Element of Balance

by SamSwordsman123

Chapter 29: Suited For Success

Spring was beautiful in Ponyville now that winter had been all wrapped up. Fire made his way through the town with a smile, glad to feel the slight warmth of spring. Then he suddenly happened upon Twilight and Applejack.

“Good morning you two,” he greeted. “Where you headed?”

“Howdy Fire!” Applejack said. “We’re just heading over to Rarity’s.”

“I need a button on a dress fixed,” Twilight said gesturing to a saddlebag on her back that must have contained the dress. “The Grand Galloping is finally getting close after feels like forever so we need to get ready.”

“You’re right,” Fire agreed. “I’ll go with you.”

They all headed to Carousel Boutique and into Rarity’s sewing room where she did most of her work. Appejack knocked and was the first to go in.

“Howdy, Rarity!” the Earth Pony greeted in her country manner.

Fire and Twilight followed with her. They didn’t get a response and so walked in to get a better look. They saw the lovely unicorn was hard at work with her sewing. She had a pair of red glasses and a measuring tape around her neck, making her look hardworking and professional. Her back was to them as she was looking intently at an outfit she was making.

“Shh... can't you see Rarity is trying to concentrate?” Twilight whispered.

“What do you think she's makin'?” Applejack asked.

“Uh, a dress?” Fire said as it was rather obvious from the starting shape, and the unicorn’s career.

“That’s what it looks like,” Twilight agreed.

“Well, that makes sense. Since this is a dressmaker's shop and all,” Applejack replied.

Rarity growled like her cat Opal who lay nearby. The unicorn put on a forced smile as she turned to her friends. “Is there something I can help you with?”

“Oh, so very sorry to trouble you, Rarity, but I need a quick favor,” Twilight said reaching into her saddlebag and pulling out a red dress. She set it down on a table nearby and continued. “Could you please fix the button for me? It's my dress for the Grand Galloping Gala.”

Fire looked and saw the button was loose. But, if he was being perfectly honest, he felt this dress didn’t really fit Twilight. It was good, but the red and yellow he felt might clash with her purple coat.

Rarity gasped as she looked at the dress Twilight had. “Oh, no, no, no! You can't wear this,” she cringed at the sight of it. “…old thing. You need a glamorous new outfit for the Gala and I'll make it for you. No problem at all. It will be my pleasure!”

That was sweet of her. Fire smiled at the display. She was just a fine mare. Maybe she could change Blueblood for the better?
Twilight smiled as well before shaking her head. “Oh, that's really sweet of you to offer, Rarity, but I can't let you do that. It would be so much work. This dress is fine.”

“Twilight Sparkle. I insist on making you a new dress.” The fashionable unicorn pressed.

“And if I might offer my opinion,” Fire said levitating the dress Twilight had brought with her next to her body. “I don’t think this dress really goes well your coat.”

“But...” Twilight tried to object.

Rarity simply waved her hoof in the air rapidly while saying, “Not another word! I won't take no for an answer.”
“Well, in that case... thank you for your generosity, Rarity. Knowing your handiwork, I'm sure it will be absolutely beautiful.” Twilight relented.

“I agree,” Fire said. “I’m sure it will be lovely.”

Rarity blushed. “And I’d be happy to make a suit for you as well, Prince Fire!”

Fire smiled. “Well, I still have my own suit but it is getting a little small now that I think about it.”

“You alicorns do tend to grow a bit more then most of us common ponies,” Rarity said. “Say no more! You shall have a suit befitting of the wonderful prince you are! Strong and warm hearted!”

“Thanks Rarity,” Fire said. “You’ve already given me a few outfits though.”

“You need a new one to match the occasion!” Rarity said. “You’ll be getting together with Moondancer after all!”

“Yeah, but who knows if we’re going to end up together. I mean-

“Oh, don’t doubt yourself. She is a wonderful and smart mare!” Rarity said. “I’m sure you’ll both be very happy together.”

