Source Code

by Nugget27

Fruit Interlude 1: Meanwhile(probably not cannon event)

I slowly stepped out of my little apartment after a nice, long rest. You see, I know for a fact that the mating season has begun. I also know that I miss Chryssy. I also know that I cannot get back to Chryssy no matter how hard I try. Nopony in this world knows how to work portals for some stupid reason, when in my timeline, well, my old one, everypony had portals figured out in the portal section of the Mage Tower. So, I know that somepony, somewhere, stopped this world’s Chrysalis from getting launched across the country. Instead, the Chrysalis in this timeline suckerpunched Princess Celestia, and so Princess Celestia’s consort, because she has one of those in this timeline for some reason, beat the shit out of Chrysalis.

Chrysalis… Yeah, I missed her.

I started heading down the pathway towards the Crystal Caverns, the giant cavern system under Canterlot Mountain. This was where Chrysalis kept her Hive, just like back home, after she became an ally of Equestria. If I’m assuming right, she is legally a Princess of Equestria too, but that doesn’t matter. 

“Hey,” somepony stopped me. “You’re heading down to those bugs!” It was some snobbish dude.

“Cool. Thanks for pointing me in the right direction.” I kept heading down that pathway.

When I first woke up at the Gala, something I’ve noted is something similar to my old timeline, I seem to ‘appear’ during the first Gala since Luna’s return. This time, it was kinda weird, since I ended up ‘scoring’ Rarity for a time. It was fun, I won’t lie, but I never was big on Rarity. She seemed to be a big of a gold digger to me, and always has seemed like one. She did treat me well, but I never truly felt that spark like I did when I first came to Equestria.

After stepping into the caverns, I came face to face with a bunch of changelings.

“State your reason, pony,” one of them ordered. I grinned and spoke in their tongue.

“Zzzt zgztzzt’ that was supposed to be Queen Chrysalis in Changeling. 

“...What the buck?” the lead changeling cocked his head to the side… Mmm, I always loved how changelings looked. They were supposed to be threatening, but god damn were they adorable when confused.

“I can speak changeling. Not very well, but I can.” We shared a few more words in changeling, and nodded. “See? Conversational.”

“You are. I assume you are here to see the Queen?” The changeling asked.

“Indeed I am,” I inclined my head. “Am I allowed to?”

“You are. It is just not often-”

“What is going on here?” Chrysalis walked out of the shadows. “It’s mating season, and you all could be out getting large amounts of lust and love~” she sang songed. Oh… That excuse that Chrysalis likes to use. ‘Go get love, you idiots’. Granted, Chryssy usually said this in a nicer tone; she was more like a mother than an actual queen to the changelings. Once all the changelings buzzed off, it was just me and Chrysalis.

“Well then,” she clicked her tongue. “You’re a rather delectable looking stallion, and I can sense…” her tongue slithered out of her mouth for a moment. “Some lust, a small amount of it, radiating off of your form the moment,” she turned to the side, usually changelings did this for intimidation. Chryssy did this to let me get a better look at her form when she was trying dresses out. Or to tease me. Essentially Chrysalis was trying to show off her hips, her legs, and any curve that her body may have had. It even gave me a better look at her mane.

She was just as beautiful here as she was back home.

“I’m here for a few reasons, yeah. You’re one of them.” I did bow; it was best to be respectful.

“Oh?” Chrysalis asked. “Why are you here?”

“Well…” I shrugged. “Well, a pretty mare, the one standing in front of me, is a good reason. Another is that I’m bored. Another is that I am not from this world, and you remind me of somepony from my home. Rather… somebuggy.” I noted her face. She seemed to whisper ‘another one?’ Or something. “I’m from another word… a timeline if you will. I’ve seen the future, and have lived it. Back in my timeline, I was friends with Equestria’s rulers, and your lover. That’s clearly different here, as I’m only a patty flipper in a Hayburger down the street from my home. I was hoping to reconnect to a version of Chrysalis, even if it’s not mine.”

“...You came here just to ask me out on a date?” Chrysalis asked, tilting her head. “My my, a stallion so bold, rather than a shy one?” She asked. “And you apparently know another version of myself…” She tilted her head. Fuck, she’s cute.

“Hey, I know a thing or two about dating Queen Chrysalis. I know my timeline’s version of Luna had a crush on me, but how can a Princess compare to a Queen?” I asked.

Chrysalis giggled. “Oh, you do know. I was waiting for the day, ever since I hatched, to find a mate that would use that line!” She clapped her hooves. “It is the start of pony mating season… I shall humor you. We shall go on a date!” She clapped her hooves. “Would you rather me wear a dress? Use a disguise?” Oh, she is testing me. “Perhaps become the mare of your dreams?” Her horn lit in preparation to my answer.

“No dress, no disguise. You’re pretty enough as is. I wasn’t gonna do anything big, I was just gonna take you to a cafe or something. Maybe a stroll through Canterlot.” Chrysalis’s horn unlit. “What?”

“Not one creature, changeling, pony, or anycreature, has called my natural form beautiful.” She tilted her head again. “Well?”

“I would say you’re cute, beautiful, and pretty. So, what do you wanna do? Spend too much on coffee and shitty pastries? A walk through Canterlot?” I hummed. “A walk through Canterlot Park?” I did my research. This place also had a large corn maze for the two of us to get lost in.

“All of the above?” Chrysalis asked. She sounded so hopeful.

“I can do that. We walk through Canterlot, stop at the cafe, have a shitty eclair, and then we end it off in Canterlot Park. Sound good?” I asked.

“Indeed it does. Do lead the way, my lovely little stallion.” Chrysalis started walking beside me… with her tail draped over my back. As it turned out, this was going to be the start of something great.