//------------------------------// // Chapter 1 // Story: You're Going To Fit Right In // by DougtheLoremaster //------------------------------// BING-BONG The intercom overhead crackled to life amidst the strobing red security lights in the corridor, giving an unsettling feeling to the small group making their way towards a massive double door- doubly reinforced by massive steel girders. “Welcome new students, to Queen Twilight’s Friendship University. You have chosen or been chosen to attend this semester’s classes.” Aside from the strobing lights, the entire corridor was dark and sterile; as cold and lifeless as the metal it was constructed of. The sound of Chrysalis’s own hoof-steps echoed in her ears as she shivered. Like those she walked beside, she wore a magically crafted ring of an unknown material around her midriff and each hoof had cuffs chained to each of the others, forcing her to hobble as she walked. Glancing to the side, she noticed Cozy Glow in the same entanglements, forced to walk on the ground; the filly pegasus’s wings clipped and shackled to her sides. “Eyes forward, head straight, *Queen*.” The voice of the soldier was mocking and cruel, as an electric shock coursed throughout her body. Instantly, she readjusted her eyes. It did no good to resist; to argue or complain. Queen Twilight had made that abundantly clear: Agree to Friendship Classes, or die. And after everything she had done, Chrysalis was surprised she was even given that option. Once a powerful ruler, she had it all; even the tolerance of Twilight. Her hive had been flourishing, though her own hunger had gotten the better of her; culminating in her decision to wage war on the Ponies. And that’s when she lost it all; her hive destroyed, her reign brought to an end and her title stripped from her as a prisoner of the Queen of Equus.  Even her drones betrayed her, now her own children willingly served under Twilight’s banner. In fact, the very guards escorting the group was none other than her son and daughter, Thorax and Ocellus. And it was clear from their mannerisms there was no love lost for the former Matriarch of the Changelings. The chitinous black exoskeleton that served as her body ached all over from the harsh conditions of her holding cell in Twilight’s Palace. Moving her equine-like hooves was rough for the Changeling and her magic was sealed from the strange ring around her midriff, so she was unable to transform to move easier. And so she continued trudging forward. Her emerald green eyes were dull and lackluster, lacking their usual malice. There were no schemes running through her mind. She was beat down, tired of fighting and of arguing. When she had been dragged before the Queen, it had become evident to Twilight as well, who surprisingly gave her and a few others a seemingly benevolent choice. “Argh!” Chrysalis cried out in agony as she was tossed bodily in front of the Queen’s throne by Applejack, who dusted her hooves off; the Orange Earthpony flipping her bare mane of braided gold and smiling joyfully at the cold-eyed Twilight with her Granny Smith green eyes. “I’ve brought Chrysalis as you’ve requested, Twi.” Twilight sat on her throne staring icily at the sprawled form of Chrysalis, before turning to Applejack and smiling warmly at the ever-cozy southern drawl the Earthpony always used. “Thank you, AJ. I appreciate it. Now then, Rarity, Fluttershy, prepare this *Queen* for a little chat of *Diplomacy* Please girls, if you would be so kind.” Beside the crimson-stained golden throne, sitting stoically, a cyan blue Pegasus in gleaming golden armor watched the entire scene, unflinchingly. Her unquestionable loyalty to Twilight was evident from the glowing red crystal star emblazoned on the barrel of her armor, signifying her as the Royal Captain of the Guard. From her centurion-styled helm of golden sheen shone the many locks of her naturally rainbow-colored mane while in her hoof she held a spear forged from a bolt of blue lightning.  The lightning crackled and hissed, as if angry from her grasp on it, but oddly enough, she seemed unbothered by this, handling it with her bare hooves. Raising it up in a salute, she smiled lovingly at the two mares waiting by the door; signaling them to approach the captive. From the door they stepped, a Alabaster White Unicorn with a dark amethyst mane and a buttery-colored Pegasus, wearing a tanned leather garment on her torso, with metal studs.  