She looked away as she said that, forming a jealous frown. But she pushed it aside as she reminded herself, she would be meeting Blueblood. They’d both have a wonderful night and then live happily ever after like in a fairy tale.

Rarity then turned to the Earth Pony in their group. She looked down at Applejack’s hooves. “Let me guess, Applejack. You don't want a new gown either.”

“Gown?” Applejack repeated looking a bit uneasy. “Shoot. I was just gonna wear my old work duds.”

Rarity was horrified at that. “You can't possibly be serious, Applejack! You absolutely must wear formal attire.”

Applejack hummed in thought. “Nah.”

Fire stepped in. “I know you’re not into the whole fashion thing but Rarity’s right. This is a formal event where you have to wear clothes of some kind that are… very decent if not extravagant. Work duds aren’t gonna cut it. You’ll probably be the laughing stock of the other guests.”

“What if I just spruce up your... duds for you a little bit?” Rarity suggested while having difficulty saying the word duds, clutching her throat as though it hurt to say.

“Um…” Applejack hesitated but soon relented. “Okay, sure, why not? Since you're up for it and all. Just don't make them too... frou-frou-y.”

“Deal!” Rarity complied.

“Look out below!” A voice suddenly called from above.

A hole appeared in the roof of the boutique as Rainbow Dash came crashing in. She then bounced backwards into a trio of mannequins which fell over. Rainbow got up with a bucket and a couple pieces of cloth on her head and wings.

“Sorry. New trick. Didn't quite work,” the Pegasus said.

Rarity didn’t get angry, instead humming in thought before gasping excitedly. “Idea! I'll make you an outfit for the Gala too, Rainbow Dash!”

Rainbow Dash looked at her in surprise and looked around as though there might be another pony with her name. “Outfit for the what now?

“I'll make one for you and you and all of you. Oh!” Rarity jumped for joy as she said. “And of course Pinkie and Fluttershy too. Oh, and when I'm done, we can hold our very own fashion show!”

“What a great idea!” Twilight said. “If you're sure you can handle it.”

Rarity began levitating multiple rolls of cloth out to begin. “Oh, it'll be a little bit of work, but it will be a wonderful boost for my business. Plus, fun!”

“Oh, I love fun things!” Rainbow agreed.

“Well, you enjoy fashion. But are you sure you can handle this?” Fire asked.

“Fear not my prince!” Rarity objected. “I will have it all done in no time!”

“Alright,” Fire said.

“Then it's settled.” Rarity declared as she sat at her desk with one of the cloths. “We'll have a fashion show starring us!”

The mares cheered while Fire smiled.

Applejack then walked up beside Rarity who was now cutting the fabric. “So, all you have to do is make a different, stunning, original, amazing outfit for one, two, three, four, five, six, plus yourself… six ponies? And lickety split?”

“Oh, Applejack. You make it sound as if it's going to be hard,” Rarity said confidently with a laugh.

“Well, if you’re really sure that you can handle this,” Fire said.

“I am,” Rarity said.

They left her to do her work and she began to sing while making each outfit. Her sewing machine sewed, her sketches flew around her as she levitated them.

Thread by thread, stitching it together

Twilight's dress, cutting out the pattern snip by snip

Making sure the fabric folds nicely

It's the perfect color and so hip

Always gotta keep in mind my pacing

Making sure the clothes' correctly facing

I'm stitching Twilight's dress

Yard by yard, fussing on the details

Jewel neckline, don't you know a stitch in time saves nine?

Make her something perfect to inspire

Even though she hates formal attire

Gotta mind those intimate details

Even though she's more concerned with sales

It's Applejack's new dress!”

She then moved onto her sketches of designs for the next two ponies.

“Dressmaking's easy, for Pinkie Pie something pink

Fluttershy something breezy

Blend color and form,”

She then turned to Opalescence. “Do you think it looks cheesy?”

The cat only gave a low meow in response.

Rarity then continued singing.

“Something brash, perhaps quite fetching

Hook and eye, couldn't you just simply die?

