Life as a Sonic OC Redux

by Kitsulestia

Trouble in Griffonstone

*Rei's POV*

Well, I gained another wife, and it looked like they were getting along well with each other.

Danyelle flew past me in a panic.

"Hmm?" I noticed.

Danyelle spoke "Twilight!"

Twilight asks "Is something wrong?"

Danyelle spoke "My fur feels like it's on fire but it's not because of my firebending."

Wait... For some reason, I'm feeling that too.

Miyuki spoke "Sorry Rei, but this is Danyelle's mission."

"Why? I mean, it could be important." I pointed out.

Twilight spoke "The map chose only her to go to Griffonstone."

"I'm serious here. What could happen might be too dangerous to go alone, and besides, no one's alone." I responded.

Danyelle spoke "Which is why I'm taking Gallus with me, he is the ex-prince since I found out that his parents were the former rulers of Griffonstone."

A green furred Mobian she-wolf suddenly shows up since her fur felt like it was on fire.

The she-wolf asks "Can SOMEONE explain why my fur feels hot?"

I could not believe my eyes as I recognized that black colored hairstyle, green clothes and eyes. "What the...?! Are you Buttercup of the Powerpuff Girls?!"

Buttercup growls "HOW DO YOU KNOW MY NAME?"

"It's hard to not know about you and the other two, given what great superheroes you are." I answered.

Danyelle spoke "If one is here, the other two can't be too far behind."

"Hmm... If I were to guess who'd get along well with who, Buttercup would get along great with AJ, Pinkie and Rainbow Dash, same for Blossom with Applejack, Twilight and Rarity, and Bubbles with Pinkie, Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy." I noted.

Buttercup laughs "You forgot about someone though!"

Buttercup's ears had drooped down.

Buttercup spoke "Bliss is dead...."

That confused me.

Danyelle spoke "...Somehow, I find that hard to believe."

Buttercup spoke "Her body was too unstable."

But then Shadow suddenly appeared, via Chaos Control. "I can sense that she's still alive."

Danyelle was up on the ceiling in shock.

Danyelle spoke "StarClan's sake Shadow! You nearly gave me a heart attack!"

Shadow asks "But we will worry about that another time, don't you and Danyelle have a mission, girl?"

Danyelle got her claws out of the ceiling before floating back down.

Danyelle spoke "Oh right!"

With Gallus and Izzy in tow, Danyelle and Buttercup head off to Griffonstone.

*Danyelle's POV*

*On the flight to Griffonstone*

Danyelle spoke "I do apologize for Shadow's brash behavior, it's just how he is."

Buttercup asks "What's his deal anyway?"

Gallus spoke "It's best you don't ask though, I don't."

Buttercup spoke "Oh come on!"

Izzy pokes her head out of my chest fluff.

I couldn’t help but sigh. “Oh Izzy, what am I gonna do with you, wild girl?”

Izzy mewls.

I tease "So Buttercup, I heard a little rumor that you have a crush on a guy named Butch."

Buttercup scoffs "Psh! The boy me? Yeah, right."

Izzy giggles.

My left ear twitches upon hearing voices from a Mobian fox and a Mobian rabbit.

I backwing to avoid getting crashed into by the fox.

Buttercup asks "What the?!?"

I ask "Aren't those your sisters?"

Buttercup gasps "Blossom?! Bubbles?!"

The two Mobians tackle hug their sister.

Buttercup spoke "Gyah! Girls! There are others here!"

Gallus and I snicker.

I giggle "You don't have to act tough around me Buttercup, I can tell that you like being hugged by your sisters."

Buttercup blushed in embarrassment.

My right ear twitches before putting up a magic barrier to catch a gryphon that was flung by a red furred Mobian male fox.

I growl "If it isn't Brick..."

Blossom spoke "*Sigh* Not again…"

I growl "If Brick's here, then Boomer and Butch can't be too far behind."

Gallus asks "Huh?"

I spoke "It's best you don't ask and unless Butcher doesn't want to get set on fire, he and the other one better show themselves right now."

A green furred male Mobian wolf spoke "HEY!!!"

Gallus bursts into laughter.

Gallus laughs "Temper temper, Bobo!"

I hear a snicker from Buttercup.

Gallus then dodged a green blur.

