//------------------------------// // Chapter 42 // Story: A Little Visit // by Annabelle RTH //------------------------------// Flash’s POV  “So, what do you think of this piece?”  “It’s spooky actually.”  “Yup, I agree… just like the last one and every other one in this exhibit.”  We were at the art museum in the crystal empire. It’s been a few weeks since the incident and the newest exhibition was a lot more black and wooden and full of nails. Not exactly my style but I’m no artist. This latest one was an elongated pony statue made from driftwood painted black with nails where the eyes and mouth would be. The nails themselves stuck out in twisted and even raggedy ways. This whole thing was giving me the creeps.   “We’re going to need a stroll through the gardens after this.”  “I agree,” Twilight said.  “Sentry, Sir?”  “Hm,” I turned around to see who was calling me. I knew the voice, but I didn’t expect her to be here.  “Oh, Crystal. How are you?” I reach out for her hoof.  “I’m well, and pleasantly surprised to see you here.” She shook my hoof.  “Same here,” I glanced to the purple figure on my right. “Oh, this is Twilight.”  “Hello Princess,” Crystal half bowed.  “Twilight, this is the new recruit I was assigned,” I explained.  “It’s a pleasure to meet you.” Twilight held out her hoof to shake Crystal’s hoof. “Flash has said you’ve made yourself right at home in the Crystal Empire.”  “It was a pleasant surprise to find that another native to Canterlot.”  Crystal, is a new recruit that has been shadowing me. When I got the assignment, she had just missed Flurry heart as her worst.   “Are we still on for this week?” Crystal asked.  “You bet.”  “Great, see you tomorrow.”  “20:00 as usual.”  We waved her off.  “19:00?” Twilight asked, looking up at me.  “Yeah, we’ve been having dinner once a week. Next week we plan on a game night with some of the locals we met at the game store.”  “Oh, that sounds fun. Is she still shadowing you?”  “Yeah, she’ll shadow me through the next rotation and then she’s on her own.”  “It’s nice of you to show her around the Crystal Empire.”  “Yeah, she’s pretty cool actually. Did I tell you we went to rival high schools.”  “No, really?”  “Yup, can you believe how many times we missed each other at some of the events. I mean it was a pretty intense rivalry but still.”  “I take it you thought you would’ve been friends.”  “Yeah… I’m hoping to recruit her into doing a campaign.”  I heard her gasp. “Spike will be crushed.” She smiled while holding onto her heart.  I laughed a little. “I think he and Big Mac will be fine without me for a few more weeks.”  “He’s getting impatient.”  “Speaking of impatient, Ruby is starting to hound me.”  “Really? I haven’t received anything from her like that.”  “No of course not, you’re her new favorite pony.” I gestured towards her with my wing.  “No, I’m not.”  “You don’t have to be so modest Twilight.”  She let out a breath. “I try my best.”    Twilight’s POV    “Hmm...”   “Remind me to bring a bigger bag.”  “Hm.” I turned around to find Flash balancing books in his saddle bag, on his back and on his wings.   “Maybe, I should just take those.” I used my magic to lift them up into the air. I glanced through the titles and rested the books I was no longer interested in and placed them on the reshelving shelf.   “Thanks.” He stretched his back and his wings. I quickly turned away. While I was engrossed in my decision-making process, I was still a mare. I wasn’t ready but that didn’t mean I didn’t look, that I couldn’t look. There was nothing to be ashamed of... but there was no need to rush anything either. Okay, back to books. Flash is strong but I don’t think he’d allow me to bring the entire bookstore back to his place.  “You know, with all the drafts that Ruby sends, I’m surprised you have time to read anything else.”  “Well, now that she and Ash are working together, she’s only sent me comic book and graphic novel pages. Huh.”  “What is it?”  “I just realized; I don’t think Ruby has sent me anything that was purely hers in weeks.”  “She’ll obsess with this for a while.” Flash nodded as he explained nonchalantly. “Like when she cycles through genres.” Flash shrugged.  “She and Ash make a good team, but I do miss her own words and ideas.” I walked over to a new shelf.   “Yeah, still, you gotta admit, their stuff is pretty well rounded.”  “Hm.”   We rounded a corner and suddenly, I felt a pull.  “Gah.” Flash had pulled me with his wings towards him while a pony took a step back from me.  “Oh, I’m so sorry. I-” She started.  “Crystal?”  “Flash? Princess Twilight? Oh, hello you two.”  “Hi.”  “Hello.” I responded. She was the new guard who was shadowing Flash. I remembered her from the museum two weeks ago. Her coat was a pale blue. Her mane was white and incredibly short. It was folded over to one side but only reached her chin.  “Are you going to buy all of those?” She pointed up towards the books in my magic.  “Hm, no, the rule is 6, but I like to look through all my choices.”  “I can see that. I just came to pick up a book I ordered.”  “What book?” Flash asked.  “It’s an old series. It’s about a society of owls who go through a dystopian society type thing. I read them when I was in middle school but I lost my copies when I moved up here. I pick one up every now and then to enjoy the nostalgia.”  “I do that too.” Flash smiled.   “When was the last time you had the chance?”  He let out a breath. “Gee, it’s been years since I picked one up. My sister has been sending Twilight and I pages of her stories and I don’t think I’ve read anything but her stuff in months.”  “Sounds like all her free time is devoted to writing.”  “She sleeps at her desk some nights.”  She giggled. “She’s got to feel that in the morning.”  “We warn her. She refuses to listen.” Again, Flash shrugged but sounded slightly exasperated towards his sister.   “Hm, well anyway, I’ll let you get back to your day. See ya at work.”  “See ya.”  I don’t know why I didn’t join in the conversation. Somehow, it seemed like I was not actually there. It was as if I was reading and imagining the conversation taking place in my mind.     Twilight’s POV    “Aaaand that’s a hole in one for me!” Flash exclaimed.   “Nice shot.”   We turned our heads to find Crystal waving at us.    Twilight’s POV    Okay, tea and tea accessories? Check. Tea cakes? Check. Tea sandwiches? Check. Fruit salad? Check. Now all I need is Flash.  “All right, you better run.” I heard Flash behind a bush. I walked over to see him waving Crystal off as she walked away.  “Are you still shadowing her?”  “Hm, oh no, she just walked me here before her next shift.”    Twilight’s POV    “She’s always there. It feels like I can’t have a day with Flash without her being there in some form or other.”  “Well, she does live there Twi and it sounds like she’s becoming a good friend to Flash,” Applejack pointed out.   The girls and I were hanging out in the castle for our weekly teatime.  “I know, and it’s not like she walks up to us every single time. She just waves now. I’m glad she’s getting along in the Crystal Empire but...”   “My, my sounds like somepony is jealous.” Rarity sung in a high pitch.   “Or worried,” Fluttershy responded.  There were gasps around the table.   “He wouldn’t dare!” Rarity exclaimed but then she seemed to deflate. “No. No, he wouldn’t hurt Twilight in such a manner.”  “Well, even if he did, we’d find out and teach him a lesson,” Rainbow Dash announced.  “Now hold it everypony, there’s no reason to believe Flash has been untrue.”  “Then, why don’t we up there and find out,” Rainbow stated with a determined smile.  “Yeah!” Pinkie bounced up from her seat. “Time for a secret stakeout. I’ve got all the gear we need. Black suits, night vision goggles, snacks.” She pulled cupcakes out of the sack she had in her hooves and ate one whole.   “Maybe we should just talk to him,” Fluttershy suggested.  “No pony would admit to cheating, Fluttershy,” Rainbow Dash told her.   “Look, it’s Twilight’s desicsion. Her boyfriend, her call.” Applejack looked towards me. “What will it be Sugarcube?”   Twilight’s POV    I agonized for days after my conversation with the girls. I didn’t understand why I felt so... uneasy... afraid?... no... threatened maybe? I trust Flash. I do... but... maybe I don’t trust her. How can I say that when I’ve only ever interacted with her briefly on a few occasions? Ugh. Why is this happening to me? I am the Princess of Friendship. Why am I not focusing on becoming friends with her? I’ve met so many of Flash’s comrades, acquaintances, friends and even his family. Many of them were mares. Many of them say hello or wave when I come to the Crystal Empire. I was proud to be an approachable princess. Why was this so different?   Was it her or was it me?  I went around in circles. She hasn’t done anything to deserve these thoughts that she was... then again, nothing told me of the contrary. What I knew for sure was that she and Flash spent a lot of time together. More often in their local friend group in the Crystal Empire but... there were times they spent together one on one. And Flash... Flash doesn’t seem to convey any indication that he suspects her of anything. And why would he?   Am I really just jealous? Jealous that she can see Flash whenever she wants to... that was the only thing I could think of to be jealous about. It seems so silly. But... maybe not. I... I’ve never experienced a long distance relationship before.   I made up my mind. I was going to ask Flash out right was what going on with her.   We were in his kitchen making dinner. Flash wanted to show me how to make his Mom’s lasagna.   “Now it’s just a matter of layering sauce, cheese, and eggplant slices.” He instructed me. I used my magic to lift each piece and layered the ingredients delicately.   “Very good. In the oven it goes.”  He slipped the pan into the oven before setting a timer. “Feel like reading a chapter or loafing around for an hour?”  I swallowed. “There’s...” Suddenly, his demeanor changed. I knew this one very well. He was on alert.   He took my hoof and lead me to the couch.   “What’s wrong?”  “Nothing!” I assured him. “Well, there’s something that...”  He tilted his head while he looked at me attentively.   I can’t believe I was about to say this.  “I’m beginning to feel that perhaps you’ve been spending a lot of time with Crystal.”  He blinked.   I waited for him to say something.... until I realized that he was waiting for me to further explain myself.   “And... lately it seems that every time I come by, she’s around you. We’ve bumped into her the most out of any of your other coworkers. You even talk about her more than your other coworkers.” The more words I said, the more I thought the hole around me got deeper and deeper. And I was looking up at Flash who was looking at me as if I was being ridiculous.   “Twi?” He looked at me intently. “Are you... are you jealous?”  “No!” That came out sharper than I meant it to.  “Good, ‘cause I was thinking we’d go on a double date with her and this stallion she’s been seeing.”  I wanted my mouth to be removed and buried far away from me. I wanted myself to be hidden away in a cave in the dragon lands. Spike could sneak in my essentials.  “I’m not wandering Twi.”  “I know, I know.” I groaned and buried my face in my hooves. Why did I do this? Of course, Flash wouldn’t hurt me like that. But still... “I trust you, I do. It’s just that... we’re so far away from each other and I didn’t want this to cross my mind but I wondered if she was trying to steal you away from me. What if-” I stopped to look him in the eyes. “What if things would be easier with her?”  “Things?” He cocked an eyebrow.  “Visits, dates, moving in together, physical intimacy...” I blushed. I needed another example, quick. “Food.” I groaned internally.  He reached for my face. And cupped my chin.   “It’s been hard, I know. The amount of times I wanted to rush to you but I was needed here. The long days where all I wanted was to crash here with you next to me. Missing you every day. Waiting for a visit.”   I felt tears in my eyes. I felt my heart growing or strangling itself, I’m not sure.   “I can understand your worry but I’m not going to throw away what you and I have for anypony.”  He let go of my chin and held out his hoof to me.  “Are we still in this together?”  Without a second thought. I took his hoof.