A Twilight once lost

by Some Random Fella

Chapter 1

Twilight couldn't really place it, but she felt something was off.

Maybe it was the fact that ponyville was substantially different than how it was yesterday?

Yeah, that was probably it.

Sure, it still looked somewhat the same, but there were definitely more homes and buildings.

"When did they build them? They couldn't have possibly done all of this in one night right?" She asked herself as she walked down one of the towns paths.

Stranger still, even though the town seemed to be larger, there was practically no pony in sight.


"Hello?" Twilight called out as she continued walking.


No answer.


"Don't panic twilight, the princess will know what's going on" she said to herself as she picked up her pace.


After getting lost a couple of times trying to navigate ponyvilles new paths, twilight eventually reached the library.

"Hopefully spikes awake" she said as she made her way to the door.


Upon reaching said door, twilight attempted to use her magic to open it and walk inside.



Only to find it locked, and bumping into the door.

What was it with her and walking into walls today?

"Locked? But, it should be open right now" twilight said as she raised one of her hooves and knocked on the door.

'knock knock knock.

"Spike! Are you there?! Spiiike!!"


She was about to knock again, but a voice coming from the library cut her off.

"Argh! Who is it?! Some pony's are trying to sleep you know!"


That wasn't spike.

"Um, hi? I'm twilight sparkle, I uh, I was sort of staying here for a few nights, I'm just looking for a friend"

"Can this not wait? Do you know what time it is?"


"Har har, listen, is spike your friend? Well, I'm just gonna tell you right now that no pony by that name lives here, so if you could please leave? I'm trying to sleep"

"Oh, ok then" Twilight said as she started to turn around.


"Wait, sleep? Shouldn't the library be open? It's noon isn't it?" She asked, to Wich the pony inside of the library, who twilight assumed was a mare, groaned.

"Did you forget or something? Library isn't open during after day hours"

After day hours?

"Uh, alright, I guess I'll be going then"

"Yeah, you do that" The mare said as twilight began walking farther away from the library.


Twilight looked up at the sky from the bench she was sitting in.

She didn't know how long she had sat there, but one thing was for sure.

The sun was not moving.



The day had just been getting stranger and stranger, and now, spike wasn't in the library?

Was he even in ponyville?

Is he ok? Did something happen to him? Why wasn't he at the library? Where is he? Who was that mare at the library? What-

"An alicorn?"

Twilight's thoughts are interrupted by the sound of a voice, multiple voices actually.

"Why is there an alicorn here?" One mare asked.

"Hay if I know, should we bow?" Another stallion replied.

"I think we should" Added another stallion.

"I don't recognize this alicorn, do you think the queen or the princess know of her?"


"Why are you whispering?" Twilight asked nonchalantly, making everypony in her vicinity tense up.

"She heard us?" Whispered a mare, as she and everypony else dropped to the ground into a bow.

"W- we didn't mean to your highness! W- we swear!"

"Oh, uh, no, you don't need to do that, I'm not royalty" twilight said as she got up from the bench.

"B-but your an alicorn" Said the mare, not moving from her bowed position.

"Well, yeah, but still, you don't need to do that with me, you can get up"


"Ok" The mare said after a moment as she and everypony else started getting up.

"If you don't mind me asking, who are you?" Asked the mare.

"I'm twilight sparkle, I don't know if you recognize me, since I do look different, but I was sent here yesterday to oversee the summer sun celebration"

"Yesterday? Summer sun celebration?"


"Your highness, there hasn't been any summer sun celebrations in some time"

"What? But, ugh, yet another thing to add to the list of oddities" Twilight said as she looked around her.

"You can all go about your day! Just, pretend I'm not here!" She said as she looked down at the mare again.

"Hey, before you go, do you mind if I ask you some quick questions?"

"N- not at all your highness!"


"Ok, we can talk here" twilight said as she sat back down at the bench.

"So, what do you want to know?"

"I heard some pony mention a queen, what's that all about?"

The mare looks around her, seemingly reluctant to reply.

"W- well, they were referring to queen Day breaker"

"Daybreaker? What happened to celestia?"

"What do you mean? Daybreaker is celestia, or, at least she was"


"What? A-and what about the princess they mentioned? Who is she?"

"The princess? They were referring to princess Heartbreaker"

"Heartbreaker? What can you tell me about her?"

"Not much, other than that I'm pretty sure she used to be princess cadence"


"Thank you for your time, you can go" Twilight said, to wich the mare hopped of from the bench.

"I'm glad to be of service your highness" The mare says as she quickly bows, then starts heading towards a random direction.


Well, she was able to ask some information, but now twilight was left with more questions than answers.

There hasn't been any summer sun celebrations? So, was she in some type of coma or something? For how long? And if she was in a coma? Why the hay was she still at the abandoned castle when she woke up?!

And, why wouldn't there be any celebrations? They were able to defeat Nightmare Moon right?


"Nothing is making sense..." Twilight said to herself as she got up from the bench and started walking aimlessly.

And what about daybreaker? Or heartbreaker? What were they about?

Apparently, they're princess Celestia and Cadence, or they were? Argh! Why is all of this so confusing?!


"I need to figure out what's going on" Twilight said as she changed her direction to where she remembered seeing a train station.

She needed to get to Canterlot, surely, once she found celestia, or, daybreaker in this case, all of her questions would be answered.