Sunshine and Rainshine

by SteamFluttershy

Chapter 1 (Rainshine)

Rain. Lots of pure, cold, wet rain. This is the regular weather for the Netherlands. It had been raining for a week now and it still didn’t show any signs of stopping. I didn’t mind though, I’ve lived here all my life, so I’m used to it. Going through my normal morning routine of getting ready for school. I’ve got to bike to school, through the rain, since they don’t have any school busses here. No wonder we’re the ‘biking’ country.

“Ugh, rain, rain, and rain. It’s been going on for a week now. When is it going to stop?” I said.

I often talk to myself when I’m alone. My mom has gone to bring my siblings to school, and my dad has gone to work. So, I’m left alone to get ready and maybe have some peace and quiet before I go.

Finishing my sandwich with Nutella, I love Nutella; I brushed my teeth and took care of my other facial aspects, and say that I had a good 15 minutes left. So, I decided to sit down and rest a bit.

Ten minutes later I decided it’d be best to go. I always leave 5 minutes prior to my normal departing time, and I’m always 5 minutes early everywhere. It’s just some good manners my dad taught me over the years, and I’m very grateful for it.

Going outside and unlocking the doors and my bike, fastening my backpack to my bike and setting off to school, I thought; Someday I need to have a good talk with the weathermen around here. It hasn’t let up a bit at all.

Little did I know that the rain would change my life and surroundings for good.