Making sure it fits forelock and crest

Don't forget some magic in the dress

Even though it rides high on the flank

Rainbow won't look like a tank

I'm stitching Rainbow's dress

Piece by piece, snip by snip

Croup, dock, haunch, shoulders, hip

Thread by thread, primmed and pressed

Yard by yard, never stressed

And that's the art of the dress!”

She concluded her song as well as the dresses… before realizing.

Oh, and last but certainly not least.

Fire’s suit must be bright red

With a little orange flare

Something fitting a royal alicorn like him! Rarity sang with a blush before looking down sadly.

“Oh, how at times I wish I were going to the gala with him.”

She then put on a smile as she told herself, “But I’ll be fine with Blueblood!

We’ll each have our happily ever after! I’ve made Fire’s suit

With the same art of the dress!”

Fire followed the sound of Rarity’s voice as she led him and the rest of the mares in their group into her boutique workspace. She’d come over and gotten them all when the outfits were completed. “That's it. Keep them closed. Don't look. Okay, you can look now!”

All six of the other ponies opened their eyes, and gasped at what they saw. But not in a positive manner for the most part. Rarity had made five dresses and a suit. Applejack’s was primarily green and varying shades of brown with front hoof boots and red apple insignias. It even came complete with a new formal hat. Twilight’s dress was blue with stars and a matching hairpiece. Fluttershy’s had a nature theme, colored green with flowers on the flowing back, a butterfly hairpiece, and shoes that resembled vines. Rainbow’s dress befittingly was the same colors of a rainbow with a cloud like base, a hairpiece that resembled a pair of wings and what looked like a cluster of grapes on the chest, her shoes were the same shade of gold as her hair piece. Pinkie’s was primarily pink with some blue and white as well designs of candy wrappers as well as candy corn. Then there was Fire’s suit which was red with gold flame patterns on the sleeves, a red and yellow tie on the white color, a brooch in the shape of a sword on the chest, and blue shoes which added a nice contrast.

“These are your new outfits. What do you think of your old duds now, Applejack? Pretty swanky, are they not? And Twilight! I made this dress for you, and I designed each outfit theme to perfectly reflect each pony's unique personality. Oh, it took me forever to get the colors right on this one, Rainbow Dash, but I did it. Oh, and it turned out beautiful, don't you think? And I know you are going to love yours, Fluttershy. It just sings spring! And Pinkie Pie, look! Pink! Your favorite! Aren't they all amazing?”

She looked at her friends who stammered. Then her heart slowly began to sink as she noticed Fire was the only one who had a full smile on his face.

“I think you did a wonderful job Rarity!” Fire said stepping forward and getting a closer look at his suit.

He looked at the others saw their reactions. They stood frozen for a while, as if struggling to find the words and Rarity could only grin nervously.

“Wow... they're...” Twilight tried to speak first.

“Yeah, they're...” Rainbow Dash couldn’t find the words either.

“They sure are... somethin'.” Applejack managed.

“Yes!” Twilight agreed pointing to Appejack and finally finding some of her voice. “Something.”

“I love something! Something is my favorite!” Pinkie agreed halfheartedly.

“It's... nice,” Fluttershy said politely but with drooped ears.

Rarity noticed all their reactions. “But what's the matter? Don't you like them?”

“They're very nice…” Twilight said reluctantly.

“And we're plumb grateful 'cause you worked so hard on them.” Applejack added.

“Mine's just not as cool as I was imagining,” Rainbow bluntly told Rarity, causing the other two to glare at her. “She asked.”

Fire frowned. “I don’t get what you guys are not enthused about! These all really suit you. Applejack this has your sign on it! Literally! And it doesn’t look nearly as formal as a lot of others! But it will get the job done! And Twilight, this blue is the perfect shade to go with your coat and it certainly sparkly enough for a pony with the last name Sparkle with all these stars! Fluttershy, you love nature and this dress just speaks it! Rainbow Dash, this is every bit as colorful and sky high as you! And Pinkie, you’re all about sweets and pink!”