I use my magic to redirect the blur at Buttercup, causing the two wolves to crash into the ground with lips locked.

Blossom spoke "*Gasps in shock* You did NOT just do that!"

I spoke "Don't make me throw you at Brick."

Bubbles spoke "Uh… please calm down."

I giggle "So says the bunny with a crush on Boomer."

Buttercup and Butch disconnected in shock as the green girl covered her mouth, Blossom covered her eyes and Bubbles covered her ears like three monkeys.

Gallus chuckles "Wow mom, you are one helluva prankster."

“Have you been visiting your parents down below?” I asked with a raised eyebrow.

Gallus chuckles "Nah mom, I heard it from Princess Loona."

I couldn’t help but facepalm. “Well, you are a bit of a teen right now.”

Gallus chuckles "But that was a funny stunt you pulled there mom."

But before I could detect it, I was tackled by a pink blur.

I spoke "Get offa me Cadence!"

Cadence spoke "You did my job, AGAIN!"

Izzy mewls cutely, causing Cadence's rage to vanish in an instant.

Cadence asks "Who's this?"

I spoke "My youngest daughter, Izzy."

Cadence spoke "She’s adorable!"

Izzy giggles.

I spoke "Myth and the other Mews were gushing over how cute my kids are."

Cadence spoke "But please, don’t do this again. Because if it happens a third time… Well, I won’t spoil it."

I yelp "I know but you normally don't meddle in Mobian love lives and... YEOW!!! What bit me on the hips?"

Gallus spoke "Whoa! Look…"

I look down at my hips before noticing a cutie mark on them.

Cadence gasps "Th-that's Princess Amore's cutie mark!"

“Whoa, guess that makes us friends/rivals, huh?” I noted.

Cadence spoke "*Giggle* You bet."

I spoke "Though it is kind of weird to be a reincarnation of your distant relative."

Cadence asks "But hey, *Elbows me* at least it’s more interesting, right?"

I spoke "Even with my past life's cutie mark, the Crystal Empire is yours Cadence."

Cadence spoke "Thanks."

I spoke "Let's keep this a secret from Radiant and Obsidian though. They once knew Amore."

Cadence spoke "Right."

I spoke "It could have a nasty effect on my kids if I lost my life."

Cadence spoke "Hey, don’t go there."

I spoke "Let's just hope I don't get called to the Crystal Empire anytime soon."

Cadence spoke "Shh! Don't jinx it!"

I glare at Brick, Boomer and Butch thus causing the trio of males to become scared.

Cadence spoke "*Giggle!* Nice one."

I spoke "Just goes to show, you don't mess with a mother. Or a mother to-be in your case Cadence."

Cadence and I hoof/fistbumped.

I spoke "Oh hey Gilda."

Gilda spoke "'Sup, Danyelle."

I ask "Have you been having any problems with troublesome Mobians?"

Gilda asks "*Points to the Rowdyruff Boys* Ya mean those three?"

I spoke "Yeah, they seem scared of me though. *whispering in Gilda's ear* I threw Butch at Buttercup earlier when I deliberately called him by a different name."

Gilda spoke "*Snicker!* Good one. But anyway, but there's been a rumor among gryphons going on around."

Cadence asks "But what can Danyelle and I do?"

I ask "What rumor?"

Gilda spoke "Before you assume, hatchlings haven't gone missing. There's only rumors about an odd pitch black griffon with blue eyes."

I spoke "It can't be Flintfur, he's an Abyssinian."

Cadence spoke "I think we should hold a meeting so we can weed out this stranger."

Gilda spoke "Okay, but it won't be easy, 'cause the rumors say that this gryphon just flies around and is pretty intimidating."

I spoke "I can be pretty scary when I need to be, just ask the trio of males I scared."

Gilda spoke "They're just kids."

My right ear twitches suddenly so I hand Izzy over to Cadence before I started growling.

Blossom spoke "*deadpan* My sisters and I are 17."

But then a screech was heard as a black silhouette was circling above.

I flung a blade of air at the gryphon hen, clipping her on the wing bad.

But as the hen fell, I was suddenly hit with a burst of highly pressurized air as the gryphon managed to land on her feet.

The hen spoke "You started this fight, don't blame me if this knocks you out."

I stomp my left foot, trapping the gryphon hen with my earthbending.

