//------------------------------// // Thank God for the NHS... that does exist here, right? // Story: D20 — Chronicles Of a Gambler // by Pachi //------------------------------// “HOLY MOTHER MARY!” I yell in reflex as I get up from my passed out position, and I put my hoof to my face in panic, searching for any wounds. I feel a fabric covering my forehead… I heard a crash to my side as I had yelled, and i quickly looked over after inspecting my current state I see a small blur of colour I pat around my face trying to feel my glasses. I instinctively look over and reach to my left where i normally place my glasses over on a cheap ikea beside table of mine Nothing… Damn. Where are my glasses then? I sat up and looked around… the room was white, and there was the distinct smell of… hospital, if that makes sense There was a small cushion-like feeling on my ass, so i was definitely a patient right now. I stared at my hand, wait no, it’s hoof now The blur of colour from before seemed to arise “O-oh, good morning miss…” Well that confirmed my earlier fears I don't know why but i couldn't say anything. I needed to find my glasses first I turned my head and squinted my eyes trying to find my eyes “Looking for these?” The voice was feminine, and so obviously it was a bit soft, yet this seemed to have a unique softness you could only get if you forced your voice to be quieter and well… softer Holding out her hoof, she had black object in it A pair of thick circular glasses I quickly reached out for them, but she pulled back her hoof quickly… how the hell didn't it fly outta her hand? Was it superglued? “Do you think I could get a name first?” I thought for a bit… I had to try and force the words out to be honest… “I don’t remember…” [Due to Special Action “Lie”, Stat “Charisma” is created!] Time Stopped [Fool “Nurse Redheart"? Stat Used: Charisma 17<] “Roll Charisma” [16] Fuck “Oh is that so?” I heard her reply. Rather mysterious if I do say so myself, but whatever… she didn't believe me, obviously, but she's not calling out my lie… “Yeah… I must have hit my head pretty hard…” “Well, I’ll just let you be, till you remember” she said briskly, before placing the glasses on my bedside table “Press this button if you ever need any help!” she said, her voice full of life, gesturing to a button on the side… As a person who watched WAYYY too much Grey's Anatomy, she’s definitely a new hire. No way someone proficient would act like that, well, as long as hospitals here are anything similar to hospitals in my old world I quickly tried to put them on but that proved rather difficult, especially since i no longer had the dexterity of hands Now that I actually was able to see, I realised how tiny I was… Am I a child? I mean that would explain the that voice she put on… or that could be the nature of ponies in a children's cartoon, either way, it's the answer that makes the most sense at the moment, so i'm gonna stick with it Okay let's try and see how this system works… “Status?” [SP AVAILABLE: 0 {PHYSICAL} Jumping: 0 Speed: 0 Strength: 0 Vision: 0 Reflexes: 0 Willpower: 0 {SPECIAL} Charisma: 0] Okay so, I gained a special stat named “Charisma” when I tried lying… I wonder if I get any more special stats when committing other acts… Jeez I wish there was a tutorial  Wait a second This system isn't anything like any other system in novels and stuff, so it's not that far of a stretch to assume… “Tutorial?” Nothing “Help?” Nothing “...Beginners Guide?” Time froze as a small sheet of parchment paper appeared in front of me [Beginners Guide: SP can be gained through achievements Gain Traits through Hidden Achievements or through the combination of experiences Rolling System is D20+Stat] Well… that certainly wasn't unhelpful but definitely not exactly the most explanatory of things What's a trait? And how can i find out what achievements there are? “Achievement List?” Nada “Achievements” Nope Well i can't really think of any other phrases. But whilst im alone, i should try and check out any other things that I could use… “Settings, Inventory, Storage, Controls, Menu” What else, what else? “Options?” [Options: Audio Visual Gameplay] This seems quite video-game-like, despite how this system seems to be based more in dnd… “Gameplay” [Options (Gameplay): Voice Activation: ON Show Success Rate: OFF Difficulty: ???? Shortcuts: OFF Achievement List] Good, thats progress… but whats with the Difficulty? Whatever, probably not important… probably “Shortcuts?” [Options (Gameplay): Voice Activation: ON Show Success Rate: OFF Difficulty: ???? Shortcuts: ON Achievement List] Now its time for the- “-Achievement List” [Achievement List: Somnaphile I: Sleep for 24 Hrs Straight | Incomplete Crit Merchant I: Roll a Nat 20 | Claim Crit Merchant II: Roll 10 Nat 20s | Incomplete Failure I: Roll a Nat 1 | Claim Failure II: Roll 10 Nat 1s | Incomplete CLAIM ALL?] Okay… I press the claim all button and get a notification [Recieved: 2 SP] So thats how you gain skill points? Im assuming so until proven otherwise… Wait so there's only 3 Achievements? That doesn't seem that… unless- What if i need to enact on the premise of achievements in order to show them? I have Somnaphile, Crit Merchant and Failure, and what do they all have in common? They're things i've done, despite how I didn't sleep long enough for Somnaphile…. Thats what ill go with for now “Back, Back” I go back twice and return to the main options page I peruse through the other options but there was nothing really of note “Fucking Hell this is boring…” “ She seemed just like every other pony…” Said a young white coated mare with a red cross cutie mark and nurses cap settled on a bun of light pink-ish hair “Yes, I’m sure its a shock to you, considering s its only your 2nd week here…” replied a bearded older grey Stallion with brown hair in a doctor's coat, with a needle cutie mark “there are thousands of cruel, and frankly… disgusting individuals in this world. I need you to file a case report… contact the royal guard, im using my position as the head doctor to move up this case to the utmost importance… file a report” The pony named Redheart complied, and the otherworldly creature began his first of many canon-breaking events…