The Bridge: Alternate Possibilities

by Moongaze14

What If: Xenilla The Toymaker

Xenilla the Toymaker

Xenilla sighed as he stared at the blue-slitted eyes of the filly floating in front of him. Her blue eyes along with her red mane and tail and white wings reminded him so much of his beloved mate while the yellow sclera and the streaks of white on her mane and tail were proof that she was his spawn. She was giving him a sad look as he knew what she wanted to ask him.

"Crystal Dancer, you must already know that the answer would be no."

"Why not, dad? I'm not asking you for the real thing. I know mom would freak, but maybe you could get me a living plushie instead of the real thing," said the filly with a pleading tone.

"You mean an animatronic? Where did you get such an idea?!" inquired the shocked kaiju.

"Well, Chibi Moon showed me some magazines of living plushies with that act as companions for kids in her homeland, so that's where I got the idea. Maybe you could build me a cuter version of the pet I want. Just like the one in this pic," said the excited filly as she pulled a photo of the plushie she wanted.

'Of couse she wants something based on that Isekai animation Chibi made us watch,' thought Xenilla. "You do realize only the audience see her cute form while the people in the story see her as a monster."

"I know, daddy. But all the other foals in the Crystal Empire have pets and the one pet I want is something mom would never want. Could you please do this for me?" said the filly as she bit her lip and made her eyes as misty as possible.

'Blade Dancer will either kill me or force me to sleep on the couch for weeks...but I cannot say no to our daughter,' thought the kaiju as he smiled at his daughter with love. "Okay, Crystal Dancer. I will make you the plushie, but you must keep her hidden so that your mother doesn't freak out...huff," he said before the filly tackled him into a hug.

"Thanks, daddy. I love you," said Crystal Dancer as she kissed his cheek and flew away.

"Just as loving as her mother. Okay, time to get to work," said the stallion as he went to the lab. Thanks to the technological advances created by him, Twilight Sparkle, Sunburst, and Key Ring years before, he was able to finish the plushie before the day was over and he gave it to his daughter as present at night along with instructions on how to take care of it. 'Let's hope that this doesn't backfire on me,' thought the kaiju as keeping the project secret from Blade Dancer was incredibly difficult.


A high pitched scream resonated along the crystal castle and Xenilla perked up as he recognized the voice of his wife. He stood up and ran up the stairs of his lab, opening the door to go to his wife...only to be tackled by Blade Dancer as they both rolled down the stairs. Luckily, he shielded his wife with his sturdy frame and gently picked her up before his wife snaked around him and rested on his back, her hooves shaking as she wrapped them around his neck.

Gentle wingbeats followed the event as he saw a concerned and guilty looking Crystal Dancer had followed her mother.

"Xenilla, there is an ugly monster around our daughter. I ordered the guards to keep it busy, but I need you to kill it!" Xenilla and his daughter winced as they realized the secret was out.

"Actually, Blades. There is no need to...." said the stallion before a cute voice interrupted him.

"There you are, Crystal. I wanted to apologize to your mother for scaring her, but the guards kept me busy and I had to wrap them up," the family watched as a six foot tall white spider with pink streaks and a stylized anime face talked with them amicably. "Oh, hello my creator,' said the spider as she waved one of her arms at Xenilla.

Xenilla felt that Blade Dancer's hooves stopped shaking and now they were wrapping tightly around his neck while her wings hugged his midsection.

"Xenilla, my love. Explain. NOW!" barked Blade Dancer in a voice that she only used when dealing with unruly guards. Xenilla winced but decided to take responsibility. "Our daughter wanted a pet spider, but she knew you had arachnophobia. She asked me to make her a spider animatronic that was made as cute as possible so that you wouldn't be afraid. Though I remember that she was only a few inches tall when I first gave her to you, Crystal Dancer. Mind telling me what happened?"

The filly kicked the floor guiltily while looking sad. "I was playing some potions, but Kumo fell down a potion and she grew up. I could not hide her anymore, so mom caught her," explained the filly before she looked at her mother's eyes with tears on her eyes. "Mom, please don't kill her. I will shrink her down and keep her away from you, but let me keep her. She is my friend," begged the filly

Blade Dancer sighed as she relaxed her hold on Xenilla and stared at her daughter's eyes with love. "Okay, Crystal. You can keep her, but make sure I don't see her," said the guardsmare. As the filly cheered up and took her companion up the stairs, Blade Dancer's tone became sharp. "And as for you, buster..."


Xenilla grunted as he was sleeping on the couch, knowing that it was going to happen after causing her arachnophobia to spike. He was about to fall asleep when he felt a warm body lay beside him and the scent of his beloved reached his nares. "I thought you didn't want me in your bed anymore," teased the stallion, only to get whacked in the face by her wing.

"Oh, hush! The room was lonely without you and I missed my favorite warm pillow," said the mare as she wrapped her wings around him and nuzzled him.

"I love you too, Blade Dancer."

"And I love you, Xenilla. But you must have known this was going to end badly. Why make the plushie in the first place?" inquired the mare.

"Crystal Dancer is the personification of the love we share between the two of us and of a wonderful future I would have never dreamed about back in Terra. How could I not want her to be happy or give her anything she wants?" asked the stallion.

"Who would have known the arrogant jerk I punched on my first time in the Crystal Empire would have grown up to be such a sweetheart. I'm the luckiest mare in the world," purred the red maned mare as her hooves gently grabbed his face.

Xenilla smiled as his mate gently brought him into a kiss. Her wings were teasing his sides, but his kaiju senses spiked and he stopped his mate from going any further, much to Blade Dancer's frustration until she saw her daughter enter the room.

"I was going to give you a good night kiss, daddy. It was to say sorry for mom kicking you out, but it seems you and mom already made peace with each other. Trying to get me another little brother or sister?" teased the filly with a laugh.

"No/Yes," answered Xenilla and Blade Dancer respectively before they joined their daughter in laughter.

"I have an idea. Why don't you join us in the cuddle pile? It's been a while since the three of us shared a room," suggested the stallion, which caused Crystal Dancer to scream excitedly as she joined her parents under the blanket.

"I love you, mom. I love you, dad," said the filly as she closed her eyes.

"We love you, Crystal Dancer," said Blade Dancer and Xenilla in unison as Xenilla used his magic to turn the lights off and the three of them slumbered together.

The End