“I guess what we're all saying is that they're just not what we had in mind,” Twilight said.

Looking into Rarity’s eyes, Fire saw she was devastated.

“Yeah. Uh-huh,” all the others agreed.

“Hey, sometimes what you have in mind isn’t what’s best! I think these are all perfect reflections of each of us!” Fire said.

Rarity sighed and rubbed her hoof. “That's okay. Not a problem. There's plenty more where that came from. They were only a first pass. You're my friends and I want you to be one hundred and ten percent satisfied. Not to worry, I'll redo them.”

“Oh, Rarity. You don't have to do that. They're fine,” Fluttershy tried to kindly say.

“I want them to be better than just fine. I want you to think they're absolutely perfect.” Rarity wouldn’t settle for less.

“Are you sure? I mean, we wouldn't wanna impose,” Applejack said.

Rarity shook her head. “Oh, it's no imposition. Really, I insist.”

“Well, in that case... thank you again, Rarity.” Twilight acknowledged.

They all left except Fire. Rarity let out a strained laugh. “What have I gotten myself into?”

Fire walked over to her and put a hoof on her. “I think your designs were perfect for everypony.”

“They didn’t seem to agree,” Rarity said looking down.

Fire began to stroke her mane. “I don’t think they have the same fashion eye as you do.”

“And you do?” Rarity asked looking at him.

“Maybe a little,” Fire admitted. “I appreciate the finer things for sure. Been getting fine clothes all my life. They… not so much. You don’t need to fix my suit in any way. I love it.”

“Oh, thank you,” Rarity said with a sincere smile.

“We don’t have much time till the fashion show which is coming by,” Fire reminded her. “Try not to work yourself too hard.”

“I must get something!” Rarity insisted. “My whole career could depend on it!”

She rushed over to her table and got to work. Fire sighed, having a feeling he couldn’t talk her out of it. Everything just had to be perfect with her and their friends had not been satisfied.

Rarity was hard at work on her sewing machine. Her normally elegantly curled mane had become a bit messy due to her being so focused on her dress making. Then suddenly the door opened.

“Hello? You wanted to see me, Rarity?” Fluttershy asked as she came in.

“Fluttershy!” Rarity exclaimed excitedly. “Your new-new gown's ready. I completely revised it and I know you're going to love it.”

Fluttershy looked at herself in the mirror. Though, her gown didn’t seem different from the one she’d seen earlier.

“What do you think?” Rarity asked eagerly.

“I... love it.” Fluttershy spoke without enthusiasm.

“Oh, you're just saying that,” Rarity saw through the ruse and turned away.

“No, no. I do. It's... nice.” Fluttershy said.

Nice?” Rarity repeated unsatisfied.

“Nice.” Fluttershy said once again.

“If you don't like it, you should just tell me,” Rarity said.

“Oh, but I do like it.” Fluttershy insisted.

“Like it or love it?” Rarity pressed.

“Um... both?”

“Which is it?”

Fluttershy stammered. “Please stop asking me this, I...”

Rarity kept pressing until the Pegasus cracked.

“All right! Since you really wanna know,” Fluttershy said before speaking very fast Rarity could barely keep up. “The armscye's tight, the middy collar doesn't go with the shawl lapel, the hems are clearly machine-stitched, the pleats are uneven, the fabric looks like toile, you used a backstitch here when it clearly called for a topstitch or maybe a traditional blanket stitch, and the overdesign is reminiscent of prêt-à-porter and not true French haute couture. But, uh... you know... um, whatever you want to do is fine.”

Rarity looked at her with an open mouth and moved onto the rest of her friends.

“Now, the stars on my belt need to be technically accurate. Orion has three stars on his belt, not four.” Twilight said as Rarity made her a darker star themed dress.

Rarity began to sing once again to keep her mind in the zone but it was far less enthused then when she made the first dresses.

“Stitch by stitch, stitching it together

Deadline looms, don't you know the client's always right?

Even if my fabric choice was perfect

Gotta get them all done by tonight.”

