
by WittyNameTFM

Chapter 48. Learning A Lot Today

Aria sat on a desk at the front of the lab, her arms crossed. The rainbooms and her fellow sirens sat across from her as she spoke. “As I'm sure some of us are aware, magic has its own…feel. Sorta like you can feel the source of it based on how a spell is cast or magic is used in general. That usually differs from pony to pony.” She waved her hand. “Er, human. In this instance.” She corrected herself. “In the case of a siren, our magic would be colored by our intentions and sheer willpower. How much strength we're putting into the spell or what we're using the magic to do.” She explained.

“Your magic was red, was it not?” Rarity asked.

“...well, yeah. But…that was because of our intent. We used those gems to channel our magic.” She sighed. “I…forgot what my aura was colored…” She exhaled slowly before a faint lavender glow enveloped her. “I…can still do it?” She asked, looking down. It was a soft color for such a harsh individual.

Sonata's eyes lit up at the revelation. “Ari, your magic is so pretty!” The taller girl crossed her arms in a huff, blushing lightly.

“I…can't believe I'd forget something like that…” Adagio admitted, frowning.

“So, what does that mean?” Rainbow asked. “I'm not exactly following.”

As the aura faded, Aria sat forward. “You all have geodes to channel your magic through now. That means the strength of your magic is amplified by them. Which usually leads to differently colored magic.” She began. “Which means…”

“If we learned how to identify each source, we could find any potential magic user before they had a chance to do anything dangerous.” Twilight spoke up.

“Give her a gold star.” Aria smirked. “And if the elements of harmony are capable of picking multiple hosts, then those geodes, which you hypothesize are tied to the elements, could also find new hosts when their criteria is met.”

“So like, the elements just give those powers to anyone who fits their element?” Applejack asked.

Aria shrugged. “Dunno. Just a theory right now. You should get those girls back over here and see if any of this holds up.” She looked over to Adagio, who seemed very distant. “Hey.”

She blinked, looking up to Aria again, pulled out of her thoughts.

“Breathe out. Feel for it.” She instructed. “Reach down like you want to sing…and you'll find it. At least…that's what worked for me.”

Adagio did as instructed, breathing out as she searched for the song inside. A faint orange began to form around her. “It's still there…” She said with a small smile. “I…”

“It's kinda surprising, isn't it? Who'd have thought?” Aria asked.

“The elements aren't a force of destruction.” Sunset said. “They can be dangerous, as could any magical source but, having been on the other side of a magical rainbow explosion… It hurts a lot, but I managed to survive it. I like to think that the elements help awaken a part of you that you lost.” She said, rubbing her arm nervously, a tic that Rainbow picked up on. She put a hand on her shoulder.

“Something you lost, huh?” Aria asked. “That's…vague.”

“Well that's all I've got at this point.” She shrugged.

“I mean, it's apt, I just would like more information.”

“Then you can help us with our research!” Twilight said with an excited, almost manic look in her eye. “Your siren magic is different, it's a whole new topic of investigation. Your magic grows and develops based on how you use it? It's fascinating.”

“Glad to know you see me as another test subject.” Aria said flatly.

“We're all test subjects in this.” Rainbow shrugged. 

“We don't have many options, Aria.” Adagio said. “May as well.”

“Ugh…” She pushed off the desk to stand. “Whatever. I'm in, I guess.” She took her phone out, checking the time. “But later. I have an appointment to make.” She sighed.

“Gonna go see your probation officer?” Sonata asked.

“Your what?” Rainbow asked. “What have you been getting into?”

“Don't worry about it.” Aria said simply. “I'll tell your brother ‘hi’ for you, Sparkle.” She added before leaving the lab.

Twilight looked confused. “...Shining's not a probation officer.” She noted. 

“There's a difference?” Sonata asked.

“Well, different skills are required for the jobs…so in essence, yes. There's a difference.” She explained. “Though I'm not as well-versed in the justice system.” She cupped her chin in thought. “Is Aria his informant..?”

“Informant?” Adagio asked.

“He's mentioned that he's had eyes and ears on the streets when he wasn't able to be around. Maybe Aria is helping him?”

“Why would Aria help a cop? They've always just wanted to arrest her.” Sonata asked.

“We're learning a lot about Aria today, it seems.” Adagio shrugged.

“Just how often have you had trouble with the police?” Rarity asked.

“We've been here a long time.” Sonata said simply, as if that answer would suffice. “Dagi, I'll go first on the test stuff. Meet you back at the house?”

“Are you sure?” She asked, lifting an eyebrow. “I can stay too.”

“Wouldn't it be better to study one before the other than trying to do two at once?” She asked.

“That's a good point.” Twilight noted. “We're bound to have conflicting information and trying to sort through that while working on two fronts…”

“Okay, okay. I'll head home. Call me if you need anything, okay?” She asked.

“I'll be fiiiiine~ You worry too much, Dagi.”

“You two are all I have in this place. Of course I worry.” She huffed.

“That's kinda sweet.” Rainbow chuckled.

“Don't call it out, ya goof.” Applejack elbowed her gently.


