//------------------------------// // 6. Chapter: The Banished // Story: Resparked // by JPHyperX //------------------------------// Trixie woke up as the faint light of the moon filtered through the leaves, signaling the hour of the watch change. The nocturnal symphony of the forest, the howls, screeches, and chirps, filled the air, adding to her disorientation. Groggily, she blinked her tired eyes open, struggling to fully awaken. With a deep sigh, she managed to get to her hooves, stretching out the stiffness from her limbs. As she got her bearings, Trixie realized that something was wrong. Not only Applejack, who was keeping watch, but also Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy were absent. Unease began to creep in as Trixie scanned the dimly lit room. The only ones remaining were Rainbow Dash and Rarity, both still nestled on their makeshift mats, wrapped in a delicate covering of leaves that served as their blankets. Rainbow Dash seemed restless, murmuring softly in her sleep, her brow furrowed as she was plagued by a distressing dream. The sight of her friend's discomfort tugged at Trixie’s conscience, reminding her of the gravity of their quest and the burdens they each carried. Then, Trixie heard a faint whimpering. She quietly followed the sorrowing sound and soon found the source. Fluttershy sat behind a thick bush and let her tears flow freely, while Pinkie Pie stood by her side. “That's it, let it all out,” Pinkie Pie whispered soothingly, her forelegs wrapped around the weeping pegasus. Trixie watched from behind a bush, feeling a pang of sympathy deep within her. Yet, she couldn't entirely suppress her lingering resentment towards Twilight. The story of subduing an Ursa Major had once been hers, a fabricated tale she used to awe and impress ponies across Equestria. That illusion had crumbled when the truth was revealed, and the jealousy gnawed at her like a venomous snakebite. Leaving the scene behind, Trixie moved on. As she emerged from the underbrush, she found Applejack standing vigilantly by the edge of the path, her gaze fixed intently into the forest. Her ears twitched as Trixie approached and the leaves crunched under her hooves. “So, Applejack, what’s so important?” Trixie asked, her tone laced with irritation. “It's Rainbow Dash,” Applejack replied somberly, turning to look at the unicorn with a serious expression. “What about her?” Trixie pressed. “I know Rainbow Dash really well. Normally, she's as lively as a rabbit in a carrot patch, but lately, she's been more down than a sack of flour in a rainstorm. You ask me, your fancy spell ain’t cuttin' it. Maybe it slows down that soul-mergin' with Twilight somehow, but it ain't enough. We gotta do somethin’ more, Trixie, ‘fore it gets worse.” “It has to work! Celestia herself chose me for this task!” Trixie retorted defensively. “Can’t ya see she’s sufferin’? This just ain’t like her at all. If somethin’ happens to Rainbow Dash... I just want her to be okay again, ya know? She’s my friend, and I can't stand seein' her like this.” Applejack said, her voice tinged with worry. Trixie felt a surge of conflicting thoughts. When she first saw Rainbow Dash again in the library, she had been furious. But as their journey progressed, that anger had faded. Trixie now recognized that Rainbow Dash was already deeply affected by the soul merging. “You don’t trust my magic, do you? Let me make something clear! I’m not a bad student. Even Celestia said so, and that's why she entrusted me with looking after Rainbow. You’re just her friends and completely unnecessary for this journey. Don’t tell me what to do! You know I'm better than you...” Applejack’s breath hitched as she absorbed Trixie's words. A high-pitched scream pierced the calm night air, followed by a flash of magic that lit up the campsite. It was Rarity. Applejack muttered a curse under her breath, having lost focus during her argument with Trixie. Standing around their campfire were four lean and mean stallions. One, a unicorn with a jagged, broken horn, held Rarity tightly. The other three were circling Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy like wolves eyeing prey. “What brings you fine fillies to our neck of the woods?” rasped the unicorn, his voice dry and creaky. Rarity could see the hunger in his eyes, his gaze fixated on her heaving chest. “What business do you have in our territory?” “We’re just passing through!” Rarity retorted, trying to keep her voice steady. The unicorn laughed, a harsh, grating sound, and his companions joined in with mocking cackles. “Passing through the Everfree? Don’t make me laugh. Admit it, the false princess banished you,” he sneered. Applejack and Trixie rushed into the clearing, recognizing the brigands by their glowing eyes and filthy, mud-colored coats. Three were unicorns, and the fourth was a mute earth pony who only growled and made beastly noises. The two mares prepared to charge, but were halted by the sudden appearance of two wolves, their bodies made of twisted, gnarled wood. “Timberwolves!” shouted Applejack, rearing up in alarm. “Well, lookie here! More to join the party,” said a moss-green unicorn with his face smeared in purple war paint. “The more, the merrier! We could use some female company!” leered the black stallion holding Rarity. She was frozen in terror, her heart pounding as she braced for the worst. “Let 'em go right now!” Applejack roared, but her shout fell on deaf ears. These criminals were banished to the depths of the Everfree Forest for good reason. “You think you can boss us around, mare? We’re the alpha