She then got her friends opinions.

“Pinkie Pie, that color's too obtrusive.” Rarity said as Pinkie held a green color she wanted for her dress.

“Wait until you see it in the light.” She opened the window to let some sunlight in.

“I'm sewing them together!”

Pinkie Pie joined the song. “Don't you think my gown would be more "me" with some lollipops?”

Rarity tried to say/sing, “Well, I think...

“Balloons?” Pinkie cut her off.


“Do it!” Pinkie didn’t let her get a word in.

Rarity then painful continued singing and sewing, giving into each of her friends demands.

“Hour by hour, one more change

I'm sewing them together, take great pains

Fluttershy, you're putting me in a bind

Rainbow Dash, what is on your mind?

Oh my gosh, there's simply not much time

Don't forget, Applejack's duds must shine

Dressmaking's easy, every customer's call

Brings a whole new revision

Have to pick up the pace, still hold to my vision.”

Twilight then presented an image to Rarity. “That constellation is Canis Major, not Minor.

“French haute couture, please.” Fluttershy requested as she had her bird friends present a picture of a dress with a star on the base and a sharp leaflike headdress that Rarity knew didn’t suit her at all.

“Ugh.” Rarity sighed as she got a fresh line of fabric out.

“What if it rains? Galoshes!” Applejack insisted.

“More balloons! Oh no, that's too many balloons. More candy!” Pinkie instructed before changing her tune. “Oh, less candy. Oh wait, I know. Streamers!”

“Streamers?” Rarity repeated.

“Whose dress is this?” Pinkie asked cluelessly.

“Streamers it is.”

Next was Rainbow Dash. Rarity looked at her.

“What?” she asked.

Rarity sung her question. “Aren't you going to tell me to change something too?

“No, I just want my dress to be cool.” Rainbow sung.

“Do you not like the color?” Rarity asked/sung.

“The color's fine, just make it look cooler.” Rainbow replied in her line.

“Do you not like the shape?”

“The shape's fine, just make the whole thing... you know, cooler. It needs to be about twenty percent cooler.”

That didn’t give Rarity clear instructions and the unicorn banged her head in frustration.

All we ever want is indecision

All we really like is what we know

Gotta balance style with adherence

Making sure we make a good appearance

Even if you simply have to fudge it.”

Pinkie, Rainbow, Twilight, Fluttershy, and Applejack all sang a line as they came in and out of the boutique.

Then they all sung together. “Make sure that it stays within our budget.”

“Got to overcome intimidation,” Rarity sung nervously.

“Remember, it's all in the presentation!

Piece by piece, snip by snip

Croup, dock, haunch, shoulders, hip

Bolt by bolt, primmed and pressed

Yard by yard, always stressed

And that's the art of the dress!”

Rarity finally finished and collapsed after all her work. Not to mention she was utterly dismayed with the results. “Oh, Opal. These are the ugliest dresses I've ever made!”

Her cat was on the mannequin that had Rarity’s still incomplete dress on it with the drawing for the end result on the wall behind it. Even if the cat was rather prissy and irritable, deep down she wanted her owner to succeed.

Rarity once more gathered her friends and Fire was there as well.

“Okay. I did exactly what each of you asked for,” Rarity said with a look of disgust. “Now don't hold back. Let me know what you really think.”

They all looked at their dresses. Fire could understand the disgust. Even Opalescence was mad at the dresses and was swiping at them with her claws. The others didn’t share the sentiment.

“Oh my!” Twilight squealed in delight.

“It's... perfect!” Fluttershy said.

“It's cool!” Rainbow chimed in.

“Why, they're the best duds I ever did see.” Applejack said as she looked at an ugly pair of boots.

Then they all spoke together. “It's exactly what I asked for!”

Rarity sighed.

“Thank you, Rarity,” Twilight said.

Pinkie Pie then bounced over right in front of the unicorn. “Are you as happy with them as we are? Huh? Huh? Huh?”

Rarity forced a grin. “Well, I'm... happy that all of you are happy. I'm just relieved to finally be done.”