Adagio rolled her eyes. “Take care of her, or I'll take care of all of you. Understand?” She asked as she walked to the door, turning to shoot a glare back at the girls.

“Got it!” Twilight answered, jolting at the look.

‘Sonata's really come into her own lately.’ Adagio mused as she walked. ‘She used to be so…passive. She's starting to remind me of the old her.’ She stopped in her steps. ‘The old her..?’ She asked herself.

Flashes of Sonata cheering her up, cheering her on, giving approval for her speeches, and just being a supportive voice at her side. “Oh…’ She covered her mouth, feeling her lip tremble as a tear fell from her eye. How long had she not been that person? How long had she been submissive to her and Aria's plans…just going along with them even knowing they were doing the wrong thing?

“Sonata, I'm so sorry…” She mumbled, turning back toward the school. ‘I can't bel-’

Warmth. A distant, building heat froze her in place. The feeling from the other day. Her first time feeling it since then. She bit her lip. She couldn't leave that loose without finding out if it was a threat or not…

‘Later.’ She sighed inwardly, heading toward the source.

“Officer.” Aria said, standing beside the booth at the diner they'd chosen as the meeting place. Shining Armor looked up from the menu.

“Aria, you made it.” He chuckled. “Take a seat, how have you been?”

“Today's been rough.” She sighed, tossing her bag into the booth and sitting across from him.

“Oh? What's been going on?”

“What are you, my therapist?”

“At this point? Maybe.” He shrugged.

“Just, a lot's hitting me at once. I'll leave it at that.”

“Okay. I know when not to pry.” He chuckled. “But don't let that build up, you'll lash out at someone.”

She jolted, feeling the guilt of yelling at Fluttershy and Twilight. “Shut up, I've got it under control. What's the job?” She huffed.

“Straight to business then?” He asked, taking a folder and sitting it down. “We've received reports of gang fighting and “strange circumstances”,” He said, making the air quotes. “What those ‘circumstances’ are is still up for debate…”

“Okay? And what do you want me to do about it?”

“Don't get involved…I just need some eyes out there. If you see anything-”

“Call you immediately, I know. But what's this about gang fights? The griffons run this area, who's dumb enough to stand up to Gilda's girls?”

“Before working with you, I'd say you would be at the top of that list, Aria.”

“On the list of ‘dumb enough’. Got it.” She said flatly.

“You know what I meant.” 

“Yeah? Try talking your way out of this one.” She crossed her arms.

As the man floundered, she shook her head. “You gotta work on that if you're planning on popping the question, y'know?” She smirked. “That girl of yours is gonna be the one wearing the pants.”

He shrugged. “I don't mind.”

“We'll see when you're five years in if that changes.” She chuckled before standing. “I gotta go. You know how to reach me.”

“Thanks, Aria. I appreciate your help.”

“Whatever. Not like I have better things to do.”

“What about your writing? You didn't give up on that, did you?” He asked.

“Ugh. I was just venting. It's not anything worth reading.”

“Every artist puts a bit of themself into their work, Aria. Whatever you make could become something you get invested into doing down the road. Give it some thought.”

She pursed her lips, but blew them out in an exhaling raspberry. “Maybe.” She offered before waving over her shoulder as she walked out.

Aria pulled her bag up onto her shoulder. Shining Armor had been pretty cool for a cop, a good dude in general. ‘You shouldn't be so harsh to everyone. They were there for you today.’ She shook her head. She knew that. She always knew, it didn't make it any easier to be vulnerable. It was-

A static pulse.

Her eyes widened, she quickly looked around trying to find the direction it was coming from. She started moving in the vague direction, picking up stronger tingles through her fingertips as she approached. She recognized the path. The convenience store on the corner… she started to run toward the energy. It kept getting closer…and as she felt it, it wasn't forming completely. It was unstable.

She hit a corner, sliding slightly as she tried to catch herself, seeing the bolts of blue-ish purple almost trying to form. ‘This is bad, the host has no control…’ She glanced around.

“Stay away from her!” A shout caught her attention. The voice was familiar. Aria picked up the pace, heading toward the sound.

Adagio wiped her brow as she moved. The heat was getting worse and worse. It was almost there. Flickers of magical fire were threatening to form, though they had nothing solid to catch on…a directed target from the caster would be the only affected area. ‘This is an awakening…’ She thought. ‘They've gotta be close.’ She resolved herself before pushing on, picking up into a run 

“Stay away from her!”

Adagio's attention turned to the voice, catching herself on the corner of a building as she repositioned in her sprint. ‘I gotta do more cardio…’ She told herself, panting heavily. The heated air did not help. She was out of breath, but couldn't stop.

The source was close.

“And what'll you do if I don't, girlie?” A taller young woman asked, arms crossed. Two stood behind her with matching looks of condescension. Tattered jeans, boots, a mix of white and black shirts, but they all three wore the same type of leather jacket.

“I'll drop each one of you.” Indigo warned, stepping up.

“Indigo, don't.” Sunny said, taking her hand. She couldn't help but try to ground herself. Indigo glanced back, feeling her hand tremble.