stallions here, and I’ll show you who's in charge. Bring the pink and the yellow one over!” the black unicorn barked. The moss-green unicorn and another, an earth-brown stallion with a dark gray mane, roughly dragged Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie toward their leader. The gray, gaunt earth pony followed behind, drooling like a mindless beast. Rarity was magically pinned to a tree. The black unicorn leered at Fluttershy, who cowered her face. “Look at me! Act like a proper mare and look at me!” he snapped. Trembling, Fluttershy lifted her tearful eyes to his, her fear palpable. His gaze was sharp and merciless, slicing through her fragile defenses. “That’s better! Now, submit to me! Understand?” Fluttershy’s breath hitched, and she fought back sobs. The stallion's intimidating stare held her captive, his demand echoing in her mind. “Hey! I said submit to me!” he repeated, more aggressively. “Yes! Okay!” Fluttershy whimpered. The unicorn's lips twisted into a cruel smile, his eyes glinting with manic glee. “Good... Now... Lick my hooves!” he commanded. Fluttershy glanced down at his battered, bloody, and filthy hooves. “Do it now! Or do you want me to punish you?” he threatened. “Okay... okay!” Fluttershy choked out, tears streaming down her cheeks. With agonizing slowness, she extended her tongue, her eyes squeezed shut in revulsion. This was the worst torment she had faced since Twilight's tragic passing. Applejack and Trixie could only watch as the Timberwolves circled them, their wooden bodies bristling with thick thorns. One bite or touch from these creatures could cause severe injury. Yet, the real danger was the stallions threatening Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie. Oddly, Rainbow Dash lay across the fire pit, seemingly oblivious to the chaos, her colorful mane even visible in the dark. Fluttershy slowly lowered her head, sticking her tongue out just far enough to brush the stallion's filthy hooves. Despite appearances, Rainbow Dash was aware. In her dream, she saw Twilight, gravely wounded and twisted on the ground. But the setting was different. They were not in Luna's ruined tower but in a circular temple. Three massive statues of Twilight in a praying posture loomed above, staring down at Rainbow and the fallen unicorn. “What should I do…?” Rainbow Dash murmured, looking around helplessly. The room was sealed, the only light coming from an inverted dome above the statues. “What should I do…?” she repeated, her voice echoing. Suddenly, a pink butterfly fluttered down, gently landing on Twilight's nose. Rainbow blinked, the sight stirring a distant memory. She reached out a hoof toward the butterfly, its wings shimmering pink and white depending on the angle. Before she could touch it, a magenta beam shot from Twilight's horn, hitting Rainbow’s hoof. She jerked back, but the fiery, magical aura engulfed her, spreading rapidly until her whole body was enveloped in light. Rainbow Dash's eyes snapped open, glowing brightly. Through a bright tunnel, she saw Fluttershy, helplessly licking another pony’s hooves. Rainbow's instincts kicked in instantly. The stallion with the broken horn was too distracted to notice her. A beam of light from Rainbow Dash sent him flying before he could react. The other exiles and the friends turned at Rainbow. Startled, the moss-green pony jumped back. “What in Tartarus is that!? She wasn't there before!” he shouted. Trixie gasped, “Those eyes!” “That’s…,” Applejack started but couldn't finish. Rainbow Dash launched into action. The green unicorn barely had time to cast a spell before her hoof slammed into his face. The brown unicorn snapped out of his shock, firing off red-hot blasts, but Rainbow evaded with a swift corkscrew leap. He stood no chance. A blow under the chin sent him skyward. Another to the gut made him cough up blood. A spinning kick with her hind legs sent him crashing into the underbrush, unconscious. The earth pony charged from behind. Rainbow raised her elbow, slamming it back into his face, taking him out instantly. The leader, recovering from the surprise attack, whistled for his Timberwolves. The wooden beasts lunged at Rainbow Dash. In a flurry of splintering wood and yelps, the wolves were torn apart, their pieces scattered around her. The black unicorn, now the last one standing, watched as Rainbow Dash approached him mechanically. He steeled himself, refusing to be beaten by a mare. He struck out, but Rainbow blocked and twisted his arm until it cracked. The stallion collapsed, screaming in pain, looking up in terror as Rainbow raised both her forehooves for a final blow. “Stop!” Applejack shouted, grabbing Rainbow to hold her back. “Enough, you've shown them!” The light faded from Rainbow's eyes, and she lost consciousness. The unicorn stallion exhaled in relief, but Trixie fixed him with a deadly glare, her horn glowing ominously. “Get lost! Before I tear you apart!” she threatened. He didn’t need to be told twice and stumbled away into the forest from which he came. The friends gathered around Rainbow Dash, who had fallen asleep once more. They were all baffled by what had just transpired. This power was terrifying. The concern was greater than the shock. Rainbow Dash had always been prone to using force to uphold justice. But what happened tonight was far beyond that. Trixie believed it was the fragment of Twilight's soul. This time, the others reluctantly agreed. Without a word, Applejack hoisted Rainbow Dash onto her back. They knew they had to leave the area quickly before more of the stallions returned. Their trek