Flurry Heart and the Imprisoned King

by ddstory25

Why do you answer me?

It was past ten when Flurry awoke the next day. She was running very late. She never slept in like this. She rushed around in a haze getting her notebooks and research books all together. As soon as she opened her door to rush to the library she bumped into somepony. She looked up ready to apologize when she met her father’s eyes. Her eyes widened 
“Oh, daddy! Hi, what are you doing here?”
“I’m checking on you. It's past ten in the morning, you never sleep this late.”
“Yeah, well I was up late last night studying the castle and then I found an interesting read on Celestia’s school.”
She smiled awkwardly at her dad; he just looked back and gave a loving smile. 
“Okay, well make sure you know when to stop and get some sleep, honey.” 
He turned to leave. She followed behind him til she turned left towards the kitchen while he stayed straight. As she walked to the kitchen she thought to herself. 

Dad went straight; he didn’t follow me. Usually, he would follow me since he would eat breakfast with me. Even if I’m running late. What could be so important that he wouldn't come eat with me? 

She stopped thinking about it as she reached the kitchen and grabbed a muffin off the counter. Then headed towards the library.

Shining Armor was headed straight to the guards that were posted at the dungeon. They had reported that they had found something strange, something that he had to see. This worried him. He knew who was down there and couldn’t help but wonder what Somber could have done to warrant a reaction like this from his guards. What could it be? Were his black crystals escaping the cell again? Did he have to reinforce his barrier spell again? His mind raced as he approached the two guards; the one was holding something in his magic. Shining approached the pair, his face was pulled into a stern frown and his voice was strong as he asked.
“What happened?”
The unicorn guard stepped up and saluted his captain
“Sir, we found these on the floor outside of the prisoner's cell this morning.”
He pulled out the crystal roses, they were still vibrant even after being picked. Shining looked at them puzzled. 
“Yes sir.”
“Where did they come from?”
The pegasus guard answered.
“We don't know sir, they were on the floor outside his cell and he refused to answer us. My new partner wasn’t very helpful by the way.” 
The pegasus guard sneered at the unicorn, Shining Armor didn't hear that last part as he looked down the corridor towards the dungeon.

What fool would break into the castle, just to give him flowers?... What pony even knows he is down here?

He closed his eyes and breathed in. Trying to quell his racing mind. He released his breath and addressed the guards. 
“Alright, I’m going down there. No need to come along, he wouldn’t dare hurt me.”
The two guards stepped aside as Shining Armor walked by grabbing the roses in his magic. He walked down the corridor of the dungeon, hatred consuming him as he stopped in front of the only occupied cell. He opened the door to the cell entering as he did he cast a protective spell on himself to ensure his safety. He looked at the prisoner who was still asleep. Anger and hatred overtook his features as he grabbed the prisoner in his magic and threw him violently against the far wall. Cracks started radiating out from the spot he was thrown into. 
“Alright, Sombra. Where did you get these?”
He held the roses up and grabbed Sombra again in his magic as he hissed violently. Sombra coughed and answered smugly.
“Good morning to you, too.” 
He looked at the roses that Shining Armour held up. He looked back at Shining Armour giving him a smug grin.
“Why, whatever do you mean, you know I can’t leave. Even if I could, you don’t think I would come back here, do you?”
Shining tightened his magical grip on Sombra. Shining, grinded his teeth together, knowing that this beast was right.
“So, who came to see you then? Who gave you these?”
His voice was stern as he addressed Sombra. Sombra was somewhat delighted to see the prince in such disarray over some flowers. He answered, arrogance laced his tone.
“If I knew, why would I tell you?”
A triumphant smile crossed his lips, revealing his fangs. Shining dropped him and threw the roses at him most of which fell apart as they hit him. He turned to leave. Before he left he spoke bitterly.
“I’ll find out who it is, Sombra. Just wait, they'll be down here with you soon.”
“We’ll see about that.”
Sombra taunted Shining, as he watched him leave. He lowered his stance and started coughing violently. Sombra fell slightly as he opened his eyes. The coughing fit ended only for him to see red puddles covering the dark blue floor of his cage. He sat down and brought a hoof up to his neck feeling the spot that Shining had grabbed him. He brought his other hoof to his mouth wiping away the warm red liquid, eyeing it. He whispered to himself
“You're the only one who ever actually puts any real force into your assault. I was starting to forget what blood looked like.”


