Tower Farming

by GamePlayer64

Tower Farming 2

Lone was looking around for a way out of the hole. He tried to use the magic he had been hiding from Scorpan’s guards, but it only created a small dandelion seed that vanished. “UGH! I curse Scorpan’s soul to Tartarus.” He said as he took out what he said as he looked at his dagger. “This weapon is completely rusted. I don’t know how this will break but I need to think of something?” Said Lone. He looked at his food as he began to eat. “I need to figure out of here.” He pulled out his pocket watch to see the time. “I wasted a day trying to escape. If I’m lucky but I’ll die from starvation or eaten by whatever is in this tower.” He said as he ate his peaches as he looked at the fruit he had. “Perhaps growing my own food will save me… until I die.” He said as he dug a hole for the pits but at two different locations as he pulled out the Sweet Potatoes or Yams. “Wonder what this is?” He took a bite out of it and chewed “Sweet Potato.” He said as he ate some green onion leaves, blueberries, cherry tomatoes, planted all the roots of the green onions and planted the seeds from 3 cherry tomatoes, 2 sweet potatoes but the blueberries were the hardest given that they are very small and hard to harvest. “What I would have given to use magic. …That doesn’t involve ponies. Maybe seeds from 5 different blueberries might grow into something. I hope 2 bushes get grown from them.” He said as he grabbed his water bottle and poured water on the spots where he planted the seeds as he went to collect more water for his bottle. “I can’t just drink water for the rest of my life.” He said as he looked at the sky and pulled out his watch. “I wonder if that princess managed to refuse his followers request. I mean not that I care for her, but I don’t know it the rebels will listen to her and no way that gargoyle tyrant will listen to her.” He said as he looked at his crops “I don’t anyone misses me.” Lone said to himself.

Twilight Sparkle looked horrified as well as Celestia and Luna who were staring at a large older-looking male Gargoyle and his entire body, but his head was encased in ice as his guards were using magic fire to slowly melt the ice to free him. “HOW CAN YOU SAY SOMETHING SO HEARTLESS, SCORPAN!?” Yelled Luna.

“What has happened to the kind-hearted Gargoyle who bonded with us?” Asked Celestia who was hurt to see who he was.

“Time changes all creatures, Celestia and Luna.” Said Scorpan who stared at them with no emotion in his eyes. “I chose to seal all magic from my kingdom and land. No creature other than the king can wield this corrupted power.” He said as Twilight backed away in fear because the friend who told Starswirl, Celestia and Luna about Tirek’s plan, no longer exists. “Now, if you refuse to accept our request for friendship. Please leave my land and I promise you no harm will come to you and your ponies.” He said as all three of them leave but Celestia and Luna shed some tears.

Spike and the others were waiting outside as they saw their princesses come out as they went to them but move away from the guards. “Well, Princesses? What is King Scorpan said?” Asked Rarity as Rainbow flew to him.

“What did he say?” She asked as Twilight looked down.

“He said that he’ll allow any centaur and gargoyle who awakens to join our guild if… we remove all the rebels in his kingdom by petrifying them.” Explained Twilight which made them flinch when hearing that.

“WHAT?!” They all said, Fluttershy looked scared.

“But… if you do that… than…” They nodded.

“They’ll smash them as examples for rebelling against their king’s law.” Said Luna as Celestia looked down.

“Scorpan is now more evil than his brother.” She said, “At least Tirek is willing to fight for his magic.” She looked at the city they’re in; not one creature looked happy, the essence of magic isn’t flowing in the air, water, land nor creatures as they looked miserable.

“WHAT DO YOU HAVE THERE?!” They turned to see some guards getting rough with an old female gargoyle.

“Just some groceries!” She yelled as the guards snatched her bag and dropped it on the ground to see it was just some vegetables and bread.

“She checks out!” Said the 2nd guard

“Now beat it!” Said the 3rd guard as the gargoyle cried which disgusted Applejack.

“Now I see why Tirek tried to steal magic from ponies and didn’t stay when he escaped from Tartarus. It's lower than a snake in dead grass.” She said as Pinkie started to tear up.