through the night was difficult, navigating around trees and avoiding pits. Eventually, they saw a thin, pink line among the trunks. Celestia was finally bringing the dawn. Rainbow Dash woke up, smacked her lips and realized she was sitting on Applejack's back. Stretching and yawning loudly, she made sure the farm pony knew she was awake. Even the ever-cheerful Pinkie Pie noticed. “Oh! Dashie’s awake!” Rainbow shook her mane and leaped off Applejack’s back. Dizzy from the bright light and the flat grasslands surrounding them, she stumbled a bit. “Whoa! Are we already moving on? Where are we?” she asked, blinking in confusion. “We’ve left the Everfree Forest. Ya’ve been snoozin' for quite a while,” Applejack replied, her voice calm but tinged with concern. “Wow! I feel like I’ve been to a cider party!” Rainbow groaned, rubbing her eyes. Her friends exchanged worried glances. Trixie raised an intrigued eyebrow. “Ya really don’t remember what happened last night, sugarcube?” Applejack asked, tilting her hat back as she scrutinized Rainbow's face. “Why should I? I was out like a light!” Rainbow shrugged, looking genuinely puzzled. “My goodness! We were attacked, Rainbow Dash!” Rarity exclaimed, her voice rising in exasperation. “Really? But we got away okay, right? Do we still have all our stuff?” Rainbow asked, glancing around at their saddlebags and supplies. “We’ve got everything,” Trixie replied. “But are you sure you still have your brain with you?” Rainbow Dash rolled her eyes at Trixie’s jibe but decided not to bite back. She wasn’t in the mood for an argument. Instead, she listened as they recounted the events of the previous night. “I did… Whhaat?” Rainbow Dash shouted after they finished explaining. “Ya went berserk and took down two Timberwolves, Rainbow!!” Applejack concluded, shaking her head in amazement. Rainbow Dash sat down; her legs suddenly weak. She knew Timberwolves were physically stronger than ponies. “I don’t remember any of it. My eyes were glowing? I defeated four stallions and two wolves? This sounds like a crazy movie!” she exclaimed, rubbing her temples. Rarity patted her back gently. “But it wasn’t a movie. We all saw it with our own eyes! You saved Fluttershy from a terrible fate,” she said, looking over at Fluttershy. “And for that, I want to thank you! Even though you brought a dreadful end to those poor creatures... thank you!” Fluttershy whispered, her eyes filled with gratitude. “We can’t take any chances!” Trixie declared. “I’m going to cast a double protective barrier on you, just in case you go off the rails again!” Rainbow Dash said nothing and let Trixie work her magic. She felt the strange flutter in her head once more, and this time, the pitiful whimpering was louder. Something deep inside her told her this magic wasn’t good for the soul fragment within her. The ponies found themselves in the Goodlands, a peaceful prelude to the desert and the Macintosh Mountains beyond. Beyond lay the Badlands, the dark, natural border of Equestria. No one knew what lay beyond, except Celestia, whose sun pointed the way. Despite the glorious weather, the ponies pressed on, their thoughts on their mission and on Twilight, whose half-spirit was already waiting in paradise. Massive cumulus clouds, Rainbow Dash’s favorite, loomed over the epic grassland. They were not only majestic but also perfect for playing in. She closed her eyes, recalling the last time she had dived into such a cloud. The fine rain droplets pattering on her face and the cleansing wind rushing over her body. She sighed deeply, longing for the days she could walk on clouds and just fly freely. Opening her eyes, Rainbow noticed a peculiar cloud formation. It looked like the head of a unicorn, pointing in a specific direction. Without warning, she took off at a gallop. The others wondered what had gotten into her this time. The cloud indeed resembled Twilight’s head. Rainbow Dash ran with her gaze fixed on the clouds. She finally stopped on a small hill overlooking a dry, rocky plain with stacked stones, a sign that another pony had been there before. Applejack was the first to catch up to her and followed her gaze to the magnificent clouds. “She’s showing us the way!” Rainbow Dash murmured. Applejack squinted at the sky. “Well, you know more about clouds than I do, RD,” Applejack said, tilting her head. Rainbow lowered her head sadly, glancing at her wings. Applejack could guess what she was thinking. “Hey, Dash! Ain't ya trained in martial arts and all that fancy fightin'?” Applejack asked suddenly, her voice breaking the silence. “Yeah! Karate, judo, and stuff like that! Mixed with typical Pegasus techniques, which require well-developed wings… wings I can’t even feel anymore,” Rainbow replied with bitterness. “You reckon you could mix them up with some of our good ol' Earth pony techniques? Maybe I could teach ya a few tricks from the Apple family, y'know, just in case we run into more trouble,” Applejack offered with a mischievous smile. “Really?” Rainbow looked at her, astonished. “Of course! Ah can see ya carryin' a heavy burden there. We're stickin' with ya, no matter what comes our way. That goes for Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, and Rarity, too. Twilight was our friend; she died for us. Now it's our turn to make things right or go down tryin'... Rainbow...” Applejack spat on her hooves and held one out to Rainbow Dash. The morning sun gave her face significant contours, and her loyal gaze spoke more than a thousand words. “…ya're the bravest pony Ah know.” Rainbow Dash met her hoof with a determined bump.