//------------------------------// // A Place in My Dreams. // Story: Across the Shimmerverse // by DapperLilArts //------------------------------// A Place in My Dreams. It was a strange sensation, like being underwater. Playing her part in a play diligently, almost automatically. Moving forward without hesitation. And she moved, always forward. Captain Sunset Shimmer was unyielding. The caverns below Canterlot were like a maze. Every turn she took, she memorized, even when passages blended together, she kept her attention at every single sound, every single movement of the shadows before her. With her horn lighting the way, with the quiet clanging of her armor, and her ears twitching, she heard hoofsteps in the distance, and dashed forward, seeing her mission objective. “Princess!! Are you alright?!” She bellowed, dashing to her side, inspecting her for wounds. The Princess of Friendship, Twilight Sparkle, looked lost, and she looked rough; Whatever time she had spent here, it was unkind. “C-captain!! There you are, how in the world do we get out of here?! Are there others with you?!”  “...You got her eye color wrong.” Sunset narrowed her eyes. “W-what?! Captain, what’s going on?” She was flabbergasted, unsure of what she meant. “Her eyes are a different color. And she moves her wings more when she talks.” Sunset’s horn glowed and sparked. Flames lit their surroundings. Throwing the Princess to the ground, the Captain pinned her head down with a hoof fiercely, snarling. “Where is she? Talk.” The Princess pleaded, desperately, terrified. “C-Captain, you’re hurting me!! P-please!! Why?!” Which only served to enrage her more. “Last chance, vermin.” Through gritted teeth, Sunset pressed her face further down even harder, as her horn sparked with rage, ready to incinerate her victim. “OKAY OKAY STOP STOP!!” Her voice changed, and with a simple flash, the changeling revealed itself, an insect squirming with fear under her hoof. “T-the Princess is deeper in, t-that direction, I think!! She broke out, we lost sight of her!! I-I swear, t-that’s all I know!! Please let me go!!” She did not even dignify that with a response. With a swift, fierce stomp, she crushed the insect's head against the cave floor, splattering its insides in the walls, killing it instantly, and immediately stood, moving in the direction the changeling had advised. Running through the tunnels, paying attention to every turn, she began hearing sounds of another pony doing the very same. “PRINCESS!” She called out, moving forward, with the light of her horn guiding her. “C-Captain?!” She heard that same familiar voice call out in the distance, and dashed towards it. Soon enough, she was face to face with another Twilight Sparkle, one who looked considerably less calm than the previous, as she looked around frantically. Her face lit up with a smile as she saw her Captain approach. “Captain Sunset!! Gosh, what a relief!!” They ran towards each other, but both stopped. “Are you alright, Princess? Are you hurt?” The Captain inspected her for wounds, up and down. “I’m okay, don’t worry! Well, as okay as I could be…!” Then her eyes widened, as she recoiled. Her horn’s light doubled in potency, and she backed up even more.. “W-wait! Tell me something only the real Sunset would know!” The Captain took only a moment to think, and she couldn’t help but chuckle. It took her way less to identify this Twilight as the real deal. “When you first introduced me to your friend Rainbow Dash, she challenged me to arm wrestling. I broke her hoof.” Twilight snickered involuntarily, letting out a sigh of relief. “Phew, okay, it’s really you…!” She came closer, with that same joy. “Where are the others?? Do you know the way out…?” “I advised my men to stay topside and cover the exits, so there would be less risk of changeling trickery. Your friends respected my advice and did the same, but they’re worried about you.” She immediately motioned the Princess to move besides her, as she led the way. “I’ve memorized the way back, but we have to be swift–” Their ears twitched. “Priiiiiinceeeeeesssss…” An ominous hiss echoed from one of the tunnels. “T-that’s her!!” Twilight’s eyes widened. “That’s the queen!!” Sunset turned to her, with an assuring, but stern tone. “Princess. Listen to me very carefully. To get out of here, take three rights, a left, two rights, go up, then a right and a left. If you see changeling corpses, you’re going the right way, that's my trail. Do you have it?” “W-what? Wait, you’re not coming?!” Her fear turned to shock. Shaking her head quickly, she continued. “I’ll buy you time to escape. You’re the one they’re after here, you’re the one that matters– This isn’t up for discussion. take three rights, a left, two rights, go up, then a right and a left. Do you have it?!” Shaking her wings, the princess tried stopping her. “Y-yes, I have it, but I’m not leaving you here– T-they might kill you!!” “Occupational hazard.” She grinned, but her expression went back to serious right after. “This is not up for discussion, Princess, you have to go, NOW!” With a wince of doubt, and looking back in concern, the princess reluctantly took off into the tunnels. “B-be safe, please!” her voice disappeared into the cave system. “Priiiiiiiiiiinceeeeeeeessssss!” The same hiss was even closer. The Captain readied herself, with a battle stance, taking a long, deep breath. From one of the tunnels, came the distinct, twisted shape of Queen Chrysalis, who crawled in the walls, grinning. “Oh, now who do we have here…? Her little Captain…?” She crawled into the floor, towering over the Unicorn with an amused smile. “How brave of you, selflessly staying behind to sacrifice yourself for the Princess… It’s adorable.” “Oh, that’s not why I sent her away.” She tilted her head, and grinned, raising an eyebrow. “I sent her away because if she was here, she might have asked me to spare you.” Snickering in amusement, the queen made light of her opponent. “Oh yes, what bluster! you’re the slayer. I’ve heard amusing tales of you…” Sunset allowed herself only one moment to retort, only one moment to amuse herself. “And despite hearing the tales, you are idiotic enough to not run away right now?” “Oh, why, you little nothing…!” Her grin turned to a scowl, as she stepped forward and hissed. “You have no idea what hive you have just poked. I’m going to delight myself in–” Sunset spun her entire body, lighting her horn aflame like a blade, slicing at Chrysalis’s face in an horizontal motion, who jumped away in pain, yelling. “Are we talking, or are we fighting?” She tilted her head, as her horn lit the entire room, walking towards the Queen calmly. “UGH. I’ll FEED ON YOUR SPINAL FLUIDS, YOU WORM!!” The queen bellowed, hissing madly, leaping forward, her horn alight. “Prepare to burn, vermin.” The Captain snarled, and jumped towards her with murderous intent. They clashed, and the caves shook. Sunset’s flames began overtaking her, as she skillfully avoided and retaliated all of Chrysalis’s strikes. Sounds of changelings were fast approaching, from nearly every tunnel, intent on protecting their queen, all the while the battle the two had took them all over the walls and ceilings, on dangerous close quarters, until… The queen faded, and the sounds stopped. She was alone, and the caves were quiet. She sat down, and stretched, with an exhale. “To what do I owe the visit, Princess Luna…?” From behind her, the calming voice of the Alicorn of the night echoed, relaxed. “That was Chrysalis, wasn’t