//------------------------------// // Meeting a Blazing Lucario // Story: Life as a Sonic OC Redux // by Kitsulestia //------------------------------// *Rei's POV* I was visiting Morioh with Rena and Brea. Danyelle's voice was heard in my mind. Danyelle spoke "{Now isn't a good time Rei, my friends and I are busy with a bad guy.}" "{Really now? Is it Toshikazu Hazamada and his Stand, Show Off?}" I mentally asked. Danyelle spoke "{Yeah so it's best you, Rena and Brea stay away from the Grand Hotel for a while.}" "{It's not like we were heading there anyway.}" I pointed out. Danyelle spoke "{Oh, wait. Midnight and Zoey are there right now with the demon getting the call from the fake.}" "{No doubt giving the location on where to meet up.}" I noted. Danyelle spoke "{I'm on the move with the others while invisible to spring the attack on that asshole.}" "{Hmm... Maybe shake him a bit by I dunno... Severing Show Off's right hand into a bottle?}" I noted. Danyelle spoke "{Hmm... I'll keep that in mind. Thanks, Rei.}" "{No prob.}" I responded as Danyelle ended the communication. Rena spoke "Honestly, same here." “It’s okay you two.” I assured as I hugged them both. A loud screech-scream was heard since a random male had been turned into an anthro scarlet macaw. “Hmm… Better check it out since that’ll attract attention.” I noticed as Brea, Rena and I headed towards where that screech came from. To my surprise, a scarlet macaw male had his wing-hands covering a certain area. The male asks "Mind getting me some clothes?" "...Right. Rena, Brea, if you wouldn't mind?" I requested as the two covered their eyes before I headed out and returned with male clothes. The male spoke "These tailfeathers are a problem for me when it comes to pants." I cut a hole big enough for the tailfeathers to fit through. "Sorry about that, but sometimes ya gotta improvise." The male spoke "I'm Paul by the way." A few long purple feathers were on Paul's head. "Sorry if it's uncomfortable, but where'd those purple feathers come from?" I asked. Paul spoke "What do you mean? I've always had purple hair." Rena, Brea and I was silent for a few seconds. "...That explains a lot." Pinkie pops up suddenly. Pinkie spoke "Not to mention, Sonic's 33rd birthday is FAST approaching!" "Whoa! Really?" I asked in surprise. Pinkie spoke "Yeppers! I heard about it from Roll." "Wow." I awed, amazed. Paul asks "Wait, Sonic? As in Sonic the Hedgehog?" Pinkie spoke "You mean Prince Sonic Ogami." Paul asks "...Say what?" Sonic pops up suddenly with a female Piplup in tow. Dawn gasps "Paul, is that you?" Paul was silent for some reason. Dawn asks "What's wrong?" Paul asks "What's wrong? Who are you?" And Dawn snapped. "Excuse me, your rudeness! But we've met before, the name's Dawn!" Paul spoke "...Don't remember." Yep, that made Dawn's rage get even worse. "You think you're funny, don't ya?! Listen, mister!" Dawn started rambling as Sonic held her back with magic. "Whoa Dawn, chill out!" Rena opens a warp ring above Paul, causing Celaeno to fall out of it and on top of him thus locking beaks. Pinkie giggles "Oh you sly vixen!" “Hehe, better not let Dany see that.” I chuckled. Paul spoke "*Muffled* Get off me." Celaeno spoke "*Disconnects with an embarrassed blush* S-Sorry." Celaeno got off of Paul as he got up. Pinkie giggles "Don't you mean Cadence?" “Equis is Cadence’s department.” I simply answered. Pinkie spoke "You forgot that the pirate bird is an Equian." “But since she was brought here…” I countered. Pinkie spoke "Oohhhh! *Smile* Okie-dokie-lokie!" Danyelle teleported back to Equis to track where the warp ring had opened up before finding four more parrot pirates. Danyelle asks "You four okay?" Mullet spoke "Aye, I believe so." Danyelle spoke "I do apologize for the prank that the Renamon-Zoroark hybrid pulled on your captain." Danyelle's left ear twitches before firing a Chaos Spear at an incoming airship, downing it. Thanks to her dimensional scream warning her about the Storm King, Danyelle spoke "You birds have a choice to make! You can let some cloven-hoofed Storm King tell you how to live your lives or you can be awesome again!" Danyelle started singing https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wjsv-6wfqyg