Rarity’s dark sapphire eyes twitched as she approached, while Fluttershy pulled a specially crafted metal collar and magically enhanced leather lead from a saddlebag on her side. Rarity’s amethyst mane was perfectly styled and coiffed as was her tail, without a hair out of place. On one of her sides, a silver dagger hung in a sheathe. And on the other, she carried a large satchel bag, from which she was known to work tailoring miracles. Chrysalis winced as she stared at the sheathed dagger nervously. Fluttershy, noticing Chrysalis’s gaze falling fearfully upon Rarity’s dagger, swiftly locked eyes with her, and whispered gently as she placed the collar around her neck. “No no, it’s okay. You were a very naughty Changeling and you must accept your punishment. Mama is here to make sure you behave-” Her voice changed to a cutesy soft tone as she finished. “You will behave for mama, won’t you, my little Chrysalis?” The visual hypnosis completely mesmerized Chrysalis as she muttered in reply. “Yes…Mama.” Fluttershy smiled as she connected the lead to the collar and called over to Rarity. “Good girl…Alright, she’s restrained, feel free to measure.” Rarity set down her satchel and rummaged within it, calling out to Twilight. “We’ll be ready in about five, oh- I seem to have forgotten my sewing machine- , I’ll need to stitch by hoof and horn. I apologize Darling, this may take up to an hour.” Twilight raised an eyebrow in amusement as she chuckled, stretching her wings to their full five hoofs-length in width. As an Alicorn, she struck an imposing figure to all those before her, her friends all bowing before her at the wing flare. “No worries, take all the time you need.  I know you’ll produce wonderful results, you’ve never let me down once, Rarity. As for me waiting? That is really not an issue *Darling* After all, I can wait an eternity if need be. ” As Twilight folded her wings back in, she gave a slight rustle of her feathers; a sign of nesting in Alicorns. And as she moved and twitched to get comfortable, Twilight’s Amethyst eyes closed to get some rest. Rarity muttered in annoyance to herself. “Of all the worst possible days for this to happen. This is the worst…Sweetie Belle would  have reminded me, but you took her from me, you incessant insect.” Dropping the sewing needle, Rarity swiftly drew the dagger forth, her eye twitching in rage as she repeated in a shout. “You killed my little sister!” Before she could bring the dagger’s point down on Chrysalis’s skull, an orange hoof grabbed hers, preventing it from moving, while a cyan one removed the dagger from Rarity’s grasp. “Whoa there, Nelly. Twi wants to handle her personally.” Rarity screamed and thrashed in the steadfast grasp of Applejack and Rainbow Dash, desperately trying to strangle Chrysalis; shouting over and over. “She killed her! Just like she killed Applebloom and Scootaloo! How are you okay with this?” Twilight’s eyes slowly opened to watch the display, but she didn’t say a word, curious as to what her friends would do. Rainbow’s eyes watered at Scootaloo’s name, while Applejack closed her own in a grimace. Applejack swallowed hard before gritting her teeth and smacking Rarity in the face. “Get a hold of yourself, now, Rare! I want nothing more than to tear her limb from limb, myself, but Twi wants to talk to her. If you want justice, wait for her to dispense it!” Before Rarity could reply, she found herself gazing into the hollow-eyed death stare of Rainbow Dash’s own magenta eyes. The Pegasus spoke in a gratingly dark voice. “I get it, Rarity. Believe me. I. Get. It. My little buddy meant the world to me. But AJ is right, Twilight wants to speak to her. Don’t you trust Twilight to issue fair judgment like she always has?” Twilight slowly stood up as Rarity turned to look at her. “Twilight I didn’t mean-” She was cut off by a large feathery embrace from Twilight, who softly spoke to her. “Rarity, I know how you feel, but I need you to trust me. I can see the pain in your heart, but I want you to be a bit generous and allow me the honor of passing judgment on Chrysalis. You can do that, can’t you, darling?” “Of