Where star come from?

by StaeNight

Mom, that star is so bright!

Where did the stars come from, did the stars become people, or did people become stars?

The night had deepened, and the unusually bright sky shrouded the silent Ponyville. Only the gentle wind brushing through the leaves outside broke the stillness. Spike quietly pushed open the door and walked into Twilight's room. His heart was pounding like a drum, and his eyes were slightly red, clearly just waking from a nightmare.

"Twilight," Spike's voice was low and trembling, "Can I stay with you tonight?"

Twilight looked up, raising an eyebrow. But seeing Spike's reddened eyes, she gently patted the empty spot beside her, "Come over, Spike, stay with me."

Spike carefully climbed onto the bed, nestling beside Twilight. His heart gradually calmed, feeling the warmth of Twilight's presence. "Twilight, it's so good to have you."

Twilight wrapped a wing around Spike, hugging him lightly. She smiled and responded, "It wouldn't be the same without you, Spike."

"When I grow up and become a big dragon, I'll protect you like a knight," Spike said happily, rubbing his head against her fur.

"Will you still have nightmares when you grow up?" Twilight asked gently.

"No way," Spike said, trying to sound tough, "I'll be a big dragon and scare away all the monsters!" He struck a fierce pose, making Twilight laugh.

"But for now, the monsters might just scare you away, awoooo~" Twilight made a playful face to spook him.

Spike's laughter gradually faded, his eyes filled with trust and dependence. He looked out at the unusually bright night sky, as if searching for something.

"Twilight," Spike whispered, "Do you think those stars will protect us?"

Twilight nodded, "Yes, Spike, every star is working hard to guard our nights."

Spike nodded happily and leaned back against Twilight, "Then I'll never be afraid, because there are stars and there's you."

Spike's eyelids grew heavy, and his breathing became steady.

He felt that this was enough, like a changeling sneaking one last moment of love. He didn't need to tell her.

Twilight gently turned off the light, holding Spike close with her wing, watching him as he gradually closed his eyes. The night remained bright, guarding this moment of peace and warmth.

As she began to drift off, she heard faint sobbing. She got up and found her little dragon crying.

"Twilight," Spike's choked voice came, "I have something to tell you."

Twilight held Spike tightly; she could feel he'd been through something bad.

"Twilight, my time is short... I... I come from another future world. I'm sorry, I... I couldn't protect you and Ponyville. Now, I just want... I just want to say goodbye..." Spike's voice faded, tears streaming down his cheeks.

"Another world?"

Hearing this unexpected answer, Twilight felt a wave of shock, but she knew he wasn't lying.

She wanted to ask how he was doing, what he had done after growing up, but she held it back. Goodbye?

"I went through a terrible battle, I failed, and you... you weren't by my side. I sent a fragment of my consciousness to this time. I know you're not my... my Twilight, but I can't do it anymore, I just want to say goodbye, no matter... no matter if you are or not..." He sobbed uncontrollably, pouring out his heart.

"Is there anything I can do for you? Tell me how to cross worlds, maybe..." Twilight began to light up her horn.

"It's useless... Twilight." Spike interrupted her. "It can't be done... I can't do it... It's all too late..."

"Now I just want to say goodbye... even if you're not her."

Twilight's heart ached, but she tried to hold back her tears, "It's okay, Spike, it's okay."

"Do you know? Twilight," Spike continued, "She was a princess, and I was... her knight. From the moment I hatched, I was her knight. She gave me life; her magic flows through me, but in the end... I didn't do anything." The purple dragon buried his head in her chest, sobbing.

"I... I couldn't protect her, not even a chance to say goodbye," Spike hit himself. "I'm so useless."

Twilight held Spike tighter. She couldn't find words to comfort him.

"You did your best; I... no, she would understand."

Twilight stroked the spines on his back, hoping to soothe him.

But she couldn't help but wonder: would they face such terrible things too?

After a long time, Spike took a deep breath, looking up at Twilight, "Twilight, I love her, she'll forgive me, right?"

Twilight kissed Spike's forehead, "She'll forgive you, Spike. She loves you."

"I'm sorry... I disturbed you. You and your Spike will be fine; only you will be fine... I'm sorry..."

"It's okay, child, it's okay." She didn't know whether to be happy or sad. Even though he wasn't her Spike, all she could do was comfort him. His time was short.

The night's sky sparkled with countless stars, the wind outside singing a lullaby. Spike lay in Twilight's arms, feeling his consciousness fade.

Spike's voice grew quieter, his awareness slipping away, "Twilight, I want to... become a star..."

Finally, Spike's consciousness completely drifted into an endless dream.

Watching him sleep, Twilight could no longer hold back. She hugged him tightly, kissing his forehead, her tears falling continuously. She felt sorry for him...

Time passed, the stars still shining. Spike of this world woke up, stretching his arms, looking at the stars outside.

"Mom, that star is so bright!" Little Spike said excitedly.

"Yes, it's always been bright," Twilight replied, "but it wouldn't be without you."

"Why?" Little Spike asked curiously.

"Because I'm your mom, and you're my child," Twilight said gently.

The stars outside continued to shine, illuminating everyone he loved, no matter which world.

Don't mind this , this is for published (1000 words) , yes it is.
The story doesn't end there. I will continue to write with you, to the best of my ability.

When you can't hold the quills anymore, I'll pick them up for you.

Oh come on , this is the last word