying out of the hatch and into the sky, the ship started to catch fire just as Spike flew out of it.
"Come on, let's go!" Spike shouted while he and Spyro ran to the ledge, and they both jumped off of it while the ship exploded behind them, they both screamed in slow motion as the explosion was seen from the entire arena, and even from most of the ship, but soon enough, Spike and Spyro landed down safely and emerged as the winners.

The audience cheered as Spike and Spyro had emerged as the winners once again, they took heavy breaths and felt proud for winning this fight.
"Great teamwork guys." Sparx complimented which they nodded at.
"Thanks, we did a great job back there, but we need to find a way out of here before something worse happens guys." Spike said as they looked around the arena.
"He's right, we gotta find Cynder and get out of here now, let's get ready for the next fight." Spyro said seriously while they prepared themselves.

"Well well, it appears we are among greatness, these little dragons have defeated everything we've thrown at them." Skabb said impressed with how well they've been fighting while the audience was wanting more.
"But fret not, tonight we have a special bonus match!" Skabb announced which gave Spike a bad feeling.
"Please don't be who I think it is.." Spike prayed as he dreaded who this was.
"Spyro and Spike the Dragons, vs.. Cynder!!" Skabb announced as the gates next to them open and they looked shocked to see Cynder was being forced to fight them.

Cynder marched out to them as the audience cheered for them all, Spike backed up with fear and did NOT want to fight his mother.
"No, you can't be serious! I can't fight my mother!" Spike shouted with fear while she came out to them.
"Don't worry, I'm just trying to put on a show so we can figure out what to do." Cynder assured while they circled around eachother.
"Don't trust her guys, she wants to eat me!" Sparx said with fear at the thought of it.

But before any of them could start fighting again, a loud roar caught the attention of everyone, they looked into the sky's and Spike's heart sank as he saw that Dreadwings and the same bounty hunter from before had come back to capture them, they shot down multiple bombs from above and they exploded around the place which made everything hard to see.
"What's happening?!" Spyro asked while he was coughing from all the dust.
"Get away from me! Help!" Cynder screamed as one of the Dreadwings grabbed her.
"Mom! No!!" Spike shouted with terror as she was being carried off by them.
"Cynder!!" Spyro shouted with horror as they couldn't save her right now.
"Guys, come on! There's an opening!" Sparx encouraged as the place was falling apart, but they quickly made they're way to an open exit that could help them escape.
"Just hold on mom, we're coming for you!" Spike said with determination, he swore he was gonna get her back, no matter what.