My Little Ball of Fire & Vengeance

by Scootaboom1

Ch 32

Amber Wood

After Dinky removed the blindfold from my eyes I found the princess of friendship smiling down on me, "Hello there my little pony, and kirin.

Now then Amber according to your friends you have been worried about me when you noticed that something was going on with my castle while that whole gapping vortex of doom situation was going on.

I wanted you to know that I was perfectly fine and that there is nothing to worry about that anymore. In fact I actually got my own student out of it, and she is very sorry about nearly destroying the space time continuum and will not be doing it again.

If you need any more reassurance please feel free to ask me, I would not want you to feel unsafe in Ponyville. If you have any other questions as well those are fine too."

Well that will actually be pretty convenient. I had questions about that situation and can slowly shift the questions to the other side of the vortex.

"Well I did have a few questions that I could not have answered before.

While I understand stand that you were unable to assist with that whole situation but what would you have done in that situation if you could have done something?"

Princess Twilight tapped her chin quizzically smiling, "Well my first step in that situation would be to ensure that the inhabitants of Ponyville are safe and organized while a message is sent to the Princesses in Canterlot.

Once all of that was taken care of I try to get in contact with dependable individuals from the other side of the portal. Hopefully they will have information that can assist of resolving the issue.

Does that answer your question?"

That sounds like a reasonable response but I don't think that she intended to give me so much information.

Of course it was definitely possible that I was over thinking it but if I was correct then she clearly knew about the world on the other side of the vortex or portal as she called it.

After all she planned to get in contact with a dependable individuals not to look for them. There was a good chance that she was sure there would be reliable allies on the other side of the vortex.

That was not something she was not likely to tell me if she did though that was why I was here, "Though the creatures from the other side of the vortex were not hostile what if they were?

If aggressive creatures were to fall from a vortex in the sky how would your response change?

Now that I think of it why are their no guards in Ponyville? As a princess you are a high value target for any enemies of Equestria and you do not have any protection for yourself or at least the ponies around you?"

Spike who was organizing the shelves off to the side spoke up in response to this, "You know Twilight she kinda has a point about the guard thing. It would have been a lot harder for Starlight to do her plan for revenge if we had guards."

Princess Twilight frowned at Spike and in a scolding tone said, "Spike!?"

Clearing her throat princess Twilight turned back to me and smiled, "Sorry about his comment. As for enemies of Equestria coming after me, well I will admit that it has started to become something of a pattern.

Still I do not believe that most looking to harm Equestria would go after me specifically. I just so happened to be in the right place at the right time in order to stop them. The only times those looking to harm Equestria went after me directly was Tirek who was looking for my alicorn magic and Chrysalis wanted to stop me and the others from getting the Elements...

So overall I do not think that you will really have to worry about that. The only foes who went after me were only after me like Starlight and Trixie, or in the case of Nightmare Moon she knew that I would be after the Elements.

In regards to myself or Ponyville with how close Ponyville is to Canterlot it has never really needed to have a anything more than a hoof full of guards, even with the proximity to the Everfree Forest.

There are also some guards stationed in Ponyville but they do not have to wear their armor at all times due to there being no need."

While that does not point me towards what she knows about the other side of the vortex I do not want to push too hard.

Now for my next question, "What would have actually happened to any of the creatures if they actually fell?

Would they be sent back through the vortex immediately or later? What would happen if they could not have been sent back?"

Princess Twilight hummed in thought for a moment, "Well a surprisingly large number of pegasi have training in emergency response training so Rainbow Dash was able to organize them quickly before trying to help with the castle situation.

As for what we would do if the creatures fell, well the the pegasi would either put them safely off to the side, or if it would be safe for them return them through the vortex.

Given that the creatures on the other side of the vortex were seen pulling each other back through the vortex there is a good chance we would try to return them to their world.

Once I joined the pegasi I would attempt to stabilize the vortex before returning any of the creatures to their world."

I noticed that she had not said anything about the humans getting stuck, "You did not say what would happen to any of the creatures that may have gotten stuck in this world."

Princess Twilight rubbed her head in embarrassment, "Sorry about that," she stopped to think before resuming, "well considering that I have so much room in my castle I would let them stay in one of the sitting rooms of my castle while I made preparations to send them home.

If it was not possible to send them home in a timely manner I have plenty of spare rooms for them to stay until I can send them home."

She did not even entertain the idea of the humans being unable to go home, she definitely knows something.

Now I only need to move the questions to the other world, "There was also something else that bothered me about the other side of the vortex," as if noticing that this question was different Spike led Dinky out of the room leaving an out to lunch sign, "when I saw the creatures from the other side of the vortex I saw ones that resembled the citizens of Ponyville.

I do not mean that there was one or two that resembled the ponies of Ponyville. About half of the creatures from the other side of the vortex looked exactly like ponies I recognized.

I saw ones that resembled Pinkie Pie, Rainbow Dash, and even one that looked like Derpy...


...but what really caught my attention was a winged one that looked like they were creating the vortex," now to play up the fear, "it looked like you, princess what was really going on?"