it? It has been a long time since you’ve slain her. Fighting old battles again?” “Always, in my dreams. But never nightmares…” She turned, giving her friend a casual smile, and lounged on the cave floor. “I suppose it’s ironic, isn’t it? my enemies are slain, but they live on with me, in my dreams.” “It is an interesting symptom of your fearlessness.” Her demeanor was calm, friendly, as she lounged before the captain as well, summoning chairs and a table for them both to sit upon together. “I don’t remember the last time I’ve visited you in a nightmare…” “Fear is a luxury.” Sunset shrugged. “And I do not care for finer things.” Luna nodded calmly, with a royal smile. “Certainly… But there will always be new battles to be fought.” “And any enemy that threatens the Princess will soon find a place in my dreams.” She spoke plainly, sternly. It was a fact. Luna was amused, but hid it well, suppressing a chuckle, and with another wave of her horn, she manifested a teapot of which to drink from, a tea kettle of which to serve it, and even a beautiful skylight above them in that cave, that while certainly standing out, gave a good view of the moon. “Though I must ask, again. To what do I owe the visit?” The Captain took a seat in one of the chairs calmly, entirely relaxed. “I wasn’t having a nightmare.” “A bit of accidental subterfuge on my part, Captain Shimmer. Something that may tip us on our Tirek problem.” She said, while she served them both tea, and Sunset’s eyebrow was raised instantly, in curiosity. With calm motions, the Princess drank from her tea cup, but the captain remained professionally attentive. “Through a fortunate accident, one of his worshipers was having a nightmare. One of which I managed to extract dubious information, but one I still figured may be of relevance to you.” Sunset said nothing, just waited diligently for the information to be relayed. “There is a chance that there will be a surprise attack on Canterlot Castle soon, if not now– They’ll sacrifice as many as it’s needed to extract their target–  And their one and only target is the Princess of Friendship, as is to be expected.” “Wake me up.” Sunset stood from her chair immediately. “It is not certain if the information is reliable, and of course, Canterlot is incredibly well defended–” “Wake me up, now.” She stated once more, sternly. Suppressing another amused chuckle, the Princess of the night nodded. “As you wish, Captain Shimmer.” “Thank–” “--You, Luna!” She muttered, now awake in her bed, in her quarters. She blinked twice, getting her bearings, reminding herself that what she had just witnessed was not just a dream, taking a deep breath... …And then leaping out of bed. Through incredibly skillful rehearsed motions, she adorned herself with her captain armor, one that shined like obsidian, and was lined with gold accents. Immediately after, she leapt out of her window. The sun had not even fully risen, as she was running through the Canterlot Castle rooftops, with determined motions. As she moved, she scanned the horizon, and saw it– Multiple airships, a dozen, at least, aeroboats, specifically, sloop class, the fastest, approaching the castle with a dangerous determination. Sunset shot a flare into the sky, intent on alerting the castle walls, and with that same momentum, ran by the guard quarters, leaping through a window. “UP AND AT EM’, MEN! WE’RE UNDER ATTACK!!”  Dozens of guards groaned in confusion and alertness, jumping out of their beds, or falling off of them, as they awoke, readying themselves for battle. For good measure, the Captain reached into a bell and rang it aggressively, and with that sound, other posts along the castle walls began sounding their own alerts. Standing near a window she intended on leaping out of, she yelled for the whole room to hear, as ponies desperately equipped their armors and readied themselves. “THE ENEMY IS IN THE AIR, READY THE CANNONS AND THE CASTLES DEFENSES, AND WATCH YOUR FIRE!” The last thing before she leapt out of another window was to buck one of the beds, knocking the pegasus that slept on it to the floor, awakening instantly. “UP AND AT IT, LIEUTENANT, MOVE!” “Sorry, Sorry, Captain!” Flash Sentry stood, giving a quick groggy salute with a wing. “Whu-what’s happening?” “Flash.” The Captain addressed him sternly. “Get to the docks and see if you can get some airships in the air, we may need to pursue– And FAST!” “Roger that, Sunny!” He gave her a smirk, which made her snicker, but only for a brief moment. “Don’t call me that.” She ordered in a rehearsed motion, and commanded the room once more, barking orders. “Everypony MOVE! THE PRINCESS IS IN DANGER!”  An explosion rang out in the distance. And then multiple subsequent others, as alarms echoed throughout the castle. This was her cue, as she leapt out of the window with determination. The sight was unnerving, several rogue sloops were being shot out of the skies by their defenses– But she saw that one larger airship had docked itself beside a tower, blowing a hole on it. “No, no NO!” Sunset muttered, as she began galloping even faster.  That tower was home to the Princess’s quarters. She combined teleportation with her sprinting, getting inside the castle halls, and ran faster, desperately. Servants ran scared across the hall, unsure of what was happening, as she commanded them to step aside. She finally had the Princess’s quarters in sight, and she did not like what she saw; The door was violently open, and several guards were downed, with clear signs of an explosion happening. Narrowing her eyes, she noticed several of the Tirek worshippers had already been downed or killed altogether, inside the quarters. “MEDIC!!!” She barked behind her, and then, quickly leaning down, she checked in one of the guards, inspecting her thoroughly. “Hey, you alright?! Report!” The damage to the armor seemed superficial, but she took the time to examine it, still. Coughing, the guard awoke, and looked towards the Princess’s quarters. “C-Captain! I’m sorry, they caught us by surprise, and– t-they took the Princess…!” “Help is on the way.” She suppressed anger, and walked over to the quarters, turning back only once. “Be careful not to move much, you might have broken something.” “A-aye, Captain…!” The guard laid back down, with an exhale. Her eyes scanned the room incredibly fast.  A huge hole on the window wall, overturned furniture, and signs of magic blast in every direction, with several knocked out or wounded worshipers of Tirek laying about. Ponies that wore cloaks and branded themselves, in loyalty of their would-be magic eating king. With her eyes narrowed, she looked through the hole in the window, where in between the mountains, the sun rose. Several of the sloops had been shot out of the sky, and now were crashed upon the Canterlot gardens, but she could see at least five ships were now flying through the air, away from the city, and between them, that one flagship that seemed larger than the others… She snarled, gritting her teeth. “Heheh– You’re too late, Captain Shimmer…” A voice weakly mocked her from the floor. She turned her head, and saw that one of the Tirek worshipers was awake, even if wounded. With unwavering motions, she walked to the downed, wounded pony. Looming over him, she spoke coldly. “Where are those ships headed?” Coughing, but smiling maniacally, the worshiper looked up at her. “Heheh– Tirek. He will drain the Princess of Friendship of all her magic, eat her whole, and then, all of Equestria is next. He