Hamtaro x MLP:FiM - Little Hamsters, Pony Adventures

by RobtheMorpherPony

Season 3: Episode 11 - Devious Trap Part 1

The scene opens with a panning shot through the Everfree Forest.

"I have successfully followed the money trail and I know who it is that hired Slade for the hit on Spoiled Rich." Deca's voice could be heard. "Should we go to Canterlot and bargin with Celestia to get the client to crack?"

"That's not needed Deca." A male voice said. "After all, do you remember the call I got yesterday?"

"The one where I detected a spike in your happiness? That phone call?" Deca's voice asked as the panning of the forest gave way to the panning of some kind of lab facility.

"Yes Deca; that phone call." The male voice said. "It was Veronica. And she informed me that after six years of debating with the other tribe leaders on Alternate Earth, their planet's statue of limitations is being trashed."

"I calculate a one hundred percent chance that this means you can legally capture Slade and send him to Alternate Earth so that he can be tried for his first two murders." Deca's voice said.

"That's right Deca." The male voice said before suddenly the panning shot started going up a male anthropomorphic Anubian Jackal. "After six long years, I can finally have Slade arrested for a crime he can't find a loophole out of." The Jackal said. "The murder of his own two parents."

"Then we better get moving. Data analysis shows that if we don't stop Slade at the Rich Residence, he'll end up taking two victims tomorrow rather than the one he's being paid for." Deca said.

"I was afraid you'd say that." The Jackal said.

The scene shifts to Ponyville Elementary.

"Alright now class, we have a lot to go over today. So first--" Miss Cheerilee began before every pony in class could feel the ground shake slightly.

"Wh-what was that?!" Diamond Tiara exclaimed.

"Now every pony, please calm down. It was most likely nothing to worry about. Whatever it is, I'm sure it'll be handled with quickly." Miss Cheerilee said.

"Would that something be a giant bolder in front of the school entranceway?" Rumble asked, looking out the window.

"Wait what?" Miss Cheerilee said before she looked out as well. "WHAT THE HECK?!"

"Now that, is one huge rock." Sparkle said.

"No kidding." Penolope said.

"Hey, you two are good at doing your little pop in and out thing. Maybe you can use that to go get help." Apple Bloom said.

"That's...not really an option when the only exit is blocked." Sparkle said.

"Really? Hamtaro once told me that he nibbled his way through a wall." Penelope said.

Sparkle blinked. "I honestly have no idea how he accomplished that on his own, let alone any hope of the two of us replicated what he did." She said.

Brief A/N: In case you've never seen the Hamtaro cartoon, in the very first episode, Hamtaro nibbles his way through a wall. I am not joking. The whole show starts with Hamtaro doing this. By himself. Alone. So, to everyone who says these hamsters are OP...you're actually kind of right on that front, I'm not going to lie. I can't really argue against that statement when Hamtaro himself is able to nibble through a wall by himself in the very first episode of his own show.

"Well, even if you could, help has already arrived." Apple Bloom said.

Outside, the main six are trying to move the bolder with several adults watching. "Yep. This thing is super heavy. Much heavier then I'm used to dealing with." Applejack said. While the fillies were distracted by the fact that Hamtaro nibbled his way through a wall, Applejack had tried apple bucking the boulder; only for it to not budge an inch.

"Are you sure you're not hurt, miss Applejack?" A nurse hamster asked.

"Earth Ponies have fast healing capabilities; she'll be fine." Twilight said. "That being said, I was honestly hoping plan A would work. So, looks like we're switching to plan B."

"What's plan B?" One of the adult ponies asked.

"Plan B is that we move this rock using physics." Twilight said.

"Oh great, more nerd talk." Rainbow Dash said.

"It's not that difficult to understand this time. We just need to get some leverage to help us move the rock." Twilight said. She then levitated a plank of wood into Rainbow Dash's hooves.

"Er, how exactly is a plank of wood going to help us move the boulder?" Rainbow Dash asked.

"Easy: Wedge the wooden plank between the door of the schoolhouse and the rock and then pull." Twilight said. "This is physics at it's principle."

"Maxwell, translate that." Rainbow Dash said as she did as ordered anyways.

"What's there to translate here? I think that was clear." Maxwell said.

"Rainbow has a hard time understanding anything other than basic math..." Fluttershy said.

"Hey! I'm not that dumb!" Rainbow Dash said.

"What I'm more concerned with anyways, is why was a boulder put in front of the school's only entrance? Or for that matter, why this school only has one door leading in and out?" Maxwell asked.

"While I'm not entirely sure about that second question, the first question is that obviously, this is a distraction." Twilight said.

"A distraction? For what?" Rainbow Dash asked. "By the way, can any pony tell me where Spoiled Rich is?"

That's when every pony noticed, there were two ponies missing: Spoiled Rich and her husband, Filthy Rich.

The scene suddenly shifts to a view of Filthy Rich all tied up and gagged.

"If those foals hadn't ran me off, I could've found out that today Filthy Rich wasn't going to work so that the local branch of Barnyard Bargains could be remodeled." Slade's voice said before the scene panned over to the Indvidual in question. "Oh well, I'm good at improvising all the same." He added as he walked over to a tied up Spoiled Rich.

"It's not often I have an audience for my work; I'm sure once I'm through here, it'll send your husband's mind into total despair~" Slade said, as he branded his twin swords, Spoiled Rich's reflection being shown on them; showing her total fear at the situation.

To be continued...

Post A/N: I will be taking a break for a couple of hours after this is published. The second part of this is going to be kind of crazy and I want to be mentally prepared for writing it.