//------------------------------// // Toshikazu Hazamada (Show Off) // Story: Life as a Sonic OC Redux // by Kitsulestia //------------------------------// *Ichigo's POV* Well, I was back in Morioh once again as I meet up with Josuke and Koichi. I spoke "Hey guys." Josuke spoke "Oh, hey Ichigo." Koichi spoke "Hi." A voice spoke "Hello, Master Koichi!" I looked, seeing Tamami Kobayashi, Stand User of The Lock. I guess he has changed. I spoke "Danyelle would be impressed." Shizue was on Josuke's head as she mewls happily. Tamami spoke "*As I giggled at the sight* Anywho, I came here with info to tell Josuke and Master Koichi, but I guess you can know too." “Hmm? What?” I asked as I picked up Shizue and covered her ears before Tamami explained. Josuke asks "You serious? So I guess we aren’t the only Stand Users at this school after all, huh?" Tamami spoke "Right. *Shows a picture of a male Banette Poke-Mobian* Toshikazu Hazamada, enrolled as a junior in class C. Apparently, he and his buddy had a falling over out over something trivial right before the spring terms started. Seems the friend dissed Hazamada’s favorite idol or anime or something. Normally, that’d be nothing to write home about, but everything changed one night, *Points to left eye* when the friend he was arguing with gouged out his own eye with a mechanical pencil." That unnerved the three of us. Tamami spoke "It’s crazy, right? I hear Hazamada’s friend said this in the hospital, “When I came to, I was staring at my eyeball in my hand with the only eye I had left.” That made Koichi shut his eyes with a scared wince. Josuke asks "*Looks at picture* So you’re saying this guy ripped out his friend’s eye and he used some kind of stand to do the job?" Tamami spoke "Welp, that could be what happened here, but there’s no surefire way to find out. Remember, the average person isn’t able to see a Stand." I ask "But if someone has a strong magic level, could they see stands?" Tamami spoke "Like I said, there’s no surefire way to find out." Josuke spoke "Yeah, I dunno. This all sounds fishy to me." Tamami spoke "What did you just say?! Josuke, I don’t know who you think you are, but you’ve got no right to say that to me. I’ve got a real job now, ya know." Koichi asks "Hang on, you’re actually working now?" Tamami spoke "Heh, ‘course I am. I managed to land myself a sweet little gig in finance." Koichi asks "Finance, huh? You sure that isn’t code for loan shark or something?" Tamami spoke "For now, let’s just say I’m working with some good people." I ask "What do you think Josuke?" Josuke spoke "That’s great, *Refers to the Banette in the picture* but did you forget about this? We’ve got work to do. *Pockets picture*" I was shaking a bit since I hated ghosts. Koichi spoke "Wait up, Josuke!" “M-Me too.” I agreed. Josuke spoke "Well, you and your cuz will be a visitor for the place." Tamami spoke "Master Koichi, you’re serious gonna go too? *As I covered Shizue’s ears* Just let that jackass Josuke and the girl handle it." Koichi spoke "I have to do it. Something evil is taking over our town. *Mentally to himself* And if Morioh’s in danger, then my mom, dad, sis, and pretty much everyone else I care about are in danger as well. *Physically* I’m scared, but it has to be done. *Follows us*" Tamami spoke "*Touched with tears and a bit of snot* Wow, what a gutsy thing to say. Then again, I would expect nothing less from my hero. But still… *Starts heading off* You guys’ll have to excuse me as I’ve gotta get home now. Stay outta trouble, Master Koichi. *Heads off*" I spoke "I th-think we sh-should call in backup in case th-three people can't handle it." Josuke spoke "Ichigo, calm down." “O-Okay.” I said, calming down a bit as we later investigated, not finding the Banette. Koichi spoke "It doesn’t look like he’s hiding out in this room." Josuke spoke "Honestly, it’s be kinda creepy if he was in here, him coming back to school acting like nothing happened, especially after digging out his friend’s eye with a pencil. Guys like that are… psychos." Koichi and I couldn’t help but agree as we soon went to Hazamada’s locker as Shining Diamond opened it forcefully. Koichi asks "Hey Josuke! What are you doing?" Josuke spoke *Drops door* I’m just taking a quick look through this guy’s locker. Keep an eye out, Koichi." Koichi spoke "The least you can do is give me some warning next time." I spoke "*sweatdrop* We might be charged with destruction of school