will reign supreme! He will–” He yelled in pain, because with one swift motion, the Captain broke one of his legs, bending it the wrong way. “I asked you a question.” She snarled, coldly, coming closer. “Now, you still have three more legs for me to break. Where are those ships headed?” “T-the canyon!! The Everfree underpass!! Our plan was to lose your pursuit there!!” He whimpered and winced, completely at her mercy. Gritting closer, she hovered her own hoof above one of his remaining legs, with intent on stomping it. “Not good enough. Where are they going after–” “Captain Shimmer.” A familiar voice called out calmly from behind her, garnering her full attention. “Princess Celestia!” Her ears shot up, she turned, and then bowed. “I am sorry– They have taken the Princess. It’s my fault, I should have been quicker–” “Now, now.” Celestia shook her head, with a comforting smile. “They have not won yet. I am certain you will see to it, yes?” “Yes.” With her head raised, she nodded confidently, giving her old mentor assurance. “I will pursue and bring her back. On that, I promise.” “Thank you, Sunset.” Her smile was warm, and her words were full of unwavering trust. “As always… Thank you for your diligence. I will remain here, ensuring that the wounded are cared for, and that the castle is safe, and I will hold you no longer, after all, you are needed elsewhere…” “Thank you, Princess Celestia.” She said with a nod, already turning, as if she had been released from a grasp, and ran towards the window, leaping off of it. “...Good luck!” She heard the voice of her old mentor call out from behind her, filled with pride, and internalized it. Falling through the air, with a mix of teleportation and levitation, she redirected the momentum of her drop to throw her forward in the air, surpassing the castle walls, and landing on a hillside, overlooking the horizon. She shot a magical flare into the air signaling that her guards should come here, and with efficiency, plenty of armored ponies joined her on that hillside. “Where’s my lieutenant?!” She barked, looking around. “You there, fly over to the docks and ensure that the airships are ready for pursuit and in the air!!” One of the pegasi guards nodded, saluted, and took off with great diligence. “Earth ponies and Unicorns, onto the docking bay!! Load the ships, and pursue! Pegasi, on me! Go, go! We have to save her, faster, faster!!” She commanded, and the guards nodded, obeying her implicitly. She turned back to the horizon, seeing those airships distance themselves, and began to sweat, tapping her hoof on the grass angrily, and worryingly. “Captain!!” Flash Sentry flew down, joining her. “The ships are in the air, ready to pick up the backup and pursue. What are our orders?” He gestured towards the pegasi behind him, who all were ready for anything. Calling her old friend closer, she pointed at the ships of the enemy, which were already distancing themselves. “What do you think, can our airships catch up…?” She spoke quieter. “Unsure, Captain.” He looked at the horizon with worry. “They seem to have been modified for speed– I hardly saw any armor or weapons weighing them down…!” “Yeah. That’s what I thought, too.” Sunset was insanely frustrated, and she held that anger incredibly close, suppressing it as she gritted her teeth. She couldn’t fly. And the enemy knew that, knowing that she would attempt to pursue. She allowed herself only a brief moment to consider the irony of how she gave up on her dreams of becoming an Alicorn a long time ago, but now there was a situation in which flight would be paramount. “Alright.” She exhaled, and turned to her squadron. “You’ll have to pursue in my stead, I’ll be with the ships. Be swift, and be cautious– Their ships are modified for speed, so they will have less weapons, but do not underestimate the enemy–  They’re headed for the everfree underpass canyon, do NOT allow them to lose you!” She hid her worry well, even as she commanded. “Y-you can’t come?!” Flash winced with fear. “A-are you sure you don’t want us to carry you?!” She shook her head definitively, even if she hated the circumstances. “Can’t risk anything slowing you down. And that means MOVE!” The Pegasi began taking flight, all a bit concerned, but they all stopped on their tracks. Because with a flash, the Princess of Hope materialized on that hill, falling on that grass softly, still yelling. “--Catch her– Ugh–!” Exhaling, she turned her head, and her eyes widened. Canterlot hill. Several guards, Flash… And herself. Wearing captain armor. Multiple battle scars. And in significantly better shape than most Sunsets. “Oh, fuck yes.” The Valkyrie grinned wildly. “You’re a captain, right?! YES!!!” “What the fuck are you?! A rogue changeling?! SPEAK!” The Captain yelled out, her horn alight, staring her other self down, as the pegasi also took concerned, confused battle stances. And of course, the Princess of Hope was unintimidated, smiling incredibly wide. “I’m you from another universe!! And you’re CAPTAIN in this one?! YES!” She felt so much joy from finally seeing herself in a respectable position of power. “What?!” The Captain tilted her head, in utter confusion. Blinking with surprise, Flash scanned the Valkyrie up and down with his gaze, almost blushing. “Wow, she’s tall… Dude, and she’s got wings.” “I noticed, Lieutenant.” The Captain muttered. “And even more sick-ass battle scars than you.” He continued. “I noticed, Lieutenant.” The Captain muttered, angrily. “Hold on, let me get caught up.” The Valkyrie, still smiling, touched her other self in the shoulder. I am Sunset Shimmer. I did not consider myself good enough to be Celestia’s pupil. So with the advice of a friend, I quit… And tried something different. Something that I excelled at. Being a guard was good to me. It allowed me to focus. It allowed me to train. To have discipline. To use what I had learned for a job that had lower stakes. And then I met my replacement. Twilight Sparkle. She is everything I couldn’t be. She had hope, kindness, wisdom, and most of all, she improved Equestria merely by existing, every day. I knew the moment I met her, that she would bring about a golden age upon Equestria, in this role. I knew that she would excel at what I had failed at. I knew the moment I met her, that I needed her to be safe. That the world would try to hurt her, try to break her, and under no circumstances could I allow that. So I made keeping her safe my mission, and soon enough, it was my full time job. She is everything I couldn’t be. She is everything. And I love– “Let go of me.” The Captain shoved the Valkyrie’s hoof aside, glaring at her. Grinning madly, laughing, even, the Princess of Hope cheered to the heavens, spreading her wings wide. “OH, FOR THE LOVE OF CELESTIA, FINALLY A GOOD ME, AND IN LOVE WITH TWILIGHT, NO LESS! FINALLY!” She pranced around the hillside, ignoring her own exhaustion, joyfully skipping about. All of the guards looked around at each other in confusion, trying to process what she had just said, and Flash crossed his arms, raising an eyebrow at his captain. “What was that she just said? What are we dealing with here?” Any resemblance of fluster in the Captain’s face disappeared quickly, as she glared at the Valkyrie. “You there. We don’t have time for your bullshit– What are you here for?!” “To help, I hope!” The Valkyrie came closer, with a smile. “After all, you’ve got so many good things in your life already, other me– You are one step away from having everything!” Ignoring