“I've got this. Get back.” She assured, though the look on her face gave way to her lie. One? Sure. Two? Maybe. Three? No way, not even going into her leg still not being fully healed.

“You heard her, ‘Indigo’ can take all of us.” The lead girl spoke, rolling her shoulder. “Let's do it.”

“HEY!” Aria shouted, surprising the whole group. She ran to a stop in front of Indigo, resting her hands on her knees. “Wha-Why is it always you?” She asked, huffing and panting down air.

“Aria?” She asked.

“Calm…down. You're gonna hurt someone.” She warned.

“What are you talking about?”

“You don't know?” She asked, standing straight. 

The three girls looked between each other. “Uh, hello?”

“Shut it! We're busy here.” Aria said, before turning to Indigo. “Well, actually…we should deal with them…” She thought aloud.

“On your own?” The lead girl asked.

“She's not on her own.” Another voice spoke up as Adagio approached from a different alley.

“Man, this secret alley doesn't seem like much of a secret anymore, Giani.”

“Shut up, Grace.” The lead girl huffed. “Are there any more of you waiting around a corner?” She huffed, crossing her arms.

Adagio shrugged. “You're lucky you're dealing with us.” She said before turning to Aria. “Go ahead.”

‘Giani’, apparently, was then hit in the face with Aria's bag, throwing her backwards. Indigo seized the opening, grabbing ‘Grace’ by the shoulders, quickly shifting her weight and headbutting her. She cried out as her forehead was split open, she tried to step back, but Indigo stepped with her, pressing her to the wall. In a sudden and swift motion she brought her injured knee into her stomach. ‘Grace’ doubled over and ate a stiff right hook, knocking her down and out. Indigo quickly turned to assess the next target.

Adagio stood over the unnamed girl, she was on the ground, holding the side of her head, curling into a ball.

“Pathetic.” She sucked her teeth before turning to face Aria, who had ‘Giani’ in a sleeper hold, with one arm trapped by her submission lock. The tallest slowly faded before Aria, surprisingly, eased her to the ground, instead of just dropping her.

“Woah.” Indigo blinked. “What'd you do?” She asked.

“I handled it.” Adagio said with a simple smirk. “Now then.” She turned to Sunny. “Breathe. It's over.”

Sunny jolted, looking around she didn't remember when…but at some point she had blanked out. She wiped her forehead, a sudden heat seemed to wash over her. “What happened?”

Aria sighed. “I wish it didn't happen like this.” She looked at Indigo. “You almost fried those dorks.”

Adagio's eyes widened. “You mean she,” She pointed to Sunny. “almost melted them. Right?”

“Huh?” Aria asked. “Wait. Is-”

“Are they the source you felt?” They asked in unison.

Indigo and Sunny blinked in confusion. “Aria, what are you talking about?” Indigo asked.

“Okay. You both have to promise to hear us out.” She said,

Indigo nodded, Sunny shrugged.

“Let's rip that bandaid, you both have magic.” Aria said. “And you as the sources of magic were strong enough for us to sense all the way at canterlot high.”

“Say what?” Sunny asked.

“She's not messing with you. You have some kind of magic that pertains to heat.” Adagio said.

“And Indigo, you have something involving electricity.” Aria said. “My fingertips were numb getting here.”

“I almost had a heatstroke.” Adagio huffed.

“So…if we believe you,” She said, taking Sunny's hand again. “What happens now?”

“Now? We take you to Sunset. They're the closest things to experts in this world.” Aria said. “We can try to figure out what your powers are for sure.” She added, taking out her phone. “Adagio, can you lead them?”

“Aren't you coming?” She asked.

“I gotta call Armor. These three are from a gang that he's looking into.”

“Helping a cop? Maybe you are a goody good.”

“I'll kill you.” She spat, bringing the phone to her ear.

“What do you think, Sunny?” Indigo asked.

“I don't know, I have been getting hotter easier lately.” She said, “I had to sit out of practice the other day.”

“Now that you mention it, you have been radiating heat at night…” Indigo thought aloud.

Adagio cleared her throat, allowing them a reminder that they weren't alone. That last statement could have many implications.

“Ah, well…how do I know about the electricity thing?” Indigo asked.

“You've been complaining a lot about getting shocked lately.” Sunny noted.

“Oh yeah! But I figured it was the fuzzy socks.”

“You don't wear those at school.” Sunny giggled.

“Shit.” She palmed her forehead, feeling a twinge of pain. “Ow.” She looked at her hand, a little bit of red stained her palm. “Huh. Guess I opened myself up.”

“What?” Sunny asked before gasping. “Oh, Indigo! Why do you insist on headbutting people?” She asked, finding something in her bag to wipe the blood.

“It's a solid move.” She chuckled.

“You're gonna get brain damage at this rate.”

“Bold of you to assume I don't already have it.” She smirked.

“That doesn't inspire confidence, Indigo.”

‘These two are already a handful…’ Adagio sighed. She took out her phone to text. ‘Hey, Aria and I are headed back, with guests. Call that girl who can heal. We can test her abilities first hand.’