//------------------------------// // What Happened? // Story: Life as a Sonic OC Redux // by Kitsulestia //------------------------------// *Earlier, the same day* *Twilight’s POV* Okay, Midnight told us the location being Morioh station as Danyelle told us Rei’s piece of advice as Josuke, Ichigo, Koichi and I found Hazamada and Show Off before Josuke threw a glass shard as Show Off caught it. Hazamada spoke "A glass shard? *Sees the four of us as Ichigo covered Shizue’s ears* Josuke Higashikata? What the hell? Even the royal girl’s still alive." Koichi spoke "Hazamada." Josuke spoke "Finally caught up to you and Pinocchio." Hazamada spoke "Control him, now Show Off." Koichi spoke "Not so fast." Glass shards suddenly floated up and around Show Off’s right hand. Hazamada asks "Wha-What’s happening?" “Haven’t you noticed?” I smirked. Ichigo spoke "That shard of glass Josuke threw wasn’t to cut. *As Shining Diamond appeared next to Josuke* It was to reform and capture." The shards reformed into a bottle, severing Show Off’s right hand, turning it and his right wrist back into wood. Show Off spoke "It just sliced off my right hand! And it turned back into wood! *Picks up bottle as we temporarily retreated out of sight* This isn’t good, Hazamada." Hazamada spoke "Settle down. Just pretend you’re resting your hand in your pocket. No one’s gonna know. *As Show Off threw the bottle away* More importantly, that bastard Midnight should arrived at the station any minute now. As much as I’d like to get rid of Josuke, we don’t have time to waste tracking him down. *Runs off*" Show Off spoke "Hazamada, wait for me! *Follows Hazamada*" Josuke healed two injured bikers as we went ahead of Hazamada and his Stand thanks to Reverb causing a sound distraction to take those two off course. Josuke spoke "*High-fives Koichi* Great, right? You make the perfect secret weapon. Thanks for the assist back there, Koichi." Ichigo spoke "Yeah, that was pretty awesome." We soon caught up with Midnight and the others. Midnight spoke "Talk about timing." “We severed off Show Off’s right hand, so it’ll be easier to tell that Stand and Josuke apart.” I explained. Ichigo spoke "This is why you don't mess with royalty." I felt one of my pockets being lighter as Josuke held a mechanical pencil in his right hand. Josuke thinks "*Mentally to himself* Huh? What am I doing with this? This doesn’t make sense. Why would I take a pen out of Twilight’s pocket? I-I can’t move. It’s like my arm’s frozen in place." Josuke looked at the window, seeing Show Off behind the reflection as he smiled, making Josuke smile too before he closed his mouth, making Josuke do the same. Josuke thinks "*Mentally to himself* Wait, the other side of the glass. Shit, it’s him." Josuke raised the pen and brought out the point since Show Off did that. Hazamada spoke "Josuke Higashikata. Like it or not, you’re gonna plunge that pen into Midnight’s brain. The blunt force trauma should kill him instantly. After all, leaving him alive isn’t really an option now is it? Your stand would only heal anyway. It’s you and your friends’ faults, your meddling is the cause of this, Josuke. I was only gonna beat Midnight up and chase him out of town before you all involved yourselves in my business. But now Midnight’s gonna die, and it’ll be by your hand! Live with that, you punk!" Josuke was about to plunge the pen. Hazamada spoke" Do it! Send him to Hell, Show Off!" Josuke thinks "*Mentally while swinging the pen* M-Midnight." But then Josuke suddenly threw the pen up towards a roof. Midnight asks "Hmm? Something wrong?" Josuke spoke "N-No. Though fortunately for me, it looks those biker dudes finally tracked down Hazamada." We looked at a window, seeing Show Off being a motionless mannequin once more. An eleven tailed foxcat-alicorn hybrid girl with pearl white fur was on Midnight's back. Pearl giggles "Daddy!" Midnight chuckles "What am I going to do with you?" A purple star was seen on Pearl's neck since she had been born with it. Ichigo gasps "She's a Joestar as well!" Midnight asks "*Ears twitch* Hmm?" Midnight looks at his daughter thus noticing the purple star on the filly's neck. Midnight spoke "Huh, did not expect that." A few blue threads were hanging off one of Pearl's tails, indicating that her stand was Stone Ocean. Ichigo giggles "Not even school age and she's already got a stand." Pearl growls since someone was coming. But then Josuke arrived with the mannequin hosting Show Off before placing it down. Josuke spoke "I’m not gonna lie, that Stand can be pretty scary if it copies you. Alright. Time to send it to the big workshop in the sky. I’ll feel a lot better once it’s destroyed." Shining Diamond spoke "*Delivering a flurry of punches* DORARARARARARARARARA!!!" The attacks obliterated the