Fire sighed, knowing this fashion show would probably be a disaster.

Suddenly the door opened and Spike came rushing.

“You are never gonna believe this! You've heard of Hoity Toity?

“The bigwig fashion hotshot in Canterlot?” Twilight asked.

“Uh-huh,” Spike nodded. “He heard about your fashion show. Well, maybe I happened to mention it to him.”

Fire frowned. “How do you know a fashion bigwig?”

Spike shrugged. “Not important! Anyway, he's coming here all the way from Canterlot to see your work, Rarity!”

Somehow, Fire had a feeling that Spike had used his connection with Celestia to get this as a favor to Rarity.

“Whoa, Nelly!” Applejack exclaimed before turning to Rarity. “You could sell a ton o' dresses to this guy. Your business will be booming!”

The others were all excited for her at this prospect.

“Hoity Toity? He's coming here? To see these dresses?” Rarity asked with growing fear.

Spike nodded. “Yep! Get ready for all of your dreams to come true!”

That night, many ponies gathered around a stage around Townhall. Opal and Rarity both looked out of the curtain nervously to look at the audience.

“There he is!” Rarity exclaimed as she spotted a gray pony with sunglasses and a bigwig on.

Rarity took several deep breaths to calm herself. “Okay. Relax, Rarity. Your friends like their outfits and so will he.”

Suddenly the lights began to dim. “What's wrong with the lights?! Oh, yes. That means the show's starting. Good.”

She pulled her head back in.

Music began to play, a light was lit on the stage and Spike spoke into a microphone.

“Since the beginning of time, the elite of Equestria have longed for pony fashions that truly expressed the essence of their very souls. Patiently waiting decades—no, centuries—for the perfect pony gown. Today, at long last, Equestria, your wait is over! Let's hear it for the breathtaking designs of Ponyville's own Rarity!

The mares stepped out onto the stage in their outfits. Fire felt they all looked like more of a circus group then a fashionable group. Twilight and Pinkie had stars and a giant cupcake on their heads, Rainbow looked more like a soldier then a party goer, and Fluttershy had what looked like a bird's nest as her hat.

They noticed several unimpressed glares and even a tongue sticking out.

“Why's everypony lookin' at us like that?” Applejack asked.

“Oh dear,” Twilight said.

“You think we overdid it?” Rainbow Dash asked.

“Nah,” Applejack said before looking at her boots which were really meant for rain. “Okay, maybe a little.”

Hoity Toity took a look at the outfits and gave his honest opinion. “Oh, those amateurish designs look like a piled-on mishmash of everything but the kitchen sink!”

The ponies laughed at this causing the five other mares to cringe. Coincidentally, Rarity had a kitchen sink right next to her in back of the stage which she pushed back.

“It's a travesty is what it is. Those outfits are the ugliest things I've ever seen, oh for shame! Who is responsible for subjecting our eyes to these horrors? Not to mention wasting my valuable time!” Hoity declared.

“Oh!” Rarity exclaimed and turned to Opal. “Hide me!”

Fire was back with her and spoke up. “Don’t worry Rarity. I still have my suit!”

She looked at him desperately. “Please save me!”

He nodded. “I will.”

Fire stepped out onto the stage in his suit as the mares stepped off. The attending ponies all smiled seeing the son of Celestia in his very attractive outfit.

“Now that is much better!” Hoity Toity said. “And with a royal no less!”

“Apologies for the bad first impression Mr. Toity,” Fire said as he gestured to the mares. “My designer friend all made wonderful outfits for these mares but they… in their…”

He turned to face them. “Sorry for saying this girls but it really needs to be said… lackluster taste in fashion… asked the designer to make it the way they wanted.”

The five of them looked down as they realized they had made a big mistake.

“Well, they certainly are lackluster!” Hoity Toity said. “I hope you still have the good dresses and they are as wonderful as you claim your highness! Because you have about fifteen minutes to get them and show me or this fashion show will only receive a three-star review. And that’s only because of your wonderful suit.”

