G5 Adventures in Space Buddies

by ponydog127

A Welcome Home Celebration/Returning to Equestria

Immediately after the Buddies and their Equestrian friends returned from space, plans for a huge welcome home/congratulations celebration was put into effect, with a band, parade, and a special ceremony to give all of them their wings.

Of course, this did mean our heroes had to say goodbye to Night Star and Spudnick, who were heading back to Russia so Spudnick could reunite with his boy Sasha.

Needless to say, Night Star was beyond thrilled to get to meet her new family, so... the Mane 6 understood, and promised to visit them if they were in the area.

But right now... they had a party to get through!


Merry music played as the parade traveled through Fernfield all the way to the main stage in front of Town Hall, and the Buddies, the Mane 6 and the Pippsqueaks were the guests of honor for everything.

Rosebud even got a new pink space suit in contrast to her blue one, and needless to say, she enjoyed it far more than the blue one she had been wearing. “This is more like it. I feel much prettier in pink.”

The cheering continued as the parade ended, and the ponies took their place next to the Buddies for the ceremony, where the Buddies’ kids sat nearby for them to witness this grand occasion, and Pi took to the podium to address the crowd. “Uh, thank you. Thank you for being here,” he said to the crowd. I would like to present wings, the symbol of true heroism in space… to our ponynauts and dogmonauts.”

This caused the audience, especially the Buddies’ kids, to cheer wildly. “Here they are!” Pi presented the heroes in their finest. “The Unity Squad, the Pippsqueaks and the Space Buddies!”

The crowd seemed to amplify their cheering as the wings were passed out, and the Mane 6 and the Pippsqueaks couldn’t be prouder. 

They stuck through everything as a team, and now… they were being honored as total heroes.

Rosebud was the first of the group to speak. “I’m gonna miss Night Star and Spudnick.”

“We are too,” Pipp nodded. “But, they’re going back to their families now after so many years. I’m happy for them, nonetheless.”

“Those two are now officially part of my entourage,” B-Dawg added, causing Budderball to nod. “I'll never forget they taught me to eat my vegetables.”

“They were both rad comrades!” Mudbud added as Buddha let through a smile. “They’ll each have a space in our hearts forever.”

However, as this was said, the portal to Equestria began to appear not too far away. “That’s our ticket home, guys,” Zipp told the others. “We better get going.”

“Thanks again for this wild adventure, you guys,” Rosebud told the ponies. “Be sure to look us up again when you’re back in Fernfield!”

“We will!” Sunny promised as the group exchanged farewells before the ponies jumped through the portal before it closed, leaving the celebration to continue with the Buddies as the guests of honor.


Meanwhile, in Russia, another homecoming celebration was occuring.

A limo pulled up to the house where Sasha was living with his family, and Sasha gasped as soon as a familiar four-legged figure ran out of the car, during the gentle snowfall, and toward him, a certain unicorn at his heels. “Spudnick!”

Spudnick panted happily as he ran to his boy, who held him close as the entire family clapped in joy. “I always dreamt I'd hold you in my arms again…” Sasha whispered as he placed Spudnick’s collar around his neck. Then, as he hugged Spudnick, he gestured for Night Star to come closer, and Night Star happily did so, happy to be with a family that would never leave her.


It had been a few hours later, after the ceremony had ended, when Buddha and Sam returned home from town.

As they gazed out at the stars, Buddha rushed inside to get the moon rock Glory had picked up for him to give to Sam, and he dropped it in the boy's lap, much to Sam's bewilderment. “Whoa…” he said. “This rock… is from the moon?”

Buddha barked in confirmation, and this caused Sam to smile ever so lightly. “I got to touch the Moon too. I guess dreams really do come true.”

But the biggest wish Sam could ask for was having his puppy back home safe and sound.


Back in Russia, Night Star and Spudnick stared out at the moon from the comforts of home, and after a long moment of silence, Spudnick finally decided to speak. “I fulfilled my dream of being the first dogmonaut to walk on the Moon. But in returning home, I realized it is the journey and the new friendships we made that matter the most.”

“Spudnick?” Night Star said as she looked to her best friend with a gentle smile on her face. “...I couldn’t have said it better myself.”