mannequin, but I can sense that Show Off will host another one, not that he’ll be any threat since I have a feeling that Hazamada will be hospitalized. Midnight spoke "Thanks for saving my furry behind Josuke. Even if I had suffered brain damage, it wouldn't take long to heal since I'm a freaking demon. Plus I really don't want to leave my wife in tears." Hmm… I wonder what Danyelle’s doing. *Danyelle’s POV* Yikes, Blossom didn’t take the news well. Well, I’m glad I’m meeting up with Cadence to get Bubbles and Boomer together today. I decided to get Blossom in on the idea. Blossom asks "Still, you and Cadence are serious?" I spoke "It was her idea to pull that little prank with Buttercup and Butch." Blossom asks "No way! That was you two?" I giggle "It was mostly me when I had called Butch by a different name. It was roundabout that moment I had gotten my cutie mark." Blossom spoke "Heehee! Nice! *Stomach growls*" I pull out a cooked salmon from somewhere and gave it to Blossom. Blossom spoke "*Chows down on salmon* Thanks, I’ve been so hungry lately, and nonstop." I spoke "I hear you, it's not easy dealing with weird cravings when you got kids on the way. Heck, Cadence is the same way. But I can't tell Twilight about it." Blossom growls "I’ll kill Brick for this…!" Yikes, Cadence and I better get to work on Blossom and Brick first thing tomorrow morning. I spoke "Blossom, calm down! He didn't mean to do that to you. You were both drugged."` Blossom asks "Wait, what?" I explained what really happened. I spoke "And before you jump to conclusions, I already gave Pierce shit for what he did." Blossom spoke "*Grossed out* Thanks for putting it so graphically…" I spoke "Sorry but I didn't mean to gross you out... But we should find Brick and get this sorted out... Last thing we need is another child born out of wedlock." Blossom asks "Hold it! What about Bubbles and Boomer?" I spoke "I already told Cadence via telepathy and she's on her way." Blossom spoke "Nice!" I ask "Shall we go find Bubbles?" Cadence landed behind us. “You bet!” My nose twitches before I started growling since I had picked up the scent of monkey. Cadence asks "Hmm?" Blossom asks "*Deadpan* Let me guess, Mojo Jojo?" I pounce on Mojo Jojo after taking on my gryphon form, pinning him down. I growl "What are you doing here?" Mojo spoke "M-Mojo Jojo was just getting some food!" I let the monkey go before giving him a bag of bananas. I spoke "Here." Mojo asks "H-Huh?" I spoke "I don't think anyone has ever shown you a bit of kindness before." Blossom spoke "Be careful, Dany." I spoke "One of my counterparts is known as the Nekomata of Redemption. She's able to give bad guys a second chance at being a better person. Meaning, she understands folks on an emotional level. If she can reform her universe's villains, then so can I. It all starts with a simple act of kindness." Blossom spoke "But there are some that just stay there." I spoke "Eggman's mother is one example... *shudder* She's too far gone to change." Blossom asks "Huh?" I spoke "It's best you don't ask... That mad woman has a freaking mustache and just the mention of her can give other bad guys the heebie jeebies." Mojo Jojo spoke "*Confused* My mother was a chimpanzee." Looking at Mojo, I spoke "I was talking about Eggman's mom, she's just one of those folks who are too far gone to change their ways." But then I saw Mojo just walking away as I comically fell onto my back at that. “Well, at least nothing bad happened.” Cadence spoke "*Lightbulb!* I just got the perfect idea!" I ask "What in Faust's name are you talking about Cadence?" Cadence spoke "Trust me. *Whispers the plan to Blossom and I*" The two of us were surprised, but then smiled. I snicker "You sly mare." Blossom spoke "Wow, talk about ironic. *Giggle!*" Us three girls giggled mischievously. I giggle "We should get Buttercup in on this plan." Blossom spoke "She always is up for a prank at times." And speaking of pranks, Discord pulls one on the Rowdyruff Boys thus causing them to turn into ponies. A Pegasus with the exact same hat as Brick had crashed into Blossom. Blossom spoke "Why you…!" The Pegasus already flew off. I spoke "Blossom, cool it! That Pegasus was Brick!" But that only made Blossom’s anger rise as Buttercup showed up. Buttercup spoke "Huh, you’re angrier than me." I cuff Blossom on the back of the head, causing her to calm back down. Bubbles showed up while holding a blue unicorn with a blonde mane in her arms. Bubbles giggles "Look what I found!" The unicorn screamed as he ran. Bubbles spoke "Wait! Come back!" Cadence giggled while holding a wet bar of soap. A green earth pony with a black mane was pulling on the leash in attempt to escape. I ask "Say Buttercup, where did you find that pony?" Buttercup spoke "The green one? Beats