her strange demeanor, she stomped a hoof in the grass. “If you ARE really me, prove it!” She lit her horn once more, in a battle stance. “Well, that’s going to be kind of hard, we’re not clones, we’re from parallel universes…” Sunset thought to herself, for a moment. “Maybe ask her something that only you would know?” One of the guards behind them asked, curiously. The Valkyrie, tilting her head, was unsure. “It won’t work like that exactly, we’re different versions of the same pony. She’s had different experiences than me…” After thinking for just a bit longer, she continued. “Okay, how about this.” The Valkyrie walked forward. “You and Flash used to date. It didn’t work out, and he dumped you, but you’re still friends.” Snickering, Flash crossed his arms. “Well that one’s easy. Everypony knows about that.” A couple of the guards behind them snickered, following along. Groaning, the Captain rolled her eyes. “That means nothing. We need something more concrete–” Another of the guards piped in, almost excited. “Maybe ask something only you know, but like, on an emotional level?” “Okay. I've got something.” The Valkyrie smirked, almost deviously, reminiscing. “Did you maybe write a love song about Twilight, about you and her specifically, to play on your guitar in front of her, but she didn’t get it–” “STOP. Okay, stop. You’re me.” The Captain’s face got a bit redder, as she suppressed her frustration with an exhale, gritting her teeth. “Dude, what? You did that? What?” Flash leaned in, smiling, like he was ready to hear gossip. “For the record.” She snarled, looking at the Valkyrie. “I never played it in front of her. Alright?” Leaning in with a smirk, The Princess of Hope raised an eyebrow. “So when are you planning on confessing? You are down pretty bad–” “MOVE IT, PEGASI!” The Captain ignored her completely. “STOP LOLLYGAGGING! THEY’RE GETTING AWAY WITH THE PRINCESS!” She barked orders behind her, ignoring the Valkyrie, and finally, the pegasi guards took flight. She then turned back to the Valkyrie. “Look, I don’t have time for whatever it is you are. The Princess is taken, and you’re slowing us down.” “Wait, what? Who has the Princess?” Sunset’s expression dropped to seriousness immediately. “Tirek’s goons took Twilight. I’ve got airships in pursuit, but…” “Okay, I’ve heard enough.” With a flash, Sunset adorned her Valkyrie armor, which was damaged, but still impeccably designed. “Hop on, other me. We’re saving Twilight. I’m not letting one of the best me’s lose her Twi– No fucking way.” “Y-you’re a Valkyrie?! Holy shit–” With a gasp of disbelief, Sunset’s eyes widened. She hadn’t felt envy in years– She was perfectly content with her position, and excelled at it. For a brief moment, however, it was like she was being reminded of an unfulfilled childhood dream. Leaning in with a smirk, Flash teased her. “Oh, her armor is much cooler than yours.” “Thank you for your input, Lieutenant.” The Captain snarled enviously. “Yeah, I’m a Valkyrie. And maybe someday you will be, too.” Sunset smiled warmly at her other self. “Now hop on my back, we’re going after them.” “How the hell are you going to get to them in time? Can you even carry me?!” Reluctantly, the Captain approached her. “I’m an Alicorn. It’s a piece of cake. Hold on tight, and let’s do this.” She grinned confidently. As her other self climbed on, she spread her wings, gathering the energy of the rising sun, with an exhale. “Okay Flash– No slacking off. I want you leading that Pegasi squad in case we don’t make it– WOOOOOAAAAAH!!” With meteoric force, Sunset took off into the air, in a corkscrew motion, outpacing all of the pegasi guards and even the airships that were meant to chase the enemy aeroboats. The two Sunset’s were now in pursuit. As usual, the Princess of Friendship demonstrated enthusiasm for even the smallest things– Though introducing her Captain to another Princess, who also happened to be her sister in law couldn’t exactly be classified as ‘small’. They walked through hallways of the crystal castle, with the Captain diligently following by her side, while she had a pep in her step. “IIIIIIIII!! I'm so excited for you to meet Cadance!! She is the coolest. You’re gonna love her!!! And of course, my brother, too! You two have so much in common!!” “By so much in common you mean we’re both Captains.” She rolled her eyes, but was endlessly amused by the Princess's emphatic demeanor. Behind them, followed only a small escort of guards, by the order of the Captain. But of course, Twilight blew raspberries, making light of the moment. “Pffft, sure, you could say that. But you’ll see! Both of your work ethics are incredibly efficient!” Nodding, smiling, Sunset closed her eyes, keeping her demeanor calm. “Coming from the Princess of studying until she falls asleep, that means a lot.” Giggling at the comment, the princess hopped forward, gasping at the sight of something quite special. “Oh, oh! And look at this!” It was the crystal heart, one of the fiercests sources of power of the whole crystal empire. “Did you know that if you stare into the crystal heart for too long, you might see your future?” The Captain didn’t even give it a passing glance. “That is interesting trivia, Princess, but aren’t we expected? Shouldn’t we be–” “True true! Here, the throne room is this way!” Her excitement reached a peak as she trotted forward, and the Captain followed along right besides her. The Alicorn cheerfully approached the entrance to the royal chambers, where guards bowed to her, and she bowed back. They opened the large throne room doors, and the two stood beside it. Facing behind her, Sunset quickly gave orders. “Wait here. Mingle with the other guards, if you’d like. We won’t be long.” Small smiles appeared on her guards lips, almost as if they were told a joke; But they lounged with the Crystal guards either way. After all, it was amusing to see their captain in a good mood. “Let’s go! They're waiting for us!” Twilight motioned, with an incredibly excited smile. Sunset’s smile was much more reserved, but she nodded either way. “Alright, princess, I'll follow your lead.” It was a large room with beautiful tapestries and crystals hanging from the ceiling. Sunset felt like she was right at home, in a royal castle, and yet, the shiny nature of the Crystal empire was certainly wonderful and new, not that she would wear that wonder on her sleeve. Besides, her gaze was usually on the Princess. Princess Cadance and Shining Armor got up from their thrones and walked over to the visitors. Sunset noticed that she was much like Twilight, someone who became an Alicorn. She was about to bow to her… …And then Twilight and Cadance started doing a little dance together. “Sunshine, sunshine, ladybugs awake, clap your hooves and do a little shake!” It took a lot to break Sunset’s poker face and professional demeanor. This was fairly, incredibly close to making her burst out laughing, after all, the display before her was incredibly cute, and completely out of the blue. Taking a long deep breath, she centered herself, and attempted to ignore it. “Don’t worry, Captain.” Shining Smirked, approaching her. “It’s just a thing they do, like an inside joke. I’m Shining Armor, by the way!” Forcing herself to remove her gaze from the adorable display, she smiled professionally, shaking his hoof. “Nice to meet you, Captain. I’m Sunset Shimmer.” “I’ve heard great things from you! Mostly from Twilie, but still.” The Captain suppressed a chuckle, shaking his head with