G5 Adventures in Garfield’s Pet Force

by ponydog127

A Starlit Finale/Allura's Song and a Warning Sign

The Unity Quest of the season was finally over.

Vetvix had been reformed, Jasmine and her friends were crowned the new Royal Force, ans now, the Cartoon World gang and the ponies had a fun place to gather whenever the Mane 6 were back in their neck of the woods.

But right now... the Mane 6 were on their way home, to wrap their heads around the chaotic mission surrounding that very day.


The next thing the Mane 6 remembered after jumping into that portal home was them appearing back in the Crystal Room, their superhero forms having disappeared from sight. 

Zipp was the first to sigh in relief at this. “It is SO good to be home.”

“I’ll say,” Hitch sighed in agreement. “That adventure was good in more ways than one, but… I really don’t wanna face a tyrannical supervillain again anytime soon.”

“Speaking of superheroes and stuff like that,” said Pipp as they walked downstairs, “we never agreed what we were going to do with those comic books you and Hitch have been making.”

“Oh, you’re right!” Misty realized. “Didn’t Izzy have the final vote?”

“I did, but… I think we should hold off on publishing them for now,” Izzy said. “These adventures are special to us, and I think we should take a break before we publish any of them… at least until the Allura situation dies down.”

“Izzy… I think you’re absolutely right,” Sunny smiled. “And with another one of the star pieces tracked down, we only have three more star shards to go!”

“And then, once we have those last star shards,” said Zipp, “we won’t have to worry about Allura and Twitch again.”

“A good thing too. Now, if we’re all hoping to relax a bit,” said Hitch, sitting on the couch with his friends, “I have another idea for another installment to our comics, if you all wanna help.”

“Really? That would be really fun, Hitch!” Sunny smiled. “What’s this one gonna be called?”

“Well… I’m still workshopping a title, but I think we should call it… Garfield’s Pet Force.”

Misty giggled at this. “I think Garfield would love that.”

And so, they all got to work, secretly wondering if their Cartoon World friends were really all right after they had left.


Back in the comic studio, the gang watched Emperor Jon and Vetvix’s wedding on the big screen. “They’re renewing their vows,” Arlene cooed, wrapping an arm around Garfield’s. “Oh, isn't that romantic?”

“Eh, I still think it's kind of gross, but... seeing Emperor Jon happy is pretty satisfying,” Lily smiled sweetly. “Especially after what we've all been through in the past day or so.”

I once again pronounce you emperor and queen,” Professor Wally declared. “You may kiss the bride.

The emperor prepared to kiss his new bride, but Vetvix grabs him and kissed him rather dramatically, but strangely... no one really minded.

Everyone on Planet Dorkon, including the rejuvenated Pet Force members, all celebrated the momentous occasion with fireworks.

In fact, everyone in the studio was cheering in the same manner... that is, until Arlene noticed that Garfield had disappeared from sight. “Hey, Jasmine... have you and Cobalt seen Garfield anywhere?”

Jasmine took her eyes off the screen to look around, noticing that her best friend had indeed disappeared. “Huh... no, I was so focused on the wedding, I didn't notice he had left.”

“We'll go and help you find him,” Cobalt offered before thinking of a place that Garfield might be. “And I think I know where we can start.”


Bright stars filled the dark sky, swirling in a beautiful aurora-like pattern as Garfield sat outside to watch it all. And after a few minutes, Arlene, Jasmine and Cobalt came outside to check on him, Arlene being the first to say anything. “What are you doing out here, Garfield?”

“Oh, I was just getting a breath of fresh air, wondering how much I've missed out on in life,” Garfield said, looking up at the stars with a thoughtful expression. However, what Garfield said caused Jasmine to look at her best friend rather strangely. “Wait... missed out on?”

“Yeah,” Garfield said, standing up. “By not getting involved more often.”

However, Arlene took him by the paw with a loving expression. “Well, you haven’t missed out on me... or these foals.”

Jasmine, Cobalt and Garfield smiled at these words, and Garfield decided to take the trio on a special outing, just the four of them. “Hey... what do you three wanna do tonight? Save the universe?”