property..." My left ear twitches since I heard voices. Josuke spoke "Don’t worry, Shining Diamond will fix it so nothing happened. Anyway, he left his bag. So he did come back to school." I looked, seeing a pair of students walk by not noticing us, much to my relief. Josuke asks "*Searches through locker* Looks like he’s in the tennis club and a manga fan. And he’d be right at home in a hoarder’s club. I don’t see how he could have hidden that bow and arrow in here with all this stuff. Huh? *Grabs something* What’s this wooden thing?" But then I saw a wooden mannequin in the locker. Josuke asks "*Backs off* A Stand-Wait, no. Look like it’s just an ordinary object. Why would this freak have one of those wooden mannequins they sell in art stores?" I heard a faint growl from Bast and Sekhmet. I spoke "Guys, both of my stands are on edge because they both sense something off about the wooden doll." Josuke spoke "Well, it sure scared me." But then the left arm of the mannequin started morphing before smoke exploded from inside the mannequin. Koichi asks "Huh?" We looked, only to see… Josuke coming out of the locker? Koichi gasps "What?! H-How?!" Josuke spoke "I touched it and the thing turned into me. Well, I guess that pretty much proves it. Hazamada’s a Stand user." I looked at the Josuke copy, seeing a screw in the forehead as he smirked. Josuke spoke "That’s just great. Turning into me? Quite the cheeky move, pal." I growl at the fake Josuke. The fake Josuke asks "The manga “Perman”, you know it?" Koichi spoke "It-It can speak. And it sounds just like you, Josuke." The fake Josuke spoke "If you read “Perman”, you’d know there’s a copy-robot in it. It’s handy, don’t you think? Bet you wish you had one right about now." Perman? Josuke asks "Uh, hey Koichi, what’s he mumbling about? Who is this Perman guy?" The fake Josuke asks "*Shocked* You’re telling me you haven’t read “Perman”? How’s that even possible? Are you sure you’re Japanese?" Josuke spoke "That’s enough. I’ll be asking the questions around here." Josuke charged before the fake raised its arms with Josuke doing the same thing. Josuke spoke "He’s got my arms." That left me confused. I shove Shizue into Koichi's arms. I spoke "*eyes glazed over with magic so I could see invisible threads* I see something! There's an invisible thread tying the fake to the real Josuke!" Bast leaps out of my shadow, cutting the thread in half with her claws. But for some reason, Josuke still has his arms up. “What?!” I gasped. Koichi spoke "Josuke, no!" The fake Josuke spoke *Chuckle* However, I must give you a fair warning, my robot is one you won’t wanna have around. The fake placed his fingers on his face as Josuke did the same. The fake Josuke spoke "It doesn’t matter if you cut the strings, it’s just something to throw magic users off. Once it copies you, you’ll be making all the same movements it does. Which means, it’s really not a puppet, it’s actually a puppet master. The fake elbowed two lockers, denting them. Josuke spoke "G-Guys! *Throws elbows back* Watch out!" I got Koichi and Shizue out of the way in time, only to get elbowed, breaking my neck from the strength, but I could sense Shining Diamond immediately repairing the damage as I was sent crashing into a door, knocking it down as I played dead. Josuke spoke "Ichigo!" The fake Josuke spoke "Just like that, another one bites the dust. Best part, I didn’t touch her. The honor of knocking her into kingdom come goes to you, her dear friend. Josuke spoke "*As Koichi covered Shizue’s ears* It’s underhanded shit like that, that really gets my blood boiling. Making others do your dirty work ‘cause you don’t have the balls to come out and take care of things yourself. Nothing makes me wanna kick someone’s ass more! *Summons Shining Diamond*" The fake Josuke spoke "That’s just great. *Smirk* Shining Diamond spoke "DORA!!!" The fake dodged the attack as Josuke growled. The fake Josuke spoke "It seems as though I’m outside of your range. If you can’t get any closer to me, then neither can your Stand. In other words, Josuke, as long as I make sure to keep a little distance between the two of us, you don’t have a snowball’s chance in Hell of defeating me!" Shining Diamond threw a mechanical pencil before the fake caught it. The fake Josuke spoke "So you know my Stand’s name is Show Off, and possessing this doll has given my Stand physical form. As a result, it can now be seen by any ordinary