//------------------------------// // Chapter 39: Potent // Story: A Demon's Second Chance // by Perfectly Insane //------------------------------// I’ve stood outside Sugarcube Corner filled with a wide spectrum of emotions at least half a dozen times, and it never got particularly easier.  Although, this time, I was a lot less anxious; which was saying quite a bit for me. I knew everyone who was in there, I knew exactly how the conversation would go, roughly. Still, there was hesitance in my very bones, uncountable questions floating in my head.  I could’ve stood out there for hours, ruminating on all the ways things could go wrong. Instead, I pinched myself, hard enough to sting and tear me out of my own mind. I pulled my glove tighter up my hand, making sure not a single inch of the symbol was visible, and walked on.  As soon as that bell rang, I was hit with the overpowering smell of baking; actual baking. I could smell the cinnamon, the vanilla, the warmth of the dough;  just sweetness. Not the artificial kind from when I was here last, speaking with ‘Mrs.Cake’. The colors had started coming back too, at least a little. Dull versions of the patterns that were once bright and vibrant, but at the very least, no longer gray.  However, that didn’t make it any more popular. Only one booth was populated, with Twilight and Pinkie sitting together on the left and Rarity and Fluttershy sitting on the right, while Rainbow hovered comfortably in the air. Applejack already went in before me, walking up to Rainbow and saying something that got a roll of the eyes.  All of them were smiling, to some extent. Fluttershy was even laughing at something as she turned to Pinkie; likely some awful pun she told. They hadn’t even noticed I’d entered, so absorbed in catching up with each other that I might as well have not been there.  Out of the corner of my eye, Mrs.Cake—the real one—gestured for me to approach the counter where the register was. I peeked at them, then started walking over to the counter. I noticed that the sign wasn’t there anymore, and some pastries from the display glass had actually been sold.  “Hi, Mrs.Cake. Are you…” I leaned forward, trying to whisper my words. “Okay?” Now that I was closer to her, the changeling that was impersonating her had been doing an even worse job than I thought. She was smiling, but it wasn't teethy or abnormally large, just small and warm. No widened eyes, no strained expression, only a natural gentleness.  “Yes, dearie. In fact, I’m wonderful. Actually,” she moved away from the counter, moving towards the kitchen door. “Can I talk to you in the kitchen? Pinkie’s sister is back there but when she cooks she’s…mostly in her own world.” Right, Limestone. The one who had to clean up my mess on the farm. I still had no idea if she hated me, hated what I did, hated how everyone was dealing with it, or some amalgamation of all three.  I wondered if I should try to make things right with her, if I even could.  “Of course.” I followed her to the back of the kitchen, immediately hit with the stench of burnt food and the taste of…dryness? I couldn’t quite explain how one could taste dryness, but that’s really the best way I could describe it; like ash had made its home on my tastebuds. Limestone was in the very back, a plume of smoke coming out of the oven she was standing in front of. She was busy holding a bowl in one hand and a whisk in the other, spinning it so vigorously I thought she’d start a second fire from the friction alone. Luckily, she was so immersed in…whatever she was doing, she didn’t even notice us walk in.  As soon as I turned to Mrs.Cake, I was embraced. So suddenly I nearly lost my balance, falling a step back before ending up against the wall. The contact came with that ripple of terror, as it is wont to do, and left me stiff and helpless. I kept my gaze locked on a spot on the ceiling, ignoring the stinging as my eyes begged to blink.  What snapped me out of it was how tightly Mrs.Cake was holding me, like she was afraid I would float away if she didn’t. She was trembling. “Thank you. Thank you so much.” I couldn’t speak, more out of the grip she had on me than anything else.  “F—for what?” “I remember. I remember you in that cave and—oh I’m sorry dearie; Pinkie mentioned you weren’t a fan of physical contact.”  She let go, taking a few awkward steps back and adjusting her apron. “It’s,” I was getting so used to my heartbeat thrumming my ears that it was getting easier to talk over it, though I couldn’t tell if that was a good thing or not. “Fine, really. So, you remember the entire thing?” “No, just bits and pieces.” She said with a shake of her head. “I remember being in that sticky pod thing, then you standing over me as you talked to somepony, and then being taken back to Sugarcube Corner. I can’t begin to tell you how much I missed my husband and my foals; it’s a miracle that thing that had taken my place didn’t harm them. If you were just a day later…”  She didn’t finish her sentence, her face pinching into a soured expression. Mrs.Cake wrapped her arms around herself, her shoulders dropping and chest caving in as she closed her eyes. There was something so startlingly familiar about it. It left a discomforting weight on my chest, like looking into a reflection that I hardly recognize as my own.  “I didn’t do that much, really. I just told Luna and the guards what was going on, and they did most of the work.”  I kept shifting my gaze between Mrs.Cake and Limestone, the former of which had one of her ears pointed in our direction. I couldn’t tell if that was by coincidence, or if she really was listening in on us. To my discomfort, I moved a bit closer to Mrs.Cake lowering my voice to be even more meek than it was normally.  “Oh, don’t be modest! You were the same way when you saved the CMC.” She waved her hand, taking a deep breath as she unclenched her jaw. “Maybe I don’t know the specifics, but you were there; even if all you did was tell them, you made it happen in the first place. Chara,” Mrs.Cake reached out, grabbing my hand and holding it in between her own.  “You saved me and my family. You’re my hero.” I couldn’t breathe, couldn’t think, my voice would have cracked if I tried to say anything. I didn’t know what to feel, what to say, how to react, how to exist. I wanted so badly to scream as a blob of a dozen feelings swelled up in my stomach,  Shadows crept on the edge of my vision, a tingling nausea went up my spine, I nearly choked on my own tongue. Hero. I wanted to tell her not to call me that ever again, to get rid of the disgust that plagued my very soul. Yet, beneath it all, there was this little prick of joy. It wasn’t painful, just familiar in the most uncomfortable of ways; like a favorite shirt that didn’t quite fit anymore. I still remember when Asriel first called me that, brimming with a sense of pride and innocence that spread to even me.  I sucked in the warm air, holding it there as I focused on the drop of joy in a sea of dread. “I,” I recalled how I felt this morning, so content that I didn’t even notice I was smiling until Fluttershy pointed it out. I brought my hands to my face, placing my fingers on the corner of my lips and dragged it to a smirk that stuck. Maybe, just one person thinking I'm a hero isn’t the worst thing in the world.  “You don’t need to thank me, really. Just, please don’t tell anyone; Luna and I think it's for the best if Ponyville didn’t know how close it was to a changeling takeover.” “The Princess?” Mrs.Cake’s eyes widened, rapidly blinking as her head pulled back. “Of course, of course; I won’t speak another word of it.” She stepped to the side, grabbing a platter of multi-colored cupcakes that sat on the counter. “Well then, I promised Pinkie and her friends their favorite cupcakes while they’re here. You’re free to join us if you like; I’ll even make your favorite flavor cupcake free of charge if you tell me what it is.” My throat constricted at the thought, I had to hold back a gag.  “N—no thanks, I ate earlier.” I said with a wave, covering my mouth with my free hand. “Thank you though.” There was a glimpse of something on her face as she moved a bit closer to me, her eyebrows momentarily raising before pinching together. It quickly wavered and then faded entirely as she passed me, leaving the kitchen and approaching their table.  I exhaled, letting my shoulders fall as I brought my hands to my face and just cupped them, a shaky sigh slipping through my mouth. I would have been content to just stand there and breathe until I could gather the courage to go talk to them, planning out all the roads the conversation could travel down.  At least If I hadn’t heard the shuffling of hooves right behind me.  “Changelings, huh? I’ve read about those; you really get around.” I screamed without a sound, nearly jumping off the ground as I slapped my hands over my mouth so quickly it hurt. There was a squeaking noise as my shoes skid across the floor, a dull pain in my shoulder as it scraped against the wall.  Limestone stood behind me, evidently she was done with whatever she was doing and placed the bowl on the counter, having walked over to me without a sound; or maybe I just wasn’t paying attention.  Her face was completely blank, which I guess was preferable to the persistent disdain she wore while she was on the farm. “Please don’t tell the others.” All I could do was beg her not to tell them, whether she liked me or not. “Pfft, come on. I heard the part about the princess; besides, I wouldn’t wanna ruin their good mood. But, if we’re doing favors for each other,” she bent her knees, crouching down to eye level. “Go home.” There wasn’t any animosity in her voice, it wasn’t lofty or tainted with an undertone of spite; it was just direct. Like an order.  I kept that eye contact for just a few seconds, giving up and glancing away like I’d just lost a staring contest.  “Why?” “Because, Pinkie’s been in really bad shape for the past week. The only time I’ve seen her worse was when she lived on the farm.” Limestone stood up, raising an arm above her head as she curved to the left and stretched. “Couple of days ago she started getting better, but she wasn’t all there; I could tell. She needed her friends, and today she finally got them. Maybe that was because of you, maybe you showing up today was a coincidence, I don’t really care.” She took off her apron, setting it on the counter beside the bowl and undoing the ponytail her mane was in. Limestone let out a relieved sigh, the tension in her body tangible as I watched it ebb out of her.  She actually looked…relaxed, more than I’d ever seen her before.  “Nothing against you, Chara. But if you tried to talk to them right now, they’d do their damndest not to talk about the thing on all of their minds. They’d dance around it, share those awkward looks, watch every word they say; all for you. And I’d be getting pissed all the while.” Limestone’s voice grew more rigid with every word as she shook her head, pinching the bridge of her nose. “I’m getting annoyed just thinking about it. Look, I know you want to make up with them, and that’s fine, just not now, alright? You’re staying in Ponyville now, right? Or are you going back to fancytown?” It was like she could read my mind, along with all the little worries that plagued it. I adjusted my hair, making sure that my ears were completely covered.  “I’m…heading back to Canterlot tomorrow for something, but then I’m coming back the next day.” the skin under my glove began to itch, a bit of sweat gathering at the center. I scratched it, fixing it to where it wasn’t so tight.  “Good, you’ve got plenty of time then. Who do you still need to talk to other than Pinkie?” “Just Twilight.” “Then I’ll do you another favor.” Limestone walked up to me, not lowering herself to my level this time and just staring down at me. “Starbutt spends a lot of her time in her tree, Pinkie’s pretty much the only one who’s been convincing her to leave. I’ll tell her to check on Twilight around…ten ish? Both of them will be there, and you can try your best to talk things out. Though you’ve got your work cut out for you with Twilight from what I can tell.” I narrowed my eyes, chewing on my tongue as I searched my mind for the last time I interacted with her. When I first came to Sugarcube Corner, we talked about Haylet and the piano, but not much else. Twilight didn’t seem particularly happy or upset to see me, though I had no idea if that was because Pinkie was there or not.  In fact, even with the promise of tickets to Haylet, it was impossible for me to say whether I could make things right with Twilight. Cadance made it clear that this was going to be especially hard for her, Celestia told me that she couldn’t help me earn their forgiveness, and Luna told me that I had to be better instead of sorry.  Maybe Limestone was right, I’d done enough for today.  “Alright.” I placed my hand on the swinging door, holding my breath and hoping they wouldn't notice me on my way out.  “Hold on.” Limestone stopped me with her voice, placing her arm over the top of the door and holding it in place. “Go out the back. If Pinkie sees you she’s going to insist you come over; she’s too nice not to.” Limestone pointed with her free hand, which I followed with my eyes to the back exit. I nodded, stepping past her and making my way to the door. As I left, I felt Limestone watching me, only stopping once the door behind me shut. I took a few steps away from the bakery before stopping, hanging my head and staring at my feet before glancing tentatively over my shoulder.  I was doing the right thing by leaving… wasn’t I? ________ Once I got to Fluttershy’s cottage, I made my way straight to the couch, throwing my entire body into the center and letting the air out as my lungs deflated like balloons. As soon as I laid down, an unbearable lethargy spread through my muscles like a disease, making it harder just to move by the second.  There were pillows just a few feet from my head, but I couldn’t bring myself to drag my body in any direction. Instead, I let my weary head sit on my left arm, my right arm draping over the side. The world grew blurry as I could make out a small, hopping white blob moving towards me. I groaned as I mentally ran into a wall just trying to will my arm to move. Fortunately, being the spoiled little bunny he is, Angel moved under my arm and firmly placed his head in the palm of my hand.  Once again, I wasn’t even aware that I fell asleep. One moment, I had the softest fur connected to the smallest head, the next I opened my eyes at the sound of rapt knocking on the door. My arms quivered as I pushed against the couch, raising my upper body and smacking my lips as I tried to get rid of the taste that always comes with sleep.  There was a blanket—or maybe it was more of a quilt?—draped on my back, enough to wrap around myself several times until I resembled one of those burritos Celestia and I had for breakfast. It had to be Fluttershy’s, which meant she came home at some point and saw me passed out on the couch, put a blanket/quilt on me, and headed to sleep.  Something about the thought of that made me smile.  More knocking at the door snapped me out of it.  “One second.”  I forced myself to my feet, stumbling over myself as I very nearly lost balance before spreading my arms out and managing to stay upright. I made my way to the door, peering out of the window to see who it was. The sun was just beginning to rise, covering the land in an orangeish hue, making it difficult to see anything but vague outlines and shapes.  They were definitely a pony, I could tell that for sure.  I opened the door, having to blink a few times before the person came into focus. I quickly recognized the spiky mane and jet black coat almost immediately. “Dark?” His breath was ragged and visible, the morning air just cold enough to see each exhale he gave out. He was wearing an unfamiliar backpack, his hands wrapped around the straps.  “Please take me to Canterlot with you.”