//------------------------------// // Strength // Story: Chivalric Training // by MLPandMiraculousFanatic //------------------------------// “Strength! Alright! Let me just put it in!” Paimon suggested Paimon then flew off as we heard the play button being pressed before Twilight spoke again “What you lack is strength” Twilight explained “S-Strength…?” Noelle asked in shock and disbelief “But I think I’m pretty strong…” Noelle reminded worriedly “Really?” Paimon asked “Yeah, for example, after Mr. Bruce was drunk I always dragged him back to the Knights of Favonius Headquarters myself… I also carried the library’s new bookshelves over from Springvale… Even mr. Huffman said I’m strong” Noelle explained “Can you show us?” Twilight asked “Ah! Of course!” Noelle answered before she got a worried look while turning to her friends “However, even though it’s only training… I can’t raise my sword against the Honorary Knight” Noelle reminded before she had an idea “I’ve got it! Let’s go to the training ground at the at the Knights of Favonius Headquarters, there should be some training dummies there” Noelle suggested “Great! Let’s go there then!” Lumine said The trio along with Paimon then went to the back of the Knights of Favonius Headquarters and once they got there they noticed another trainee of the Knights of Favonius “Hi Noelle! Are you here for the training too?” The trainee asked before she noticed Twilight, Paimon and Lumine next to her “Oh? Our Honorary Knights have come too” The trainee said in shock “We sure did! We’re here because we wanted to experience Noelle’s training” Paimon explained “That’s right!” Noelle answered before turning to the trainee “Ellin! I was just asking the Honorary Knights for training advice and they wanted to see my basic skills first…” Noelle explained “Exactly and that’s why we’re here to see how she’s doing so far” Lumine explained “Exactly, so do you still have spare training dummies here?” Noelle asked “Oh, Noelle’s basic skills huh…? Then the normal dummies won't do…” The trainee called Ellin explained “Huh?!” Lumine and Twilight asked in confusion “Let me explain, it doesn’t matter how we set them up, there’ll be nothing left by the time Noelle’s done with them” Ellin explained “Nothing left…?” Lumine asked in shock and confusion “Is she really that strong?” Twilight asked “Well, it is Noelle after all! Let me think… How should I arrange them…?” Ellin thought out loud before she had an idea “Ah! I’ve got it, one moment!” Ellin suggested After a while, a bunch of training logs were put in place ready for the training as Ellin turned to Noelle while Twilight and Lumine got worried “Are you sure she can do this?” Twilight asked “Of course, after all, this will work much better for Noelle!” Ellin answered “Really? This won’t be too difficult for her?” Lumine asked “I agree… It could be a problem… These sure are a lot…” Noelle thought out loud “Right? Surely it’s too much” Lumine agreed “Yeah, please make it a little less” Twilight pleaded “Hold on, it’ll certainly require one heck of a clean up” Noelle said Noelle then went to the center as she looked in preparation before Paimon turned to Lumine “Why is Noelle… Is she planning to destroy them all in one go?” Paimon asked “I think she is” Twilight started “Alright… Get ready, get set—” Ellin started as Noelle got a brave look “GO!” Ellin called out Noelle then rushed forward with a loud “FOR MONDSTADT!” before she slashed multiple logs into pieces with some even turning into flames as Twilight, Lumine and Paimon looked in shock before she did a flip over the last logs which then exploded thanks to Noelle using fire as Noelle turned to her friends with a smile while Twilight, Lumine and Paimon could only look in awe before she landed “She really got all of them!” Paimon said in awe “What’s the time?” Twilight asked “5 seconds” Ellin answered “WHAT?!” Twilight, Lumine and Paimon called out in shock “That’s quicker than Rainbow clearing the clouds!” Lumine called out in shock Noelle then wiped the sweat off her face before turning to her friends “Finally, clean-up’s over!” Noelle said “Such incredible strength…” Lumine said “And incredible speed! You should try and challenge Rainbow whenever you had the chance” Twilight agreed “Yeah, maybe you’ll even win against her” Paimon agreed “How would that work, keep in mind, when she has to clean she always shrugs it off and the Knights have to threaten her with some cider in order for her to clean” Noelle said “Sounds like Rainbow” Twilight thought “Still, y-you’re both… Too kind! Praise from the Honorary Knights is high praise indeed…” Noelle thanked before getting a worried look “But sadly, I’m afraid that… My strength is the only thing I truly am confident in…” Noelle said worriedly “Really? Why’s that?” Twilight asked “Well, every time I train and compete with the knights I can’t figure out how to use it” Noelle answered “Really?” Lumine asked “Yeah, even though I swing my blade with greater force than my opponents I always seem to lose in the final moments. No matter how hard I train I can never pass the selection trials, why? I just can’t figure it out…” Noelle answered sadly “I can only ask one question or give one suggestion! What should I do?!” Lumine asked “I dunno, Paimon, you know what to do even though it’s, well… Ahem, confusing” Twilight reminded “Of course, viewers, vote on what Twilight should say” Paimon suggested Ask Tell