to cheer the four birds back up as she put Celaeno's hat onto her head. Danyelle pilots the airship through a warp ring to Morioh. Danyelle spoke "Ahoy down there!" Paul was mostly unfazed as Dawn’s jaw dropped. Sonic spoke "I said it before and I'll say it again Dany, you are one CRAZY cat!" Danyelle spoke "Hey, we’re a crazy family, Sonic." Sonic spoke "That green she-wolf was looking for you Danyelle." Danyelle asks "Buttercup?" Sonic spoke "Yeah, she said that something was wrong with one of her sisters." Danyelle spoke "Really? *Realizes something* Oh yeah! Bubbles and Boomer are next! I wonder where Cadence is." Sonic comically fell onto his back at that. Danyelle giggles "Oh and I almost forgot! Happy 33rd birthday Sonic." Sonic asks "Wait, what?" Danyelle giggles "Have you forgotten what day it is?" Sonic asks "June 23rd?" Danyelle spoke "Of course you ninny! It's your birthday today!" *Back at Sonic's house,* Roll and the others were busy preparing a party for Sonic. Roll asks "Hey Miche, could you get the chili dogs ready for Sonic?" Michelle spoke "Heehee! You bet! And all you ladies can help out if you want." Aria spoke "Since Sonic's out of town, it's easier for the 15 of us to get this party set up." Blaze asks "Hmm… Anyone else wondering who’d be next? Maybe a mythical Poke-Mobian?" Zephyr spoke "Have you ladies forgotten? I'm a Legendary Poke-Mobian." Nightshade asks "True, but wouldn’t that be crazy?" Sally spoke "Then again... We need to figure out what to do with Eggman..." Spitfire asks "Like make him do something embarrassing?" Zephyr snickers "Like giving him a wedgie?" Zacia asks "An atomic one?" Pixie giggles "You sly dog! That alone would be hilarious!" Michelle asks "*Giggle* Well, who knows what could happen?" Blaze giggles "We could pull that prank on Ein too!" Michelle spoke "Pulling those off would be hilarious, but just wait until midnight tonight, ‘cause it’ll be another night that Sonic will never forget." All of Sonic’s wives giggled. Spitfire spoke "Good thing Danyelle's got Sonic out of town for a while." Michelle spoke "Yeah. Just imagine how tonight will go." All of Sonic’s wives started blushing madly with lustful smiles. Blaze snickers "I can only imagine the amount of chaos Pinkie, Discord, Bugs Bunny, Charmy AND Kiki would cause if they were all in the same place as Eggman's mother!" *Back in Morioh* I sensed something, making me smile as I saw a male Lucario in the distance. “Bingo.” Brea asks "Is that your brother?" “Not exactly. One of my best buds. I think of him as a brother, same with Chameleo and Raptor.” I explained before calling out to the Lucario. “Hey Soulfire!” Soulfire spoke "Hmm? Hey Rei!" Rena spoke "I heard that Roll and the rest of Sonic's herd is busy preparing a birthday party." “Hehe, with all of those ladies together, Sonic can’t possibly refuse.” I chuckled. Rena spoke "Though it's sad that the sirens can't be seen outside Ponyville." “Yeah, it’ll take some time for others to get used to them.” I noted. Soulfire asks "Whatcha been doin’, Rei?" “Oh, ya know. Stuff. You?” I asked back. Soulfire spoke "I’ve been training." “Nice!” I smiled. Rena spoke "It's more than that Rei, they're afraid of Starswirl and his buddies." “Sheesh. Don’t they know it’s in the past?” I asked. Rena spoke "Adagio, Aria and Sonata have deep emotional scars since the three of them were banished a long time ago." “I know.” I responded. While in Mew form, Danyelle zooms past me with a letter in her mouth as she used a warp ring to get into the PPG world thus arriving in Blossom's room. Danyelle spoke "Hey Blossom, I got a letter for Buttecup~!" Blossom spoke "Huh? What? Is it about sports? She loves those." Danyelle spoke "She's been selected to take part in the upcoming Smash tournament." Danyelle's nose twitches. Danyelle spoke "Your scent has changed..." Blossom asks "What are you talking about?" Danyelle spoke "It's faint now but I do believe you have kids on the way." *That evening* Sonic was returning home. Sonic spoke "I'm home girls!" Sonic was only met with pitch-black darkness. Sonic asks "Roll? Blaze? Spitfire? Pixie Stix? Michelle? Zephyr? Moltry? Zacia? Swiftrunner? Aria? Charybdis? Nightshade? Quicktalon? Sally?" But then the lights flashed on. "SURPRISE!!