a smile. “You’re the one that slayed Chrysalis, then? Impressive!” Shooting a glance to the two giggling princesses, She shrugged. “Eh, I wouldn’t rank it high on a list of my best battles. It was just a big bug. Could have won the fight with a big slipper.” This garnered laughter from him, and she couldn’t help but join the laughter as well, even if a bit. “Twilie did tell me you were funny. I like your armor, by the way. Obsidian and gold work really well, even if it doesn’t fit Canterlot’s color scheme!” “Yeah, I’ve been told.” Sunset shrugged, smiling. “It was kind of a personal choice. Your armor fits right in, and it looks damn good, by the way. Purple and gold fit this kingdom well.” It was like they were both being incredibly professional about a subject they were both incredibly passionate over, remaining composed. Right after, Cadance and Twilight joined them, having just had a giggle fit. “It’s wonderful to meet you at last, Captain Shimmer! I’ve heard good things from you, especially from my aunt!” It took all of Sunset’s composure to remain modest, she nearly blushed. “O-oh, Princess Celestia likes to prop me up, just because we have history, don’t mind her. I’m not that special. But it’s nice to meet you too, Princess Cadance. My Princess has told me interesting things about you.” “Nothing but goodness, I hope!” She snickered, lounging, and Twilight spoke up. “O-of course! Best foalsitter ever, incredibly supportive, and the best partner I could have asked for Shining! Somepony really had to teach him to be less messy.” Suppressing embarrassment, Shining clenched his jaw. “Twilie, please don’t talk about me like I’m an animal at a zoo…!” Sunset was about to comment, but her eyes rested on the Princess of Love, who seemed to have her gaze fixed on her. Her eyes glowed, and her horn sparkled faintly, and her face was beginning to look strained. Saying nothing, the Captain simply tilted her head, analyzing the sight. Cadance’s lips were pursed, and her eye began to twitch. “Your sister in law appears to be constipated.” She spoke plainly, with a poker face. With nervous laughter, Twilight shook her head, pointing at her. “Oh, don’t worry, it’s just a thing she does, she likes to read the hearts of the ponies she meets. It’s a habit!” “Really? Because it looks like she might be needing medical attention.” Sunset had good reason to be concerned, after all, Cadance’s face was strained, it looked like she was about to pop a blood vessel. “Um, honey is everything alright? you can stop now!” The other Captain demonstrated concern, looking at his wife from up close. Straining, gritting her teeth, Cadance muttered. “No no I got this I’m nearly there. Hang on. Hang on. For the love of Celestia, what is UP with you…?!” Raising a single eyebrow, Sunset stared back, with a perfect poker face. Cadance gasped for air, letting go of her power for a moment, breathing heavily. “Honey, are you okay?! What’s going on??” Shining demonstrated justifiable concern. “Y-you… You… Oh my gosh, phew…!” She took a moment for a breather, while Sunset remained silent. “Y-you’re definitely feeling SOMETHING but– I can’t tell what you’re feeling at ALL!! It’s like. It's like your heart is locked behind a safe and you threw away the KEY!!” Twilight groaned, rolling her eyes. “Cadance, please don’t do this kind of nonsense again, just leave her be! how about we just go get some snow cones together, everypony?” “Does this happen often?” Sunset suppressed amusement, beholding the incredibly exhausted Princess of love. Blowing raspberries, Twilight shrugged. “Oh, she always gets obnoxious about love stuff, and very pushy. I definitely have never seen her like this, though…!” Shaking her head vigorously, Cadance strained once more, staring at Sunset, her eyes glowing and her horn sparkling. “C’mon honey, don’t hurt yourself, slow down!” Cadance continued to glare at the Captain, attempting to untangle and decipher her feelings. “Open your heart you gosh darned… hsdbbhdhhabbggbdc!!”  “Your nose is bleeding.” Sunset pointed out, with the same poker face as usual. With a sigh, Shining put a comforting arm around his wife. “Okay, okay. How about you two wait downstairs, while I go get her some water? Sorry about that, Captain Shimmer.” He swiftly placed his wife upon his back, and walked back to their quarters, all the while Cadance stared at Sunset with her nosebleed dripping down her chin. “C’mon, honey, please don’t embarrass me in front of Twilight’s cool Captain!” “No problem.” Sunset shrugged, then turned to her Princess. “Shall we?” “We shall!” Snickering, Twilight turned around, heading for the doors. “I’ve never seen anypony resist her powers like that! You’re really something, aren’t you, Captain?” “Sure, Princess.” She spoke calmly, reassuringly. And a slight smile appeared in her lips as she watched the Princess once again begin to gush about the architecture and history of the Crystal Empire. The Princess of Hope couldn’t help but let out joyous laughter as she soared through the air at incredible speeds. “Wow, you handled yourself MUCH better than I did when I first met Cadance, HAH! I love seeing these similarities and Differences!!” Focussed on the mission, Captain Shimmer groaned. “Can you stop looking through my memories while we fly?!” “I can multitask!” She was overjoyed, as she began descending. “Nice move killing Chrysalis, by the way– I haven’t managed to kill mine, I’m pretty sure she renounced evil just for the fear of being locked in a room with me!” “That checks out!” She suppressed a chuckle in response. “But focus!” “I’ve got eyes on the airships. Did you say they were lackeys of Tirek?” “Worshipers.” The Captain narrowed her eyes, as they descended, looking forward with determination. “The centaur has a cult in his name, made to do his dirty work. But if he gets Twilight it’s game over.” “Don’t worry. You won’t lose her.” Sunset smirked back at her other self, who just grumbled and rolled her eyes in response. “And wow, it’s sad to see Twilight’s still fighting Tirek here. When he broke out of the underworld, I killed him easily. Granted, there were also aliens invading at the time–” “What?! Easily?! And… Aliens?! Nevermind! Tell me how to kill that asshole later– Let’s focus on the now! They must have the Princess on that central, larger ship– Let’s take the others down, then ground the bigger one!” She readied herself to leap, but still held on carefully. “Aye aye, Captain me!” Sunset couldn’t help but feel excitement– She had seen heroic versions of herself, but this was definitely a new peak. They were descending upon what was the outskirts of the Everfree forest, which led to rocky terrain and mountains, and soon, the canyon. But the ships weren’t nearly fast enough to outspeed a Valkyrie. “Okay, just for clarification, I don’t usually need to ask, but…” The Princess of Hope was seconds from reaching one of the ships. “What's the stance on murdering your enemies in this universe?” “They took the Princess.” The Captain stated plainly. “Extreme prejudice.” “Awesome.” The Valkyrie smirked. “Go time!”  