course, it’s just-  Rarity felt her cheeks grow hot as Twilight gently nuzzled her. Alright, alright, already! I won’t interfere.” Twilight gave her a gentle kiss on the cheek and said lovingly. “You make me so happy, Rarity. Now do you think you can get her ready for our little tea party? Or will I be having one-”  Twilight’s eyes narrowed coldly as she spoke every word with a chillingly soulless tone. “-All. By. Myself?” Rarity was completely flustered now, much to the amusement of Rainbow and AJ, and babbling almost incoherently as Twilight trailed a hoof slowly down her mane. “Y-yes of course, Twilight. I will get right on t-that!” Twilight smiled, her eyes becoming warm and loving again, as she headed back to wait on her throne. Though before she closed her eyes after getting comfortable once more, Twilight’s horn glowed with a sparkling light purple magic while she spoke gently. “You need to stop stressing over such a small thing, Rarity. I’ve got your back, just like I always have. I would never make you stitch anything by hoof.” A sewing machine appeared, and Rarity gave a grateful smile as she attached a spool of Star Spider silk to it. “Thank you Darling.” Twilight gave a nod of acknowledgement and closed her eyes, while Rarity sewed up a storm. All the while Fluttershy maintained her visual hypnosis with Chrysalis; shutting out everything around her to keep the Changeling tranquil and docile and more importantly, immobile while Rarity sewed the dress, fitting it to Chrysalis’s body in real time. *** An hour later, after much fussing and second-guessing, Rarity called out excitedly. “She’s ready!” Twilight’s eyes snapped open and she yawned, stretching her wings out as she did so. Glancing out over her throne room, she swiftly lowered her wings, in slight embarrassment. Her cheeks had a rather fierce red tinge momentarily as she noticed her friends bowing before her in reverence of her wing flare. “No. No need for…that, girls. Let’s see-” Her eyes roamed over Chrysalis’s form; a satin black dress with Star Spider silk accents spider webbing across the surface. Around her neck a frilly black choker made of lace, while on her hooves were shimmering heels of electric blue. Twilight clapped her hooves together in excitement. “Oh I love it, it really gives her a rather regal appearance! Rarity you outdid yourself. Now, let’s set the table.” Twilight’s eyes twinkled as her horn glowed brightly and a large round table, complete with a flowery tablecloth and a full set of porcelain teaware on it. Several chairs, with thick plush seats of beautiful purple appeared around it. Twilight smiled coldly. “Fluttershy, release her, and standby, we may need your pacification skills if she…pushes my generosity. All of you, take a seat. That includes you AJ, Rainbow Dash and Rarity.” Upon hearing Twilight’s command, Fluttershy broke eye contact with a very confused Chrysalis; as the Changeling stared in surprised awe at the dress on her body. Fluttershy proceeded to saunter over to the table, taking her seat next to Twilight in one swift motion. Chrysalis meanwhile, was now examining the heels on her hooves. Silence fell across all at the table, as Twilight took Rarity’s teacup and poured some freshly brewed Earl Grey Tea. Twilight set down the teapot and picked up a saucer with sugar. “Would you like one lump or two, Rarity?” Exchanging a perplexed look with the others, Rarity answered. “Um…Two please, Darling.” “Wonderful-” Twilight’s eyes cut to the left, towards Chrysalis as she continued. “Chrysalis. Take a seat please.” Applejack and Rainbow Dash’s faces lit up as the teacups before them vanished and instead a bottle of cold hard cider appeared before each. Twilight chuckled. “We all know you can’t stand tea. So, here is some hard cider-” She paused, watching as they clinked the bottles together and popped the tops off in celebration. “Just make sure you don’t hoofwrestle at my table if you get drunk, okay? Fluttershy one or two-” Turning away from Fluttershy mid-sentence, Twilight’s eyes narrowed and her horn glowed a bright purple. Chrysalis found herself lifted into the air, only to be thrown bodily into an empty chair at the table. Twilight said coldly. “I said to sit down, and I meant it. Now sit.” Turning back to Fluttershy amidst