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY, SONIC!" Sonic chuckles "What am I going to do with all 14 of you?!?" Michelle spoke "*Giggle* Well, I made enough of these bad boys for all of us, but here's our gift to you." Michelle brought out a plate carrying a mountain of special chili dogs. Spitfire spoke "Some of those better be chili carrots, I can't eat meat." Michelle spoke "Don't worry, I added them in too." Swiftrunner spoke "Sonic, I feel funny..." Sonic spoke "Whoa boy." Swiftrunner spoke "But we can handle that after eating." Michelle spoke "Heehee! Fair point." Sonic and his wives all spoke "Let's dig in!!!" The fifteen of them started chowing down as Spitfire was eating the chili carrots while Sonic and the other wives were eating the chili dogs. Charybdis started snickering since Aria was already overweight. After they were done eating, Sonic and his wives were as big as they pile of food they ate, each being as big and heavy as a 15 kilogram telehandler forklift as they started painting with mad blushes. Michelle spoke "Wow, the secret ingredients are already taking effect. *Throws a warp ring to a suite in the Chuddle Hotel* But things are just gonna get better. And Charybdis..." Charybdis asks "*Panting* Y-Yeah?" Michelle spoke "One of the secret ingredients was a fertility potion." That surprised Charybdis. Blaze spoke "Too bad it has no effect on me since I'm half Poke-Mobian, my fertility rate is 50%." Michelle spoke "*Panting* And bottoms up." Michelle threw two potion vials as they both managed to land in Sonic's mouth as he gulped it down before grabbing the bottles and pulled them out of his mouth after drinking it all. Sonic spoke "*Sets bottles down* What was that? *Starts vibrating* Whoa! *Echoes* I'm splitting!" Then there was now fourteen Sonics, enough for all of his wives. Blaze spoke "Someone should stay behind to keep an eye on the kids." A voice spoke "Don’t worry, I can watch ‘em." The fifteen turned towards the door, seeing Sonia. Blaze spoke "I'll stay behind as well." Sonia asks "Why? What’s stoppin’ ya from goin’ all-out with Sonic?" Blaze pointed at a white furred Mobian female hedgehog with yellow eyes. Blaze giggles "That's why." Sonic spoke "*echoing voice* She kind of looks like Silver." Sonia spoke "Well, *Shrugs* guess that works." Michelle spoke "Huh, whaddya know, we still have some leftover chili dogs. Enough for the new face." Blaze spoke "Hold on a minute Miche, she's got a 99% fertility rate. If she ingested the potion, it would plummet to 1% thus making it even harder for her to conceive a child." Michelle spoke "That’s why I said none of these leftover chili dogs have any drop of the fertility potion." The female spoke "Oh, I have not introduced myself yet. My name is Elia." Elia’s stomach growled. Blaze spoke "I don't think it's a good idea to tell Silver about this though." Roll spoke "Good call Blaze." Elia immediately dug in, eating the leftovers as she soon became as big and fat as Sonic and his wives. Elia spoke "Wow, that was good. *Belch!* But now I feel… *Panting* kinda hot." Sonic asks "Hey Roll, you don't mind if Elia joins our crazy family?" Roll spoke "Hmm… *Smirk* Eh, what the hey. She’s in." Elia asks "R-Really? Y-You’ll take me in?" Blaze spoke "As the second wife in the herd, I suggest we don't tell Silver about this at all." Roll spoke "Good idea Blaze, we can't let Silver know about Elia." With the exception of Blaze, Sonic heads off to the Chuddle hotel with the rest of his wives. Sonia asks "So, did Ichigo tell you what happened in Morioh?" Blaze spoke "I heard about it from Twilight." *Meanwhile in the Chuddle Hotel,* *Elia's booked room* Elia spoke "Gosh... I could go for more food..." Sonic chuckles "Hehe… Ya sure? ‘Cause it could be the same for us." Elia giggles "I never mentioned when my birthday is." Sonic asks "Huh?" Elia giggles "My birthday is June 23rd 1992." Sonic asks "…Say what?" Elia giggles before reaching up to massage Sonic's wings. Elia giggles "I’ll admit, even your wings are soft like this." Sonic chuckles "Oh I'll give you something to really sing about." Elai shivered in delight as she giggles. End