person." Josuke saw the Banette hiding behind the lockers. Josuke spoke "Damn you, Hazamada!" Show Off spoke "My objective is simple. Pulverize Midnight to within an inch of his life and make sure he never returns to this town. *Throws pencil as Josuke caught it before gripping it* He’s just a pathetic outsider snooping around and getting in our business. Although, a little birdie told me that Midnight’s Star Platinum can stop time for a couple of seconds. There’s not a single Stand User among us who can get anywhere close to him. Actually, the one Stand that can do the job is the one that just copied you! *As Josuke was getting the pencil close to his right eye* I’m taking you out of the game, but I’ll be sure to give Midnight your regards!" Josuke then yelled before falling onto his front, playing dead. Hazamada spoke "The sound of painful squishing, it’s so sublime, but as long as you didn’t sever the nerve, *Coming out* you might have a chance at seeing again. That is, if luck decides to smile on you." Show Off spoke "Given his injury, I’ll think he’ll be out for a while. Well, that was easy." Hazamada spoke "Hey, pick up my bag. It’s time to start our hunt for Midnight. Show Off spoke "*Picks up Hazamada’s bag* You made it too easy. Now if I’m not mistaken, Midnight’s hotel is… *Not knowing on the manga kanji on the top left of his head* it’s the, uh…" Hazamada spoke "*Unaware of Reverb spying* The Morioh Grand Hotel." Show Off spoke "Oh, yeah, that’s it." Reverb panted as the two then left, getting out of sight as Josuke dropped the pencil and got up with his right eye undamaged. Josuke spoke "*Runs toward me* Ichigo! Ichigo!" “You alright, Josuke?” I asked. Josuke spoke "No, I’m doing okay. And you’re tougher than anyone gives you credit for. Even though you were knocked back, you played dead to listen in and giving Koichi enough time to tag that imposter with his Stand." “Well, you did heal my neck with Shining Diamond, so we’re even.” I smiled as Josuke chuckled softly before we did a fist bump. Koichi spoke "Man, I’m glad you’re both okay." “But can you heal me from when I slammed against this door? It really hurts.” I admitted. Josuke spoke "Mm? *Chuckles* You bet." I spoke "Regardless, Midnight is in danger. Demon or not, he might get killed!" A warp ring opens up before Twilight steps out though she was in human form. Twilight spoke "Hi everyone." Deep Blue's sword was strapped to Twilight's back. Twilight spoke "Deep Blue sensed that something was wrong so I had to come help you out." Josuke asks "*Heals me* Huh? Deep Blue?" I spoke "He's an alien though..." Deep Blue manifested as his original Cyniclon self. Deep Blue spoke "That would be me." That spooked me. Twilight spoke "Ah, sorry about that!" Deep Blue spoke "We need to find a way to stop that punk once and for all." Twilight spoke "Deep Blue, calm down." Midnight soon arrives though he had taken on an anthro form after passing through the warp ring, complete with clothes. Midnight asks "So, someone wants me dead huh?" “Yeah.” I answered. Midnight spoke "Heh, I’ll play along and be at the hotel." I spoke "We should call in the rest of the Harmony Guard to help out." Twilight spoke "Calm down, Ichigo. We need to be discreet this time, so only those of us here will get to work." Zoey and her four friends soon arrive. Zoey spoke "You can count the five of us in since too large a group can attract unwanted attention." Midnight spoke "*Opens a warp ring to the Morioh Grand Hotel* He’ll probably give a call, so once I get it, he’ll propose tell me where to meet up, then I’ll tell you guys." Koichi spoke "But still, that Stand’s good, I couldn’t tell it and Josuke apart to save my life." Josuke spoke "Yeah, stealing my face is weird enough, but what really freaks me out are his fingers. How often do you catch a glimpse of your fingers compared to your face? I’ve realized that Stand had copied me down to the fingerprints." Danyelle pops up suddenly. Danyelle spoke "But the only difference is, it can't copy emotions." Josuke spoke "Ya sure? It seemed pretty surprised when it found it we never heard about what this “Perman” was. Danyelle spoke "Regardless, we should stop this guy." Zoey turns herself completely invisible. Zoey spoke "I'll go with Midnight since I really don't want an earful from Opaline if something bad happened." Midnight spoke "Sometimes Opal worries too much." Danyelle spoke "Don't say that Midnight." End