Arlene groaned in disgust at the idea, prompting Jasmine to try and come up with her own suggestion. “Fight evil wherever it may lurk?”

“Boring...” Cobalt singsonged with a playful look, causing Garfield to hum in thought. “How about...?”

However, before he could finish what he was saying, that same swirl of starlight came down from the sky and appeared under their feet, giving Garfield the perfect idea. “Dancing?”

“Now you're talking!” Cobalt said with a smile. “If it's with you guys, I'm totally up for it.”

So, taking each other by the paw and hoof, the four of them flew up into the sky and danced the night away. Garfield had Arlene while Cobalt and Jasmine danced with one another.

They twirled and skipped across the star trail. Then, they spun and float through outer space, gazing around the Milky Way and enjoying a different perspective of their world.

This was surely an adventure that they were never going to forget...

...and they were sure that the Mane 6 were going to come back at some point.

And then, the adventures would begin all over again.


However, they had no idea that in the mortal world, Allura was lurking over the side of the mountain she had been resting on, with Twitch sleeping beside her.

She fiddled with the star shard around her neck, sighing in deep thought.

Once she got all the star shards those ponies had claimed, and found those that were remaining in all the different worlds in the universe, she was going to make a new home in Equestria and free her brother from his prison.

Eventually, she decided to sing a soft tune to herself, unaware that Twitch had stirred and woken up to the singing.

Allura: You say I'm a monster
You say I'm a bully
If that's how you paint me
Well, you never knew me

Spend my life on the outside lookin' in
Can't remember what it feels like (Feels like)
Now, I must begin all over again
Another place that never fit right

I would have done it all so differently (and I don't)
Say I'm a bully, you can make believe (if you want it)
Now everypony thinks the worst of me (worst of me)
Oh, well

They won't stop 'til they make a monster out of me
They got their minds made up, but they just can't see
'Cause all I really wanna do is find my way back to you
Always find my way right back to you

I'll find my way right back to you
Find my way right back to you (Ha, ha)
Always find my way right back to you (Ha, ha)
You, ooh-ooh-ooh (Ha, ha)

All my life then bouncing place to place
Never welcomed, always chased away ('way)
Always made to wander near the edge
In the distance I'm afraid

I would have done it all so differently (and I don't)
Say I'm a bully, you can make believe (if you want it)
Now everypony thinks the worst of me (better run)
I'm used to it

They won't stop 'til they make a monster out of me
They got their minds made up, but they just can't see
'Cause all I really wanna do is find my way back to you
Always find my way right back to you

I'll find my way right back
Find my way right back to you (Ha, ha)
Always find my way right back (Ha, ha)
You, ooh-ooh-ooh (Ha, ha)

You say I'm a monster
You say I'm a bully
If that's how you paint me
Well, you never knew me

Finally, she stopped her song when she heard Twitch yawn and squeak to her, causing her to clear her throat and retain composure. “It’s really nothing, Twitch... just thinking about my dear brother, still imprisoned in some far off realm. We will rescue him, my little pet... and nopony is going to get in our way. Count on that.


Back in Equestria, as the group took a break from the comic creating to play a nice relaxing board game, Sunny felt a sudden shiver going down her neck.

Like... something within her was trying to warn her about something.

But... what in the world could that be?

Zipp blinked, noticing Sunny's change in demeanor almost immediately. “Sunny? Is everything okay?”

“Well, I just thought that I felt something... like a sort of warning sign,” Sunny said as the rest of the group turned to look at her in concern. “It was just here for a minute, and then... it just disappeared into thin air!”

Hitch shuddered at this. “Sounds creepy if you ask me.”

“Do you think it has something to do with Allura?” Misty asked, frowning in deep concern. “Do you think she's found another star shard?”

“I hope not,” Pipp said in worry. “The more star shards she collects, the creepier and more dangerous she gets!”

“Don't worry, guys,” Sunny said, trying to comfort her friends as well as herself. “Even if Allura is getting more powerful, we'll be able to take her on... cause we have nothing to fear as long as we stick together.”