Flurry was sitting in her usual spot on the dungeon floor. As she looked at Sombra she noticed he was sitting further away than usual. She wanted to ask why but decided not to instead she asked.
“Hey, Sombra, why are you answering my questions? Every book I’ve read says that you were a unicorn with a heart as black as night. I figured you wouldn’t answer me. Or at least would have pushed me away more.”
He stared at her
“A question like that wasn't part of the deal.”
Her ears folded back as she smiled awkwardly.
“Well, I know. But I was just curious. I mean, I think you like me as a friend and I think we're friends.”
He looked at her, emotionless. Flurry’s stomach felt like a rock was sitting in it; she couldn't figure out what was wrong with him. He seemed to be disconnected or uninterested like his mind was somewhere else.
“You should stick with your normal questions. I imagine you won't be coming here much longer.” 
Confusion overtook her face
“What do you mean by that?”
The roses or what was left of them were dropped in front of the bars to Sombra’s prison. They were being held in a red magical embrace. He spoke, monotoned.
“Shining Armor, your father, came to see me today. And guess what?”
He waited for her to answer but she didn’t say anything. She kept her eyes on the roses. He continued.
“He knows someone has been seeing me. Unfortunately, your gift may as well be your downfall.”
“Gift? Oooohhhhh”
Realization set in. She didn’t think the guards had noticed them the other night since one was too busy tormenting Sombra. While the other didn't even care what was happening. She bit her lip, looking around.
“Well, I-I’ll do something about it, it's fine. Don’t worry about it.”
She gave him a reassuring smile, he sighed looking away from her.
“If you say so.”
Flurry was surprised that he didn’t have a witty retort for her. He kept the roses in her line of sight as he dropped them. She sighed and smiled asking nervously.  
“Okay, so why are you answering my questions? Is it because I’m a princess and super cute?”
He snickered at her.
“No, nothing like that. I don’t care that you're a princess. I also don’t think you're cute at all.”
She furrowed her brow as he continued speaking.
“I don’t really, know either. I do really, hate you crystal ponies but every other pony who came to see me before, were either guards and they aren’t very pleasant as you saw. Princess Mi Amore Cadenza visits once in a while but never says anything; she only checks on the spell on the cell. Hmm, I suppose after sixteen years of isolation you were refreshing to see and talk to. That and you surprised me saying you wanted to talk to me. No pony has wanted to speak to me in a thousand years. It was...nice?... I suppose I’m going crazy since I appear to enjoy your presence.”
He questioned his last words. She blushed in embarrassment.
“W-w-what thats...I um.*ahem* That's really, sad.”
He looked at her mildly amused. She asked defensively.
“What it is.”
“Why were you so flustered, it's not like I said I loved you. I only enjoy your company…. Barely.”
A smile crossed his lips and a devilish look appeared in his eye at least she thought it did.
“Unless you do like me more than a research project.”
“What no! That's crazy. Besides you don’t even like me that much. Plus were friends, friends.”
She emphasized the last word.
“Well, you're right about that. I tolerate you more than I used to.”
Flurry averted her eyes, as she got up. 
“Well, I’m done for today besides I have to do something important tomorrow and I can’t be tired. I’ll see you later.”
"How sad, you're leaving already."
Flurry looked at him, a bit bewildered asking.
"What will you miss me?"
He scoffed at her. 
"Hardly. It's just that you came down and that is all you wanted today… Seems odd to me is all."
Flurry's budding smile died as a frown replaced it. 
"Sorry to disappoint you but I really, only had one question tonight. But you know I'll be back tomorrow."
He watched her leave thinking to himself.

That pony is an enigma that I’ll never understand. 
He looked at the ruined roses again. 
However, she is a little glimpse of happiness that I don’t deserve in this dungeon. When her parents force her to stop or when she decides she has all the information she needs and stops coming, I suppose I’ll actually, miss her. How funny that is, yet fitting since isolation is the cruelest punishment one can give...Friends huh? She's nuts. I don't have friends...not anymore

He looked at the remainder of the roses and stomped on them completely, destroying them. Speaking to no one but himself.
“Honestly, I answer you cause if I didn’t I would surely have gone mad by now. I assume I already have since I would never have answered you five years ago. That and the isolation and torment from the guards is tiring… How pathetic I actually, miss real conversation and somepony to talk to…. Some monster I turned out to be. I’m just like any other pony… No like any other creature.”

It was late but Cadence was still up pacing in her room. She was worried about what Shining Armor had told her about Sombra. She looked at Shining and asked panic in her voice.
“You don’t think he can get out of his prison do you?”
Shining came over and held her. 
“No, I don't think so. I think somepony is going down to the dungeon and seeing him.”
Cadence's face was consumed by fear. She bit her lip.
“But who would do that? He’s evil and only the most trusted guards are allowed to guard the dungeon. Who could-”
Just then a knock on their door interrupted their conversation. The two looked at each other as another knock came from the door. Cadence breathed out and regained her composure, speaking calmly. 
“You may enter.”
To her surprise, it was the gardener, Tulip Star, an earth pony with a soft lavender coat and light blue mane and tail. She entered and bowed to her princess and prince clearing her throat before addressing them.     
“My princess, I came to tell you that somepony was seen entering the garden after hours.”
The pair looked at each other confused. Shining asking
“How do you know that and what proof do you have of that?”
She smiled smugly.
“I saw the pony using a secret tunnel under my daisy patch, also a patch of blue crystal roses was picked and is missing. Those roses aren’t supposed to be picked unless a royal orders it.”
They looked at each other Cadence asking 
“Are you implying one of us was down there?”
She shrank a little as she answered
“What!? No, of course not but I think somepony else did. Some pony who likes to study things in depth.”
Shining didn’t like what she was implying but sadly couldn’t rule out the possibility, after all, Flurry was just recently obsessively researching the Crystal Empire’s history.
“Tulip Star, leave now!”
“But I-I didn’t mean to offend you my liege it's just my daisies are all ruined and I know that the princess had been looking at old maps of the castle I just think maybe she-”
He snapped at her and waved his hoof at her dismissing her. Her ears folded against her skull. She had never seen the prince like that before and it scared her. She didn’t mean to upset him but she did as she was told and left. They watched as she left them. They turned to each other. Shining saying what Cadence was thinking.
“You don’t think Flurry would go down there do you?”
Cadence looked down her heart was breaking as she answered.
“I do. You know she takes after your side of the family when she starts looking into things she is interested in. When that happens  nothing can stop her.”
Shining frowned asking.
“But we never mentioned that anypony was in the dungeon. How could she have figured that out? All records lead to a dead end. Plus all the books on the Crystal Empire say that he was destroyed how could she-”
Cadence yelled at him tears falling down her face as she breathed in and out.
“I don’t know but we're either going to have to watch her or confront her with this.”
Shining walked over to Cadence and hugged her, saying.
“We'll talk to her about it.”
They stayed like that way for a while, holding each other in a warm embrace before going to bed.