“Scorpan even banned all sorts of parties! Even birthday parties are banned!” She said as she fell on the ground and cried loudly as Starlight and the others picked her up as they headed away from Scorpan’s city.

When they got a bit far away, they witnessed some children in rags (2 Female Centaurs and a male gargoyle) were trying to collect some garbage from a trash pile.

“Come on… there must be something worth some cash!” Said the 1st Centaur as the other centaur growled at her.

“I’m trying Danae! It’s not my fault that the king is making sure no creature can craft any weapons from garbage! Sphutt! You agree with me, right?” She asked.

“Huh, Huh.” Said Sphutt.

“No fair, Niobe. You can’t have him agree with you on everything!” Said Danae. “Now take anything that is worth taking before the guards take us again to that re-education school!” She said as they grabbed some things and ran away as Twilight watched them.

“Let’s follow them.” She said which confused her friends.

“What?” Said Spike.

“Trust me.” Said Twilight as they all went after them. They followed them to a large broken-down house that had a sign that was slowly falling apart by time ‘Shelter for Orphans’.

“An Orphanage…” Said Rarity sadly.

“They’re orphans…” Said Fluttershy as one of them noticed the ponies and Spike.

“*GASP* PONIES!!!” Screamed an orphan gargoyle as she flew back in the building as other orphans in rags came out holding rocks.

“NO PONIES ALLOWED!” Yelled a kid centaur!

“YOU RUIN EVERYTHING!” Said one as they threw rocks at them as Celestia, Luna and Twilight created barriers to protect themselves and their friends.

“I know that you’re all angry-” Said Twilight.


“He was stealing magic from ponies! They had to stop him!” He yelled as one orphan threw a rock at Spike crotch. “GAH!!!” He yelled as he fell as he covered his crotch “Why do they go for the kiwis?” He complained as Applejack and Fluttershy pulled him away from the rocks.

“Live a day here and you’ll know our pain!”




Twilight looked down and decided to do something she’ll regret. “What if we can get you out of the Scorpan’s kingdom?!” She yelled as they all stopped but they all laughed.

“That’s impossible!”

“Only the Towers can free us!” The Mane 7 looked confused.

“What do you mean impossible?” Asked Celestia as an adult female centaur wearing rags came out as she showed her flank at them to show some glowing runes.

“The tyrant used magic to place these magic runes to trap us in our lands and it gets copied to their offspring, if they had any.” She explained which horrified the ponies and Spike.

“Talk about overkill.” Said Rainbow.

“When you have a ruler whose sibling who can absorb magic from other creatures and got some suckers to banish him or her to Tartarus, you try to prevent others from being like him. Then you can talk to us about overkill.” She said as she returned which Luna looked at them.

“How can the spell be broken?” She asked.

“The tower.” Said every orphan.

“Apparently since The Towers all around the world are connected. The magic in the runes cancel itself due to being stretched over 99 places and our land. It’s the only way to be free but that accused Scorpan has his loyal subjects capture any awakened creatures who leave the tower.” Said the Adult female centaur. “We’re still trapped in here until the king is overthrown by a blood relative but there is only one alive, but you turned him to stone. Thanks a lot but your chances of recruiting are dead.” She said as she narrowed her eyes at them. “So go away and drop dead.” She said as all the orphans went into their home, leaving Twilight in dismay as she looked at them.

“Can you tell me where I can find a library?” She asked as they turned to her and pointed to the east.

“Just be careful, no one has been in there since Scorpan became king.” She said as Twilight and her friends left while 3 creatures watched them.

Lone was unsure how much water plants take. “Ugh… I hope I didn’t overwater the plants. I mean no centaur or gargoyle ever grows fruits or vegetables in our land since the lands have no nutrients for them to grow. I spied on the pony farmers but had to hightail it when those dumb Timberwolves came to eat me.” He complained as he looked at the sky and his remaining food. “I wonder if I’m awakened. What did the others who awakened said again? Status Window?” He said as nothing appeared. “Ugh…” He fell on his face “The magic of life is broken and unfair.” He said as he looked at the hole in the air..