the silence that fell as Chrysalis nursed her tailbone with her hooves, Twilight smiled. “Was that one or two, dear?” Fluttershy quickly responded, though her voice was oddly calm. “Just one, please.” Passing her the teacup, Twilight turned to Chrysalis and the smile faded from her face. Her eyes narrowed in a burning rage as she spoke quietly. “I am well aware you cannot consume tea, or cider. Rather you drink something else, don’t you?” Pulling out a dark glass bottle, Twilight poured the dark, red liquid inside into it, before passing it to Chrysalis. “Don’t worry though, I’ve got you covered…freshly procured from three particular filly corpses.” Twilight locked eyes with Chrysalis, whose own were timid and fearful in the hatred-filled gaze of the Queen of Equus. “I’m not without mercy, Chrysalis. And as much as my friends here, would love to rend your bones from your flesh, I understand the spider-like tendencies of Changelings. You didn’t know who it was you attacked, captured and drained of their lifeforce.” Twilight swirled her tea with a spoon, glancing thoughtfully down at it, before once more looking at Chrysalis. “That said, my brother thought that chaperoning that field trip would help him get a feel for handling his own daughter; who is now fatherless. I don’t think my BBBFF deserved any of what you did to him. As for Applejack, Rarity, and Rainbow Dash’s sisters, we found their bodies…” Twilight’s hoof began to shake as she lifted her teacup to her lips, just as it exploded from her anger, spraying hot tea everywhere. “And how badly I want to remove your head right now after seeing that, cannot be stated in any known words.” Letting out a growling, throaty sigh, Twilight continued. “Still, the laws I have penned will be followed by all, including me and my friends. No execution may be performed, until the guilty party is offered a chance at redemption. And I’m sure you noticed the shut down of Tartarus, considering you have been sleeping there for about two weeks now.” Chrysalis opened her mouth to speak only for Twilight to cut her off. “I-” “Shut up and listen to me when I talk.” Chrysalis closed her mouth and stared in shock at Twilight. Twilight however, continued in a far more pleasant tone. “That’s because I’m no longer going to be using Tartarus. There will be no incarcerations, too many inconveniences and a waste of MY resources. So here’s the deal Chrysalis. I can let slide your feeding frenzy; you are a Changeling and nature is cruel. You were hunting, and as painful as it is to say, they were in the wrong place at the wrong time. However-” Twilight’s pleasant demeanor vanished in an instant as she snarled. “You decided to attack MY palace, kidnap ME and usurp MY throne. And we all know what happened to the last fools who tried to remove me from MY throne-” Twilight gestured at a nearby wall behind her throne. “-don’t we?” All eyes turned to the throne wall, where the perfectly preserved heads of Celestia and Luna were mounted, one on each side; their faces contorted in pain and terror for all eternity. Chrysalis began to sweat as her eyes darted back to Twilight, who quietly sipped from a new teacup with the ghost of a smile on her lips. “So you have a choice: Earn redemption at the School of Friendship, or join those traitors. You have five seconds to decide your destiny.” Chrysalis’s eyes darted from the heads to Twilight and back again as Twilight cleared her throat. “Choose. Now.” Chrysalis swallowed hard and opened her mouth. “I choose-” Chrysalis slowly and painfully made her way along the hallway, thinking about how ridiculous the notion was; her learning friendship, what a laugh. Any laughter she may have had however, mentally or physically, died in an instant as her eyes fell on the figure at the end of the hallway. A mare. That lilac-hued hide, those magenta eyes and that defining seafoam green stripe within her violet mane and tail. Chrysalis swallowed hard as she stared at the dark purple business suit that adorned the mare, who waved and smiled at them; the mare’s eyes narrowed in a sinister leer. Her. It had to be her. The mare gave a flourishing bow. “Hello my new students, and welcome to Her Majesty Twilight’s School of Friendship. I’m the Principal here, and my name is Starlight Glimmer.”