I want to remain sane, Twilight.

by CosmicShenanigan-er

"Only once, and never again."

It was a peaceful day in canterlot, ponies roaming, the sky being the way they are, pegasus clearing up their weather schedules.

And inside the Canterlot Castle, it the kitchen, two familiar ponies having some meaningful discussion...

About which is better, Cake or Pancake.

"No, dear Twilight, unlike my dearest sister, i dislike making cakes, they're required more ingredients and steps, i much rather like Pancake since because they don't need a bunch of ingredients and having the most simplest steps to finishing it!" Luna declared, which got Twilight to chuckled.

"I can understand that." Twilight smiled and drank her tea, Luna also drank her coffee.

The room was filled with a comfortable silence as they sipped their drinks.

That is until Twilight break the silence and asked a question.

"Luna, since everypony knows you enter dreams to protect them, correct?" The response was luna nodding while sipping her coffee, eyes closed.

"And everypony knows that Pinkie Pie" Luna twitch a bit, "doesn't always make sense..."

"Yes, everypony knows that, where are you going with this?" Luna slowly made her coffee drink via her magic as it's sparkling blue aura surrounded the coffee, dissapearing once on the table.

"So... How you entered her dreams? Atleast once?"

Luna wince a bit, like it was PTSD trigger, "yes... I did entered her dreams once... and i will never ever going back in again."

Twilight grimaced a bit. "I am very sorry about that, Luna." She gave a small apologize.

"It is okay, Twilight, it wasn't your fault, i willingly entered, and very much regret it mostly..."

"If you can... Can you describe what you see...?"

"What... I see? Well..."


Everything was loud, no one can hear no one and the land was full of cupcakes, cakes, pancakes, every existing foods, even ones that doesn't exist, bapanke, slicebana, cakecake, cakecup, anything!

And the most noticable of all is pinkie pie... And pinkie pie, and pinkie pie.

And pinkie pie, and Pinkie pie, And pinkie pie, and Pinkie pie, And pinkie pie, and Pinkie pie, And pinkie pie, and Pinkie pie, And pinkie pie, and Pinkie pie, And pinkie pie, and Pinkie pie, And pinkie pie, and Pinkie pie, And pinkie pie, and Pinkie pie, And pinkie pie, and Pinkie pie, And pinkie pie, and Pinkie pie, And pinkie pie, and Pinkie pie, And pinkie pie, and Pinkie pie, And pinkie pie, and Pinkie pie, And pinkie pie, and Pinkie pie, And pinkie pie, and Pinkie pie, And pinkie pie, and Pinkie pie, And pinkie pie, and Pinkie pie, And pinkie pie, and Pinkie pie, And pinkie pie, and Pinkie pie, And pinkie pie, and Pinkie pie, And pinkie pie, and Pinkie pie, And pinkie pie, and Pinkie pie, And pinkie pie, and Pinkie pie, And pinkie pie, and Pinkie pie, And pinkie pie, and Pinkie pie, And pinkie pie, and Pinkie pie, And pinkie pie, and Pinkie pie, And pinkie pie, and Pinkie pie, And pinkie pie, and Pinkie pie, And pinkie pie, and Pinkie pie, And pinkie pie, and Pinkie pie, AND PINKIE PIE!

Too many pinkie pies! Wait... Is that DISCORD?! HAVING A DATE?! WAIT A MINUTE, THAT'S CELESTIA! OH MY SISTER! no! I gotta get out of here! Wait...

Where did the exit go?


Twilight blinked as the Princess of the night is on the ground shaking, trembling in fear.

"Uh... Can you give going...?"

"YES! DEAR TWILY! I MUST CONTINUE! NO FLASHBACK ENDS WITHOUT AN END! IT IS A MUST !" Luna violently shake Twilight's Body as the flashback continues...


Too many weird things happened! There weren't only Many pinkie pies here, not only Celestia dating the God of Chaos, not only a place made out of pure food.

But they were flying elephants with wings tied on their back with ropes everywhere, if that isn't crazy enough... Well it isn't!

There were Cats... No not the cats, but giant mechanical things with scoopers that are named 'Cat' everywhere, i don't even know those things! What in my moon's are they?!

And wait... Is that... Cherry like Red mane... Cream colored coat... Oh my Faust, MOM?!

No! Focus Luna, explain this story to Twilight, EXPLAIN! You are not having a ptsd attack now, and will never will be! This was just your first visit into pinkie's mind.

And.. w-wait, are those 4D dimensional beings?! This... This doesn't make sense it the fullest!

What in the great Faust name is that! Why is yellow triangle with a bowtie and tophat ruling over Equestria?! And why is discord there?! All of this doesn't make sense!

I'm getting insane, No! no! Keep calm Luna, KEEP CALM!! Remember, none of this are real...

But if pinkie somehow gets Discord's Chaos Power... Oh.. oh no...

NO. NO-NO-NO-No-no! Don't think like that! This isn't a mental breakdown! Right current me?!


Current Luna was indeed having a breakdown, with having Twilight to call Celestia for help.


Right, no breakdown whatsoever! Whatever the narrator said must be lie! Wait, what did i say? Narrator?

Wait a minute... Am i... Am i...

am i not real?

NO! no no no! The narrator comment must just been my brain! Well I am talking in my brain, but... We are real! We aren't just some... Cartoon characters from a show... Called... My little... Pony...




"Luna! Luna! You must wake up!" Pleaded by a familiar motherly (but sisterly to her) voice.

"Sister...?" Luna slowly opened her eyes to see a relief Celestia.

"Oh thank faust... Twilight told me what happened, i am very sorry i wasn't there to help you..."

"Wasn't there... For what?" Luna slowly asked as her headache slowly fading away.

Celestia shifted her eyes, "it is... Best not to tell you..."

Celestia helped luna get up. "Why don't we learn how to cook a pancake together, luna?"

Luna's ear perked up, "that sounds wonderful, dear sister!" She grinned and both of them made their way to the kitchen...

The whole kitchen burned down, the end.