I growl "Who are you?"

The hen asks "What’s it to you?"

The hen suddenly discharged dark energy, breaking herself free.

But I snare the hen with Chaos Chains, negating the attack.

I spoke "Bad move on your end, I'm one of the freaking Avatars."

The creature spoke "I don’t even know what an avatar is."

Now that I took a closer look, the griffon seems different from the others.


A warp ring opens up before New Yoke Danyelle came riding out on the back of a Luxray-esque creature to fight the creature.

I slammed my mouth shut as I looked, seeing Cadence covering Izzy’s ears fortunately.

Bolts of lightning hit the strange gryphon.

The hen yelps "Gyah! What gives?!"

New Yoke Danyelle spoke "That's enough Shadowbeak!"

The Shadowbeak spoke "That’s what I am! Don’t tell me you forgot my name already!"

New Yoke Danyelle roars loud, pushing Nightwing back a bit.

New Yoke Danyelle spoke "Come on, we got work to do."

Looking at New Yoke Danyelle, I ask "Did Nine ask you to come?"

New Yoke Danyelle asks "Yeah. *Giggle* But ya wanna know something about he and his special girl?"

I spoke "He and Shira had their kid already, a little girl named Vivian."

New Yoke Danyelle asks "*Gasp!* How did you know?"

I spoke "I was the one that had helped with the delivery."

New Yoke Danyelle spoke "Oh."

“Wait a minute, could that Shadowbeak always talk?” I asked.

The Luxray-esque creature spoke "*Female voice* Us Pals could always talk. I just didn’t at first when you guys came to our world ‘cause I thought it’d be a big TMI for you."

“…I think I’m going bananas.” I admitted as Discord appeared with one of his hands being a banana puppet.

Discord spoke "*As banana puppet* I thought you were going for a spin."

I spoke "Discord, you better make like a banana and split!"

What I had said caused Brick and his brothers to laugh.

Discord asks "What? No dessert?"

Cadence giggles.

I ask "You want some cheese with that whine Discord?"

I soon hear giggling from Blossom and her sisters.

But then Discord splat a pie against my face as I deadpanned. "Real mature."

Izzy spits fire at Discord's tail, causing him to scream.

Comically, Discord's head turned into Ein's head as he gave out an Ein scream.

The others and I all burst into laughter.

Brick laughs "Oh jeeze, seems like someone is going to need aloe for that burn!"

Discord spoke "*Head turns back to normal before licking two fingers and placing it on his tail, extinguishing the flame* Haha! Imagine if Ein was here to see that."

I giggle "I'll show Aph and the others later."

Discord spoke "Good."

Nightwing spoke "Careful though, 'cause there might be more Pals scattered across this reality."

I soon hear a female Katress shouting at a male Wixen.

I spoke "*deadpan* Speaking of which..."

New Yoke Danyelle spoke "What timing."

A Kitsun spoke "*sweatdrop* I swear, those two morons always fight with each other."

New Yoke Danyelle spoke "I hear ya."

I spoke "Stupid is as stupid does."

Buttercup spoke "That’s the best thing I’ve heard all day."

I snicker "*referring to Butch* Case in point."

Butch spoke "Hey!"

Cadence flings Butch at Buttercup with magic, causing the two to tumble head over tail down a hill before Buttercup was on her back while staring up at Butch.

I laugh "Nice one Cadence!"

Cadence giggles "Heehee, I try."

New Yoke Danyelle spoke "You sly mare."

I laugh "Better a sly mare than a dumb dragon, right Cadence?"

Cadence asks "You bet, Dany. You and Ben up for a double date with me and Shining sometime?"

I spoke "About that, my cutie mark might be a problem... If Celestia, Luna, Radiant and Obsidian found out about it... They'd be bugging me with questions that only my past life knew."

*Meanwhile with Butch and Buttercup*

Buttercup asks "Do you mind getting off me?"

Butch spoke "Tch. That was the plan, girlie."

I call out "Denial!"

A faint blush was on Buttercup's face.

Buttercup thinks "{What the hell is wrong with me? What is this weird feeling?}"

Butch thinks "*Faintly blushing while mentally thinking to himself* {What in the world is going on? Why is she stuck in my head?}"

Butch got off Buttercup as she stood up before the two started going separate ways.