Lone looked up as he got up. “Monsters?!” He said as he looked up to witness the sun had the moon in front of it. “Is that a solar eclipse or the Towers’ rumored Blue Moon?!” He said in shock


Lone covered his ears as he felt the energy from the Blue Moon as he fell on his knees “What’s… going… on… Why… feeling… weaker…” He said looking up to see something massive, a black dragon flying in the air. “Dragon…” He said as he lost consciousness while the blue sparkles affected the crops he planted.

Twilight Sparkle looked horrified by the location of the Library in Tirek & Scorpan’s land. “It's… it's… horrible…” She said sadly as the others looked at it, but Rainbow and Pinkie didn’t show any reaction to it.

“It’s just like the library in Griffonstone.” Said Rainbow.

“Without the statue.” Pinkie added as Spike pointed at the ground.

“I think those rocks were part of the statue” they see some rocks near the statue’s base. They looked at it as Twilight make out the words

“Here stands King Vorak. Wise king who decides his kingdom and its creatures.” She read. “King Vorak…”

“He’s Tirek and Scorpan’s father.” Said Celestia which shocked them as they realized that he’s the reason that Scorpan is who he is as Luna looked at a rock that was Vorak’s head.

“We’ve met him once. Vorak has a complete hatred for magic. He views it as a corruption to all creatures.” Said Luna who confused Twilight.

“But what about the runes?” She asked.

“Runes and spells are different. Runes require an object for magic to work while spells are cast and can be removed by another caster.” Said Celestia as she looked at the land. “I wouldn’t be shocked if he managed to have his army to craft runes on this entire land.” She said as Luna narrowed her eyes to the ground as they entered the library. Twilight gasped at the books that weren’t care for as they witness a young child ♂ centaur wearing junk as armor was cooking a large dead salamander over a fire. He noticed the ponies and looked shocked.

“(Deep Voice) What?” They looked at him.

“Uh… are you an… adult?”

“No!” He said angrily “Born with a deep voice. It’s hard to be treated as a kid when they hear your voice.” He said as Fluttershy looked disgusted by what he’s cooking.

“Who are you?” Asked Rarity.

“Aro.” He said as he took a bite out of his dinner (One of the legs) as Rarity and Fluttershy fainted.

“Uh… I thought Centaurs are herbivores?” Said Luna as Aro looked at them.

“Used to be. I mean no fruits or vegetables can grow on this land, some had to steal from your land to eat them.” Said Aro sadly as he looked at some books. “I can’t even read these books, so I sometimes make them as my bed.” He said, which earned some looks of pity. “I used to have a big brother but no longer.” Aro said which made them gasp.

“How… how did he pass away?” Asked Applejack which Aro turned to them.

“He’s not dead!” They sighed in relief “He’s now a wanted criminal because of a follower of Scorpan and because of that, I’m all alone again.” He said sadly as Rainbow looked uncomfortable.

“What was his crime?” She asked.

“Stealing crops from ponies.” Said Aro, which made them look surprised. “He’s very smart. He did some uh… knowing how far the runes on us teleport us back here. He managed to feed me fruits and vegetables but now I can’t anymore.”

“Scorpan is going too far!” Said Twilight angrily “How far is he going to make his subjects suffer?” She said,

“He won’t stop.” Said Aro “He’s gonna keep doing this until all centaurs and gargoyles don’t have the possibility to use magic. He said he doesn’t want us to be like his brother, lousy reason to me. For what he did to all centaurs and gargoyles, I wish Lord Tirek would return and blast his brother to ashes!” He said as he grabbed his meal and ripped the head off with his teeth which disgusted them but made them feel sorry for him and every other race that it won’t happen.

“What was his name?”

“His name is Lone.” Said a voice to see it was the same 3 creatures that were scavenging through the garbage.

“You three?!” Said Celestia.

“We were curious to see if you were going to the library and not squealing to the Tyrant Jerk.” Said Danae.