me." Cadence threw the bar as Bubbles accidentally stepped on it, causing both the bubbly soap and her to slide forward straight at the unicorn before she crashed into him as Discord snapped his fingers, causing a puff of blue smoke to burst with a boom around Bubbles and the unicorn. When the smoke faded, we saw Bubbles on top of Boomer, accidentally kissing him, much to their shock. I was on my back laughing at the sight. I teleported before reappearing with the Pegasus now leashed so he wouldn't get away again. I spoke "Oh and Blossom, you might want to hold onto the leash so this one doesn't escape again." Blossom was giving a murderous glare at Brick. The now scared pony crawled under the bed to hide. Wait, now that I pay attention, the Pegasus wasn’t looking at Blossom and more looking down. I spoke "Look Blossom, it wasn't entirely Brick's fault. If anything, you should take your anger out on the one that caused the problem to really happen." Brick whimpers since it had been partially his fault that his girlfriend was in a pissy mood. Blossom asks "Hold on, didn’t you already take care of him?" Brick started to sing https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YUuBCFSMYwo as he cried. I spoke "Yeah but he never learns... I believe that Brick is scared that you would dump him because of what happened." We noticed an ambulance with sirens on, heading to the hospital. The green pony drags Buttercup to the hospital. After dragging Brick out from under the bed by the leash, I spoke "Come on Blossom, I think something is wrong!" Ichigo suddenly contacted me. “{Don’t worry, it’s just Hazamada and Kobayashi.}” I spoke "{Well, a green earth pony with a black mane just dragged Buttercup towards the hospital.}" Ichigo asks "{Maybe said pony’s intrigue was peaked?}" I spoke "{Doubt it.}" Ichigo spoke "{There you go again, overthinking stuff.}" I spoke "{I have enough to deal with since Brick's being a scaredy Skitty right now and Blossom is pissed off.}" Ichigo spoke "{It’ll take time for him to work up the courage and for her to calm down.}" I spoke "{It's more than that Ichi... Blossom is pissed off because she's got kids on the way and to make matters worse, she wants to murder Brick for it.}" *Meanwhile with Buttercup and the green pony* After stopping suddenly which had confused Buttercup, the green earth pony had reared up onto his hind hooves before kissing Buttercup thus causing himself to turn back to a Mobian wolf. Despite the leash still on the neck, Butch spoke "Buttercup, I love you. Tomboyish attitude and all." It was clear that Buttercup was stammering, totally caught off guard at that. Butch spoke "I understand if you don't feel the same way about me." Not realizing that he still had the leash on his neck, Butch started to walk away. Buttercup asks "H-Hey! I’m not done talkin’! *Yanks leash, sending Butch flying back to her as she grabbed him by the collar* You really got a lot of nerve pulling that stunt. *And Butch somehow felt more nervous* Ya know what I have ta say about that? Butch prepared for the worst before Buttercup smacked her lips right on his with eyes closed with great force, making his eyes open wide in shock before he closed them and kissed back with the same amount of pressure. *Back with Cadence and I* I giggle "Two couples down, one to go." Cadence spoke "Heehee, yeah. Tomorrow." “Agreed.” I nodded as Bubbles and Boomer separated with embarrassed blushes. Bubbles spoke "I-I’m so sorry. I slipped on something." Boomer spoke "W-Well, be careful next time." The two went their separate ways as Cadence and I snickered. “Did you…?” Cadence spoke "I did, just like Buttercup and Butch." Brick crawled out from under the bed while holding a bag of candy with his mouth since he didn't have hands at the moment. I giggle "Something tells me that this was Zoey's doing." Brick puts the bag of candy on Blossom's lap as his ears drooped a bit. Blossom asks "*Confused* Huh?" I spoke "He's trying to apologize for the stunt he pulled. And if Cadence and I didn't know any better, it's almost as though he's trying to tell you that he loves you." Brick nodded in agreement. Blossom spoke "*Embarrassed blush* I-Uh… I need to think about it." Blossom ran off, but Brick understood that. Cadence spoke "Yeah, tomorrow, we gotta hammer in that final nail for those two." “Definitely.” I nodded in full agreement. Brick neighs in annoyance since he was still a pony. “Discord, if you would.” I requested as Discord groaned. Discord spoke "Fine, spoilsport." *Shortly after,* Brick was still in pony form. I groan "Damn it, i failed to notice that the spell can only be removed with a kiss!" Cadence spoke "Well, this is unsettling." I spoke "We have 24 hours to convince Blossom before Brick is trapped in pony form for good." End