If Mario was in... My Little Pony

by Some Random Fella

Chapter 2


"Ugh, w-what happened?" twilight said as she returned to counsiesness.

Oh yeah, the spell.

She looked around the room for the possible source of the voice, but didn't find anypony.

"So, it didn't work?" twilight said as she started to get up.

After getting up, spike barged into the room.

"Oof! Twilight! What happened?! I heard an explosion and-... Whoa, cool moustache" spike said as he entered the room.

"Don't worry about it spike, the spell just didn't- wait, moustache?!" twilight exclaimed.

"Yeah, you have a moustache, and a hat too! Where did you get it? I want one too!"

Twilight lifted a hoof over to her muzzle, and sure enough, she felt a moustache.

"Spike, can you get me a mirror? I'd like to see this facial hair for myself"

"Sure" Spike said as he left the room.

Twilight tried taking the moustache off, since she assumed it was fake, but found she couldn't.

"What the?"

She tried the same with her new hat, and also found that she couldn't take it off.



After a few moments of waiting, twilight decided to-

"Oh, mama mia, I can't feel my ass" twilight said, interrupting her own thoughts.

She put a hoof over her mouth.

Did she just say that?!


She slowly removed her hoof.

"What the fuck? Why can't Mario feel his penis?!?!?" twilight screamed.

She immediately put the hoof back.

Why was she saying that?

"I don't mean to.."

"Wahh! There's voices in Mario's head now!" twilight exclaimed.



"You'll never take me alive!!!" Twilight screamed as she suddenly turned around and started running.

She didn't get far, as she ran straight into the wall.

"Oh! shit" twilight said as she fell to the ground.

"What's going on?!" she screamed as she got back up.

She was saying things she didn't want to, and now her body was moving out of her own control?

"Hey twilight, I'm back" spike said as he reentered the room with a small mirror on his hand.

"Spike! Stay back! Something strange is going on!"

"What? What do you mean?" Spike asked.

"I don't know! I'm doing weird things when I don't mean to!". Twilight began to say.

"Oh, a little yoshi!" she finished as she approached spike.

"What's a yo-"

"Kick the baby!" twilight said as she punted spike into the wall.


"Oof, you've got a good kick there twi" spike said as he slowly got back up.

"I'm sorry! I didn't mean to!" twilight apologized.

"It's ok, I know you wouldn't do something like that on purpose, so, what, are you being controlled or something?"

"I don't know"

"You little shit! The only one controlling me, is me!"


"What does-"

"No! Don't say that word"

"Uh, ok, well, do you think we should ask the princess for help figuring this out?"

"Yeah, I think I will, can you get a paper and quill?

"Yes ma'am!" Spike exclaimed as he left the room again.


"I'm a guy! Stupid jackass..." twilight said as she began approaching the dropped mirror.

"Hey! Stop that!" she said as she stopped herself.

"Stop what?"

"Controlling my body!"

"B-but this is my body!"

"No it's not! It's mine!"

"Shut the hell up!"

Twilight could feel herself get angrier, whoever this being who invaded her mind was, was very rude and vulgar.

"Fine! I'll prove it to you!" she exclaimed as she activated her magic and brought the mirror up to her.

"There! See? That's me!"

"Whoa! Sexy moustache"




"Twilight! I'm bac-.." spike began to say as he entered the room.

"Da da da de da da da de da da" Twilight said as she walked around in a circle.

"Um, what are you doing?"

"Oh, hey spike, I'm, nothing, I'm not doing anything" she said as she stopped pacing and approached spike.

"Well, I got the paper and quill, oh, and the girls are here too"

"There here?"

"Who's here?"

"Well, us darling! Who else would it be?" Rarity said as she and the rest of twilights friends entered the room.

"Holy shit! British horse!!"


"I'm sorry girls, it's kind of hard to-" twilight began to say, but was interrupted by pinkie pie.

"Hi twilight!!" Pinkie screamed as she appeared in front of twilight.

"Sweet merciful crap!" she screamed as she hopped backwards three times.

Then exploded.



"W- what just happened?" Rainbow dash asked.


Meanwhile, somewhere else in Equestria...

"What do you mean I have a, moustache?!" Chrysalis asked the drone.

"A- and a hat my queen"


"What?!" Chrysalis screamed as she activated her magic and summoned a mirror.

Sure enough, she had a moustache, and a blue cap.

"How did this even happen?"

"I- I'm not sure"

"Whatever, you can go" Chrysalis said, making the changeling drone leave.


She continued to sit on her throne for some time, thinking of many revenge schemes against-

"Ohhh, ma stomach" Chrysalis said, interrupting her own thoughts.


"Jeezuz, why is there so many dam voices in my head?!" She continued to speak, confusing her even more.

"Shut the fuck up!!!" She screamed, making the hive go silent.

"Wait! I didn't mean to say that!"

"Hey! Who the hell are you?! And what are you doing inside of my body?!"

"Your body?! Just who do you think you are!?

"Its ya boi, smg-"

"I don't care!!!" she interrupted herself.

"Okie dokie" Chrysalis squeaked out, surprising herself by how high of a pitch her voice could get.

"I don't know who you are, or how you seem to be controlling my speech, but you will stop this instant!"

"Um, no, I got places to be bro" Chrysalis said as she suddenly got up from her throne.

"Whoa, I feel lanky as hell" she said as she started moving towards the exit of her throne room.

"Hey! How are you doing that?!" she said as she stopped herself from going any further.

"What, walking?"

"Oh, so it would seem that I've got a jester parasite, just great!"

"Hey! I'm not a parasite!"

"Yes you are, be quiet!" Chrysalis said as she made her way back to her throne.

"Oh hell no!"