“Don’t you trust us?” Asked Pinkie which made them narrow their eyes at her “I mean even if we banished Tirek back to Tartarus to get back all the magic he stole.” They started to get angry. “I even constantly bother him to make him help us escape from Tartarus and leave him there.” They pulled out some makeshift weapons as Aro was holding a club he made.

“PINKIE!” They all said in fear.

“And we defeat him again after learning Discord manipulated him and the other baddies to boost Twilight’s confidence to be the new Princess of Equestria and he, Celestia and Luna turned them to stone since Discord convinced them to do it.” Their eyes widen in shock as they show their teeth and grid them.

“PINKIE!!!” They yelled as Pinkie turned to them.

“What?” She said as she noticed their weapons “Oh… whoopsie…” She said with a grin “Sorry.” She said as they snarled at her.

“Get out…” Said Aro as he went to the 3 orphans.


“OUT!!!” Screamed Aro as he grabbed a big book “And take this history book with you!” He yelled as he threw it at Twilight as she teleported herself and her group out of the library. Leaving Aro to cry as Danae, Niobe and Sphutt comfort him.

“Any creature on the side of ponies are the real bad guys.” He said sadly.

“Ugh…” Lone slowly started to regain consciousness as he rolled on his back. “I see why those adventurers said that you should hide in the shadows during the Blue Moon.” He said as he pulled his watch out “How long was I out?” He opened it to show him his time as his eyes widened “2 DAYS?!” He yelled as he tried to get up but felt a bit heavy. “Why do I feel like I've gotten heavier?” He looked down to see his shadow and his eyes widened in shock. “My horns!” He said as he felt them, and they got larger. “My horns have grown!” He looked up to see a daylight sky. “Did the Blue Moon grow them?” He said as he noticed something green. He looked at his crops to see the green onions grew huge. “Whoa…” He said as he looked around the rock to see his other crops. “Some sprouts are growing!” He said happily but realized something “Wait? How did they grow this fast?” He said as he noticed the sprouts in the shadows and pulled out his rust dagger “Better harvest the leaves instead of the roots.” He said as he cut the leaves to throw them into a pile he made. Lone picked one of the large leaves and looked at it. “*SNIFF* Smells good.” He took a bite of it and twitched as he gasped for air and ran to the pond to drink the water as he gasped for air. “So spicy… but who cares. I got food.” He said as he collected all of them into a pile as he decided to take a nap “At least I got something soft to sleep on.” He said as closed his eyes as he felt something fall on his face. “Uh… huh?” he touched it to see it was water. “Is it raining?” Said Lone as he looked up to see clear skies. “What was that?” he noticed something jumped above. “WHO OR WHAT ARE YOU?!” He yelled to prepare to fight to see something that he didn’t expect to see in the Tower. “A Bunny?” He said “It doesn’t look like the rabbits outside the tower.” He said as it jumped off the edge as Lone saw it as it jumped off his head. “HEY!” He said as it looked at the green onions and turned to Lone as it pointed at it.

“PPI!” Lone looked at the green onion and looked at the bunny.

“You… want one?” He asked as the bunny looked happy.

“PPI!” it said as Lone cut a leaf for it and handed it over to it.

“Here you go. Enjoy.”

“PPI!” It said as it ate the green onion leaf fast as Lone looked at it.

“Like it. I have more but I’m worried about this dagger of mine.” Said Lone as he showed it to the bunny. “It's so rusted, I don’t know when it will break.” He said as the bunny looked at it.

“PPI…” He looked at it and his crops. “My Green Onions grew faster than I thought. I don’t think I can eat them all by myself.” He said as the bunny looked like it had an idea.

“PPI! PPI! PPI!” He yelled in the air as something jumped in the air and landed with ease as the bunny ran to it. Lone looked to see it was another bunny but wearing an apron as it handed a hat to the bunny as it pulled out a watering can.

“Another bunny… Wait… are you two… married?!” Lone asked in shock

“PPI♥!” They both said as Lone looked at his guests with a baffle expression.