But the Captain did not need to wait. She leapt from the Valkyrie into the deck of one of the sloops, and began fighting immediately, landing atop one of the cultists, and as she cut through the deck incredibly aggressively, her other self watched, in flight. “S-SHIT!! CAPTAIN SHIMMER IS HERE!!” One of the cultists bellowed in fear, as he ran below deck, and others panicked in similar manners, which only made her smirk. The Captain was an incredibly aggressive fighter, Horn fencing, flames, and even simple kicks and punches, she hit with the strength of a sledgehammer and the swiftness of a dagger. And most importantly of all, whenever she was hit, she hit back twice as hard. More than once she was struck, or shot with magic, and the few hits that were not blocked or dodged only served to make her angrier. And the Valkyrie was SO proud. They had lightened the weight of these ships for maximum speed, which meant no artillery to shoot the Alicorn down, and very few weapons and explosives. Easy pickings. Running through the deck, she bucked one of the cultists overboard, and began slicing at the others swiftly, who could barely defend themselves. With relentless aggression, she would break limbs, slice them altogether, or simply toss her enemies into the forest below. “H-HOW IN THE WORLD DID SHE MAKE IT HERE?!?!” One of the cultists desperately tried to escape, but there was nowhere to run. After dealing with most of the crew below deck, the captain charged one powerful fireball and launched it full force towards the engine, as she teleported above deck to flee. Meanwhile, the Valkyrie was enjoying herself, not because the fight was challenging, but because she was overjoyed to see another version of herself in action. Blowing through the hull of one of the sloops resulted in the cultists yelling in fear like little fillies. “C-CAPTAIN SHIMMER CAN FLY NOW?!” Which resulted in her only smirking. “And that’s not all.” And so, her carnage began. She pierced through the sides of the ships, destroying their engines, slicing at the cultists, as her flames spread incredibly fast. By the time that the Captain had finished off one ship, the Valkyrie had destroyed her second. The airship that the Sunset of this universe had unleashed punishment upon was currently about to explode.  “Hey, other me! I’d appreciate some assistance!” She looked behind her as she leaned on the edge, seeing that the ship was rapidly cascading with explosions, and catching fire. “Because I can't fly!” She leapt out into the air. “Now would be good!!” “I’ve got you!” Sunset swiftly flew by, picking her up, and with that same momentum, dodged the three airships that were currently exploding and falling around them, their wreckage littering the Everfree forest. There were two ships left. The small one and the larger one. With a swift, nearly symmetrical motion, they both landed on the deck of the smaller one, covered in the blood of their enemies. “T-THERE’S TWO CAPTAIN SHIMMERS!! OH MY TIREK WHAT THE FU–” The cultist did not get to finish, because the two Sunset’s unleashed hell upon the deck and its crew. From her horn, the Captain manifested a sword, which she alternated from holding with her mouth or simply levitating it, swiftly slicing through her enemies and clashing with their own weapons. Meanwhile, the Valkyrie bathed herself in flames, and sliced swiftly and elegantly with her wings, pouncing with incredible speed and force. Incredibly in sync, They finished the last enemy together, slicing them in three with each doing one decisive cut. Smirking, the Valkyrie prepared to go below deck, not before addressing her other self. “Go rescue your damsel, Knight!” “Shut uUUUUP–WOAH!!” The Princess of Hope launched her to the final ship with force, while staying behind to destroy the last support airship. Landing on her feet, the Captain readied herself and proceeded to slaughter the last of this larger ship. This time, there were dozens of cultists, and they were ready for her… But she wouldn’t let that stop her. The fight continued, and being outnumbered was not a concern. Sometimes she would levitate her blade and it would fight nearly automatically around her, as her hooves and horn fought on closer range. She breathed quick decisive breaths as she constantly changed targets. Some of the cultists jumped ship, in realization that they valued their lives way too much for this, and even if there was a risk they wouldn't survive the fall, it was mercy compared to fighting her– and she ignored them. After all, having survivors to tell the tale to Tirek certainly would instill some fear in the centaur. They were interrupted for only one thing, a thing that helped in the tide of battle; The Valkyrie, now done with the last remaining support ship, landed directly on the window of the cockpit, with an eerie smile. “Time to land.” She commanded, and her expression struck true fear in the hearts of the pilots, who screamed in fear seeing this terrifying bug on their windshield. With a flip, she increased her gravity with magic, an extreme amount, even, and the second she landed, the entire ship was being brought down with her. The landing was rough, skidding through the forest, crashing against many trees, but the ship remained decently intact. The crew, however, did not. Many were thrown around, or simply fell off of the ship. The Captain fiercely stood her ground, maintaining her balance with magic. The second that they finally stopped moving, now crashed in the Everfree forest, she ran below deck. Many of the crew were groaning in pain, or outright unconscious. But she didn’t care. Because she finally saw Twilight Sparkle. The Princess of Friendship was encased in a large crystal that seemingly froze her completely, and the crystal itself was bound to chains. She was stuck on what seemed to be a fighting position, and no matter how exhausted, the Captain felt relief upon seeing her. She blew a hole in the side of the ship with her magic, and spoke plainly, keeping her eyes on the Princess. “Any of you that are still alive have ten seconds to run before you’re not alive anymore.”  The survivors hurriedly and fearfully scampered out through that hole, whimpering, and none tried attacking her. And soon enough, the room was quiet once more, if only for the Captain’s sharp breaths. Her demeanor changed, and she let out an exhale, being conscious of how much blood she was covered in. Hurriedly, she walked over to the large crystal, placing a hoof on it, incredibly concerned, still breathing a bit unsteady, beholding the Princess with exhaustion. “Okay, now how do I free you…?” She began channeling energy on her horn, intent on blasting it, but the Valkyrie entered the room hurriedly, stopping her. “Wait, wait! You don’t want to blow her to bits, hang on!! I know the spell to break her free of that, I've done something similar to this before.” She took a glance at the frozen Twilight, and snickered. “Cute, her hair is short!” “Good. Free her.” The Captain commanded, still keeping her eyes on the Princess. “Before that…” The Valkyrie walked closer, with almost a smirk, beholding her other self. “I want you to tell me about your feelings for her.” “What?!” The Captain snarled in confusion. “Are you joking right now?! What exactly do you think is going on here, is this a joke to you? Did you come to my universe to meddle on my personal affairs? Free my Princess, now!” Exhaling, the Valkyrie lounged, much to her frustration. “I’ve been cursed to travel the multiverse, so I’m not here by choice. Meddling on my other selves personal affairs is just a bonus.” She joked, with a grin. “Now. You’re her captain, and you’re in love with her, right?” The Captain admitted to nothing. “What the hell are you gaining from asking me asinine questions?! Free the Princess, I’ve got a job to do! She needs to be returned to the castle safely–” “--You know, I’m married to Twilight Sparkle in my universe.”  