Fire looked at the other mares who were still looking disappointed.

“Go and put on the good outfits and get back here immediately!” he ordered. “And no complaints! By order of your prince!”

“Right away!” Applejack said as she the others ran off while throwing their bad outfits to the ground.

They returned just in time in their better outfits. Twilight in her blue star gown.

“Hello,” Hoity said in awe as the other ponies looked impressed with stars in their own eyes.

Next, he saw Applejack.

“Simply magnificent! And I suddenly have a fierce craving for some Dutch apple pie, candied apples on a stick, apple turnovers, apple cobbler.”

He mumbled more about apples until Pinkie came up.

“Brilliant! Oh, spectacular!” he said as he saw Pinkie and then Rainbow and finally Fluttershy in their very befitting and fashionable dresses. Now this is a fashion show! All of these dresses are absolutely amazing. Who is responsible? Step forward, show yourself!”

Rarity stepped out nervously in… her bare state.

“Marvelous designs miss!” Hoity said. “But where is your outfit? Don’t tell me you didn’t make one for yourself?”

Rarity blushed.

Twilight stepped forward. “That was our fault once again. We had her make the dresses the way we wanted them. But that was a mistake we see now. Please if we could do a finale tomorrow?”

Hoity huffed. “Well, since the son of Celestia himself apologized and the true designs were simply marvelous I will grant that request.”

The ponies all left, very happy with the do over performance. Rarity then ran out and hugged Fire.

“Oh, thank you Fire!” she cried out. “You’re my hero!”

Fire smiled.

“Now I just need to make my own outfit before tomorrow morning,” Rarity said.

“No,” Twilight said approaching her.

“You have worked yerself way too hard getting our designs done.” Applejack told her.

“Let us do this one to make it up to you,” Rainbow Dash said.

“You? But none of you know anything about making dresses!” Rarity exclaimed.

“I am actually pretty handy with sewing,” Fluttershy said. “Just show me the design.”

Rarity did so and Fluttershy got to work while she slept till morning. When Fire arrived, he found the unicorn dressed in a dark pink dress lined with jewels and complete with a tiara on her head. She looked like a real princess.

“Wow,” Fire said. “You are… beautiful Rarity.”

“Thank you, Fire,” Rarity said with a blush. “And thank you again for last night. I’d probably be super depressed right now if you hadn’t stepped in with your suit and royal status.”

“No problem,” Fire said. “That’s just what a flame is after all, a light to get close to and warm up by when things get dark and cold.”
Rarity stepped out onto the stage as Hoity Toity watched.

“Brava! Brava! Magnifico!” he clapped as he saw her and all of them in their dresses as well as Fire in his suit.

They headed back to the boutique where Rarity received a five-star review put in her window.

“Big step in maybe becoming a royal fashion designer,” Frie told her.

She smiled while Twilight began to recite a letter.

“Dear Princess Celestia,” Twilight said while Spike wrote. “This week, my very talented friend Rarity learned that if you try to please everypony, you often times end up pleasing nopony, especially yourself. And I learned this, when somepony offers to do you a favor, like making you a beautiful dress, you shouldn't be overly critical of something generously given to you. In other words, you shouldn't look a gift horse in the mouth.”

Spike sent the letter and Hoity Toity approached the mare of the moment who was currently being nuzzled by her cat in a rare show of affection. “Rarity, my congratulations to you on a most impressive fashion debut. Would you do me the great honor of allowing me to feature your couture in my Best of the Best Boutique in Canterlot?”

Rarity eyes sparkled and she smiled then gasped in delight.

Seeing her enthusiastic silence was confirmation, Hoity Toity went on. “Now, I'll need you to make a dozen of each dress for me by next Tuesday."

Rarity gave another strained laugh.

“I think she can manage that,” Fire said. “With a little help from her friends. Or at least Fluttershy.”

He looked at the yellow Pegasus who blushed.

“She managed to do all the things we requested. She’ll have no problem with a little help.”