//------------------------------// // Chapter XIII // Story: Who Is That? // by TheKing2001 //------------------------------// I tossed my saddlebag onto my bed and stretched my forelegs out. I glanced out the window and stifled a yawn. I had promised to give Rarity the details of of the other night and well, plus I know she’d just track me down. She knows where I’m sleeping after all. I’d spent all day at Pinkie’s and I was exhausted. I opened my door and sure enough, the white unicorn was outside my door with Fluttershy, Rarity practically dancing on her hooves as she gave me a wide grin. “Well darling how did it-?” Rarity paused leaned forward and sniffed me a few times. “Uh Rarity?” Rarity looked me up and down before grinning even bigger which was kinda disturbing. Looked liked her face was about to split in half. Stuff of nightmares, honestly. “Sunset Shimmer, you sly dog you!” Rarity shouted and Fluttershy jumped. “I can smell Cloudchasers scent all over you! You slept with her?” “Uh yeah, last night. She’s really soft. We slept in the castle after our date,” I answered and Rarity chuckled. “You had sex with her on the second date?” Rarity asked incredulously as Fluttershy let out an eep and turned red as my eyes widened. “My my, you do move fast darling!” “No, it wasn’t that,” I shot back after a moment of stunned silence. “We slept. As in snoring sleep! You know, mimimi! Just with each other.” “Mimimi,” Fluttershy giggled softly and I smirked. “That was funny.” “Indeed. My apologies, I thought you meant something entirely different by sleep,” Rarity admitted and I blushed. “But how was your date? Tell me everything darling.” “Well, we kissed a lot. The movie was really good. I was gonna sleep at her house but well, Flitter was busy in the self love department if you get my drift,” I winked as Fluttershy blushed red. “So we came to the castle, cuddled and talked for a bit before Cloudchaser passed out pretty fast. She’s cute in her sleep. She said the same thing about me when she woke up.” “Ah I see. How did Twilight take Cloudchaser visiting?” Rarity asked and I burst out laughing, gesturing them to follow me into my room as I plopped down on my bed. “So she walked in on us kissing and she was bright red like Fluttershy is right now. Anyway, she took it very well. Lunch was a bit awkward after what happened in the morning but we managed. We’re officially dating and honestly? It feels really nice. I haven’t felt this cared about in a long time,” I admitted. “What about the other us?” Fluttershy asked curiously. “Don’t they care about you?” “Well yeah they do but for a long time they viewed me as a chore. Mainly Rainbow and uhm Rarity’s counterpart,” I admitted and Rarity scowled slightly. “You’re no chore to me darling and I quite enjoy your company. Even if our roles were swapped and it was us taking care of you, I would never view you that way and none of the others would either,” Rarity stated firmly. “I appreciate that Rares. Fluttershy’s counterpart was nice but a bit scared of me. Applejack and Pinkie were the nicest even if Bloom didn’t like me. Sweetie Belle didn’t like me for a bit and Scootaloo straight up hated me so I was afraid of meeting your sisters but they’re pretty damn adorable. You and Sweetie remind me of marshmallows. Anyway, Applejack and Granny pretty much took me in as family pretty quick and Pinkie gave me a cake. But they’re just friends. You’re gorgeous Rarity and Fluttershy’s shyness is cute but I’d never date my friends. They’re just friends,” I explained and the two hugged me briefly. “You’re not bad yourself,” Fluttershy admitted and sat back down. “But Discord has my eye. Rarity is obsessed with what’s it called? Shipping us?” “Yes darling. So what do you want to do for your last day? I heard Applejack was willing to get help in the farm,” Rarity suggested and I rubbed my chin with a hoof. “Yeah a little labor is no problem. I’ve helped on my AJs farm before. This will be a piece of cake,” I answered and Fluttershy snorted. “This should be interesting.” I levitated my lemonade down next to the tree as I briefly watched Applejack buck a tree and a bunch of apples tumbled into waiting baskets. I may have under estimated how difficult this would be. It’s hard as hell in the human world because they do everything by hand. At least here we can use magic to harvest their apples. “Having fun?” Apple Bloom asked as I glanced over at her before I kicked the tree with a hindleg, watching in slight satisfaction at the apples falling. Take that AJ, you’re not the only pony who can do that. Might not be as much as she would but hey, minor detail. “Oh loads,” I answered back and levitated the baskets in the air. “You?” “Uh huh. Chores ain’t exactly mah idea of a fun time but it could be way worse,” Apple Bloom answered. “Ah get to go play with Scoots and Sweets in an hour. Gonna hit the pond and try to get our marks in fishing.” Thank Celestia it wasn’t anything crazy like last time. I levitated the baskets onto a wagon that Big Mac had left before glancing at Twilight repeating the tree bucking and levitating basket routine I had fallen into. “Ah gotta go check up on Granny,” Apple Bloom said and I nodded as she trotted away. I started to face the next tree when a pair of hooves covered my eyes followed by the sound of wings beating and a pony landing behind me and I yelped. “Why hello there,” Cloudchaser purred in my ear as she let go and I spun around. “How’s it going, my sun?” “Good, you?” I asked and eyed her with a grin. “You know I was close to shooting you, right?” “I doubt you’d actually shoot me,” Cloudchaser scoffed as we settled down under the tree and she wrapped a wing around me as I laid on her stomach. I shot her a look that screamed try me and she gulped. “Okay, maybe you would have. Note to self, don’t startle a powerful hot unicorn mare.” “Mhm,” I hummed and felt Cloudchaser sigh. “Oh! I got you something.” “Oh? What’s that?” Cloudchaser asked as I levitated a book out of my saddlebags with Cloudchasers and my cutie mark proudly emblazoned on the cover together. “It’s a book,” I explained and Cloudchaser rolled her eyes. “I see that. Is this yours and Twilight’s way of telling me to read more often?” Cloudchaser laughed and I snickered. “Well no but you’ll wanna read this one. It’s enchanted so you can write in it and anything you write will end up in a copy I have in my saddlebags. Twilight helped make it,” I answered and levitated a quill along with my copy and opened it to the first page. “Here, write something in yours and watch.” Cloudchaser stared at the quill before shrugging and she picked it up, opening her book and writing a simple “Hey” in it, watching with a stunned expression as it appeared in my copy. “See?” I gave a smug smile. “So we can communicate together when I’m not here.” “That’s actually cool,” Cloudchaser admitted and nuzzled me. “How did you know I was here anyway?” I asked and she snorted. “I was watching you buck trees for about an hour or so. Kinda hard to not watch,” Cloudchaser answered with a grin. “Oh great, I’m dating a stalker,” I grumbled and she smacked me with a wing. “Shush you. You love the attention,” Cloudchaser commented and wrapped a foreleg around me. “So what do you wanna do on your last evening here? We can stay here or go see another movie?” “Can we go flying again?” I asked hopefully and grinned slightly. “That was actually really damn cool. Minus the dropping me thing.” “Sounds good to me,” Cloudchaser nodded and I felt her shift slightly to grab under my legs and stood up, spreading her wings. She shot upwards and my eyes widened slightly as I examined the area under us. “Having fun?” Cloudchaser asked and I nodded as I tore my eyes off the farm becoming a speck below us. “Good. Where to?” “Anywhere you want.”