Silence. No retort. The Valkyrie continued, with a smile on her face. “We’re both inheriting the Sun and Moon together, and we will rule Equestria as a duo. Me and her, eternal.” She omitted the fact that she would rule nothing if she died on the multiverse, wanting to keep the subject light. The Captain, flustering a bit, shot a glance between the two Alicorns. “...So what? That’s not my problem.” Rolling her eyes, sighing, but still smiling, the Valkyrie pointed at the Princess. “Look, I get it. You didn’t plan on falling for her. Your mission was to protect her, and you did so amazingly. But she’s charming, she’s cute, she’s–” “--Can you please just free her?” letting out a flustered sigh, the Captain sat down. The Valkyrie simply raised an eyebrow quietly, and tilted her head. Getting Frustrated, the Captain rolled her eyes “What exactly do you think is happening here? Look, good for you, you’re an Alicorn. Seriously, I’m happy that another me managed to reach our dream. But I have a job to do. My job is to keep her safe, no matter what. And if that’s okay with you, I’d like to continue doing it.” “And spending time with her is just a bonus? Getting to be close with her–” “So WHAT if I love her?” Her voice was raised, angrily. “This is my job– My job is to ensure the Princess lives safely, so she can bring a golden age to Equestria, one I KNOW she will– And for her, I’ll do anything! I’m not in my position as Captain to be mushy with her friends, and much less with her!! How I feel about her means nothing. I’ll die someday, and I’ll die protecting her, And I’ll die with a smile, knowing I helped her improve our world! And that’s that, got it?!” “You’re making excuses because you don’t think you deserve good things to happen to you.” “What?!” She was in disbelief. Shaking her head, she came a bit closer. “You forget. I’m you. And I’ve been through this song and dance before myself, and with dozens of Sunsets by now, too. What’s happening here is that you’re so focussed in being loyal, respectful and diligent, that you are neglecting the idea that you might deserve good things too.”  “My feelings will not affect my job. I won’t let them.” She pointed at the crystal commandingly. “So if you’re done rambling nonsense, please free her, so I can continue to do. My. Job.” “There’s a good thing right here.” The Alicorn pointed at the frozen Princess. “And I bet that she feels the same way you do. You’re a really good me– And I know you can be even better. And do you know how?” She raised an eyebrow, and the implications were clear, eloping with the Princess of Friendship. This was only serving to frustrate her more. “Ugh, shut up and just free her, please…!” “I want to hear it from your own mouth, other me.” She leaned forward, raising an eyebrow. “Are you in love with the Princess of Friendship?” “Are every other Sunsets in your multiverse this annoying?” The Captain snarled back, facing her down. No response, as the Valkyrie simply crossed her arms, waiting for her response. “Fine!” She leaned back, groaning annoyance. “Of course I'm in love with her! She’s everything! She’s the future of Equestria, and yet she is still humble, and incredibly kind. She is amazingly capable, and yet, at times almost naive. It’s immensely captivating! I value her so much for so many reasons, including the fact that she managed to show me exactly how to do a job I gave up on; And I understand completely why Celestia chose her as my replacement, because she’s everything!! Is that all? Are we done?!” “She’s cute, isn’t she?” The Valkyrie smirked, nodding. “She looks so cute with short hair!” “Free her or I’m just carrying this whole Crystal in my back if I have to.” Frowning, the Captain’s patience was done, her face still a bit red. “Fine, fine! I’ll free her. But one last thing.” “Ugh, what is it–” “She can see us and hear everything we’re saying.” She smirked, tilting her head. Silence. The Captain, with nerves at an all time high, adrenaline spiked, began sweating. Looking upon the Crystal, it was unmistakable that the Princess of Friendship was looking directly at her, even frozen.. “......................What?” The Valkyrie only grinned deviously, tilting her head and raising an eyebrow, with her arms crossed, having successfully made her Captain self admit her true feelings. She muttered nervously, shaking her head, hoping this was just a nightmare. “Ugh, you fucking asshole…!” “I’m you.” The Valkyrie amused herself. “Fuck, fuck, shit. Fuck.” The Captain muttered to herself nervously, considering a way out. Smiling mischievously, the Valkyrie approached the crystal. “Welp, I’m gonna free her.” “W-WAIT!! I…” The Captain nervously fidgeted for a moment, incredibly afraid. And Sunset sat down, waiting patiently, giving herself all the time she needed. With a sigh of resignation, the Captain accepted that she still had a job to do. “...Whatever. Just do it.” Channeling energy from her horn, Sunset cast a spell that she hadn’t in a long time, and with a flash, The Princess of Friendship fell to the ground, making a squeaky noise. The Crystal particles dissipated in the air, and all went quiet. Silence.  She regained her bearings, standing up, shaking her wings, her face flustered. The Captain and her Princess’s eyes met. Despite the weariness, both of their faces were red, with a mix of avoiding eye contact, and outright seeking it. “P-Princess, I…” She began speaking, but then simply shut her mouth, realizing she had nothing to say, no excuses. The Valkyrie just watched the scene silently, with a smile. “C-captain… um…” Twilight hesitated, unsure of what to say. Then, lifting one of her legs, as if in pain, their eyes met again. “U-um, you see… In the commotion of fighting Tirek’s cult, I believe I hurt my leg.” She lied, flustered. “Could you carry me…?” With a sigh of relief, the Captain nodded, and walked forward. “Of course, my Princess.” There was a rehearsed motion, one that the Valkyrie could tell they had done multiple times, in which Twilight climbed on her back without hesitation, and held tight. “Let’s bring you back to safety. I’ve got you.” The Captain muttered, having lost most of her professional demeanor, simply walking away from the crash site. She had no hesitation, no struggle in carrying the Princess of Friendship, but her gaze was listless, lost, filled with concern. After all, she was unsure of just how much she had heard. They were now walking through the Everfree forest border, in the cold, yet welcoming morning air, as the sun was a bit higher in the sky. The sounds of the forest were not hostile or eerie, but natural and inviting, with morning doves singing their tunes in the distance. The Valkyrie, with a smile, walked near them, but at a respectful distance, and the sight made her happier. She said nothing, allowing for the silence to be filled with the sounds of their hoofsteps in the dirt, and amusing herself that the Captain was ignoring her. Twilight clung tightly to the captain, leaning her face on her neck, flustered, saying nothing. Only after a few minutes did she look at the Valkyrie, and speak up. “...So…” Her voice was quiet, hesitant, a bit awkward. “You’re my Captain, but from… Another universe?” “I sure am.” She nodded, with a warm smile. “...And, Um…” She hesitated even more, her gaze wondering, becoming even more flustered. “You’re married to the Twilight Sparkle of your universe…?” Her smile grew even warmer, wider, as she nodded. “I sure am.” “...How about that…! A slight smile appeared in Twilight’s lips, as she leaned further in, rubbing her cheeks on the Captain’s neck, who remained quiet. Nervously, wanting to change the subject, the Captain cleared her throat. “Ahem. Other me. Thanks for your help today. Would you mind telling us how you killed Tirek in your world? It could be invaluable information.” It was definitely a desperate attempt to divert the conversation. And of course, the Valkyrie noticed. “It’s a bit confusing, but I’ll make it simple. I essentially cast a magic nullifying bubble around a vast area, one I saw him wandering through. It’s a complicated spell, but I learned it specifically in case he returned.” Reminiscing was interesting, but she kept going, as the other two listened attentively. “He was trying to drain magic from some alien automatons, but was having trouble with it… And of course, when I cast that bubble, he couldn’t drain anything.” “...But you couldn’t cast magic either, could you? So how did you fight him?” Twilight asked, concerned.  “With these!” She showcased her wings, and hooves. “Indeed, he couldn’t drain magic, and I couldn’t cast magic. I knew he couldn't be trusted, so I decided to nip it in the bud, and killed him with my bare hooves– And wings. The thing about magical beings is that they’re complacent. They rely too much on their magic. The moment that you force them to fight you on an even playing field, where it's a simple battle of physical prowess, they crumble.” “Roger that. Clever.” The Captain smirked, if only a moment. “Ambush and nullify his draining capacity, while blocking our own capacity to cast, so we fight on the same terms… I can't believe we didn’t think of that.” Giggling quietly, the Princess remained very, very close. “She is definitely right about us relying on magic too much– I didn’t even consider that because of it…!” “Coincidentally…” the Valkyrie grinned mischievously once more. “It was only a few days later that me and my Twilight got married. One of the happiest days of my life. I say ‘one of the happiest’ because every day after was a big contender.” She spoke those words deviously, knowing the effect it would have on the couple before her. “...How about that…!! The Princess whispered even quieter, leaning her face on the side of her Captain's neck with a flustered exhale. And of course, the Captain said nothing, attempting to not be affected by those words. They remained quiet for a little while longer… …Until in the distance, in the air, they sighted a squad of guard pegasi, and some Canterlot airships heading this way.. “My men are here, good.” The Captain nodded, shooting a flare into the air, announcing their position. The Valkyrie yawned, and smiled. “Well, this is where I say goodbye, then. I feel like taking a nap here in the everfree forest.”  Reluctantly, Twilight tilted her head. “But… you’re not coming with us? We could definitely use your help…!” “Sorry, Sparkles.” She smiled, and noticed the surprised look on the Princess’s face when she got called that nickname, for the first time. “I’m going to be shot into the next universe soon, anyway. It’s best I just try to rest. You two will never see me again, but for the record… You two are some of the best Sunsets and Twilights I’ve met. Thank you.” Her smile was weary, but satisfied. She genuinely felt better, after meeting these two. “...Bummer.” The Captain said, almost sarcastically. “Well… Thanks for helping me rescue my Princess.” “Don’t mention it.” She smirked, turning around, heading into the forest. “Good luck, you two!” Waving goodbye, the Captain nodded. “Yes, we will certainly be able to defeat Tirek yet–” “--You know that’s not what I mean!” The Valkyrie winked, and disappeared in the foliage. After all, she was giving best wishes to the potentially good that could come out of this day for the two of them. “Ugh, I know it’s morning, but I could sleep for a whole day…!” Twilight muttered, still clinging to her Captain’s back, as she was carried through the halls of Canterlot castle. “I’m sure that Princess Celestia won’t mind you resting, after the events of today.” The Captain looked back, smiling. “I’ll make sure you have… Not-blown-up quarters to rest on. You can return to Ponyville tomorrow, if need be.” “Thank you…!” She spoke, almost in a whisper, still a bit flustered. “...You’ve always been so good to me…!” “All part of the job.” Sunset spoke plainly, trying not to let emotions slide. They proceeded quietly, a strange quiet, moving by the castle halls unimpeded. Finally, she reached suitable, safe quarters for the Princess. “We’re here.” Leaning back, she helped the Princess dismount carefully, gently. “I’ll make sure that servants bring you some food and water, and that guards will stand here, protecting you while you rest, okay…? And I’ll report to Princess Celestia all that happened.” She spoke equally gently. All that Twilight could do was nod, face still red, quietly sitting down in front of the door. After a brief period of quiet, she spoke, clumsily stumbling through her words. “Strange morning, right…?” “...Yeah…!” Was all the Captain could say, scratching her own chin, unsure of just what to take from the whole experience. “Imagine that…?” Twilight fidgeted with her own mane nervously. “You and me, in some other universe… Together…?” Sunset said nothing, her eyes widening. They were incredibly close now, and the Princess was moving closer. Yes, she had imagined it. She didn’t like thinking of those sorts of things, but the imagery was vivid. Her other self made sure of that. She had a job to do, but right now, it was hard to focus on it, with the Princess inching closer to her. They said nothing, as Twilight inched closer and closer, muzzle almost meeting muzzle. She never, in a million years, expected this to happen. The Princess kissed her, as she stood there, accepting it.  “I, um…!” Twilight muttered, after the kiss, leaning a hoof on her Captain’s chestplate, still incredibly close. “...I wouldn’t mind that…!” Sunset was smiling, legitimately smiling for the first time in the whole day, maybe week, still incapable of saying anything, face red, eyes full of hope… …But regret came soon after. She bit her tongue, closing her eyes, knowing this was unprofessional, still having a job to do, knowing she didn’t deserve this. She turned her muzzle away, looking to the floor, trying to be respectful. “Princess, I… What are we doing? I’m your Captain. This isn’t right.” “It feels right to me…!” Twilight whispered, feeling a certain sting of longing. With an exhale, Sunset shook her head, trying to speak as gently as possible. “Look… I have to return to my post, check myself in the infirmary, report on what happened to Princess Celestia… Please rest well, okay…? I’ll see you soon.” A small, sad, flustered nod was the only response that Twilight gave, as she tried making eye contact. Turning around, Sunset forced herself to move away from the Princess. An agonizing moment of silence passed as she walked away. “Captain.” Twilight called out, making her stop in her tracks instantly. Sunset turned her head only slightly, looking down. Twilight spoke, almost commanding, almost pleading.  “I think… I think that after the events of this morning, I would feel considerably safer in my room if I didn’t sleep alone…!” Sunset exhaled, then smiled. After all, for her Princess, she would do anything. She turned around, facing her Princess once more, intent on doing anything to make her feel better.