All of a sudden, Buttercup pounces on Butch thus causing him to spazz out and zoom off.

Buttercup spoke "*lovesick* GET BACK HERE BUTCH!!!" was heard as a lovesick Buttercup chases a freaked out Butch all over the place.

I was on my back while laughing like crazy.

I laugh "Real smooth Cadence!"

Cadence spoke "*Giggle!* That's just the beginning. The lovesick craziness should wear out in 5 minutes to an hour. And what happens next, well, let's say Luna will be busy watching those two's dreams. *Whispers to me* Plus I'm thinking of different ways and times to get those other two boys."

I giggle "Boomer's the easy one though so we could pull this stunt on him next."

The two green wolves flew past Boomer, causing him to spin rapidly and fall onto Bubbles.

Boomer spoke "*Gets off Bubbles* S-Sorry 'bout that!"

Bubbles spoke "I-It's okay."

The two bunnies started going separate ways.

Cadence asks "*Smirk* Tomorrow?"

"Tomorrow." I nodded with a smirk.

Buttercup tackles Butch as the two tumble head over tail, causing Brick to trip over a random stone and crash into Blossom.

Brick spoke "I can't believe this..."

Blossom asks "Who would've thought Buttercup would lose it like that?"

Cadence giggles "*Still smirking* Day after tomorrow?"

"Definitely." I agreed, still smirking as well.

A pink shimmer flashes over Blossom's eyes as she giggled due to a tranq dart in the butt.

Blossom giggles "*drugged* Woah... You're kinda hot..."

Brick spoke "*Catches Blossom* Whoa! Calm down, you look tired."

Cadence and I looked at each other to see if either of us did that before we noticed Pierce dressed like a cupid.

I send Pierce flying with a roar right after Brick had gotten a dart in the butt.

I spoke "It'll take time for the effects to wear off."

Cadence asks "How long?"

Brick asks "Gyah! That’s twice now. Do mosquitoes think I’m a buffet?"

I spoke "They might have to sleep it off."

Blossom giggles as she kisses Brick on the cheek.

Brick asks "Hey, are you alright… *Chuckles a bit, now drugged*"

Blossom giggles "*Drunk-like drugged* I’ll meet you on Mars. *Falls on her back* Right after I eat the Milky Way…"

Brick spoke "*drooling a bit* That sounds good. Save some for me. *hic*"

The two foxes soon pass out after accidently falling through a warp ring into the Chuddle Hotel.

Jasmine asks "*Pops out of warp ring* Aren’t you both gonna save these two for last?"

I spoke "That was Pierce's doing."

Jasmine spoke "Well, I’ll let them rest in a room for the night, and when they wake up, they’ll be back in their homes."

I ask "Hey Jas, did you once knew a unicorn mare named Princess Amore?"

Jasmine spoke "*Giggles* Are you kidding? She was one of my best friends. You would not believe what we did, I mean, seriously, you wouldn’t."

I spoke "About that...."

I adjusted one of the leggings on my shorts, exposing Amore's mark on my hips thus surprising Jasime.

Jasmine gasps "What the... You don't mean...?"

I spoke "Minus the memories, I am indeed Princess Amore's reincarnation."

*Meanwhile in the Chuddle Hotel*

Blossom groans as she came to but whe was unaware that she was shirtless.

Blossom spoke "That's the the last time I get hit in the head...."

Blossom noticed a door as she went towards it before going past it, finding herself in her room.

Much to her surprise, Brick was sleeping in her bed since the effects of the dart was still in his system.

Blossom screams "GET OUT!!!"

Blossom threw Brick out the door, crashing into a room before he soon woke up, finding himself in his room.

Blossom soon grabs a bucket before throwing up in it.

Bloosom groans "Next time I'm see that fox... I'll skin him..."

*Meanwhile in Brick's room*

Brick groans "Ugh... What happened? And why do I feel so drained?"

Butch soon enters the room.

Butch asks "What the hell happened to you bro?"

Brick spoke "I should ask you that."

Butch spoke "Went down a waterfall with tough girl, which fortunately, snapped her out of whatever that was."

Brick spoke "I think I made a really stupid mistake... But I can't seem to remember what happened..."

Boomer asks "Say Butch, did you do anything that you might regret doing?"

Butch spoke "Shut up Boomer."
